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- <?php
- //UPS WorldShip XML Integration
- //Put this code in your functions.php file
- //Note: This is for a single-ship store, not a multi-ship store
- if (isset($_GET['page'])) {
- if ($_GET['page'] == 'foxyshop_order_management') add_action('foxyshop_order_search_buttons', 'my_ups_button');
- }
- //write buttons to form
- function my_ups_button() {
- ?>
- <button class="button" style="margin-left: 15px;" name="my_ups_button" id="my_ups_button" type="submit">Export to UPS WorldShip</button>
- <?php
- }
- //set up handler
- if (isset($_GET['my_ups_button'])) add_action('admin_init', 'my_ups_custom_handler');
- function my_ups_custom_handler() {
- global $foxyshop_settings, $wp_version;
- //Setup Defaults
- $description_of_goods = "Retail Goods";
- $billing_option = "PP";
- $package_type = "CP"; //CP = Customer Packaging
- $default_service_type = "GND";
- $default_residential_indicator = ""; //1 = res, 0 = biz. Leave Blank to key off company field
- $services_types = array(
- "UPS Express Plus or Worldwide Express Plus" => "EP",
- "UPS Express or Worldwide Express" => "ES",
- "UPS Express Saver or Worldwide Saver" => "1DP",
- "UPS Expedited or Worldwide Expedited" => "EX",
- "UPS Standard" => "ST",
- "UPS 3 Day Select to the United States" => "3DS",
- "UPS Express (NA1)" => "ND",
- "UPS Next Day Air Early AM" => "1DM",
- "UPS Next Day Air" => "1DA",
- "UPS Next Day Air Saver" => "1DP",
- "UPS 2nd Day Air AM" => "2DM",
- "UPS 2nd Day Air" => "2DA",
- "UPS 3 Day Select" => "3DS",
- "UPS Ground" => "GND",
- "UPS Worldwide Express Plus" => "ES",
- "UPS Worldwide Express" => "SV",
- "UPS Worldwide Saver (Express)" => "SV",
- "UPS Worldwide Expedited" => "EX"
- );
- //Setup Fields and Defaults
- $foxy_data_defaults = array(
- "is_test_filter" => "0",
- "hide_transaction_filter" => "0",
- "data_is_fed_filter" => "",
- "id_filter" => "",
- "order_total_filter" => "",
- "coupon_code_filter" => "",
- "transaction_date_filter_begin" => date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-10 days")),
- "transaction_date_filter_end" => date("Y-m-d"),
- "customer_id_filter" => "",
- "customer_email_filter" => "",
- "customer_first_name_filter" => "",
- "customer_last_name_filter" => "",
- "customer_state_filter" => "",
- "shipping_state_filter" => "",
- "customer_ip_filter" => "",
- "product_code_filter" => "",
- "product_name_filter" => "",
- "product_option_name_filter" => "",
- "product_option_value_filter" => ""
- );
- $foxy_data = wp_parse_args(array("api_action" => "transaction_list"), $foxy_data_defaults);
- if (isset($_GET['foxyshop_search'])) {
- $fields = array("is_test_filter", "hide_transaction_filter", "data_is_fed_filter", "id_filter", "order_total_filter", "coupon_code_filter", "transaction_date_filter_begin", "transaction_date_filter_end", "customer_id_filter", "customer_email_filter", "customer_first_name_filter", "customer_last_name_filter","customer_state_filter", "shipping_state_filter", "customer_ip_filter", "product_code_filter", "product_name_filter", "product_option_name_filter", "product_option_value_filter");
- foreach ($fields as $field) {
- if (isset($_GET[$field])) {
- $foxy_data[$field] = $_GET[$field];
- }
- }
- $foxy_data['pagination_start'] = (isset($_GET['pagination_start']) ? $_GET['pagination_start'] : 0);
- if ($foxyshop_settings['version'] != "0.7.0") $foxy_data['entries_per_page'] = 50;
- }
- $foxy_response = foxyshop_get_foxycart_data($foxy_data);
- $xml_return = simplexml_load_string($foxy_response, NULL, LIBXML_NOCDATA);
- if ((string)$xml_return->result == "ERROR") {
- echo '<h3>' . $xml_return->messages->message . '</h3>';
- die;
- }
- // Define the path to file
- $filename = 'ups-worldship-'.Date('d-m-Y').'.xml';
- // Set headers
- header("Cache-Control: public");
- header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
- header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . basename($filename) . "\"");
- header("Content-Type: text/xml");
- header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
- $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?>'."\n";
- $xml .= '<OpenShipments xmlns="x-schema:OpenShipments.xdr">'."\n";
- foreach($xml_return->transactions->transaction as $transaction) {
- $shipping_first_name = ((string)$transaction->shipping_first_name != "" ? (string)$transaction->shipping_first_name : (string)$transaction->customer_first_name);
- $shipping_last_name = ((string)$transaction->shipping_last_name != "" ? (string)$transaction->shipping_last_name : (string)$transaction->customer_last_name);
- $shipping_company = ((string)$transaction->shipping_company != "" ? (string)$transaction->shipping_company : (string)$transaction->customer_company);
- $shipping_address1 = ((string)$transaction->shipping_address1 != "" ? (string)$transaction->shipping_address1 : (string)$transaction->customer_address1);
- $shipping_address2 = ((string)$transaction->shipping_address2 != "" ? (string)$transaction->shipping_address2 : (string)$transaction->customer_address2);
- $shipping_city = ((string)$transaction->shipping_city != "" ? (string)$transaction->shipping_city : (string)$transaction->customer_city);
- $shipping_state = ((string)$transaction->shipping_state != "" ? (string)$transaction->shipping_state : (string)$transaction->customer_state);
- $shipping_postal_code = ((string)$transaction->shipping_postal_code != "" ? (string)$transaction->shipping_postal_code : (string)$transaction->customer_postal_code);
- $shipping_country = ((string)$transaction->shipping_country != "" ? (string)$transaction->shipping_country : (string)$transaction->customer_country);
- $shipping_phone = ((string)$transaction->shipping_phone != "" ? (string)$transaction->shipping_phone : (string)$transaction->customer_phone);
- $shipping_phone = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/","", $shipping_phone); //Strip Non-Numberic Characters
- $shipping_phone = apply_filters('foxyshop_ups_phone', $shipping_phone, $transaction);
- $customer_email = (string)$transaction->customer_email;
- $customer_id = (string)$transaction->customer_id;
- $transaction_id = (string)$transaction->id;
- $shipto_shipping_service_description = (string)$transaction->shipto_shipping_service_description;
- $shipping_name = $shipping_company;
- if ($shipping_company) {
- $shipping_attn = $shipping_first_name . ' ' . $shipping_last_name;
- } else {
- $shipping_company = $shipping_first_name . ' ' . $shipping_last_name;
- $shipping_attn = "";
- }
- //Get Service Type
- $service_type = $default_service_type;
- if (isset($services_types[$shipto_shipping_service_description])) $service_type = $services_types[$shipto_shipping_service_description];
- //Get Weight
- $product_weight = 0;
- foreach($transaction->transaction_details->transaction_detail as $transaction_detail) {
- $product_weight += (double)$transaction_detail->product_weight;
- foreach($transaction_detail->transaction_detail_options->transaction_detail_option as $transaction_detail_option) {
- $product_weight += (double)$transaction_detail_option->weight_mod;
- }
- }
- //Residential Indicator
- if ($default_residential_indicator != "") {
- $residential_indicator = $default_residential_indicator;
- } else {
- $residential_indicator = $shipping_attn != "" ? 0 : 1;
- }
- $xml .= "\t".'<OpenShipment ShipmentOption="" ProcessStatus="">'."\n";
- $xml .= "\t\t".'<ShipTo>'."\n";
- $xml .= "\t\t\t".'<CustomerID>' . $customer_id . '</CustomerID>'."\n";
- $xml .= "\t\t\t".'<CompanyOrName>' . $shipping_company . '</CompanyOrName>'."\n";
- $xml .= "\t\t\t".'<Attention>' . $shipping_attn . '</Attention>'."\n";
- $xml .= "\t\t\t".'<Address1>' . $shipping_address1 . '</Address1>'."\n";
- if ($shipping_address2) $xml .= "\t\t\t".'<Address2>' . $shipping_address2 . '</Address2>'."\n";
- $xml .= "\t\t\t".'<CityOrTown>' . $shipping_city . '</CityOrTown>'."\n";
- $xml .= "\t\t\t".'<CountryTerritory>' . $shipping_country . '</CountryTerritory>'."\n";
- $xml .= "\t\t\t".'<PostalCode>' . $shipping_postal_code . '</PostalCode>'."\n";
- $xml .= "\t\t\t".'<StateProvinceCounty>' . $shipping_state . '</StateProvinceCounty>'."\n";
- if ($shipping_phone) $xml .= "\t\t\t".'<Telephone>' . $shipping_phone . '</Telephone>'."\n";
- $xml .= "\t\t\t".'<EmailAddress>' . $customer_email . '</EmailAddress>'."\n";
- $xml .= "\t\t\t".'<ResidentialIndicator>' . apply_filters('foxyshop_ups_residential', $residential_indicator, $transaction) . '</ResidentialIndicator>'."\n";
- $xml .= "\t\t".'</ShipTo>'."\n";
- $xml .= "\t\t".'<ShipmentInformation>'."\n";
- $xml .= "\t\t\t".'<ServiceType>' . $service_type . '</ServiceType>'."\n";
- $xml .= "\t\t\t".'<NumberOfPackages>' . apply_filters('foxyshop_ups_package_number', 1, $transaction) . '</NumberOfPackages>'."\n";
- $xml .= "\t\t\t".'<ShipmentActualWeight>' . $product_weight . '</ShipmentActualWeight>'."\n";
- $xml .= "\t\t\t".'<DescriptionOfGoods>' . apply_filters('foxyshop_ups_goods_descript', $description_of_goods, $transaction) . '</DescriptionOfGoods>'."\n";
- $xml .= "\t\t\t".'<BillingOption>' . apply_filters('foxyshop_ups_billing_option', $billing_option, $transaction) . '</BillingOption>'."\n";
- $xml .= "\t\t".'</ShipmentInformation>'."\n";
- $xml .= "\t\t".'<Package>'."\n";
- $xml .= "\t\t\t".'<PackageType>' . apply_filters('foxyshop_ups_package_type', $package_type, $transaction) . '</PackageType>'."\n";
- $xml .= "\t\t\t".'<Reference1>' . $transaction_id . '</Reference1>'."\n";
- $xml .= "\t\t".'</Package>'."\n";
- $xml .= "\t".'</OpenShipment>'."\n";
- }
- $xml .= '</OpenShipments>'."\n";
- echo $xml;
- die;
- }
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