
Fight of the Angel and the Demon (Fall & Hinawa RP)

Jan 5th, 2020
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  1. Mug17.12.2019
  2. Tention was high after the Sending spell...instead of bringing some peace to everyone's mind it brought terror and sadness to the cleric. She ran off to the forest trying to find something to lash out on...anything after coming to a conclusion that Adelina went mad after death and she lost her little girl.
  4. Shurian17.12.2019
  5. hinawa with her speed would at first follow that bunny with surprising excitement, the sound of fighting next to that bunny sounded exciting! But it wouldn't take long till the mouse gets distracted with something, mumbling to herself while just following that bunny, looking into the sky sounding a bit angry even!
  7. Mug17.12.2019
  8. the bun continue walking ahead as the mouse seemed to be off in her world and the bun slowly grabs her hammer from her back and takes a deep breath ready to fight anything she deemed bad just to let off some steam rather then for justice. The bun started packing and soon dashing a bit ahead of the mouse as she started responding back to the message she received.
  10. Shurian17.12.2019
  11. she'd perk her ears as she hears the bunny run off at the end of her message and just, sprints after! To grab the bunny on the shoulder, who would have guessed that mouse is rather fast, doesn't really show that often, usually she's the more bulky one and holds the bunmy back
  12. "Faaaall fall fall fall, calm down."
  14. Mug17.12.2019
  15. She turns around with determination in her eyes yet defeat in them too... "What are you stopping me for, let's go! Don't you wanna fight!" She spoke fast but also in her voice like she was holding things in "we can do this....You and me, the power houses, we get the work done." The bun turns back around and release herself from her grip...the bun had Abit more force then the mouse! That....came off as a surprise! Maybe lifting a giant hammer for so long like someone wielding a sword helped.
  17. Shurian17.12.2019
  18. that was... indeed surprising, rare for the mouse to get overpowered, that bunny WAS quite the powerhouse, she was as well and she wasn't wrong, but there was something wrong about this aaaaand hinawa just got a message and she's not as stupid as loxley to not relay it properly
  19. "Fall, just calm down for a moment and listen to me!"
  20. with that she'd actually put some serious strength into another grab and turns the bunny around, yes she may be stronger but the mouse also has some ridicilous strength on her side that the bunny would at least need to put some serious effort into it to stop her
  21. "Yes I love fighting but you're doing this for such a stupid reason right now!"
  22. and with a bit of a scream in her voice she continues this entire ramble
  23. "And you're ALSO not the only one who knows sending that piece of shit bishop just contacted me!"
  25. Mug17.12.2019
  26. She stops and looks at the mouse confused as what that had to do with whatever just happened "what does that matter? don't like him and we were told to fuck off" The rabbit let the mouse hold her down for Abit before also putting a serious amount of force to pry her hands off her. "And what do you mean a stupid reason? There's a threat this town obviously has to deal with at night. So let's get rid of it while we are forced to stay her for a whole week!" As she raised her voice the bun started to lift her arm off her still holding on to it. "What's wrong with that!"
  28. Shurian17.12.2019
  29. she'd give it her best to keep that hand on the bunny, yeah after this definitly need to train some muscles, lifting gigantic logs and building houses and ships is surprisingly easy compared to this, getting her arm actually grabbed and into a lock!
  30. "He told me to tell you sorry from adelina because loxley fucked something up and I don't know he only had a 25 word limit but seemingly there's some ridicilous missunderstanding and the stupid reason I mean you throwing a temper tantrum!"
  31. she'd pull her arm free after that, probably easier than keeping it on her but geez yeah that's some grip strength.
  33. Mug17.12.2019
  34. It didn't help that Fall was tense and angry, the adrenaline was already running, making that grip much tighter before she hears the apology and lossens her grip letting her pull away. It caught her off guard and she had to think for a moment "how do you know he can be trusted...after months of trying to contact Adelina and being ignore before one day being told to seems more accurate what loxley said. Who is that guy?"
  36. Shurian17.12.2019
  37. she'd shake her arm for a moment to look at the bunny more seriously with a rather relaxed face herself, wouldn't want the situation to get more tense sticking her hands into her pockets while responding in said manner her face gives off
  38. "Bishop? He's aaaaan inquisitor who lacks any sort of brain, he got his position through sheer strength, it's kinda impressive, you could probably consider him one of the strongest inquisitors that is not an angel, he dislikes me, I dislike him, comes with the job he had, I stole his seeker stone after he left the inquisition, he basically just forgot it there, was kinda easy............."
  39. with that she'd take a breather and look to the side, that fuck's actually making her play a therapist right now but she knew it should be done and continues her words
  40. "And dunno? Adelina doesn't seem like the girl who'd tell you to leave or fuck off, I know it's a bit far fetched buuuuut..... maybe a lot of coincidences? She looked very pale when we saw her, her last two years probably also weren't the best.
  41. I doubt Bishop would waste his time to tell me that when he could use his 25 words smarter than that."
  42. with that last bit she'd shrug, she considers bishop stupid but he's more.... lazy than stupid, he probably is a legend in finishing sentences as quick as possible, as if that spell was made for him.
  44. Mug17.12.2019
  45. She looks back at the memory of lovely she was... threatening, rough. Powerful, yet fragile. A loose glass cannon...but seeing her so pale...she knew that Adelina has died....died so young... Yet cursed with life in this hell and she couldn't picture how hard it was for her out there alone.
  47. She lowers her hammer and falls silent, still unsure of Adelinas position...of her goals and objectives...she was on her own for years after all. The bun looking down, giving a low growl as she grips her hammer a bit tighter*
  48. "You aren't one to talk like this, let alone throw away an opportunity to fight"
  50. Shurian17.12.2019
  51. she'd just respond immediatly with a bit of an annoyance in her voice
  52. "You told me forever ago to do my best to keep the group together, I heard an apology by your little child and you are an upset mother right now, if you STILL want to get out and kill something, I am absolutly along for THAT ride, but if you begin talking about you and I being the ones to get shit done, that we're the powerhouses, that we're better and other stuff trying to cope with your problems?
  53. No. If you want to punch something with me, have fun doing it."
  54. A bit ironic from the mouse who'd usually use her rage as a huge powersource in battle, but she's rather serious about it, she lives for the fight, it's something really joyful to her and that person in front of her was about to go into a non-satisfiable frenzy
  56. Mug17.12.2019
  57. Fall looks back up at the mouse with a rather straight face... That's a reason she would hear from Hinawa, not something she's making up just to lighten up her mood but, and 'unsatisfied fight' Fall slowly puts her hammer away and sighs.
  59. "I hope you are right Hinawa. I don't want my hopes being crushed once more....still really wanna punch something right now...and there probably isn't any around, you know. In broad day light"
  61. Shurian17.12.2019
  62. she shrugs with a bit of a dissapointed sigh
  63. "Eh, was kinda hoping there's something to hunt instead of that entire forest ideas you guys had. I already said it back at the tavern but they seem to be fine with their situation and already adapted to it, so what's the issue with an island full of wherewolves?
  64. And if a simple hunt doesn't satisfy you, I am up for some sparring."
  65. she'd scratch her head with that last bit, she actually doesn't have the physical prowess of the bunny but she definitly knows how to fight and her pride might be a little bit chipped after that moment just now so a little tussle against that heavy lifter would probably help her sooner or later
  67. Mug17.12.2019
  68. The bun raised and eye brow and thought on that a bit... Lately she's been training her body more then her magic. Being exceptional with physical strength, and that training wouldn't stop even if she reach her limit. The bun slowly drops her hammer on to the ground and stretched. "How about a fist fight? It's less lethal then a giant hammer and a giant axe and alot easier to heal. That being said we should probably remove out heavy armor and fight bare."
  69. The bun said already getting her self ready
  70. "I've had to spar with Faust but let's say i haven't been able to fight him more so train with him. You will no doubt be a good change of pace"
  72. Shurian17.12.2019
  73. ....she actually looks at the bunny with an eyebrow raise herself, didn't think she'd be immediatly roaring to go huh.
  74. ....But Hinawa wouldn't be the one to say no to that
  75. "Ya know what, Faulkner's also only an old statue and I needed to get him into form."
  76. with that she'd drop her axe off her back what would make quite the thud and begin opening her vest looking at the bunny
  77. "Is a good way to take your mind off things and honestly, I already know you have some more muscles in your arms than me but in a physical fight? I wanna see if you can keep up with me!"
  78. she'd laugh proudly with that, opening her vest, showing off her old mariner armor and a cape that fall has never seen before, beginning to take both of those off, she'd probably be a bit faster than the bunny in that thanks to sheer armor class difference but still she seems to enjoy herself over the idea
  80. Mug17.12.2019
  81. The bun also was removing her plates, each time they hit the ground with a thud as well until she was only wearing her sports and shorts. The bun taking a few hops and shaking her hands as she readys herself. "Yeah, brute strength alone is not all in a fight. My strength protects me as I'm able to carry so much armor but with out it I loose out on what helps me most in a fight. But what's practice if is easy?" Fall takes a deep breath before she stops hoping and takes a stance looking at Hinawa as an opponent now, not a friend or enemy. "I'm ready when you are. This will get dirty"
  83. Shurian17.12.2019
  84. the mouse would end up taking off her vest as well, showing a burn scar on her left shoulder, looks a bit nasty and just her bandage bra on looking at the bunny with surprising flames in her eyes taking up the stance more of a savage beast ready to tear down on someone than that of a kickboxer (assuming you'd stand like you'd do in your recent drawing) having a bit of a sadistic smile on her face with a bit of a giggle
  85. "Exactly practice is never fun if it's not challenging, I am ready!"
  87. after quite the long fight, those two beasts fighting each other, hinawa sweating a lot, she wasn't treating this necesarrily like a serious fight but goddang those punches hurt, that bunny packed quite the muscle, hinawa felt a bit beefier than her but every single punch that bunny landed felt like it hit like a truck, ending it with one proper punch to the cheek, trying k.o the bunny and finally end this sparring match because if this goes on longer, the mouse would probably need to rage to get out of this predicament giving that last punch quite the scream to follow!
  91. Mug17.12.2019
  92. The fight was one Fall knew coming in would be challenging. She knew she wasn't the best at this, she wasn't a monk and not a barbarian like her. Hinawa was nimble and able to take alot more hits then she could. However with every punch she took she was sure to kick or pinch harder. Those legs of the bun were fast and probably the thing dealing the most damage to the mouse. But even though the bun hit harder. The mouses quicker movement and ability to dodge were her down fall. Not to mention the mouses endurance and two really hefty blows to her gut she managed to land really sealed the deal. The bun falls back after the upper cut and layed on the floor trying to catch her breath as she was defeated.
  94. Shurian17.12.2019
  95. hinawa would take a breather for a moment....... then look at the bunny..... didn't k.o like she intended but.... that's a win, with that she'd just go over to the bunny, still top free, re-adjusting the bandage on her chest a bit and sits down cross-legged right next to the bunny, looking over her face as she struggles for now still to catch a breath
  96. ".....Calmed..... down?"
  98. Mug17.12.2019
  99. The Bunny's face was bruised and she giggled some before laughing out loud to her self looking at the mouse. "Hahah...yeah yeah... Wow you remind me of my dad....well adopted dad...but he'd kick my ass all the time as he was training me to be a guard. I use to snap in out fights and just fight out of anger and he'd ask the same thing after beating me." She giggled to herself before letting it all out "Yeah, I'm calm... Sticks and stones could break my bones but your have more stamina then I do..... Saying that makes me feel old...." She giggled some still panting
  101. Shurian17.12.2019
  102. she'd lean back herself, actually feeling a bit of pain in her left arm with that, yeah she exhausted that thing just now, holding her shoulder with her other hand
  103. "Pffff, you say you feel old but you just compared me to your dad."
  104. she'd laugh herself and stands up again to help the bunny up, reaching a hand down to her while looking at her while standing there, throwing a shade over the bunny's face with a bit of a tired face herself
  106. Mug17.12.2019
  107. The bun layed there for Abit...too tired to even try and grab ahold of that hand but...after a second she groans and reaches out accepting the invite and being pulled up back to her feet. The bun trying her best to find her foot before she just lets out a small sigh of relief and and just heals the two of them up to not have to deal with the much. She healed enough to make sure it wasn't as painful... especially to herself considering she was nearly knocked out.
  109. "Heh heh yeah I guess you are right. Thanks for the really helped clear things out"
  111. Shurian17.12.2019
  112. the mouse would spin around her "weaker" arm to check if it was somewhat fine again while holding the shoulder with the scar with one hand, yeah that healing definitly helps, ain't a complete solution but definitly felt better while looking into another direction while continuing to talk with a bit of a happy voice
  113. "That's good, glad you're your old self again.
  114. And it felt nice to see who feels stronger, you definitly have more power but in a proper physical fight I am sturdier, faster and more observant of body movement I think...... but still gosh I wish I could wield my axe with that strength of yours."
  116. Mug17.12.2019
  117. "Keep working like you do and you'll be able to do just that. Armor usually covers for my weaknesses in my body and I can just face tank anything my party needs, but it's good to try other forms of training, especially when you feel like youve hit a ceiling." Fall stretches holds her gut as it still hurt before slowly walking over to her armor and picking it all up rather then putting it on.
  119. Shurian17.12.2019
  120. she'd follow suit, grabbing her armor, brooch, feather, axe and cape, putting half of it lazily on aka. just hanging it over her head because, that's a lot to carry
  121. "Eh, I've always built on muscles and stamina to overpower others, believe me the first time a knife dents on your abs you feel like a god......"
  122. she'd think for a moment while walking right next to the bunny
  123. "My biggest weaknesses would be my lack of magical prowess, I have magical knowledge but not really prowess and my body is already in peak condition it can't get any stronger than it is right now buuuuuuut.
  124. I can't really put my full power into both of my arms since the flood happened."
  126. Mug17.12.2019
  127. "We all have weaknesses, it's about our fighting style to match our strengths and minimize our weakness, that or learn to over come the weakness and grow from that" fall also had alot to carry but felt with it Abit easier then the mouse as they made their way back to the inn. She looked back at their battle spot and saw the mess that they made of even the trees. Blow after blow and sometimes being backed up to the tree...poor trees got slammed about...
  129. Shurian17.12.2019
  130. the mouse looks back at the trees as if that's a normal thing, they're not that weak anymore, fall and her were on kinda ridicilous terms of strength nowadays, nowhere near that storm giant they fought recently but, a tree is a joke to them
  131. "Eh, it's a kinda substantial weakness, thanks to that cunt shark from two years ago I feel like my body doesn't listen to me anymore as well as it did back then.
  132. I can't put 100 % of myself into my punches, also why I decided to learn a bit of faulkner's hunting strategies."
  134. Mug17.12.2019
  135. "I never really heard much about what happened to you'll have to tell me what happened." She said and looked about as they finally made it back to the inn. Both just wearing the under clothes, bruised and sweating from the long fight "for now let's rest and shower. I'm covered in dirty sweat...and I think I'll just lay down for the day heh
  137. Shurian17.12.219
  138. "Pffff fine with me, I'll tell you another time........ and fall?"
  139. she puts her hand on the bunny's shoulder
  140. "Try to send adelina a message sooner or later again, I wanna believe it was just stupid coincidence."
  142. Mug18.12.2019
  143. oh shoot i thought i sent the reply!!
  145. Fall nods and takes a deep breath as she tries to ready herself to send another message to Adelina, trying to make sure she is mentally ready to do so.
  146. "Yeah, Ill do it... Helm keep her safe please"
  147. She says before walking off to the ins showers and waving bye to Hinawa
  148. "Thanks again for everything"
  150. Shurian18.12.2019
  151. hinawa rolls her eyes at the mention of a god but eh, that rabbit ain't her and waves back towards her
  152. "No problem, don't take too long, pretty sure I can't shower in the night."
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