
TIFU by inadvertently paying a stripper to do nothing but talk about their life

Mar 13th, 2020
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  1. TIFU by naively allowing a stipper to approach me (27m) in a strip club in Hungary (I'm from UK) and having a perfectly pleasant chat with her about her life and kids whilst delighted telling her about my own young family.
  3. I then ended up getting charged 50,000 forints (~£150) for quite literally just that. I am a very happily married man and was doing what I felt was the right/best thing to do during a stag party for my brother in law and I avoidied any funny business by doing nothing but have a pleasant chat with this lady.
  5. I then ended up getting threatened by a massive bouncer to pay an extortionate amount of money for this innocent exchange which took place over no more than roughly 20 minutes.
  7. At this moment in time, I don't see any way where I come across as righteous or innocent in this "naivity" exchange (at least in the eyes of my wife). I have never been in a strip club or conversed with a stripper before, so I'm unaware of any preconceived social etiquette and I feel totally humiliated. Am I right to feel this way or am I a total dickhead? How I'm going to explain this loss of funds is beyond me...
  9. TLDR: Talked to a stripper and ended up getting charged a hefty chunk of money for doing nothing but chat with her for 20 minutes and don't know what to do.
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