
Bro d and d was cool

Nov 20th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Eli was sitting at the table looking down at his notebook making sure he had the rest of his notes out, since they had a few other character building things to do still. The table was full of food on the far end and scattered about, there was dice all over the table as well. He had a beer sitting in front of him, "Okay, so everyone is going to start off with 200 gold. And basic light armor for each of your characters as well as a dagger, and. You may use your gold to purchase armor upgrades, and your prefered weapon. You all have a basic travelers pack filled with rations, and water. You can also use your gold to get other items for your character to have in their bag."
  2. Tsaaq: ((Sorry I'm here.))
  3. Covet: [No worries XD I just thought I'd set that up for us.]
  4. Alexithymiaa: -Adam had his notebook in front of him as well as his phone opened to hsi character page with his stats, because you couldnt have too much information. He had a pen in his hand as he quickly scribbled down the information Eli was rattling off. "Got it. So how exactly do we start things off?"-
  5. Tsaaq: Bliss was sitting beside Eli with her phone out as she scrolled between screens on her D&D character sheet app. "I think Elijah has to set the scene for us." She waved her hand around the table. // Hayley pulled her hood up as if she was getting into character. She put in on her phone that she had two hundred gold.
  6. Covet: "Yes, I've got an introduction thing worked out for everyone so that you can all meet up quickly and efficiently, before we go out adventuring for things. I have a list for you all, if you need help figuring out what all you have. On here the pack that I said you have, is the Explorer's pack." He told them. "I'll show you armor and equipment next." [ ]
  7. Alexithymiaa: -Adam nodded as he looked it over, setting his pen down on top of his notebook. "Okay. So we all start off with the same things, correct?"-
  8. Covet: [D: The shop is actually locked up tonight, because it's not open on Sundays, they're just doing their D&D thing tonight on the grid tables]
  9. Smokeless: [Okay lol ]
  10. Tsaaq: She went to look at her phone. "Is the armor the same too? Or is it different for our species?" Bliss asked, because questions. // "What the hell is a bedroll? Is it like a bed but like rolled up?" Hayley asked, contributing to pummeling Eli with questions.
  11. Alexithymiaa: (Eli has probably never felt so in demand in his life.)
  12. Tsaaq: ((Maybe in the bedroom.))
  13. Covet: "Yes, you can pay to upgrade your pack to the Dugeoneer's pack, which has a few extra things including what the explorer's pack has. I'll let you guys get re situated in game, You'll see how." Eli said with a smile, then handed them a list of weapons "You might have to look up your class to see what sort of weapons you're proficient with. Some feats....Crap...We didn't do feats. Everyone has one feat at level 1. Except for me, because I'm human and Human's get a bonus feat at first level. Hold off on weapons while I find the feat information...." He said flipping through things as he went. He looked up hearing Bliss and Hayley's questions. "Armor is going to be different for your class and race regardless, but right now everyone has a simple light leather tunic that's over whatever clothes you're wearing. As for the bedroll, It's a sleeping bag. without a zipper."
  14. Covet: [Definitely in the bedroom]
  15. Alexithymiaa: -Adam wrote as Eli spoke, nodding his head. "Okay, got it. And what exactly are feats?" He asked, because beginner and shit.-
  16. Covet: "A feat represents a talent or an area of expertise that gives a character special capabilities. It embodies training, experience, and abilities beyond what a class provides. Some of them have pre-requisites, like something only a certain class or race can use. He explained, then handed them all the information for feats. [ ]
  17. Covet: [FUCK DAMMIT SHIT]
  18. Tsaaq: Bliss nodded her head with understanding. "Got it." She said softly to herself. "Oh I understand now. I'll probably upgrade once I earn a little more gold." // Hayley furrowed her eyebrows at him. "Oh my god. But somebody could just get into my sleeping bag and rob me! Or something could kill me!"
  19. Alexithymiaa: -As Adam looked over the list of feats, he pursed his lips. "As a Ranger, is there any feats I should be leaning towards? I know you said I want a high dexterity, so the acrobat feat looks good because it adds to that. Same with athlete."-
  20. Covet: "If I were you, I would honestly go with the Sharpshooter feat. It will help you as a bow weilder, you'll a bonus to your attack rolls and be able to make harder shots more consistently." Eli told him, "You'll get the chance to get more feats as we level up as well." He turned to Hayley and laughed, "That's why you set up a watch rotation during the night."
  21. Tsaaq: "Anything else we need to know before we start the campaign?" Bliss asked as she turned to him once more. // Her mouth hung open. "Oh god dam it." She grumbled as she went to slouch in her spot in the booth.
  22. Alexithymiaa: "Sharpshooter it is." He said as he wrote that in with his notes. "Okay, so are we ready for you to set the scene for us?" He asked a little excitedly.-
  23. Covet: "Uh... I told you, you all had a dagger on you right? You'll be getting your weapons set up in game for reasons that I'll explain when we get there. Have you all picked out a feat?" He asked them.
  24. Tsaaq: "Yes you did. And yes I did!" Bliss replied as she went to pick up her phone once more. "Woof Elf Magic is mine." // Hayley rubbed her chin while thinking. "I mean so many seem cool but I can't pick..." She grumbled. "I'll take Elven Accuracy."
  25. Alexithymiaa: "Yep, I think we've all picked out feats." He said in confirmation once they all announced their own. "What's yours, Eli?"-
  26. Covet: "I took Mobile, because as a Paladin, I have heavy armor, and that can encumber you, but with Mobile, I don't have to worry about giving attacks of opportunity to the opponent. I can also move ten feet more than standard." Eli explained. "Don't worry, like I said you'll be able to pick more as you level up." Eli reassured her. "Okay, well then I suppose I can get us started and we can all meet up and get aquianted."
  27. Tsaaq: "Wood Elf Magic seemed like the smart idea. Because I'm an Elf, and magic!" Bliss said with a clap of her hands. "Oh I can't wait until we get more feats..." Her mouth opened a moment. "Oh. I suppose my character waves to everyone then." // Hayley gave another nod of understanding. "Where are we?" She asked as she stared at the map.
  28. Alexithymiaa: -Adam sat up a little, excited to get started even though they took forever. "Yeah, what's our scene? Also will we continue with this campagain each time we play since I assume this will take quite a while to get through?"-
  29. Covet: "Okay, Opening scene." Eli said clearing his throat. "The town isn't very large, being an outlying settlement a ways away out of the capital city to the north. It's surrounded by lush forrest and mountains, with patches that open up to fields and farmland. A large river runs along the southern border of the territory, with many tributaries that flow into it. In this town there is a board with local postings, wanted notices and job postings. There's one in particular that stands out, done in thick red paper with gold leafing and lettering, requesting any and all heroes looking for adventure and gold to meet at the Cloven hoof tavern, on the western end of town, by sundown."
  30. Covet: * Eli said then looked at Adam, "Yes, the story will continue each time until we want to stop or reach epic level. Which is a lot harder than it sounds."
  31. Tsaaq: She nodded. "That's what I had assumed." She replied to Adam before shutting the hell up and listening to Eli set the scene. "Well, what's the time of day now? Would we be able to make it?" // Hayley went stare at the map thing with their figures. "Quick question are there other things on the job postings? Can I take the signs and put them in my bag?"
  32. Alexithymiaa: "Also, can we put our own postings up on this board?" He asked, already starting to formulate a plan.-
  33. Covet: "Late afternoon, probably a few hours before sundown." Eli told Bliss, then looked at Hayley, "If you would like to, there are a few simple things, getting rid of pests at a farm, though it's written as "pests" so that could mean a variety of things, There's a few lost items that people are searching for, as well as people. If you'd like to post your own thing up, by all means, there's plenty of pins and sharp stabby things to post it up. BUT, we're going to leave it there for right now and pick up next week, because I know people have class tomorrow, and a game to prepare for." Eli said looking at Hayley. "So be thinking about next week. And we'll be able to jump right in. "
  34. Tsaaq: Bliss groaned and threw her hands up. "That was so much fun though! I can't wait until next week!" She said. She yawned and held her hand over her mouth. "But I suppose it's late enough." // "Cool. Cool." Hayley said, taking mental notes. "Abs and I will talk on the drive home. Tonight was awesome. I can't wait until tomorrow."
  35. Tsaaq: ((Wait what, that's how you know i'm tired *can't wait until next time."))
  36. Covet: [XD]
  37. Alexithymiaa: -Adam made a quick note in his notebook before closing it, getting his things together. "I think we made good headway tonight on this. I'm excited to start our campaign next week." He slid out of the booth, offering his hand to Hayley to help her out as well. "We can go over a few ideas on the way home?" He asked her, pulling his keys from his pocket.-
  38. Covet: "Alright, Well you guys get home safe. We'll see you tomorrow." He said with a smile, cause he totally had their normal monday shift covered so they could go be supportive and what not. He looked at the table, "I guess I should get this cleaned up so we can head upstairs as well." Eli said to Bliss starting to gather up things.
  39. Tsaaq: She smiled and gave Eli a pat on the shoulder then kissed his cheek. "Tonight was so much fun." // "Yeah. I like that idea." Hayley took his hand as she got out of the booth and went to wave at Eli and Bliss. "Night guys. See you around during the week I hope."
  40. Alexithymiaa: -He took her hand, carefully guiding her out of the shop and out to his truck so they could head home.-
  41. Covet: "I enjoyed it too, Next week will be even more fun." He said, turning to give her more of a kiss than just a cheek kiss, as Adam and Hayley walked out. After breaking it he stood up and continued getting things picked up.
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