

Mar 7th, 2022
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  1. Vitraus was born to a family of ponies that ran a research institute that delves into the nature of magic within Equestria, and beyond. Vitraus's youth was spent with many friends and fun. However, that would end when her best friend would end up dying in a construction accident. This event changed Vitraus, and she would end up distancing herself.
  3. To deal with her pain she would turn to study. Studying all she could about magic - yet she was a mere Earth Pony. What did she have? Earth pony strength? That would never satisfy her. Vitraus would end up getting her cutie mark upon looking into a shard of glass and seeing the Moon reflect inside of it. She was 17 at the time, and didn't understand what her cutie mark was - it was a black mirror refracting an oncoming stream of light. She graduated high school like the other ponies, and didn't understand who she was up until that point.
  5. Vitraus would find it upon herself to become rather sociable. She was able to expand her chorus of friends beyond what was considered normal. Yet deep down, she never felt a sense of connection with them. It was due to her own personal loss and inner turmoil she couldn't see it within herself to care for someone else - if they could end up losing their life in a mere second. As her circle of friends expanded, so did her ability with words. She was able to get ponies to reveal certain things about themselves through clever word play.
  7. Yet, she still had no idea what her talent was or what her mark represented. Until one day it clicked, she could walk amongst a group of ponies and mentally wear a 'mask' that allowed her to feel like she had become someone else. This allowed her to only expand her social circle even more than it already was. Her 'mask' wearing was triggered mentally with intent, and strangely enough, nobody else would notice. It was as if she changed her reality. Unable to understand, yet able to reap the benefits of this, she would advance in her career. Vitraus became interested in magic again, and became a prominent scientist where she would propose an origin for the world's magic.
  9. In her theory, Magic was the world's will to exist and it's origins occurred deep within the crust of the world. Many had reported coming into contact with a massive crystal layer that resided deep inside the crust. Only vague reports were known of that. After convincing the scientists that she worked with that such a thing was worth investigating, she would come to have the idea - what if she could somehow access this magical layer, and use it to her benefit? To become more, than what she is?
  11. Upon confirmation of her discoveries, the other scientists would end up catching wind of her nefarious plans, and keeping it hidden from the public. She was stripped of her rank and banished from the institute. Further criminal charges were brought up against her, for money laundering, and for the theft of a powerful Equestrian Artifact that allowed her to possess extrasensory perception: essentially a sixth sense that allows her to acquire information by means independent of any of her experiences.
  13. The most common application of this artifact includes perceiving memories of others gathering elusive information about her surroundings through unnatural means. This would allow her to amass knowledge about other artifacts in general, essentially combining various artifacts that allow her to perform feats such as silent walking and camouflaging herself. Ontop of this, she could further manipulate other ponies by using their memories, hopes, pains, and experiences against them.
  15. With this in mind, Vitraus seeks to build a massive machine that will allow her to access the inner part of the crystalline crust and finally get a chance to look at what she has been denied. By pulling strings here and there, she has been able to secure funds for such a machine. Even having certain parts of it being constructed for her, in secret.
  17. If this machine is constructed, it could have dire consequences for the world.
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