
Aryanne Takes a Hostage. (Clop)

Aug 20th, 2016
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  1. >BOOM
  2. >A familiar force knocks you to your side, pressing the wind out of your tired lungs.
  3. >Unable to stand for a moment, you listen to the sound of dirt raining around you through the ringing in your ears.
  4. >A quick burst of gunfire piercing the quiet air a few yards from your face spurs your tired muscles into action.
  5. >Struggling to your hooves you break out into a sprint, and distance yourself as far from the mortar team as you can.
  6. >You lost your Mauser somewhere in that last volley, and your Selbstlade pistole was hanging loosely at your side almost empty.
  7. >Spotting another Soviet fire team in the distance you take a quick left through an alley to avoid their sight.
  8. >All the men behind you are gone now. They've long since been eaten by their damn unforgiving Degtyarev fire.
  9. >You can hear the thundering fire of a Panzerbuchse in the distance, but you know any defense from your side is in vain.
  10. >Those blasted Soviets raided the city late last night reclaiming it for themselves.
  11. >They caught all of you by surprise when they assaulted in the dead of night with wave after wave of tanks.
  12. >The battle had raged on for days. Both sides quickly losing resources.
  13. >Reaching the end of the alley you find yourself in a wide open courtyard.
  14. >This isn't good. Those dug in machine gunners could be anywhere, and there was little to no cover.
  15. "Scheiße!"
  16. >Seemingly sensing your fear, the whirring noise of an M1910 sparks up to your side. Bullets rip towards you across the open field.
  17. >Before you can even react a hidden Maschinengewehr explodes from a cellar door with rapid fire not a full yard away from your head.
  18. >You duck your head not wanting to get done in by your own machine gun team.
  19. "Sohn einer Hündin!"
  20. >Turning hoof, you tear down the courtyard avoiding gunfire to the best of your abilities.
  21. >Your helmet flies off in the wind letting your golden hair blow wildly around your head as you leap over an abandoned barricade.
  22. >Narrowly avoiding another line of gunfire, you desperately search each building along your sides to seek any kind of cover at all.
  23. >Nearly missing a mostly intact house in your haste, you make a beeline for its entrance, and slam into the door with full force.
  24. >You roll into the empty house and take cover under a windowsill in case the machine gun fire follows you.
  25. >Deciding it was all safe, you brace your self against the cold wall and search through your supplies. Hopefully you can regain your bearings.
  26. >Your uniform was torn in several places, and you had lost most of your equipment on the last wave of attack.
  27. >These damn Soviets never seemed to stop coming. It took everything you had just to make it out of that last volley.
  28. >Counting up and loading your minimal rounds, you take a few nibbles off of your Scho-Ka-Kola bar. It's the only food to make it out with you.
  29. >Just as you deicide to get moving again now that the gunfire has finally calmed down your ears perk up when they hear muffled noises a few yards away.
  30. >Hitting the floor like a sack of bricks you crawl silently to the wall on the other side of the room, and briefly peer out the window to the alley on the other side.
  31. >Finding the source of the noise, your eyes land upon a mare creeping down the street.
  32. >She was a short, stout mare with a dark black coat and fiery red hair.
  33. >She was leaning heavily on her Nagant. Its pulled back bolt signifying its lack of ammunition.
  34. >The mare limped down the stretch cursing under her breath at her bloodied foreleg.
  35. >Ducking back behind the window, you stare at your pistole weighing your options.
  36. >If you had a captive you might be able to get back to your fortifications easier, using her as leverage for your safe passage.
  37. >Making a split decision you ready your trusty side arm, and peel yourself out of cover into the street.
  38. "Vell vell, vat have we here?"
  39. >Spinning around rapidly, the red mare nearly stumbles on her lame leg attempting to ready her rifle.
  40. >You raise your pistole to her staring menacingly into her face.
  41. "Don't kid yourself, ve both know your gewehr is empty."
  42. >"Nyet, I have many пyли, German dog!"
  43. "Oh really? Shoot me zen, if you will."
  44. >She growls at you before staring down to her hooves and drops her rifle.
  45. >"Fine, what are you wanting? Don't waste my time, dog. I will be of having you shot!"
  46. >You laugh loudly and grin at her.
  47. "You are in no position to make any demands, mein stutfohlen."
  48. >Keeping your pistole trained on her you take another moment to look your new captive over.
  49. >In your earlier haste you seemed to have missed a few minor details.
  50. >For being a sub-pony, she was surprisingly...appealing.
  51. >Her thin winter coat clung to her curves tightly, highlighting her plump flank and thick legs.
  52. >The unending weeks of being stranded on the front line without any...relief...were starting to catch up to you.
  53. >You can feel your face light up bright red as lewd thoughts creep into your head. A familiar heat builds up in your flanks.
  54. "Now, you vill do vat I tell you to, ja? If you vant to live, zat is."
  55. >She growls again, but slowly nods her head.
  56. >You slowly sit down on your haunches, and keep your pistole tightly trained on her.
  57. >Once on the ground you motion to her with your other hoof and spread your hind legs slightly.
  58. >"What are you of doing now, myдaк?"
  59. >You pause for a moment to consider your next action, but your building lust takes over guiding your actions.
  60. "If you vish to live for now you need to keep me happy, understood?"
  61. >Cocking an eyebrow at you the black mare nods her head, looking you over.
  62. >Laying down on your back, you spread you legs open exposing your damp marehood to the cool winter air.
  63. >"You can't being of serious, Comrade?"
  64. "Ja, you vish to please me? Get started zen~."
  65. >Giving you a prolonged grimace, your captive mare takes a few steps forward. She stoops down to the floor and leans in close to your eager marehood.
  66. >Staring at it almost like she was looking for traps, she gives it a cautious prod with her hoof teasing your sensitive lips.
  67. >You really weren't in the mood for any teasing. You were sure it wouldn't be long before her comrades came looking for her.
  68. "Vell? Vhat are you vaiting for?"
  69. >"Shut up, I am of trying, cyka."
  70. >She leans in close. Her hot breaths warm your hindquarters as she grips your hind legs in her hooves.
  71. >Taking sudden action she plants her lips on your slit, and roughly sucks on your folds.
  72. "Ahhh, braves mädchen..."
  73. >Her wide tongue prods at your lips slowly pushing their way into your tight opening.
  74. >Moaning in pleasure, you arch your back sharply pushing your hips further into her skillful tongue.
  75. >Upping the ante, she rubs your swollen clit in tight circles with a free hoof, eager to bring along your orgasm.
  76. "Haaah...schneller, bitte!"
  77. >Rocking your hips rapidly, you can feel her nimble tongue quickly bringing along your climax.
  78. >Dropping your pistole, you grip her head with both hooves burying her muzzle as far into your marehood as you could.
  79. "Ghhaaa, mein gott!"
  80. >You cry out loudly as you climax. Your mare juices flood out over her still-working tongue.
  81. >Groaning, you collapse back to the floor exhausted in your afterglow.
  82. >Before you could even come to your senses the Soviet mare bursts to her hooves, and roughly grabs your pistole from the cold floor.
  83. >Realizing your error, you raise both hooves in the air chuckling nervously.
  84. >Standing over you, she jabs the gun in your face grinning wildly as she spins around exposing her own marehood.
  85. >"Alright German dog, it is of my turn now."
  87. FIN
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