
EC basic gaming literacy response

Feb 22nd, 2017
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  1. I've been thinking for a while that there should be some universal answers being provided in game design. I'm glad I'm not the only one.
  3. However, there is an elephant in the room to worry about before we can get things like gaming literacy going: the rampant hostility for its own sake in gaming communities. Here is an excellent example of the problem:
  5. There is a disturbing lack of empathy there about the topic creator getting 0-Deathed in a match where he brought the opponent down to minimal health. Combos ultimately promote cheap memorization over genuine skill, and it shows. Also, let's not forget the Cross Assault incident. Dear GOD the Cross Assault incident.
  7. I think the underlying problem is that too many people are like Roger Retinz from Ace Attorney Spirit of Justice. We know what the story with that horrible scumbag, and that he isn't deemed heinous enough to fall into the Complete Monster trope even though he is sends a bad message. The moral of The Magical Turnabout in the first place is that heart matters more than talent ever could. I do find some faults on both sides with the moral, but all things considered it still works. Unfortunately, too many people being like Roger Retinz has proven to self-feed, because Retinz's brand of cowardice, treachery, and sadism ends up becoming dominant, and anybody who thinks to have healthier traits such as creativity ends up being passed off as gullible and unnatural, causing gaming culture to turn into some God awful hawk-dove game.
  9. I think it would help to *have games encourage players to have healthy virtue consistently*. Not just in story, but in gameplay too. This would help cut down on the toxicity that the gaming communities are plagued with because the vile people would be more reliably punished by the game itself. One idea is how to approach the union of body, mind, and heart: encourage heart first, mind second, and body last. This would discourage players from being hyperaggressive when it would be incapable of working outside extreme cases.
  11. If you have any other ideas, fire away. I have ideas of my own too, but I'm keeping them to myself and anybody I can really trust well enough.
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