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a guest
May 22nd, 2019
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  1. on death:
  2. if attacker is a player:
  3. if {lv.%attacker%} is not set:
  4. set {lv.%attacker%} to 0
  5. set {xp.%attacker%} to 0
  6. set {needxp.%attacker%} to 10
  7. if victim is not animal:
  8. if victim is armor stand:
  9. set {_xp.%attacker%} to -114514
  10. else:
  11. set {_xp.%attacker%} to a random integer between 3 and 5
  12. else:
  13. set {_xp.%attacker%} to a random integer between 1 and 3
  14. message "&6%victim% &7を討伐!" to attacker
  15. message "- &6%{_xp.%attacker%}%&7 xp獲得しました" to attacker
  16. set {xp.%attacker%} to {xp.%attacker%} + {_xp.%attacker%}
  17. if {needxp.%attacker%} < {xp.%attacker%} + 1:
  18. add 1 to {lv.%attacker%}
  19. message "----------" to attacker
  20. message "&e&lLvup! &7Lv.&6%{lv.%attacker%}%" to attacker
  21. message "----------" to attacker
  22. set {xp.%attacker%} to {xp.%attacker%} - {needxp.%attacker%}
  23. set {_needxpa.%attacker%} to {needxp.%attacker%} * 1.1
  24. set {_needxpb.%attacker%} to {lv.%attacker%} * 5
  25. set {needxp.%attacker%} to {_needxpa.%attacker%} + {_needxpb.%attacker%}
  26. set {needxp.%attacker%} to round({needxp.%attacker%})
  27. play sound "entity.firework.twinkle" with volume 0.5 and pitch 1 at attacker
  29. command /status:
  30. trigger:
  31. message "--------------------"
  32. message "Lv : &6%{lv.%player%}%" to player
  33. message "xp : &6%{xp.%player%}%" to player
  34. message "必用xp : &6%{needxp.%player%} - {xp.%player%}%" to player
  35. message "基準xp : &6%{needxp.%player%}%" to player
  36. message "--------------------"
  38. command /lvreset:
  39. trigger:
  40. set {lv.%player%} to 0
  41. set {xp.%player%} to 0
  42. set {needxp.%player%} to 10
  43. execute player command "/status"
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