Pokémon Yellow Invalid Sound Banks

Jul 18th, 2016
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  3. Generated using a bot.
  4. Bot source at
  6. Differences from file generated by the bot :
  7. Removed all occurences of the following regex :
  8. (ROM[0-9A-F]{2}:[0-9A-F]{4}\t\tnop\t\t00\n){4}
  9. Also manually removed banks 02, 08 and 1F, which are loaded in another way and don't produce invalid code.
  12. Beginning reading bank 01
  13. ROM01:6BD4 ld hl, $CD6D 21 6D CD
  14. ROM01:6BD7 ld de, $D035 11 35 D0
  15. ROM01:6BDA ld bc, $000B 01 0B 00
  16. ROM01:6BDD call $00B1 CD B1 00
  17. Jumping to 00B1.
  18. ROM01:00B1 ld a, b 78
  19. ROM01:00B2 and a A7
  20. ROM01:00B3 jr z, 0C 28 0C
  21. Jumping to C1.
  22. ROM01:00C1 ldi a, (hl) 2A
  23. ROM01:00C2 ld (de), a 12
  24. Memory write.
  25. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  26. ROM01:00C3 inc de 13
  27. ROM01:00C4 dec c 0D
  28. ROM01:00C5 jr nz, FA 20 FA
  29. Jumps backwards, possible infinite loop.
  32. Beginning reading bank 03
  33. ROM03:6BD4 ld d, b 50
  34. ROM03:6BD5 ld b, b 40
  35. ROM03:6BD6 and b A0
  36. ROM03:6BD7 and b A0
  37. ROM03:6BD8 ld (hl), b 70
  38. Memory write.
  39. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  40. ROM03:6BD9 ld a, b 78
  41. ROM03:6BDA adc a, b 88
  42. ROM03:6BDB nop 00
  43. ROM03:6BDC nop 00
  44. ROM03:6BDD inc bc 03
  45. ROM03:6BDE inc bc 03
  46. ROM03:6BDF inc c 0C
  47. ROM03:6BE0 inc c 0C
  48. ROM03:6BE1 inc de 13
  49. ROM03:6BE2 stop 10
  50. Crashes / freezes the game.
  53. Beginning reading bank 04
  54. ROM04:6BD4 rra 1F
  55. ROM04:6BD5 ld hl, add sp, $08 F8 08
  56. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  57. ROM04:6BD7 ld (hl), b 70
  58. Memory write.
  59. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  60. ROM04:6BD8 or b B0
  61. ROM04:6BD9 ret nc D0
  62. Returns, probably into oblivion. Or maybe goes back to normal code execution ?
  63. ROM04:6BDA ld a, ($FF00+90) F0 90
  64. ROM04:6BDC ld a, ($FF00+D8) F0 D8
  65. ROM04:6BDE ld a, b 78
  66. ROM04:6BDF inc a 3C
  67. ROM04:6BE0 INVALID F4
  68. Crashes / freezes the game.
  71. Beginning reading bank 05
  72. ROM05:6BD4 rlca 07
  73. ROM05:6BD5 inc c 0C
  74. ROM05:6BD6 dec bc 0B
  75. ROM05:6BD7 ld e, $13 1E 13
  76. ROM05:6BD9 rrca 0F
  77. ROM05:6BDA rrca 0F
  78. ROM05:6BDB rlca 07
  79. ROM05:6BDC rlca 07
  80. ROM05:6BDD rlca 07
  81. ROM05:6BDE rlca 07
  82. ROM05:6BDF inc bc 03
  83. ROM05:6BE0 inc bc 03
  84. ROM05:6BE1 ld a, h 7C
  85. ROM05:6BE2 sbc a, h 9C
  86. ROM05:6BE3 ld ($FF00+E0), a E0 E0
  87. Memory write.
  88. Destination : $FFE0.
  89. Write to HRAM. High chances to be harmful.
  90. ROM05:6BE5 jr nc, D0 30 D0
  91. Jumps backwards, possible infinite loop.
  94. Beginning reading bank 06
  95. Reaches end of current ROM bank.
  98. Beginning reading bank 07
  99. Reaches end of current ROM bank.
  102. Beginning reading bank 09
  103. ROM09:6BD4 ld d, l 55
  104. ROM09:6BD5 ld e, a 5F
  105. ROM09:6BD6 ld e, b 58
  106. ROM09:6BD7 pop bc C1
  107. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  108. ROM09:6BD8 inc sp 33
  109. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  110. ROM09:6BD9 ld c, b 48
  111. ROM09:6BDA ld d, (hl) 56
  112. ROM09:6BDB and a A7
  113. ROM09:6BDC ld hl, add sp, $60 F8 60
  114. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  115. ROM09:6BDE ld h, e 63
  116. ROM09:6BDF rlca 07
  117. ROM09:6BE0 add sp, $86 E8 86
  118. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  119. ROM09:6BE2 dec b 05
  120. ROM09:6BE3 ld d, e 53
  121. ROM09:6BE4 ld a, l 7D
  122. ROM09:6BE5 add hl, hl 29
  123. ROM09:6BE6 sbc a, (hl) 9E
  124. ROM09:6BE7 dec h 25
  125. ROM09:6BE8 ld c, b 48
  126. ROM09:6BE9 ld c, e 4B
  127. ROM09:6BEA cp e BB
  128. ROM09:6BEB ldi a, (hl) 2A
  129. ROM09:6BEC ldi (hl), a 22
  130. Memory write.
  131. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  132. ROM09:6BED pop bc C1
  133. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  134. ROM09:6BEE dec h 25
  135. ROM09:6BEF inc b 04
  136. ROM09:6BF0 add a, l 85
  137. ROM09:6BF1 call nc, $1866 D4 66 18
  138. Jumping to 1866.
  139. ROM09:1866 cp $04 FE 04
  140. ROM09:1868 jp z, $1870 CA 70 18
  141. Jumping to 1870.
  142. ROM09:1870 call $1913 CD 13 19
  143. Jumping to 1913.
  144. ROM09:1913 push bc C5
  145. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  146. ROM09:1914 call $3DDB CD DB 3D
  147. Jumping to 3DDB.
  148. ROM09:3DDB ld c, $03 0E 03
  149. ROM09:3DDD jp $372F C3 2F 37
  150. Jumping to 372F.
  151. ROM09:372F call $1E64 CD 64 1E
  152. Jumping to 1E64.
  153. ROM09:1E64 ld a, $01 3E 01
  154. ROM09:1E66 ld ($FF00+D6), a E0 D6
  155. Memory write.
  156. Destination : $FFD6.
  157. Write to HRAM. High chances to be harmful.
  158. ROM09:1E68 halt 76
  159. WARNING : Forces an interruption. Depending on memory corruption, the loaded bank, and stuff, this may crash / softlock.
  160. ROM09:1E69 ld a, ($FF00+D6) F0 D6
  161. ROM09:1E6B and a A7
  162. ROM09:1E6C jr nz, FA 20 FA
  163. Jumps backwards, possible infinite loop.
  166. Beginning reading bank 0A
  167. ROM0A:6BD4 rla 17
  168. ROM0A:6BD5 pop de D1
  169. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  170. ROM0A:6BD6 sbc a, h 9C
  171. ROM0A:6BD7 ld l, c 69
  172. ROM0A:6BD8 jr C4 18 C4
  173. Jumps backwards, possible infinite loop.
  176. Beginning reading bank 0B
  177. ROM0B:6BD4 or h B4
  178. ROM0B:6BD5 ldi a, (hl) 2A
  179. ROM0B:6BD6 adc a, c 89
  180. ROM0B:6BD7 ld b, l 45
  181. ROM0B:6BD8 cpl 2F
  182. ROM0B:6BD9 xor d AA
  183. ROM0B:6BDA xor d AA
  184. ROM0B:6BDB jr nc, 7A 30 7A
  185. Jumping to 57.
  186. ROM0B:6C57 ld c, a 4F
  187. ROM0B:6C58 ldi (hl), a 22
  188. Memory write.
  189. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  190. ROM0B:6C59 sub a, c 91
  191. ROM0B:6C5A ld c, $52 0E 52
  192. ROM0B:6C5C ld de, $93C0 11 C0 93
  193. ROM0B:6C5F and e A3
  194. ROM0B:6C60 ret nc D0
  195. Returns, probably into oblivion. Or maybe goes back to normal code execution ?
  196. ROM0B:6C61 call nc, $088E D4 8E 08
  197. Jumping to 088E.
  198. ROM0B:088E INVALID D3
  199. Crashes / freezes the game.
  202. Beginning reading bank 0C
  203. ROM0C:6BD4 or e B3
  204. ROM0C:6BD5 jr 62 18 62
  205. Jumping to 39.
  206. ROM0C:6C39 ccf 3F
  207. ROM0C:6C3A rst 38h FF
  208. Crashes / freezes the game.
  211. Beginning reading bank 0D
  212. ROM0D:6BD4 ret z C8
  213. Returns, probably into oblivion. Or maybe goes back to normal code execution ?
  214. ROM0D:6BD5 rst 18h DF
  215. Crashes / freezes the game.
  218. Beginning reading bank 0E
  219. ROM0E:6BD4 ld a, ($FF00+F0) F0 F0
  220. ROM0E:6BD6 ld a, ($FF00+F0) F0 F0
  221. ROM0E:6BD8 rlca 07
  222. ROM0E:6BD9 rlca 07
  223. ROM0E:6BDA inc c 0C
  224. ROM0E:6BDB inc c 0C
  225. ROM0E:6BDC dec de 1B
  226. ROM0E:6BDD dec de 1B
  227. ROM0E:6BDE rla 17
  228. ROM0E:6BDF rla 17
  229. ROM0E:6BE0 rla 17
  230. ROM0E:6BE1 rla 17
  231. ROM0E:6BE2 dec de 1B
  232. ROM0E:6BE3 dec de 1B
  233. ROM0E:6BE4 inc c 0C
  234. ROM0E:6BE5 inc c 0C
  235. ROM0E:6BE6 rlca 07
  236. ROM0E:6BE7 rlca 07
  237. ROM0E:6BE8 adc a, e 8B
  238. ROM0E:6BE9 adc a, e 8B
  240. Instruction : set 1, e
  241. ROM0E:6BEC ld l, l 6D
  242. ROM0E:6BED ld l, l 6D
  243. ROM0E:6BEE and (hl) A6
  244. ROM0E:6BEF and (hl) A6
  245. ROM0E:6BF0 and e A3
  246. ROM0E:6BF1 and e A3
  247. ROM0E:6BF2 ld h, b 60
  248. ROM0E:6BF3 ld h, b 60
  249. ROM0E:6BF4 ret nz C0
  250. Returns, probably into oblivion. Or maybe goes back to normal code execution ?
  251. ROM0E:6BF5 ret nz C0
  252. Returns, probably into oblivion. Or maybe goes back to normal code execution ?
  253. ROM0E:6BF6 add a, b 80
  254. ROM0E:6BF7 add a, b 80
  255. ROM0E:6BF8 INVALID D3
  256. Crashes / freezes the game.
  259. Beginning reading bank 0F
  260. ROM0F:6BD4 ld hl, $6908 21 08 69
  261. ROM0F:6BD7 jp $6C3E C3 3E 6C
  262. Jumping to 6C3E.
  263. ROM0F:6C3E xor a AF
  264. ROM0F:6C3F ret C9
  265. Returns, probably into oblivion. Or maybe goes back to normal code execution ?
  268. Beginning reading bank 10
  269. Reaches end of current ROM bank.
  272. Beginning reading bank 11
  273. ROM11:6BD4 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  274. ROM11:6BD6 halt 76
  275. WARNING : Forces an interruption. Depending on memory corruption, the loaded bank, and stuff, this may crash / softlock.
  276. ROM11:6BD7 halt 76
  277. WARNING : Forces an interruption. Depending on memory corruption, the loaded bank, and stuff, this may crash / softlock.
  278. ROM11:6BD8 inc d 14
  279. ROM11:6BD9 ld (hl), l 75
  280. Memory write.
  281. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  282. ROM11:6BDA dec d 15
  283. ROM11:6BDB add hl, de 19
  284. ROM11:6BDC add hl, de 19
  285. ROM11:6BDD dec d 15
  286. ROM11:6BDE ld d, $76 16 76
  287. ROM11:6BE0 halt 76
  288. WARNING : Forces an interruption. Depending on memory corruption, the loaded bank, and stuff, this may crash / softlock.
  289. ROM11:6BE1 halt 76
  290. WARNING : Forces an interruption. Depending on memory corruption, the loaded bank, and stuff, this may crash / softlock.
  291. ROM11:6BE2 halt 76
  292. WARNING : Forces an interruption. Depending on memory corruption, the loaded bank, and stuff, this may crash / softlock.
  293. ROM11:6BE3 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  294. ROM11:6BE5 ld (bc), a 02
  295. Memory write.
  296. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  297. ROM11:6BE6 halt 76
  298. WARNING : Forces an interruption. Depending on memory corruption, the loaded bank, and stuff, this may crash / softlock.
  299. ROM11:6BE7 inc e 1C
  300. ROM11:6BE8 dec e 1D
  301. ROM11:6BE9 dec e 1D
  302. ROM11:6BEA dec e 1D
  303. ROM11:6BEB dec e 1D
  304. ROM11:6BEC dec e 1D
  305. ROM11:6BED ld e, $76 1E 76
  306. ROM11:6BEF ld (bc), a 02
  307. Memory write.
  308. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  309. ROM11:6BF0 ld c, h 4C
  310. ROM11:6BF1 ld (bc), a 02
  311. Memory write.
  312. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  313. ROM11:6BF2 ld l, $AF 2E AF
  314. ROM11:6BF4 ld (D71D), a EA 1D D7
  315. Memory write.
  316. Destination : $D71D.
  317. Write to WRAM. Huge chances to be harmful.
  318. ROM11:6BF7 ld a, ($D72C) FA 2C D7
  319. ROM11:6BFA PREFIX CB 67
  320. Instruction : bit 4, a
  321. ROM11:6BFC ret nz C0
  322. Returns, probably into oblivion. Or maybe goes back to normal code execution ?
  323. ROM11:6BFD call $34BC CD BC 34
  324. Jumping to 34BC.
  325. ROM11:34BC ld a, ($D360) FA 60 D3
  326. ROM11:34BF ld b, a 47
  327. ROM11:34C0 ld a, ($D361) FA 61 D3
  328. ROM11:34C3 ld c, a 4F
  329. ROM11:34C4 xor a AF
  330. ROM11:34C5 ld (CD3D), a EA 3D CD
  331. Memory write.
  332. Destination : $CD3D.
  333. Write to WRAM. Huge chances to be harmful.
  334. ROM11:34C8 ldi a, (hl) 2A
  335. ROM11:34C9 cp $FF FE FF
  336. ROM11:34CB jr z, 12 28 12
  337. Jumping to DF.
  338. ROM11:34DF and a A7
  339. ROM11:34E0 ret C9
  340. Returns, probably into oblivion. Or maybe goes back to normal code execution ?
  343. Beginning reading bank 12
  344. Reaches end of current ROM bank.
  347. Beginning reading bank 13
  348. ROM13:6BD4 ld de, $0785 11 85 07
  349. ROM13:6BD7 push de D5
  350. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  351. ROM13:6BD8 ld d, l 55
  352. ROM13:6BD9 add hl, de 19
  353. ROM13:6BDA ld b, e 43
  354. ROM13:6BDB ld a, a 7F
  355. ROM13:6BDC rst 30h F7
  356. Crashes / freezes the game.
  359. Beginning reading bank 14
  360. Reaches end of current ROM bank.
  363. Beginning reading bank 15
  364. Reaches end of current ROM bank.
  367. Beginning reading bank 16
  368. Reaches end of current ROM bank.
  371. Beginning reading bank 17
  372. Reaches end of current ROM bank.
  375. Beginning reading bank 18
  376. Reaches end of current ROM bank.
  379. Beginning reading bank 19
  380. ROM19:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  381. Crashes / freezes the game.
  384. Beginning reading bank 1A
  385. ROM1A:6BD4 jr nc, 30 30 30
  386. Jumping to 06.
  387. ROM1A:6C06 jr nc, 30 30 30
  388. Jumping to 38.
  389. ROM1A:6C38 jr nz, 20 20 20
  390. Jumping to 5A.
  391. ROM1A:6C5A ld a, (de) 1A
  392. ROM1A:6C5B dec de 1B
  393. ROM1A:6C5C ld b, e 43
  394. ROM1A:6C5D ld b, e 43
  395. ROM1A:6C5E ld c, e 4B
  396. ROM1A:6C5F ld c, h 4C
  397. ROM1A:6C60 jr nc, 30 30 30
  398. Jumping to 92.
  399. ROM1A:6C92 jr nc, 30 30 30
  400. Jumping to C4.
  401. ROM1A:6CC4 inc d 14
  402. ROM1A:6CC5 inc d 14
  403. ROM1A:6CC6 inc d 14
  404. ROM1A:6CC7 inc d 14
  405. ROM1A:6CC8 inc d 14
  406. ROM1A:6CC9 inc d 14
  407. ROM1A:6CCA inc d 14
  408. ROM1A:6CCB inc d 14
  409. ROM1A:6CCC inc d 14
  410. ROM1A:6CCD inc d 14
  411. ROM1A:6CCE inc d 14
  412. ROM1A:6CCF inc d 14
  413. ROM1A:6CD0 jr nc, 30 30 30
  414. Jumping to 02.
  415. ROM1A:6D02 inc d 14
  416. ROM1A:6D03 inc d 14
  417. ROM1A:6D04 inc d 14
  418. ROM1A:6D05 inc d 14
  419. ROM1A:6D06 inc d 14
  420. ROM1A:6D07 inc d 14
  421. ROM1A:6D08 ld c, l 4D
  422. ROM1A:6D09 inc d 14
  423. ROM1A:6D0A inc d 14
  424. ROM1A:6D0B ld c, (hl) 4E
  425. ROM1A:6D0C ld c, b 48
  426. ROM1A:6D0D inc d 14
  427. ROM1A:6D0E inc d 14
  428. ROM1A:6D0F ld c, d 4A
  429. ROM1A:6D10 inc d 14
  430. ROM1A:6D11 ld c, (hl) 4E
  431. ROM1A:6D12 jr nz, 20 20 20
  432. Jumping to 34.
  433. ROM1A:6D34 jr nc, 30 30 30
  434. Jumping to 66.
  435. ROM1A:6D66 jr nc, 30 30 30
  436. Jumping to 98.
  437. ROM1A:6D98 jr nc, 30 30 30
  438. Jumping to CA.
  439. ROM1A:6DCA ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  440. ROM1A:6DCC ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  441. ROM1A:6DCE ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  442. ROM1A:6DD0 ld e, $1E 1E 1E
  443. ROM1A:6DD2 rra 1F
  444. ROM1A:6DD3 jr nc, 2E 30 2E
  445. Jumping to 03.
  446. ROM1A:6E03 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  447. ROM1A:6E05 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  448. ROM1A:6E07 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  449. ROM1A:6E09 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  450. ROM1A:6E0B ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  451. ROM1A:6E0D ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  452. ROM1A:6E0F ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  453. ROM1A:6E11 ld l, $2F 2E 2F
  454. ROM1A:6E13 cpl 2F
  455. ROM1A:6E14 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  456. ROM1A:6E16 cpl 2F
  457. ROM1A:6E17 cpl 2F
  458. ROM1A:6E18 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  459. ROM1A:6E1A cpl 2F
  460. ROM1A:6E1B cpl 2F
  461. ROM1A:6E1C ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  462. ROM1A:6E1E cpl 2F
  463. ROM1A:6E1F cpl 2F
  464. ROM1A:6E20 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  465. ROM1A:6E22 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  466. ROM1A:6E24 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  467. ROM1A:6E26 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  468. ROM1A:6E28 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  469. ROM1A:6E2A rrca 0F
  470. ROM1A:6E2B ld a, $2E 3E 2E
  471. ROM1A:6E2D ld l, $2F 2E 2F
  472. ROM1A:6E2F rrca 0F
  473. ROM1A:6E30 dec l 2D
  474. ROM1A:6E31 dec l 2D
  475. ROM1A:6E32 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  476. ROM1A:6E34 dec l 2D
  477. ROM1A:6E35 dec l 2D
  478. ROM1A:6E36 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  479. ROM1A:6E38 dec l 2D
  480. ROM1A:6E39 dec a 3D
  481. ROM1A:6E3A ld a, $3E 3E 3E
  482. ROM1A:6E3C dec a 3D
  483. ROM1A:6E3D ld a, $3E 3E 3E
  484. ROM1A:6E3F ld a, $2E 3E 2E
  485. ROM1A:6E41 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  486. ROM1A:6E43 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  487. ROM1A:6E45 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  488. ROM1A:6E47 ld l, $3E 2E 3E
  489. ROM1A:6E49 ld a, $3E 3E 3E
  490. ROM1A:6E4B ld a, $3E 3E 3E
  491. ROM1A:6E4D ld a, $3E 3E 3E
  492. ROM1A:6E4F ld a, $2E 3E 2E
  493. ROM1A:6E51 ld l, $2F 2E 2F
  494. ROM1A:6E53 cpl 2F
  495. ROM1A:6E54 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  496. ROM1A:6E56 cpl 2F
  497. ROM1A:6E57 cpl 2F
  498. ROM1A:6E58 ld a, $3E 3E 3E
  499. ROM1A:6E5A ccf 3F
  500. ROM1A:6E5B cpl 2F
  501. ROM1A:6E5C ld a, $3E 3E 3E
  502. ROM1A:6E5E ld a, $3F 3E 3F
  503. ROM1A:6E60 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  504. ROM1A:6E62 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  505. ROM1A:6E64 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  506. ROM1A:6E66 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  507. ROM1A:6E68 ld b, b 40
  508. ROM1A:6E69 ld b, c 41
  509. ROM1A:6E6A ld a, $3E 3E 3E
  510. ROM1A:6E6C ld b, b 40
  511. ROM1A:6E6D ld b, c 41
  512. ROM1A:6E6E ld a, $3E 3E 3E
  513. ROM1A:6E70 ld (bc), a 02
  514. Memory write.
  515. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  516. ROM1A:6E71 inc bc 03
  517. ROM1A:6E72 ld (bc), a 02
  518. Memory write.
  519. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  520. ROM1A:6E73 inc bc 03
  521. ROM1A:6E74 ld (de), a 12
  522. Memory write.
  523. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  524. ROM1A:6E75 inc de 13
  525. ROM1A:6E76 ld (de), a 12
  526. Memory write.
  527. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  528. ROM1A:6E77 inc de 13
  529. ROM1A:6E78 ld (bc), a 02
  530. Memory write.
  531. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  532. ROM1A:6E79 inc bc 03
  533. ROM1A:6E7A jr nc, 30 30 30
  534. Jumping to AC.
  535. ROM1A:6EAC ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  536. ROM1A:6EAE ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  537. ROM1A:6EB0 ld (bc), a 02
  538. Memory write.
  539. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  540. ROM1A:6EB1 inc bc 03
  541. ROM1A:6EB2 jr nc, 30 30 30
  542. Jumping to E4.
  543. ROM1A:6EE4 inc d 14
  544. ROM1A:6EE5 inc d 14
  545. ROM1A:6EE6 inc d 14
  546. ROM1A:6EE7 inc d 14
  547. ROM1A:6EE8 inc d 14
  548. ROM1A:6EE9 inc d 14
  549. ROM1A:6EEA inc d 14
  550. ROM1A:6EEB inc d 14
  551. ROM1A:6EEC inc d 14
  552. ROM1A:6EED inc d 14
  553. ROM1A:6EEE inc d 14
  554. ROM1A:6EEF inc d 14
  555. ROM1A:6EF0 jr nc, 30 30 30
  556. Jumping to 22.
  557. ROM1A:6F22 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  558. ROM1A:6F24 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  559. ROM1A:6F26 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  560. ROM1A:6F28 ld a, $3E 3E 3E
  561. ROM1A:6F2A ld b, b 40
  562. ROM1A:6F2B ld b, c 41
  563. ROM1A:6F2C ld a, $3E 3E 3E
  564. ROM1A:6F2E ld b, b 40
  565. ROM1A:6F2F ld b, c 41
  566. ROM1A:6F30 jr nc, 30 30 30
  567. Jumping to 62.
  568. ROM1A:6F62 jr nc, 30 30 30
  569. Jumping to 94.
  570. ROM1A:6F94 ld c, b 48
  571. ROM1A:6F95 inc d 14
  572. ROM1A:6F96 inc d 14
  573. ROM1A:6F97 inc d 14
  574. ROM1A:6F98 ld c, b 48
  575. ROM1A:6F99 inc d 14
  576. ROM1A:6F9A inc d 14
  577. ROM1A:6F9B inc d 14
  578. ROM1A:6F9C ld c, b 48
  579. ROM1A:6F9D inc d 14
  580. ROM1A:6F9E inc d 14
  581. ROM1A:6F9F inc d 14
  582. ROM1A:6FA0 inc d 14
  583. ROM1A:6FA1 inc d 14
  584. ROM1A:6FA2 inc d 14
  585. ROM1A:6FA3 ld c, d 4A
  586. ROM1A:6FA4 inc d 14
  587. ROM1A:6FA5 inc d 14
  588. ROM1A:6FA6 inc d 14
  589. ROM1A:6FA7 ld c, d 4A
  590. ROM1A:6FA8 inc d 14
  591. ROM1A:6FA9 inc d 14
  592. ROM1A:6FAA inc d 14
  593. ROM1A:6FAB ld c, d 4A
  594. ROM1A:6FAC inc d 14
  595. ROM1A:6FAD inc d 14
  596. ROM1A:6FAE inc d 14
  597. ROM1A:6FAF ld c, d 4A
  598. ROM1A:6FB0 ld c, c 49
  599. ROM1A:6FB1 ld c, c 49
  600. ROM1A:6FB2 ld c, c 49
  601. ROM1A:6FB3 ld c, c 49
  602. ROM1A:6FB4 ld c, b 48
  603. ROM1A:6FB5 inc d 14
  604. ROM1A:6FB6 inc d 14
  605. ROM1A:6FB7 inc d 14
  606. ROM1A:6FB8 ld c, b 48
  607. ROM1A:6FB9 inc d 14
  608. ROM1A:6FBA inc d 14
  609. ROM1A:6FBB inc d 14
  610. ROM1A:6FBC ld c, b 48
  611. ROM1A:6FBD inc d 14
  612. ROM1A:6FBE inc d 14
  613. ROM1A:6FBF inc d 14
  614. ROM1A:6FC0 inc d 14
  615. ROM1A:6FC1 inc d 14
  616. ROM1A:6FC2 inc d 14
  617. ROM1A:6FC3 ld c, (hl) 4E
  618. ROM1A:6FC4 inc d 14
  619. ROM1A:6FC5 inc d 14
  620. ROM1A:6FC6 inc d 14
  621. ROM1A:6FC7 ld c, d 4A
  622. ROM1A:6FC8 inc d 14
  623. ROM1A:6FC9 inc d 14
  624. ROM1A:6FCA inc d 14
  625. ROM1A:6FCB ld c, d 4A
  626. ROM1A:6FCC inc d 14
  627. ROM1A:6FCD inc d 14
  628. ROM1A:6FCE inc d 14
  629. ROM1A:6FCF ld c, d 4A
  630. ROM1A:6FD0 inc d 14
  631. ROM1A:6FD1 inc d 14
  632. ROM1A:6FD2 inc d 14
  633. ROM1A:6FD3 ld c, c 49
  634. ROM1A:6FD4 inc d 14
  635. ROM1A:6FD5 inc d 14
  636. ROM1A:6FD6 inc d 14
  637. ROM1A:6FD7 inc d 14
  638. ROM1A:6FD8 inc d 14
  639. ROM1A:6FD9 inc d 14
  640. ROM1A:6FDA inc d 14
  641. ROM1A:6FDB inc d 14
  642. ROM1A:6FDC inc d 14
  643. ROM1A:6FDD inc d 14
  644. ROM1A:6FDE inc d 14
  645. ROM1A:6FDF inc d 14
  646. ROM1A:6FE0 ld c, b 48
  647. ROM1A:6FE1 inc d 14
  648. ROM1A:6FE2 inc d 14
  649. ROM1A:6FE3 ld c, (hl) 4E
  650. ROM1A:6FE4 ld c, b 48
  651. ROM1A:6FE5 inc d 14
  652. ROM1A:6FE6 inc d 14
  653. ROM1A:6FE7 ld c, d 4A
  654. ROM1A:6FE8 ld c, b 48
  655. ROM1A:6FE9 inc d 14
  656. ROM1A:6FEA inc d 14
  657. ROM1A:6FEB ld c, d 4A
  658. ROM1A:6FEC ld c, b 48
  659. ROM1A:6FED inc d 14
  660. ROM1A:6FEE inc d 14
  661. ROM1A:6FEF ld c, d 4A
  662. ROM1A:6FF0 ld c, c 49
  663. ROM1A:6FF1 inc d 14
  664. ROM1A:6FF2 inc d 14
  665. ROM1A:6FF3 ld c, d 4A
  666. ROM1A:6FF4 inc d 14
  667. ROM1A:6FF5 inc d 14
  668. ROM1A:6FF6 inc d 14
  669. ROM1A:6FF7 ld c, d 4A
  670. ROM1A:6FF8 inc d 14
  671. ROM1A:6FF9 inc d 14
  672. ROM1A:6FFA inc d 14
  673. ROM1A:6FFB ld c, d 4A
  674. ROM1A:6FFC inc d 14
  675. ROM1A:6FFD inc d 14
  676. ROM1A:6FFE inc d 14
  677. ROM1A:6FFF ld c, d 4A
  678. ROM1A:7000 ld hl, $2E22 21 22 2E
  679. ROM1A:7003 ld l, $31 2E 31
  680. ROM1A:7005 ldd (hl), a 32
  681. Memory write.
  682. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  683. ROM1A:7006 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  684. ROM1A:7008 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  685. ROM1A:700A rrca 0F
  686. ROM1A:700B ld a, $2E 3E 2E
  687. ROM1A:700D ld l, $2F 2E 2F
  688. ROM1A:700F rrca 0F
  689. ROM1A:7010 dec e 1D
  690. ROM1A:7011 ld e, $1E 1E 1E
  691. ROM1A:7013 rra 1F
  692. ROM1A:7014 dec l 2D
  693. ROM1A:7015 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  694. ROM1A:7017 cpl 2F
  695. ROM1A:7018 dec l 2D
  696. ROM1A:7019 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  697. ROM1A:701B cpl 2F
  698. ROM1A:701C dec a 3D
  699. ROM1A:701D ld a, $3E 3E 3E
  700. ROM1A:701F ccf 3F
  701. ROM1A:7020 ld b, h 44
  702. ROM1A:7021 ld b, l 45
  703. ROM1A:7022 ld b, h 44
  704. ROM1A:7023 ld b, l 45
  705. ROM1A:7024 ld b, (hl) 46
  706. ROM1A:7025 ld b, a 47
  707. ROM1A:7026 ld b, (hl) 46
  708. ROM1A:7027 ld b, a 47
  709. ROM1A:7028 ld b, h 44
  710. ROM1A:7029 ld b, l 45
  711. ROM1A:702A ld b, h 44
  712. ROM1A:702B ld b, l 45
  713. ROM1A:702C ld b, (hl) 46
  714. ROM1A:702D ld b, a 47
  715. ROM1A:702E ld b, (hl) 46
  716. ROM1A:702F ld b, a 47
  717. ROM1A:7030 ld e, b 58
  718. ROM1A:7031 ld e, c 59
  719. ROM1A:7032 jr nc, 30 30 30
  720. Jumping to 64.
  721. ROM1A:7064 jr nc, 30 30 30
  722. Jumping to 96.
  723. ROM1A:7096 ld c, b 48
  724. ROM1A:7097 inc d 14
  725. ROM1A:7098 jr nc, 30 30 30
  726. Jumping to CA.
  727. ROM1A:70CA inc d 14
  728. ROM1A:70CB inc d 14
  729. ROM1A:70CC inc d 14
  730. ROM1A:70CD inc d 14
  731. ROM1A:70CE inc d 14
  732. ROM1A:70CF inc d 14
  733. ROM1A:70D0 ld c, c 49
  734. ROM1A:70D1 ld c, c 49
  735. ROM1A:70D2 ld c, b 48
  736. ROM1A:70D3 inc d 14
  737. ROM1A:70D4 inc d 14
  738. ROM1A:70D5 inc d 14
  739. ROM1A:70D6 inc d 14
  740. ROM1A:70D7 inc d 14
  741. ROM1A:70D8 inc d 14
  742. ROM1A:70D9 inc d 14
  743. ROM1A:70DA inc d 14
  744. ROM1A:70DB inc d 14
  745. ROM1A:70DC inc d 14
  746. ROM1A:70DD inc d 14
  747. ROM1A:70DE inc d 14
  748. ROM1A:70DF inc d 14
  749. ROM1A:70E0 inc d 14
  750. ROM1A:70E1 ld c, c 49
  751. ROM1A:70E2 ld c, c 49
  752. ROM1A:70E3 ld c, b 48
  753. ROM1A:70E4 inc d 14
  754. ROM1A:70E5 inc d 14
  755. ROM1A:70E6 inc d 14
  756. ROM1A:70E7 inc d 14
  757. ROM1A:70E8 inc d 14
  758. ROM1A:70E9 inc d 14
  759. ROM1A:70EA inc d 14
  760. ROM1A:70EB inc d 14
  761. ROM1A:70EC inc d 14
  762. ROM1A:70ED inc d 14
  763. ROM1A:70EE inc d 14
  764. ROM1A:70EF inc d 14
  765. ROM1A:70F0 inc d 14
  766. ROM1A:70F1 inc d 14
  767. ROM1A:70F2 ld b, h 44
  768. ROM1A:70F3 ld b, l 45
  769. ROM1A:70F4 inc d 14
  770. ROM1A:70F5 inc d 14
  771. ROM1A:70F6 ld b, (hl) 46
  772. ROM1A:70F7 ld b, a 47
  773. ROM1A:70F8 inc d 14
  774. ROM1A:70F9 inc d 14
  775. ROM1A:70FA ld b, h 44
  776. ROM1A:70FB ld b, l 45
  777. ROM1A:70FC inc d 14
  778. ROM1A:70FD inc d 14
  779. ROM1A:70FE ld b, (hl) 46
  780. ROM1A:70FF ld b, a 47
  781. ROM1A:7100 ld c, c 49
  782. ROM1A:7101 ld c, c 49
  783. ROM1A:7102 ld b, h 44
  784. ROM1A:7103 ld b, l 45
  785. ROM1A:7104 inc d 14
  786. ROM1A:7105 inc d 14
  787. ROM1A:7106 ld b, (hl) 46
  788. ROM1A:7107 ld b, a 47
  789. ROM1A:7108 inc d 14
  790. ROM1A:7109 inc d 14
  791. ROM1A:710A ld b, h 44
  792. ROM1A:710B ld b, l 45
  793. ROM1A:710C inc d 14
  794. ROM1A:710D inc d 14
  795. ROM1A:710E ld b, (hl) 46
  796. ROM1A:710F ld b, a 47
  797. ROM1A:7110 ld c, b 48
  798. ROM1A:7111 inc d 14
  799. ROM1A:7112 inc d 14
  800. ROM1A:7113 inc d 14
  801. ROM1A:7114 ld c, b 48
  802. ROM1A:7115 inc d 14
  803. ROM1A:7116 inc d 14
  804. ROM1A:7117 inc d 14
  805. ROM1A:7118 ld b, h 44
  806. ROM1A:7119 ld b, l 45
  807. ROM1A:711A ld b, h 44
  808. ROM1A:711B ld b, l 45
  809. ROM1A:711C ld b, (hl) 46
  810. ROM1A:711D ld b, a 47
  811. ROM1A:711E ld b, (hl) 46
  812. ROM1A:711F ld b, a 47
  813. ROM1A:7120 ld c, b 48
  814. ROM1A:7121 inc d 14
  815. ROM1A:7122 inc d 14
  816. ROM1A:7123 ld c, d 4A
  817. ROM1A:7124 ld c, b 48
  818. ROM1A:7125 inc d 14
  819. ROM1A:7126 inc d 14
  820. ROM1A:7127 ld c, d 4A
  821. ROM1A:7128 ld c, b 48
  822. ROM1A:7129 inc d 14
  823. ROM1A:712A inc d 14
  824. ROM1A:712B ld c, d 4A
  825. ROM1A:712C ld c, b 48
  826. ROM1A:712D inc d 14
  827. ROM1A:712E inc d 14
  828. ROM1A:712F ld c, d 4A
  829. ROM1A:7130 dec e 1D
  830. ROM1A:7131 ld e, $1E 1E 1E
  831. ROM1A:7133 ld e, $2D 1E 2D
  832. ROM1A:7135 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  833. ROM1A:7137 ld l, $2D 2E 2D
  834. ROM1A:7139 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  835. ROM1A:713B ld l, $2D 2E 2D
  836. ROM1A:713D ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  837. ROM1A:713F ld l, $1E 2E 1E
  838. ROM1A:7141 rra 1F
  839. ROM1A:7142 inc d 14
  840. ROM1A:7143 inc d 14
  841. ROM1A:7144 ld l, $2F 2E 2F
  842. ROM1A:7146 inc d 14
  843. ROM1A:7147 inc d 14
  844. ROM1A:7148 ld l, $2F 2E 2F
  845. ROM1A:714A inc d 14
  846. ROM1A:714B inc d 14
  847. ROM1A:714C ld l, $2F 2E 2F
  848. ROM1A:714E inc d 14
  849. ROM1A:714F inc d 14
  850. ROM1A:7150 inc d 14
  851. ROM1A:7151 inc d 14
  852. ROM1A:7152 dec e 1D
  853. ROM1A:7153 ld e, $14 1E 14
  854. ROM1A:7155 inc d 14
  855. ROM1A:7156 dec l 2D
  856. ROM1A:7157 ld l, $14 2E 14
  857. ROM1A:7159 inc d 14
  858. ROM1A:715A dec l 2D
  859. ROM1A:715B ld l, $14 2E 14
  860. ROM1A:715D inc d 14
  861. ROM1A:715E dec l 2D
  862. ROM1A:715F ld l, $1E 2E 1E
  863. ROM1A:7161 ld e, $1E 1E 1E
  864. ROM1A:7163 rra 1F
  865. ROM1A:7164 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  866. ROM1A:7166 ld l, $2F 2E 2F
  867. ROM1A:7168 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  868. ROM1A:716A ld l, $2F 2E 2F
  869. ROM1A:716C ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  870. ROM1A:716E ld l, $2F 2E 2F
  871. ROM1A:7170 dec l 2D
  872. ROM1A:7171 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  873. ROM1A:7173 ld l, $2D 2E 2D
  874. ROM1A:7175 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  875. ROM1A:7177 ld l, $2D 2E 2D
  876. ROM1A:7179 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  877. ROM1A:717B ld l, $3D 2E 3D
  878. ROM1A:717D ld a, $3E 3E 3E
  879. ROM1A:717F ld a, $2E 3E 2E
  880. ROM1A:7181 cpl 2F
  881. ROM1A:7182 inc d 14
  882. ROM1A:7183 inc d 14
  883. ROM1A:7184 ld l, $2F 2E 2F
  884. ROM1A:7186 inc d 14
  885. ROM1A:7187 inc d 14
  886. ROM1A:7188 ld l, $2F 2E 2F
  887. ROM1A:718A inc d 14
  888. ROM1A:718B inc d 14
  889. ROM1A:718C ld a, $3F 3E 3F
  890. ROM1A:718E inc d 14
  891. ROM1A:718F inc d 14
  892. ROM1A:7190 inc d 14
  893. ROM1A:7191 inc d 14
  894. ROM1A:7192 dec l 2D
  895. ROM1A:7193 ld l, $14 2E 14
  896. ROM1A:7195 inc d 14
  897. ROM1A:7196 dec l 2D
  898. ROM1A:7197 ld l, $14 2E 14
  899. ROM1A:7199 inc d 14
  900. ROM1A:719A dec l 2D
  901. ROM1A:719B ld l, $14 2E 14
  902. ROM1A:719D inc d 14
  903. ROM1A:719E dec a 3D
  904. ROM1A:719F ld a, $2E 3E 2E
  905. ROM1A:71A1 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  906. ROM1A:71A3 cpl 2F
  907. ROM1A:71A4 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  908. ROM1A:71A6 ld l, $2F 2E 2F
  909. ROM1A:71A8 ld l, $2E 2E 2E
  910. ROM1A:71AA ld l, $2F 2E 2F
  911. ROM1A:71AC ld a, $3E 3E 3E
  912. ROM1A:71AE ld a, $3F 3E 3F
  913. ROM1A:71B0 jr nc, 30 30 30
  914. Jumping to E2.
  915. ROM1A:71E2 jr nc, 30 30 30
  916. Jumping to 14.
  917. ROM1A:7214 rst 38h FF
  918. Crashes / freezes the game.
  921. Beginning reading bank 1B
  922. ROM1B:6BD4 add hl, de 19
  923. ROM1B:6BD5 ld d, b 50
  924. ROM1B:6BD6 ld d, c 51
  925. ROM1B:6BD7 inc e 1C
  926. ROM1B:6BD8 add hl, de 19
  927. ROM1B:6BD9 inc l 2C
  928. ROM1B:6BDA ld a, (de) 1A
  929. ROM1B:6BDB inc e 1C
  930. ROM1B:6BDC add hl, de 19
  931. ROM1B:6BDD inc l 2C
  932. ROM1B:6BDE inc l 2C
  933. ROM1B:6BDF inc e 1C
  934. ROM1B:6BE0 ld a, (bc) 0A
  935. ROM1B:6BE1 ld a, (bc) 0A
  936. ROM1B:6BE2 ld a, (bc) 0A
  937. ROM1B:6BE3 ld a, (bc) 0A
  938. ROM1B:6BE4 inc l 2C
  939. ROM1B:6BE5 ld b, b 40
  940. ROM1B:6BE6 ld b, c 41
  941. ROM1B:6BE7 inc l 2C
  942. ROM1B:6BE8 inc l 2C
  943. ROM1B:6BE9 ld d, b 50
  944. ROM1B:6BEA ld d, c 51
  945. ROM1B:6BEB inc l 2C
  946. ROM1B:6BEC inc l 2C
  947. ROM1B:6BED inc l 2C
  948. ROM1B:6BEE ld a, (de) 1A
  949. ROM1B:6BEF inc l 2C
  950. ROM1B:6BF0 add hl, de 19
  951. ROM1B:6BF1 inc l 2C
  952. ROM1B:6BF2 inc l 2C
  953. ROM1B:6BF3 inc e 1C
  954. ROM1B:6BF4 dec bc 0B
  955. ROM1B:6BF5 dec sp 3B
  956. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  957. ROM1B:6BF6 inc a 3C
  958. ROM1B:6BF7 dec bc 0B
  959. ROM1B:6BF8 dec c 0D
  960. ROM1B:6BF9 dec e 1D
  961. ROM1B:6BFA dec c 0D
  962. ROM1B:6BFB dec e 1D
  963. ROM1B:6BFC dec e 1D
  964. ROM1B:6BFD dec c 0D
  965. ROM1B:6BFE dec e 1D
  966. ROM1B:6BFF dec c 0D
  967. ROM1B:6C00 ld a, (bc) 0A
  968. ROM1B:6C01 ld a, (bc) 0A
  969. ROM1B:6C02 ld a, (bc) 0A
  970. ROM1B:6C03 ld a, (bc) 0A
  971. ROM1B:6C04 inc l 2C
  972. ROM1B:6C05 dec (hl) 35
  973. Memory write.
  974. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  975. ROM1B:6C06 dec (hl) 35
  976. Memory write.
  977. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  978. ROM1B:6C07 inc l 2C
  979. ROM1B:6C08 inc l 2C
  980. ROM1B:6C09 dec (hl) 35
  981. Memory write.
  982. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  983. ROM1B:6C0A dec (hl) 35
  984. Memory write.
  985. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  986. ROM1B:6C0B inc l 2C
  987. ROM1B:6C0C inc l 2C
  988. ROM1B:6C0D inc l 2C
  989. ROM1B:6C0E inc l 2C
  990. ROM1B:6C0F inc l 2C
  991. ROM1B:6C10 dec c 0D
  992. ROM1B:6C11 dec e 1D
  993. ROM1B:6C12 dec c 0D
  994. ROM1B:6C13 dec e 1D
  995. ROM1B:6C14 dec e 1D
  996. ROM1B:6C15 dec c 0D
  997. ROM1B:6C16 dec e 1D
  998. ROM1B:6C17 dec c 0D
  999. ROM1B:6C18 daa 27
  1000. ROM1B:6C19 jr z, 0D 28 0D
  1001. Jumping to 28.
  1002. ROM1B:6C28 ld c, b 48
  1003. ROM1B:6C29 ld c, c 49
  1004. ROM1B:6C2A ld (hl), $2B 36 2B
  1005. Memory write.
  1006. ROM1B:6C2C ld e, b 58
  1007. ROM1B:6C2D ld e, c 59
  1008. ROM1B:6C2E ld (hl), $2B 36 2B
  1009. Memory write.
  1010. ROM1B:6C30 ld (bc), a 02
  1011. Memory write.
  1012. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1013. ROM1B:6C31 inc bc 03
  1014. ROM1B:6C32 stop 10
  1015. Crashes / freezes the game.
  1018. Beginning reading bank 1C
  1019. ROM1C:6BD4 ld c, h 4C
  1020. ROM1C:6BD5 rst 38h FF
  1021. Crashes / freezes the game.
  1024. Beginning reading bank 1D
  1025. Reaches end of current ROM bank.
  1028. Beginning reading bank 1E
  1029. ROM1E:6BD4 ld (bc), a 02
  1030. Memory write.
  1031. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1032. ROM1E:6BD5 daa 27
  1033. ROM1E:6BD6 ld d, $02 16 02
  1034. ROM1E:6BD8 daa 27
  1035. ROM1E:6BD9 inc e 1C
  1036. ROM1E:6BDA nop 00
  1037. ROM1E:6BDB jr z, 0E 28 0E
  1038. Jumping to EB.
  1039. ROM1E:6BEB inc e 1C
  1040. ROM1E:6BEC nop 00
  1041. ROM1E:6BED ld c, h 4C
  1042. ROM1E:6BEE ldi a, (hl) 2A
  1043. ROM1E:6BEF dec b 05
  1044. ROM1E:6BF0 nop 00
  1045. ROM1E:6BF1 dec hl 2B
  1046. ROM1E:6BF2 dec b 05
  1047. ROM1E:6BF3 ld (bc), a 02
  1048. Memory write.
  1049. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1050. ROM1E:6BF4 dec hl 2B
  1051. ROM1E:6BF5 inc c 0C
  1052. ROM1E:6BF6 ld (bc), a 02
  1053. Memory write.
  1054. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1055. ROM1E:6BF7 ldi a, (hl) 2A
  1056. ROM1E:6BF8 ld de, $2B04 11 04 2B
  1057. ROM1E:6BFB ld de, $2B02 11 02 2B
  1058. ROM1E:6BFE rla 17
  1059. ROM1E:6BFF ld (bc), a 02
  1060. Memory write.
  1061. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1062. ROM1E:6C00 ldi a, (hl) 2A
  1063. ROM1E:6C01 dec de 1B
  1064. ROM1E:6C02 inc b 04
  1065. ROM1E:6C03 dec hl 2B
  1066. ROM1E:6C04 dec de 1B
  1067. ROM1E:6C05 ld (bc), a 02
  1068. Memory write.
  1069. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1070. ROM1E:6C06 dec hl 2B
  1071. ROM1E:6C07 jr nz, 02 20 02
  1072. Jumping to 0B.
  1073. ROM1E:6C0B inc b 04
  1074. ROM1E:6C0C inc l 2C
  1075. ROM1E:6C0D nop 00
  1076. ROM1E:6C0E ld (bc), a 02
  1077. Memory write.
  1078. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1079. ROM1E:6C0F inc l 2C
  1080. ROM1E:6C10 nop 00
  1081. ROM1E:6C11 nop 00
  1082. ROM1E:6C12 adc a, b 88
  1083. ROM1E:6C13 dec l 2D
  1084. ROM1E:6C14 ld b, h 44
  1085. ROM1E:6C15 nop 00
  1086. ROM1E:6C16 ld l, $45 2E 45
  1087. ROM1E:6C18 nop 00
  1088. ROM1E:6C19 dec l 2D
  1089. ROM1E:6C1A ld b, (hl) 46
  1090. ROM1E:6C1B nop 00
  1091. ROM1E:6C1C ld l, $47 2E 47
  1092. ROM1E:6C1E nop 00
  1093. ROM1E:6C1F dec l 2D
  1094. ROM1E:6C20 ld c, b 48
  1095. ROM1E:6C21 nop 00
  1096. ROM1E:6C22 ld l, $49 2E 49
  1097. ROM1E:6C24 nop 00
  1098. ROM1E:6C25 dec l 2D
  1099. ROM1E:6C26 cpl 2F
  1100. ROM1E:6C27 nop 00
  1101. ROM1E:6C28 ld l, $1A 2E 1A
  1102. ROM1E:6C2A nop 00
  1103. ROM1E:6C2B ldi a, (hl) 2A
  1104. ROM1E:6C2C cpl 2F
  1105. ROM1E:6C2D ld b, (hl) 46
  1106. ROM1E:6C2E nop 00
  1107. ROM1E:6C2F cpl 2F
  1108. ROM1E:6C30 ld c, d 4A
  1109. ROM1E:6C31 nop 00
  1110. ROM1E:6C32 cpl 2F
  1111. ROM1E:6C33 ld c, e 4B
  1112. ROM1E:6C34 nop 00
  1113. ROM1E:6C35 cpl 2F
  1114. ROM1E:6C36 ld c, h 4C
  1115. ROM1E:6C37 nop 00
  1116. ROM1E:6C38 cpl 2F
  1117. ROM1E:6C39 ld c, l 4D
  1118. ROM1E:6C3A nop 00
  1119. ROM1E:6C3B cpl 2F
  1120. ROM1E:6C3C ld c, (hl) 4E
  1121. ROM1E:6C3D nop 00
  1122. ROM1E:6C3E cpl 2F
  1123. ROM1E:6C3F ld c, a 4F
  1124. ROM1E:6C40 nop 00
  1125. ROM1E:6C41 cpl 2F
  1126. ROM1E:6C42 ld d, b 50
  1127. ROM1E:6C43 nop 00
  1128. ROM1E:6C44 cpl 2F
  1129. ROM1E:6C45 ld l, $00 2E 00
  1130. ROM1E:6C47 cpl 2F
  1131. ROM1E:6C48 ld d, c 51
  1132. ROM1E:6C49 nop 00
  1133. ROM1E:6C4A add a, (hl) 86
  1134. ROM1E:6C4B jr nc, 31 30 31
  1135. Jumping to 7E.
  1136. ROM1E:6C7E ldd (hl), a 32
  1137. Memory write.
  1138. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1139. ROM1E:6C7F nop 00
  1140. ROM1E:6C80 inc bc 03
  1141. ROM1E:6C81 sub a, d 92
  1142. ROM1E:6C82 nop 00
  1143. ROM1E:6C83 inc bc 03
  1144. ROM1E:6C84 ld c, $00 0E 00
  1145. ROM1E:6C86 inc bc 03
  1146. ROM1E:6C87 stop 10
  1147. Crashes / freezes the game.
  1150. Beginning reading bank 21
  1151. Reaches end of current ROM bank.
  1154. Beginning reading bank 22
  1155. ROM22:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  1156. Crashes / freezes the game.
  1159. Beginning reading bank 23
  1160. ROM23:6BD4 ld de, $609F 11 9F 60
  1161. ROM23:6BD7 rra 1F
  1162. ROM23:6BD8 ld ($FF00+3F), a E0 3F
  1163. Memory write.
  1164. Destination : $FF3F.
  1165. Write to I/O registers. Almost certainly harmful.
  1166. ROM23:6BDA ret nz C0
  1167. Returns, probably into oblivion. Or maybe goes back to normal code execution ?
  1168. ROM23:6BDB inc sp 33
  1169. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  1171. Crashes / freezes the game.
  1174. Beginning reading bank 24
  1175. Reaches end of current ROM bank.
  1178. Beginning reading bank 25
  1179. ROM25:6BD4 nop 00
  1180. ROM25:6BD5 ld bc, $FCFF 01 FF FC
  1181. ROM25:6BD8 nop 00
  1182. ROM25:6BD9 nop 00
  1183. ROM25:6BDA nop 00
  1184. ROM25:6BDB ccf 3F
  1185. ROM25:6BDC rst 38h FF
  1186. Crashes / freezes the game.
  1189. Beginning reading bank 26
  1190. ROM26:6BD4 xor (hl) AE
  1191. ROM26:6BD5 or (hl) B6
  1192. ROM26:6BD6 ld a, a 7F
  1193. ROM26:6BD7 sub a, e 93
  1194. ROM26:6BD8 add a, h 84
  1195. ROM26:6BD9 add a, b 80
  1196. ROM26:6BDA adc a, h 8C
  1197. ROM26:6BDB ld a, a 7F
  1198. ROM26:6BDC sub a, c 91
  1199. ROM26:6BDD adc a, (hl) 8E
  1200. ROM26:6BDE add a, d 82
  1201. ROM26:6BDF adc a, d 8A
  1202. ROM26:6BE0 add a, h 84
  1203. ROM26:6BE1 sub a, e 93
  1204. ROM26:6BE2 ld c, a 4F
  1205. ROM26:6BE3 and b A0
  1206. ROM26:6BE4 ld a, a 7F
  1207. ROM26:6BE5 xor e AB
  1208. ROM26:6BE6 xor b A8
  1209. ROM26:6BE7 or e B3
  1210. ROM26:6BE8 or e B3
  1211. ROM26:6BE9 xor e AB
  1212. ROM26:6BEA and h A4
  1213. ROM26:6BEB ld a, a 7F
  1214. ROM26:6BEC or c B1
  1215. ROM26:6BED and h A4
  1216. ROM26:6BEE or d B2
  1217. ROM26:6BEF xor a AF
  1218. ROM26:6BF0 and h A4
  1219. ROM26:6BF1 and d A2
  1220. ROM26:6BF2 or e B3
  1221. ROM26:6BF3 rst 20h E7
  1222. Crashes / freezes the game.
  1225. Beginning reading bank 27
  1226. ROM27:6BD4 adc a, (hl) 8E
  1227. ROM27:6BD5 adc a, l 8D
  1228. ROM27:6BD6 ld d, l 55
  1229. ROM27:6BD7 and l A5
  1230. ROM27:6BD8 xor b A8
  1231. ROM27:6BD9 and (hl) A6
  1232. ROM27:6BDA and a A7
  1233. ROM27:6BDB or e B3
  1234. ROM27:6BDC ld a, a 7F
  1235. ROM27:6BDD and b A0
  1236. ROM27:6BDE or c B1
  1237. ROM27:6BDF and h A4
  1238. ROM27:6BE0 ld a, a 7F
  1239. ROM27:6BE1 and d A2
  1240. ROM27:6BE2 and b A0
  1241. ROM27:6BE3 xor e AB
  1242. ROM27:6BE4 xor e AB
  1243. ROM27:6BE5 and h A4
  1244. ROM27:6BE6 and e A3
  1245. ROM27:6BE7 ld d, l 55
  1246. ROM27:6BE8 ld d, h 54
  1247. ROM27:6BE9 adc a, h 8C
  1248. ROM27:6BEA adc a, (hl) 8E
  1249. ROM27:6BEB adc a, l 8D
  1250. ROM27:6BEC ld a, a 7F
  1251. ROM27:6BED or e B3
  1252. ROM27:6BEE or c B1
  1253. ROM27:6BEF and b A0
  1254. ROM27:6BF0 xor b A8
  1255. ROM27:6BF1 xor l AD
  1256. ROM27:6BF2 and h A4
  1257. ROM27:6BF3 or c B1
  1258. ROM27:6BF4 or d B2
  1259. ROM27:6BF5 add sp, $58 E8 58
  1260. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  1261. ROM27:6BF7 nop 00
  1262. ROM27:6BF8 sub a, d 92
  1263. ROM27:6BF9 and h A4
  1264. ROM27:6BFA and d A2
  1265. ROM27:6BFB xor (hl) AE
  1266. ROM27:6BFC xor l AD
  1267. ROM27:6BFD and e A3
  1268. ROM27:6BFE ld a, a 7F
  1269. ROM27:6BFF xor a AF
  1270. ROM27:6C00 and b A0
  1271. ROM27:6C01 and (hl) A6
  1272. ROM27:6C02 and h A4
  1273. ROM27:6C03 add sp, $E8 E8 E8
  1274. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  1275. ROM27:6C05 add sp, $51 E8 51
  1276. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  1277. ROM27:6C07 add a, b 80
  1278. ROM27:6C08 ld a, a 7F
  1279. ROM27:6C09 and a A7
  1280. ROM27:6C0A and h A4
  1281. ROM27:6C0B and b A0
  1282. ROM27:6C0C xor e AB
  1283. ROM27:6C0D or e B3
  1284. ROM27:6C0E and a A7
  1285. ROM27:6C0F cp b B8
  1286. ROM27:6C10 ld a, a 7F
  1287. ROM27:6C11 ld d, h 54
  1288. ROM27:6C12 adc a, h 8C
  1289. ROM27:6C13 adc a, (hl) 8E
  1290. ROM27:6C14 adc a, l 8D
  1291. ROM27:6C15 ld c, a 4F
  1292. ROM27:6C16 xor h AC
  1293. ROM27:6C17 and b A0
  1294. ROM27:6C18 cp b B8
  1295. ROM27:6C19 ld a, a 7F
  1296. ROM27:6C1A and c A1
  1297. ROM27:6C1B and h A4
  1298. ROM27:6C1C ld a, a 7F
  1299. ROM27:6C1D and a A7
  1300. ROM27:6C1E and b A0
  1301. ROM27:6C1F or c B1
  1302. ROM27:6C20 and e A3
  1303. ROM27:6C21 ld a, a 7F
  1304. ROM27:6C22 or e B3
  1305. ROM27:6C23 xor (hl) AE
  1306. ROM27:6C24 ld d, l 55
  1307. ROM27:6C25 and d A2
  1308. ROM27:6C26 and b A0
  1309. ROM27:6C27 or e B3
  1310. ROM27:6C28 and d A2
  1311. ROM27:6C29 and a A7
  1312. ROM27:6C2A INVALID F4
  1313. Crashes / freezes the game.
  1316. Beginning reading bank 28
  1317. ROM28:6BD4 rst 20h E7
  1318. Crashes / freezes the game.
  1321. Beginning reading bank 29
  1322. ROM29:6BD4 and h A4
  1323. ROM29:6BD5 ld c, a 4F
  1324. ROM29:6BD6 or h B4
  1325. ROM29:6BD7 xor a AF
  1326. ROM29:6BD8 rst 20h E7
  1327. Crashes / freezes the game.
  1330. Beginning reading bank 2A
  1331. ROM2A:6BD4 adc a, b 88
  1332. ROM2A:6BD5 add a, e 83
  1333. ROM2A:6BD6 adc a, (hl) 8E
  1334. ROM2A:6BD7 sub a, c 91
  1335. ROM2A:6BD8 add a, b 80
  1336. ROM2A:6BD9 adc a, l 8D
  1337. ROM2A:6BDA ld a, a 7F
  1338. ROM2A:6BDB or d B2
  1339. ROM2A:6BDC xor b A8
  1340. ROM2A:6BDD or e B3
  1341. ROM2A:6BDE rst 20h E7
  1342. Crashes / freezes the game.
  1345. Beginning reading bank 2B
  1346. ROM2B:6BD4 add a, b 80
  1347. ROM2B:6BD5 add a, c 81
  1348. ROM2B:6BD6 sub a, c 91
  1349. ROM2B:6BD7 adc a, b 88
  1350. ROM2B:6BD8 adc a, l 8D
  1351. ROM2B:6BD9 add a, b 80
  1353. Crashes / freezes the game.
  1356. Beginning reading bank 2C
  1357. ROM2C:6BD4 or e B3
  1358. ROM2C:6BD5 and a A7
  1359. ROM2C:6BD6 and h A4
  1360. ROM2C:6BD7 ld c, a 4F
  1361. ROM2C:6BD8 adc a, h 8C
  1362. ROM2C:6BD9 add a, b 80
  1363. ROM2C:6BDA sub a, c 91
  1364. ROM2C:6BDB sub a, d 92
  1365. ROM2C:6BDC add a, a 87
  1366. ROM2C:6BDD add a, c 81
  1367. ROM2C:6BDE add a, b 80
  1368. ROM2C:6BDF add a, e 83
  1369. ROM2C:6BE0 add a, (hl) 86
  1370. ROM2C:6BE1 add a, h 84
  1371. ROM2C:6BE2 rst 20h E7
  1372. Crashes / freezes the game.
  1375. Beginning reading bank 2D
  1376. ROM2D:6BD4 xor e AB
  1377. ROM2D:6BD5 and h A4
  1378. ROM2D:6BD6 and h A4
  1379. ROM2D:6BD7 xor a AF
  1380. ROM2D:6BD8 xor b A8
  1381. ROM2D:6BD9 xor l AD
  1382. ROM2D:6BDA and (hl) A6
  1383. ROM2D:6BDB ld c, a 4F
  1384. ROM2D:6BDC ld d, h 54
  1385. ROM2D:6BDD adc a, h 8C
  1386. ROM2D:6BDE adc a, (hl) 8E
  1387. ROM2D:6BDF adc a, l 8D
  1388. ROM2D:6BE0 ld a, a 7F
  1389. ROM2D:6BE1 or (hl) B6
  1390. ROM2D:6BE2 xor (hl) AE
  1391. ROM2D:6BE3 xor d AA
  1392. ROM2D:6BE4 and h A4
  1393. ROM2D:6BE5 ld a, a 7F
  1394. ROM2D:6BE6 or h B4
  1395. ROM2D:6BE7 xor a AF
  1396. ROM2D:6BE8 add sp, $58 E8 58
  1397. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  1398. ROM2D:6BEA nop 00
  1399. ROM2D:6BEB ld d, d 52
  1400. ROM2D:6BEC ld a, a 7F
  1401. ROM2D:6BED xor a AF
  1402. ROM2D:6BEE xor e AB
  1403. ROM2D:6BEF and b A0
  1404. ROM2D:6BF0 cp b B8
  1405. ROM2D:6BF1 and h A4
  1406. ROM2D:6BF2 and e A3
  1407. ROM2D:6BF3 ld a, a 7F
  1408. ROM2D:6BF4 or e B3
  1409. ROM2D:6BF5 and a A7
  1410. ROM2D:6BF6 and h A4
  1411. ROM2D:6BF7 ld c, a 4F
  1412. ROM2D:6BF8 ld d, h 54
  1413. ROM2D:6BF9 ld a, a 7F
  1414. ROM2D:6BFA add a, l 85
  1415. ROM2D:6BFB adc a, e 8B
  1416. ROM2D:6BFC sub a, h 94
  1417. ROM2D:6BFD sub a, e 93
  1418. ROM2D:6BFE add a, h 84
  1419. ROM2D:6BFF add sp, $50 E8 50
  1420. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  1421. ROM2D:6C01 ld d, b 50
  1422. ROM2D:6C02 nop 00
  1423. ROM2D:6C03 add a, d 82
  1424. ROM2D:6C04 xor (hl) AE
  1425. ROM2D:6C05 xor b A8
  1426. ROM2D:6C06 xor l AD
  1427. ROM2D:6C07 or d B2
  1428. ROM2D:6C08 ld c, a 4F
  1429. ROM2D:6C09 ld d, b 50
  1430. ROM2D:6C0A ld (bc), a 02
  1431. Memory write.
  1432. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1433. ROM2D:6C0B and e A3
  1434. ROM2D:6C0C push de D5
  1435. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  1436. ROM2D:6C0D jp nz, $7F00 C2 00 7F
  1437. Jumping to 7F00.
  1438. Reaches end of current ROM bank.
  1441. Beginning reading bank 2E
  1442. ROM2E:6BD4 and l A5
  1443. ROM2E:6BD5 ld a, a 7F
  1444. ROM2E:6BD6 xor b A8
  1445. ROM2E:6BD7 or e B3
  1446. ROM2E:6BD8 ld a, a 7F
  1447. ROM2E:6BD9 or d B2
  1448. ROM2E:6BDA and h A4
  1449. ROM2E:6BDB xor l AD
  1450. ROM2E:6BDC or d B2
  1451. ROM2E:6BDD and h A4
  1452. ROM2E:6BDE or d B2
  1453. ROM2E:6BDF ld a, a 7F
  1454. ROM2E:6BE0 and b A0
  1455. ROM2E:6BE1 xor l AD
  1456. ROM2E:6BE2 cp b B8
  1457. ROM2E:6BE3 ld c, (hl) 4E
  1458. ROM2E:6BE4 and e A3
  1459. ROM2E:6BE5 and b A0
  1460. ROM2E:6BE6 xor l AD
  1461. ROM2E:6BE7 and (hl) A6
  1462. ROM2E:6BE8 and h A4
  1463. ROM2E:6BE9 or c B1
  1465. Crashes / freezes the game.
  1468. Beginning reading bank 2F
  1469. ROM2F:6FC0 inc hl 23
  1470. ROM2F:6FC1 ld c, l 4D
  1471. ROM2F:6FC2 ld (bc), a 02
  1472. Memory write.
  1473. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1474. ROM2F:6FCF nop 00
  1475. ROM2F:6FD0 nop 00
  1476. ROM2F:6FD1 ld bc, $0101 01 01 01
  1477. ROM2F:6FD4 ld bc, $0101 01 01 01
  1478. ROM2F:6FD7 ld bc, $0101 01 01 01
  1479. ROM2F:6FDA ld bc, $0303 01 03 03
  1480. ROM2F:6FDD inc bc 03
  1481. ROM2F:6FDE inc bc 03
  1482. ROM2F:6FDF inc bc 03
  1483. ROM2F:6FE0 inc bc 03
  1484. ROM2F:6FE1 inc bc 03
  1485. ROM2F:6FE2 inc bc 03
  1486. ROM2F:6FE3 inc bc 03
  1487. ROM2F:6FF0 nop 00
  1488. ROM2F:6FF1 ld bc, $0101 01 01 01
  1489. ROM2F:6FF4 ld bc, $0101 01 01 01
  1490. ROM2F:6FF7 ld bc, $0101 01 01 01
  1491. ROM2F:6FFA ld bc, $0303 01 03 03
  1492. ROM2F:6FFD inc bc 03
  1493. ROM2F:6FFE inc bc 03
  1494. ROM2F:6FFF inc bc 03
  1495. ROM2F:7000 inc bc 03
  1496. ROM2F:7001 inc bc 03
  1497. ROM2F:7002 inc bc 03
  1498. ROM2F:7003 inc bc 03
  1499. ROM2F:7010 nop 00
  1500. ROM2F:7011 ld bc, $0101 01 01 01
  1501. ROM2F:7014 ld bc, $0101 01 01 01
  1502. ROM2F:7017 ld bc, $0101 01 01 01
  1503. ROM2F:701A ld bc, $0303 01 03 03
  1504. ROM2F:701D inc bc 03
  1505. ROM2F:701E inc bc 03
  1506. ROM2F:701F inc bc 03
  1507. ROM2F:7020 inc bc 03
  1508. ROM2F:7021 inc bc 03
  1509. ROM2F:7022 inc bc 03
  1510. ROM2F:7023 inc bc 03
  1511. ROM2F:7030 nop 00
  1512. ROM2F:7031 ld bc, $0101 01 01 01
  1513. ROM2F:7034 ld bc, $0101 01 01 01
  1514. ROM2F:7037 ld bc, $0101 01 01 01
  1515. ROM2F:703A ld bc, $0303 01 03 03
  1516. ROM2F:703D inc bc 03
  1517. ROM2F:703E inc bc 03
  1518. ROM2F:703F inc bc 03
  1519. ROM2F:7040 inc bc 03
  1520. ROM2F:7041 inc bc 03
  1521. ROM2F:7042 inc bc 03
  1522. ROM2F:7043 inc bc 03
  1523. ROM2F:7050 ld (bc), a 02
  1524. Memory write.
  1525. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1526. ROM2F:7051 ld (bc), a 02
  1527. Memory write.
  1528. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1529. ROM2F:7052 ld (bc), a 02
  1530. Memory write.
  1531. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1532. ROM2F:7053 ld (bc), a 02
  1533. Memory write.
  1534. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1535. ROM2F:7054 ld (bc), a 02
  1536. Memory write.
  1537. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1538. ROM2F:7055 ld (bc), a 02
  1539. Memory write.
  1540. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1541. ROM2F:7056 ld (bc), a 02
  1542. Memory write.
  1543. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1544. ROM2F:7057 ld (bc), a 02
  1545. Memory write.
  1546. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1547. ROM2F:7058 ld (bc), a 02
  1548. Memory write.
  1549. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1550. ROM2F:7059 nop 00
  1551. ROM2F:705A nop 00
  1552. ROM2F:705B inc bc 03
  1553. ROM2F:705C inc bc 03
  1554. ROM2F:705D inc bc 03
  1555. ROM2F:705E inc bc 03
  1556. ROM2F:705F inc bc 03
  1557. ROM2F:7060 inc bc 03
  1558. ROM2F:7061 inc bc 03
  1559. ROM2F:7062 inc bc 03
  1560. ROM2F:7063 inc bc 03
  1561. ROM2F:7070 ld (bc), a 02
  1562. Memory write.
  1563. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1564. ROM2F:7071 ld (bc), a 02
  1565. Memory write.
  1566. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1567. ROM2F:7072 ld (bc), a 02
  1568. Memory write.
  1569. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1570. ROM2F:7073 ld (bc), a 02
  1571. Memory write.
  1572. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1573. ROM2F:7074 ld (bc), a 02
  1574. Memory write.
  1575. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1576. ROM2F:7075 ld (bc), a 02
  1577. Memory write.
  1578. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1579. ROM2F:7076 ld (bc), a 02
  1580. Memory write.
  1581. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1582. ROM2F:7077 ld (bc), a 02
  1583. Memory write.
  1584. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1585. ROM2F:7078 ld (bc), a 02
  1586. Memory write.
  1587. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1588. ROM2F:7079 nop 00
  1589. ROM2F:707A nop 00
  1590. ROM2F:707B inc bc 03
  1591. ROM2F:707C inc bc 03
  1592. ROM2F:707D inc bc 03
  1593. ROM2F:707E inc bc 03
  1594. ROM2F:707F inc bc 03
  1595. ROM2F:7080 inc bc 03
  1596. ROM2F:7081 inc bc 03
  1597. ROM2F:7082 inc bc 03
  1598. ROM2F:7083 inc bc 03
  1599. ROM2F:7090 ld (bc), a 02
  1600. Memory write.
  1601. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1602. ROM2F:7091 ld (bc), a 02
  1603. Memory write.
  1604. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1605. ROM2F:7092 ld (bc), a 02
  1606. Memory write.
  1607. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1608. ROM2F:7093 ld (bc), a 02
  1609. Memory write.
  1610. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1611. ROM2F:7094 ld (bc), a 02
  1612. Memory write.
  1613. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1614. ROM2F:7095 ld (bc), a 02
  1615. Memory write.
  1616. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1617. ROM2F:7096 ld (bc), a 02
  1618. Memory write.
  1619. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1620. ROM2F:7097 ld (bc), a 02
  1621. Memory write.
  1622. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1623. ROM2F:7098 ld (bc), a 02
  1624. Memory write.
  1625. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1626. ROM2F:7099 nop 00
  1627. ROM2F:709A nop 00
  1628. ROM2F:709B inc bc 03
  1629. ROM2F:709C inc bc 03
  1630. ROM2F:709D inc bc 03
  1631. ROM2F:709E inc bc 03
  1632. ROM2F:709F inc bc 03
  1633. ROM2F:70A0 inc bc 03
  1634. ROM2F:70A1 inc bc 03
  1635. ROM2F:70A2 inc bc 03
  1636. ROM2F:70A3 inc bc 03
  1637. ROM2F:70B0 ld (bc), a 02
  1638. Memory write.
  1639. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1640. ROM2F:70B1 ld (bc), a 02
  1641. Memory write.
  1642. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1643. ROM2F:70B2 ld (bc), a 02
  1644. Memory write.
  1645. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1646. ROM2F:70B3 ld (bc), a 02
  1647. Memory write.
  1648. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1649. ROM2F:70B4 ld (bc), a 02
  1650. Memory write.
  1651. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1652. ROM2F:70B5 ld (bc), a 02
  1653. Memory write.
  1654. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1655. ROM2F:70B6 ld (bc), a 02
  1656. Memory write.
  1657. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1658. ROM2F:70B7 ld (bc), a 02
  1659. Memory write.
  1660. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1661. ROM2F:70B8 ld (bc), a 02
  1662. Memory write.
  1663. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1664. ROM2F:70CD nop 00
  1665. ROM2F:70CE nop 00
  1666. ROM2F:70CF nop 00
  1667. ROM2F:70D0 ld (bc), a 02
  1668. Memory write.
  1669. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1670. ROM2F:70D1 ld (bc), a 02
  1671. Memory write.
  1672. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1673. ROM2F:70D2 ld (bc), a 02
  1674. Memory write.
  1675. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1676. ROM2F:70D3 ld (bc), a 02
  1677. Memory write.
  1678. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1679. ROM2F:70D4 ld (bc), a 02
  1680. Memory write.
  1681. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1682. ROM2F:70D5 ld (bc), a 02
  1683. Memory write.
  1684. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1685. ROM2F:70D6 ld (bc), a 02
  1686. Memory write.
  1687. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1688. ROM2F:70D7 ld (bc), a 02
  1689. Memory write.
  1690. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1691. ROM2F:70D8 ld (bc), a 02
  1692. Memory write.
  1693. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1694. ROM2F:70ED nop 00
  1695. ROM2F:70EE nop 00
  1696. ROM2F:70EF nop 00
  1697. ROM2F:70F0 ld (bc), a 02
  1698. Memory write.
  1699. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1700. ROM2F:70F1 ld (bc), a 02
  1701. Memory write.
  1702. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1703. ROM2F:70F2 ld (bc), a 02
  1704. Memory write.
  1705. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1706. ROM2F:70F3 ld (bc), a 02
  1707. Memory write.
  1708. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1709. ROM2F:70F4 ld (bc), a 02
  1710. Memory write.
  1711. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1712. ROM2F:70F5 ld (bc), a 02
  1713. Memory write.
  1714. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1715. ROM2F:70F6 ld (bc), a 02
  1716. Memory write.
  1717. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1718. ROM2F:70F7 ld (bc), a 02
  1719. Memory write.
  1720. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1721. ROM2F:70F8 ld (bc), a 02
  1722. Memory write.
  1723. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1724. ROM2F:710D nop 00
  1725. ROM2F:710E nop 00
  1726. ROM2F:710F nop 00
  1727. ROM2F:7110 ld (bc), a 02
  1728. Memory write.
  1729. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1730. ROM2F:7111 ld (bc), a 02
  1731. Memory write.
  1732. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1733. ROM2F:7112 ld (bc), a 02
  1734. Memory write.
  1735. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1736. ROM2F:7113 ld (bc), a 02
  1737. Memory write.
  1738. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1739. ROM2F:7114 ld (bc), a 02
  1740. Memory write.
  1741. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1742. ROM2F:7115 ld (bc), a 02
  1743. Memory write.
  1744. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1745. ROM2F:7116 ld (bc), a 02
  1746. Memory write.
  1747. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1748. ROM2F:7117 ld (bc), a 02
  1749. Memory write.
  1750. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1751. ROM2F:7118 ld (bc), a 02
  1752. Memory write.
  1753. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1754. ROM2F:712D nop 00
  1755. ROM2F:712E nop 00
  1756. ROM2F:712F nop 00
  1757. ROM2F:7130 ld (bc), a 02
  1758. Memory write.
  1759. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1760. ROM2F:7131 ld (bc), a 02
  1761. Memory write.
  1762. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1763. ROM2F:7132 ld (bc), a 02
  1764. Memory write.
  1765. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1766. ROM2F:7133 ld (bc), a 02
  1767. Memory write.
  1768. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1769. ROM2F:7134 ld (bc), a 02
  1770. Memory write.
  1771. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1772. ROM2F:7135 ld (bc), a 02
  1773. Memory write.
  1774. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1775. ROM2F:7136 ld (bc), a 02
  1776. Memory write.
  1777. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1778. ROM2F:7137 ld (bc), a 02
  1779. Memory write.
  1780. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1781. ROM2F:7138 ld (bc), a 02
  1782. Memory write.
  1783. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1784. ROM2F:714D nop 00
  1785. ROM2F:714E nop 00
  1786. ROM2F:714F nop 00
  1787. ROM2F:7150 ld (bc), a 02
  1788. Memory write.
  1789. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1790. ROM2F:7151 ld (bc), a 02
  1791. Memory write.
  1792. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1793. ROM2F:7152 ld (bc), a 02
  1794. Memory write.
  1795. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1796. ROM2F:7153 ld (bc), a 02
  1797. Memory write.
  1798. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1799. ROM2F:7154 ld (bc), a 02
  1800. Memory write.
  1801. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1802. ROM2F:7155 ld (bc), a 02
  1803. Memory write.
  1804. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1805. ROM2F:7156 ld (bc), a 02
  1806. Memory write.
  1807. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1808. ROM2F:7157 ld (bc), a 02
  1809. Memory write.
  1810. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1811. ROM2F:7158 ld (bc), a 02
  1812. Memory write.
  1813. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1814. ROM2F:7159 ld (bc), a 02
  1815. Memory write.
  1816. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1817. ROM2F:715A ld (bc), a 02
  1818. Memory write.
  1819. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1820. ROM2F:715B ld (bc), a 02
  1821. Memory write.
  1822. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1823. ROM2F:715C ld (bc), a 02
  1824. Memory write.
  1825. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1826. ROM2F:715D ld (bc), a 02
  1827. Memory write.
  1828. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1829. ROM2F:715E ld (bc), a 02
  1830. Memory write.
  1831. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1832. ROM2F:715F ld (bc), a 02
  1833. Memory write.
  1834. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1835. ROM2F:7160 ld (bc), a 02
  1836. Memory write.
  1837. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1838. ROM2F:7161 ld (bc), a 02
  1839. Memory write.
  1840. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1841. ROM2F:7162 ld (bc), a 02
  1842. Memory write.
  1843. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1844. ROM2F:7163 ld (bc), a 02
  1845. Memory write.
  1846. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1847. ROM2F:7170 ld (bc), a 02
  1848. Memory write.
  1849. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1850. ROM2F:7171 ld (bc), a 02
  1851. Memory write.
  1852. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1853. ROM2F:7172 ld (bc), a 02
  1854. Memory write.
  1855. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1856. ROM2F:7173 ld (bc), a 02
  1857. Memory write.
  1858. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1859. ROM2F:7174 ld (bc), a 02
  1860. Memory write.
  1861. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1862. ROM2F:7175 ld (bc), a 02
  1863. Memory write.
  1864. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1865. ROM2F:7176 ld (bc), a 02
  1866. Memory write.
  1867. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1868. ROM2F:7177 ld (bc), a 02
  1869. Memory write.
  1870. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1871. ROM2F:7178 ld (bc), a 02
  1872. Memory write.
  1873. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1874. ROM2F:7179 ld (bc), a 02
  1875. Memory write.
  1876. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1877. ROM2F:717A ld (bc), a 02
  1878. Memory write.
  1879. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1880. ROM2F:717B ld (bc), a 02
  1881. Memory write.
  1882. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1883. ROM2F:717C ld (bc), a 02
  1884. Memory write.
  1885. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1886. ROM2F:717D ld (bc), a 02
  1887. Memory write.
  1888. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1889. ROM2F:717E ld (bc), a 02
  1890. Memory write.
  1891. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1892. ROM2F:717F ld (bc), a 02
  1893. Memory write.
  1894. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1895. ROM2F:7180 ld (bc), a 02
  1896. Memory write.
  1897. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1898. ROM2F:7181 ld (bc), a 02
  1899. Memory write.
  1900. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1901. ROM2F:7182 ld (bc), a 02
  1902. Memory write.
  1903. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1904. ROM2F:7183 ld (bc), a 02
  1905. Memory write.
  1906. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1907. ROM2F:7190 ld (bc), a 02
  1908. Memory write.
  1909. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1910. ROM2F:7191 ld (bc), a 02
  1911. Memory write.
  1912. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1913. ROM2F:7192 ld (bc), a 02
  1914. Memory write.
  1915. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1916. ROM2F:7193 ld (bc), a 02
  1917. Memory write.
  1918. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1919. ROM2F:7194 ld (bc), a 02
  1920. Memory write.
  1921. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1922. ROM2F:7195 ld (bc), a 02
  1923. Memory write.
  1924. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1925. ROM2F:7196 ld (bc), a 02
  1926. Memory write.
  1927. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1928. ROM2F:7197 ld (bc), a 02
  1929. Memory write.
  1930. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1931. ROM2F:7198 ld (bc), a 02
  1932. Memory write.
  1933. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1934. ROM2F:7199 ld (bc), a 02
  1935. Memory write.
  1936. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1937. ROM2F:719A ld (bc), a 02
  1938. Memory write.
  1939. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1940. ROM2F:719B ld (bc), a 02
  1941. Memory write.
  1942. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1943. ROM2F:719C ld (bc), a 02
  1944. Memory write.
  1945. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1946. ROM2F:719D ld (bc), a 02
  1947. Memory write.
  1948. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1949. ROM2F:719E ld (bc), a 02
  1950. Memory write.
  1951. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1952. ROM2F:719F ld (bc), a 02
  1953. Memory write.
  1954. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1955. ROM2F:71A0 ld (bc), a 02
  1956. Memory write.
  1957. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1958. ROM2F:71A1 ld (bc), a 02
  1959. Memory write.
  1960. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1961. ROM2F:71A2 ld (bc), a 02
  1962. Memory write.
  1963. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1964. ROM2F:71A3 ld (bc), a 02
  1965. Memory write.
  1966. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1967. ROM2F:71B0 ld (bc), a 02
  1968. Memory write.
  1969. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1970. ROM2F:71B1 ld (bc), a 02
  1971. Memory write.
  1972. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1973. ROM2F:71B2 ld (bc), a 02
  1974. Memory write.
  1975. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1976. ROM2F:71B3 ld (bc), a 02
  1977. Memory write.
  1978. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1979. ROM2F:71B4 ld (bc), a 02
  1980. Memory write.
  1981. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1982. ROM2F:71B5 ld (bc), a 02
  1983. Memory write.
  1984. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1985. ROM2F:71B6 ld (bc), a 02
  1986. Memory write.
  1987. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1988. ROM2F:71B7 ld (bc), a 02
  1989. Memory write.
  1990. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1991. ROM2F:71B8 ld (bc), a 02
  1992. Memory write.
  1993. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1994. ROM2F:71B9 ld (bc), a 02
  1995. Memory write.
  1996. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  1997. ROM2F:71BA ld (bc), a 02
  1998. Memory write.
  1999. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2000. ROM2F:71BB ld (bc), a 02
  2001. Memory write.
  2002. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2003. ROM2F:71BC ld (bc), a 02
  2004. Memory write.
  2005. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2006. ROM2F:71BD ld (bc), a 02
  2007. Memory write.
  2008. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2009. ROM2F:71BE ld (bc), a 02
  2010. Memory write.
  2011. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2012. ROM2F:71BF ld (bc), a 02
  2013. Memory write.
  2014. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2015. ROM2F:71C0 ld (bc), a 02
  2016. Memory write.
  2017. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2018. ROM2F:71C1 ld (bc), a 02
  2019. Memory write.
  2020. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2021. ROM2F:71C2 ld (bc), a 02
  2022. Memory write.
  2023. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2024. ROM2F:71C3 ld (bc), a 02
  2025. Memory write.
  2026. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2027. ROM2F:71D0 ld (bc), a 02
  2028. Memory write.
  2029. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2030. ROM2F:71D1 ld (bc), a 02
  2031. Memory write.
  2032. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2033. ROM2F:71D2 ld (bc), a 02
  2034. Memory write.
  2035. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2036. ROM2F:71D3 ld (bc), a 02
  2037. Memory write.
  2038. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2039. ROM2F:71D4 ld (bc), a 02
  2040. Memory write.
  2041. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2042. ROM2F:71D5 ld (bc), a 02
  2043. Memory write.
  2044. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2045. ROM2F:71D6 ld (bc), a 02
  2046. Memory write.
  2047. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2048. ROM2F:71D7 ld (bc), a 02
  2049. Memory write.
  2050. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2051. ROM2F:71D8 ld (bc), a 02
  2052. Memory write.
  2053. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2054. ROM2F:71D9 ld (bc), a 02
  2055. Memory write.
  2056. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2057. ROM2F:71DA ld (bc), a 02
  2058. Memory write.
  2059. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2060. ROM2F:71DB ld (bc), a 02
  2061. Memory write.
  2062. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2063. ROM2F:71DC ld (bc), a 02
  2064. Memory write.
  2065. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2066. ROM2F:71DD ld (bc), a 02
  2067. Memory write.
  2068. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2069. ROM2F:71DE ld (bc), a 02
  2070. Memory write.
  2071. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2072. ROM2F:71DF ld (bc), a 02
  2073. Memory write.
  2074. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2075. ROM2F:71E0 ld (bc), a 02
  2076. Memory write.
  2077. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2078. ROM2F:71E1 ld (bc), a 02
  2079. Memory write.
  2080. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2081. ROM2F:71E2 ld (bc), a 02
  2082. Memory write.
  2083. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2084. ROM2F:71E3 ld (bc), a 02
  2085. Memory write.
  2086. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2087. ROM2F:71F0 ld (bc), a 02
  2088. Memory write.
  2089. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2090. ROM2F:71F1 ld (bc), a 02
  2091. Memory write.
  2092. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2093. ROM2F:71F2 ld (bc), a 02
  2094. Memory write.
  2095. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2096. ROM2F:71F3 ld (bc), a 02
  2097. Memory write.
  2098. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2099. ROM2F:71F4 ld (bc), a 02
  2100. Memory write.
  2101. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2102. ROM2F:71F5 ld (bc), a 02
  2103. Memory write.
  2104. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2105. ROM2F:71F6 ld (bc), a 02
  2106. Memory write.
  2107. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2108. ROM2F:71F7 ld (bc), a 02
  2109. Memory write.
  2110. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2111. ROM2F:71F8 ld (bc), a 02
  2112. Memory write.
  2113. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2114. ROM2F:71F9 ld (bc), a 02
  2115. Memory write.
  2116. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2117. ROM2F:71FA ld (bc), a 02
  2118. Memory write.
  2119. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2120. ROM2F:71FB ld (bc), a 02
  2121. Memory write.
  2122. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2123. ROM2F:71FC ld (bc), a 02
  2124. Memory write.
  2125. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2126. ROM2F:71FD ld (bc), a 02
  2127. Memory write.
  2128. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2129. ROM2F:71FE ld (bc), a 02
  2130. Memory write.
  2131. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2132. ROM2F:71FF ld (bc), a 02
  2133. Memory write.
  2134. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2135. ROM2F:7200 ld (bc), a 02
  2136. Memory write.
  2137. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2138. ROM2F:7201 ld (bc), a 02
  2139. Memory write.
  2140. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2141. ROM2F:7202 ld (bc), a 02
  2142. Memory write.
  2143. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2144. ROM2F:7203 ld (bc), a 02
  2145. Memory write.
  2146. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2147. ROM2F:7210 ld (bc), a 02
  2148. Memory write.
  2149. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2150. ROM2F:7211 ld (bc), a 02
  2151. Memory write.
  2152. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2153. ROM2F:7212 ld (bc), a 02
  2154. Memory write.
  2155. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2156. ROM2F:7213 ld (bc), a 02
  2157. Memory write.
  2158. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2159. ROM2F:7214 ld (bc), a 02
  2160. Memory write.
  2161. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2162. ROM2F:7215 ld (bc), a 02
  2163. Memory write.
  2164. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2165. ROM2F:7216 ld (bc), a 02
  2166. Memory write.
  2167. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2168. ROM2F:7217 ld (bc), a 02
  2169. Memory write.
  2170. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2171. ROM2F:7218 ld (bc), a 02
  2172. Memory write.
  2173. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2174. ROM2F:722D nop 00
  2175. ROM2F:722E nop 00
  2176. ROM2F:722F nop 00
  2177. ROM2F:7230 ld (bc), a 02
  2178. Memory write.
  2179. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2180. ROM2F:7231 ld (bc), a 02
  2181. Memory write.
  2182. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2183. ROM2F:7232 ld (bc), a 02
  2184. Memory write.
  2185. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2186. ROM2F:7233 ld (bc), a 02
  2187. Memory write.
  2188. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2189. ROM2F:7234 ld (bc), a 02
  2190. Memory write.
  2191. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2192. ROM2F:7235 ld (bc), a 02
  2193. Memory write.
  2194. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2195. ROM2F:7236 ld (bc), a 02
  2196. Memory write.
  2197. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2198. ROM2F:7237 ld (bc), a 02
  2199. Memory write.
  2200. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2201. ROM2F:7238 ld (bc), a 02
  2202. Memory write.
  2203. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2204. ROM2F:724D nop 00
  2205. ROM2F:724E nop 00
  2206. ROM2F:724F nop 00
  2207. ROM2F:7250 ld (bc), a 02
  2208. Memory write.
  2209. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2210. ROM2F:7251 ld (bc), a 02
  2211. Memory write.
  2212. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2213. ROM2F:7252 ld (bc), a 02
  2214. Memory write.
  2215. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2216. ROM2F:7253 ld (bc), a 02
  2217. Memory write.
  2218. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2219. ROM2F:7254 ld (bc), a 02
  2220. Memory write.
  2221. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2222. ROM2F:7255 ld (bc), a 02
  2223. Memory write.
  2224. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2225. ROM2F:7256 ld (bc), a 02
  2226. Memory write.
  2227. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2228. ROM2F:7257 ld (bc), a 02
  2229. Memory write.
  2230. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2231. ROM2F:7258 ld (bc), a 02
  2232. Memory write.
  2233. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2234. ROM2F:726D nop 00
  2235. ROM2F:726E nop 00
  2236. ROM2F:726F nop 00
  2237. ROM2F:7270 ld (bc), a 02
  2238. Memory write.
  2239. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2240. ROM2F:7271 ld (bc), a 02
  2241. Memory write.
  2242. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2243. ROM2F:7272 ld (bc), a 02
  2244. Memory write.
  2245. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2246. ROM2F:7273 ld (bc), a 02
  2247. Memory write.
  2248. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2249. ROM2F:7274 ld (bc), a 02
  2250. Memory write.
  2251. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2252. ROM2F:7275 ld (bc), a 02
  2253. Memory write.
  2254. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2255. ROM2F:7276 ld (bc), a 02
  2256. Memory write.
  2257. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2258. ROM2F:7277 ld (bc), a 02
  2259. Memory write.
  2260. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2261. ROM2F:7278 ld (bc), a 02
  2262. Memory write.
  2263. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2264. ROM2F:728D nop 00
  2265. ROM2F:728E nop 00
  2266. ROM2F:728F nop 00
  2267. ROM2F:7290 ld (bc), a 02
  2268. Memory write.
  2269. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2270. ROM2F:7291 ld (bc), a 02
  2271. Memory write.
  2272. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2273. ROM2F:7292 ld (bc), a 02
  2274. Memory write.
  2275. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2276. ROM2F:7293 ld (bc), a 02
  2277. Memory write.
  2278. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2279. ROM2F:7294 ld (bc), a 02
  2280. Memory write.
  2281. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2282. ROM2F:7295 ld (bc), a 02
  2283. Memory write.
  2284. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2285. ROM2F:7296 ld (bc), a 02
  2286. Memory write.
  2287. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2288. ROM2F:7297 ld (bc), a 02
  2289. Memory write.
  2290. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2291. ROM2F:7298 ld (bc), a 02
  2292. Memory write.
  2293. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2294. ROM2F:72AD nop 00
  2295. ROM2F:72AE nop 00
  2296. ROM2F:72AF nop 00
  2297. ROM2F:72B0 ld (bc), a 02
  2298. Memory write.
  2299. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2300. ROM2F:72B1 ld (bc), a 02
  2301. Memory write.
  2302. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2303. ROM2F:72B2 ld (bc), a 02
  2304. Memory write.
  2305. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2306. ROM2F:72B3 ld (bc), a 02
  2307. Memory write.
  2308. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2309. ROM2F:72B4 ld (bc), a 02
  2310. Memory write.
  2311. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2312. ROM2F:72B5 ld (bc), a 02
  2313. Memory write.
  2314. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2315. ROM2F:72B6 ld (bc), a 02
  2316. Memory write.
  2317. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2318. ROM2F:72B7 ld (bc), a 02
  2319. Memory write.
  2320. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2321. ROM2F:72B8 ld (bc), a 02
  2322. Memory write.
  2323. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2324. ROM2F:72B9 ld (bc), a 02
  2325. Memory write.
  2326. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2327. ROM2F:72BA ld (bc), a 02
  2328. Memory write.
  2329. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2330. ROM2F:72BB ld (bc), a 02
  2331. Memory write.
  2332. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2333. ROM2F:72BC ld (bc), a 02
  2334. Memory write.
  2335. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2336. ROM2F:72BD ld (bc), a 02
  2337. Memory write.
  2338. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2339. ROM2F:72BE ld (bc), a 02
  2340. Memory write.
  2341. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2342. ROM2F:72BF ld (bc), a 02
  2343. Memory write.
  2344. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2345. ROM2F:72C0 ld (bc), a 02
  2346. Memory write.
  2347. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2348. ROM2F:72C1 ld (bc), a 02
  2349. Memory write.
  2350. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2351. ROM2F:72C2 ld (bc), a 02
  2352. Memory write.
  2353. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2354. ROM2F:72C3 ld (bc), a 02
  2355. Memory write.
  2356. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2357. ROM2F:72D0 ld (bc), a 02
  2358. Memory write.
  2359. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2360. ROM2F:72D1 ld (bc), a 02
  2361. Memory write.
  2362. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2363. ROM2F:72D2 ld (bc), a 02
  2364. Memory write.
  2365. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2366. ROM2F:72D3 ld (bc), a 02
  2367. Memory write.
  2368. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2369. ROM2F:72D4 ld (bc), a 02
  2370. Memory write.
  2371. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2372. ROM2F:72D5 ld (bc), a 02
  2373. Memory write.
  2374. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2375. ROM2F:72D6 ld (bc), a 02
  2376. Memory write.
  2377. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2378. ROM2F:72D7 ld (bc), a 02
  2379. Memory write.
  2380. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2381. ROM2F:72D8 ld (bc), a 02
  2382. Memory write.
  2383. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2384. ROM2F:72D9 ld (bc), a 02
  2385. Memory write.
  2386. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2387. ROM2F:72DA ld (bc), a 02
  2388. Memory write.
  2389. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2390. ROM2F:72DB ld (bc), a 02
  2391. Memory write.
  2392. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2393. ROM2F:72DC ld (bc), a 02
  2394. Memory write.
  2395. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2396. ROM2F:72DD ld (bc), a 02
  2397. Memory write.
  2398. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2399. ROM2F:72DE ld (bc), a 02
  2400. Memory write.
  2401. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2402. ROM2F:72DF ld (bc), a 02
  2403. Memory write.
  2404. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2405. ROM2F:72E0 ld (bc), a 02
  2406. Memory write.
  2407. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2408. ROM2F:72E1 ld (bc), a 02
  2409. Memory write.
  2410. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2411. ROM2F:72E2 ld (bc), a 02
  2412. Memory write.
  2413. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2414. ROM2F:72E3 ld (bc), a 02
  2415. Memory write.
  2416. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2417. ROM2F:72F0 ld (bc), a 02
  2418. Memory write.
  2419. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2420. ROM2F:72F1 ld (bc), a 02
  2421. Memory write.
  2422. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2423. ROM2F:72F2 ld (bc), a 02
  2424. Memory write.
  2425. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2426. ROM2F:72F3 ld (bc), a 02
  2427. Memory write.
  2428. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2429. ROM2F:72F4 ld (bc), a 02
  2430. Memory write.
  2431. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2432. ROM2F:72F5 ld (bc), a 02
  2433. Memory write.
  2434. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2435. ROM2F:72F6 ld (bc), a 02
  2436. Memory write.
  2437. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2438. ROM2F:72F7 ld (bc), a 02
  2439. Memory write.
  2440. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2441. ROM2F:72F8 ld (bc), a 02
  2442. Memory write.
  2443. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2444. ROM2F:72F9 ld (bc), a 02
  2445. Memory write.
  2446. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2447. ROM2F:72FA ld (bc), a 02
  2448. Memory write.
  2449. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2450. ROM2F:72FB ld (bc), a 02
  2451. Memory write.
  2452. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2453. ROM2F:72FC ld (bc), a 02
  2454. Memory write.
  2455. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2456. ROM2F:72FD ld (bc), a 02
  2457. Memory write.
  2458. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2459. ROM2F:72FE ld (bc), a 02
  2460. Memory write.
  2461. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2462. ROM2F:72FF ld (bc), a 02
  2463. Memory write.
  2464. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2465. ROM2F:7300 ld (bc), a 02
  2466. Memory write.
  2467. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2468. ROM2F:7301 ld (bc), a 02
  2469. Memory write.
  2470. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2471. ROM2F:7302 ld (bc), a 02
  2472. Memory write.
  2473. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2474. ROM2F:7303 ld (bc), a 02
  2475. Memory write.
  2476. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2477. ROM2F:7310 ld (bc), a 02
  2478. Memory write.
  2479. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2480. ROM2F:7311 ld (bc), a 02
  2481. Memory write.
  2482. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2483. ROM2F:7312 ld (bc), a 02
  2484. Memory write.
  2485. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2486. ROM2F:7313 ld (bc), a 02
  2487. Memory write.
  2488. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2489. ROM2F:7314 ld (bc), a 02
  2490. Memory write.
  2491. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2492. ROM2F:7315 ld (bc), a 02
  2493. Memory write.
  2494. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2495. ROM2F:7316 ld (bc), a 02
  2496. Memory write.
  2497. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2498. ROM2F:7317 ld (bc), a 02
  2499. Memory write.
  2500. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2501. ROM2F:7318 ld (bc), a 02
  2502. Memory write.
  2503. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2504. ROM2F:7319 ld (bc), a 02
  2505. Memory write.
  2506. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2507. ROM2F:731A ld (bc), a 02
  2508. Memory write.
  2509. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2510. ROM2F:731B ld (bc), a 02
  2511. Memory write.
  2512. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2513. ROM2F:731C ld (bc), a 02
  2514. Memory write.
  2515. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2516. ROM2F:731D ld (bc), a 02
  2517. Memory write.
  2518. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2519. ROM2F:731E ld (bc), a 02
  2520. Memory write.
  2521. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2522. ROM2F:731F ld (bc), a 02
  2523. Memory write.
  2524. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2525. ROM2F:7320 ld (bc), a 02
  2526. Memory write.
  2527. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2528. ROM2F:7321 ld (bc), a 02
  2529. Memory write.
  2530. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2531. ROM2F:7322 ld (bc), a 02
  2532. Memory write.
  2533. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2534. ROM2F:7323 ld (bc), a 02
  2535. Memory write.
  2536. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2537. ROM2F:7330 ld (bc), a 02
  2538. Memory write.
  2539. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2540. ROM2F:7331 ld (bc), a 02
  2541. Memory write.
  2542. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2543. ROM2F:7332 ld (bc), a 02
  2544. Memory write.
  2545. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2546. ROM2F:7333 ld (bc), a 02
  2547. Memory write.
  2548. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2549. ROM2F:7334 ld (bc), a 02
  2550. Memory write.
  2551. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2552. ROM2F:7335 ld (bc), a 02
  2553. Memory write.
  2554. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2555. ROM2F:7336 ld (bc), a 02
  2556. Memory write.
  2557. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2558. ROM2F:7337 ld (bc), a 02
  2559. Memory write.
  2560. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2561. ROM2F:7338 ld (bc), a 02
  2562. Memory write.
  2563. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2564. ROM2F:7339 ld (bc), a 02
  2565. Memory write.
  2566. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2567. ROM2F:733A ld (bc), a 02
  2568. Memory write.
  2569. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2570. ROM2F:733B ld (bc), a 02
  2571. Memory write.
  2572. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2573. ROM2F:733C ld (bc), a 02
  2574. Memory write.
  2575. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2576. ROM2F:733D ld (bc), a 02
  2577. Memory write.
  2578. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2579. ROM2F:733E ld (bc), a 02
  2580. Memory write.
  2581. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2582. ROM2F:733F ld (bc), a 02
  2583. Memory write.
  2584. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2585. ROM2F:7340 ld (bc), a 02
  2586. Memory write.
  2587. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2588. ROM2F:7341 ld (bc), a 02
  2589. Memory write.
  2590. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2591. ROM2F:7342 ld (bc), a 02
  2592. Memory write.
  2593. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2594. ROM2F:7343 ld (bc), a 02
  2595. Memory write.
  2596. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2597. ROM2F:7350 ld (bc), a 02
  2598. Memory write.
  2599. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2600. ROM2F:7351 ld (bc), a 02
  2601. Memory write.
  2602. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2603. ROM2F:7352 ld (bc), a 02
  2604. Memory write.
  2605. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2606. ROM2F:7353 ld (bc), a 02
  2607. Memory write.
  2608. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2609. ROM2F:7354 ld (bc), a 02
  2610. Memory write.
  2611. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2612. ROM2F:7355 ld (bc), a 02
  2613. Memory write.
  2614. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2615. ROM2F:7356 ld (bc), a 02
  2616. Memory write.
  2617. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2618. ROM2F:7357 ld (bc), a 02
  2619. Memory write.
  2620. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2621. ROM2F:7358 ld (bc), a 02
  2622. Memory write.
  2623. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2624. ROM2F:7359 ld (bc), a 02
  2625. Memory write.
  2626. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2627. ROM2F:735A ld (bc), a 02
  2628. Memory write.
  2629. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2630. ROM2F:735B ld (bc), a 02
  2631. Memory write.
  2632. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2633. ROM2F:735C ld (bc), a 02
  2634. Memory write.
  2635. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2636. ROM2F:735D ld (bc), a 02
  2637. Memory write.
  2638. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2639. ROM2F:735E ld (bc), a 02
  2640. Memory write.
  2641. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2642. ROM2F:735F ld (bc), a 02
  2643. Memory write.
  2644. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2645. ROM2F:7360 ld (bc), a 02
  2646. Memory write.
  2647. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2648. ROM2F:7361 ld (bc), a 02
  2649. Memory write.
  2650. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2651. ROM2F:7362 ld (bc), a 02
  2652. Memory write.
  2653. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2654. ROM2F:7363 ld (bc), a 02
  2655. Memory write.
  2656. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2657. ROM2F:7450 ld hl, $74DE 21 DE 74
  2658. ROM2F:7453 ld a, c 79
  2659. ROM2F:7454 push af F5
  2660. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  2661. ROM2F:7455 dec a 3D
  2662. ROM2F:7456 add a, a 87
  2663. ROM2F:7457 ld e, a 5F
  2664. ROM2F:7458 xor a AF
  2665. ROM2F:7459 ld d, a 57
  2666. ROM2F:745A add hl, de 19
  2667. ROM2F:745B ldi a, (hl) 2A
  2668. ROM2F:745C ld e, a 5F
  2669. ROM2F:745D ld a, (hl) 7E
  2670. ROM2F:745E ld h, a 67
  2671. ROM2F:745F ld a, e 7B
  2672. ROM2F:7460 ld l, a 6F
  2673. ROM2F:7461 di F3
  2674. ROM2F:7462 ld a, $01 3E 01
  2675. ROM2F:7464 ld ($FF00+4F), a E0 4F
  2676. Memory write.
  2677. Destination : $FF4F.
  2678. Write to I/O registers. Almost certainly harmful.
  2679. ROM2F:7466 push hl E5
  2680. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  2681. ROM2F:7467 ld a, (hl) 7E
  2682. ROM2F:7468 ld c, a 4F
  2683. ROM2F:7469 ld de, $0010 11 10 00
  2684. ROM2F:746C add hl, de 19
  2685. ROM2F:746D ld a, h 7C
  2686. ROM2F:746E ld ($FF00+51), a E0 51
  2687. Memory write.
  2688. Destination : $FF51.
  2689. Write to I/O registers. Almost certainly harmful.
  2690. ROM2F:7470 ld a, l 7D
  2691. ROM2F:7471 ld ($FF00+52), a E0 52
  2692. Memory write.
  2693. Destination : $FF52.
  2694. Write to I/O registers. Almost certainly harmful.
  2695. ROM2F:7473 ld de, $9800 11 00 98
  2696. ROM2F:7476 ld a, d 7A
  2697. ROM2F:7477 ld ($FF00+53), a E0 53
  2698. Memory write.
  2699. Destination : $FF53.
  2700. Write to I/O registers. Almost certainly harmful.
  2701. ROM2F:7479 ld a, e 7B
  2702. ROM2F:747A ld ($FF00+54), a E0 54
  2703. Memory write.
  2704. Destination : $FF54.
  2705. Write to I/O registers. Almost certainly harmful.
  2706. ROM2F:747C ld a, ($FF00+40) F0 40
  2707. ROM2F:747E and $80 E6 80
  2708. ROM2F:7480 jr z, 0C 28 0C
  2709. Jumping to 8E.
  2710. ROM2F:748E ld a, c 79
  2711. ROM2F:748F ld ($FF00+55), a E0 55
  2712. Memory write.
  2713. Destination : $FF55.
  2714. Write to I/O registers. Almost certainly harmful.
  2715. ROM2F:7491 call $3082 CD 82 30
  2716. Jumping to 3082.
  2717. ROM2F:3082 ld a, ($FF00+B8) F0 B8
  2718. ROM2F:3084 push af F5
  2719. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  2720. ROM2F:3085 call $27C2 CD C2 27
  2721. Jumping to 27C2.
  2722. ROM2F:27C2 ld a, ($CFC6) FA C6 CF
  2723. ROM2F:27C5 and a A7
  2724. ROM2F:27C6 jr nz, 0B 20 0B
  2725. Jumping to D3.
  2726. ROM2F:27D3 ld a, ($CFC8) FA C8 CF
  2727. ROM2F:27D6 and a A7
  2728. ROM2F:27D7 jr z, 05 28 05
  2729. Jumping to DE.
  2730. ROM2F:27DE ld a, ($CFC7) FA C7 CF
  2731. ROM2F:27E1 ld (CFC8), a EA C8 CF
  2732. Memory write.
  2733. Destination : $CFC8.
  2734. Write to WRAM. Huge chances to be harmful.
  2735. ROM2F:27E4 ld a, ($FF00+24) F0 24
  2736. ROM2F:27E6 and a A7
  2737. ROM2F:27E7 jr z, 11 28 11
  2738. Jumping to FA.
  2739. ROM2F:27FA ld a, ($CFC6) FA C6 CF
  2740. ROM2F:27FD ld b, a 47
  2741. ROM2F:27FE xor a AF
  2742. ROM2F:27FF ld (CFC6), a EA C6 CF
  2743. Memory write.
  2744. Destination : $CFC6.
  2745. Write to WRAM. Huge chances to be harmful.
  2746. ROM2F:2802 call $2233 CD 33 22
  2747. Jumping to 2233.
  2748. ROM2F:2233 ld a, $FF 3E FF
  2749. ROM2F:2235 ld (C0EE), a EA EE C0
  2750. Memory write.
  2751. Destination : $C0EE.
  2752. Write to WRAM. Huge chances to be harmful.
  2753. ROM2F:2238 push hl E5
  2754. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  2755. ROM2F:2239 push de D5
  2756. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  2757. ROM2F:223A push bc C5
  2758. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  2759. ROM2F:223B ld b, a 47
  2760. ROM2F:223C ld a, ($C0EE) FA EE C0
  2761. ROM2F:223F and a A7
  2762. ROM2F:2240 jr z, 0D 28 0D
  2763. Jumping to 4F.
  2764. ROM2F:224F ld a, ($CFC6) FA C6 CF
  2765. ROM2F:2252 and a A7
  2766. ROM2F:2253 jr z, 15 28 15
  2767. Jumping to 6A.
  2768. ROM2F:226A xor a AF
  2769. ROM2F:226B ld (C0EE), a EA EE C0
  2770. Memory write.
  2771. Destination : $C0EE.
  2772. Write to WRAM. Huge chances to be harmful.
  2773. ROM2F:226E call $22EC CD EC 22
  2774. Jumping to 22EC.
  2775. ROM2F:22EC ld a, ($FF00+B8) F0 B8
  2776. ROM2F:22EE push af F5
  2777. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  2778. ROM2F:22EF ld a, ($C0EF) FA EF C0
  2779. ROM2F:22F2 call $3E7E CD 7E 3E
  2780. Jumping to 3E7E.
  2781. ROM2F:3E7E ld ($FF00+B8), a E0 B8
  2782. Memory write.
  2783. Destination : $FFB8.
  2784. Write to HRAM. High chances to be harmful.
  2785. ROM2F:3E80 ld (2000), a EA 00 20
  2786. Memory write.
  2787. Destination : $2000.
  2788. Switches bank. Low probability of continuing on this bank, stopping.
  2791. Beginning reading bank 30
  2792. ROM30:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  2793. Crashes / freezes the game.
  2796. Beginning reading bank 31
  2797. ROM31:6BD4 rrca 0F
  2798. ROM31:6BD5 ret nz C0
  2799. Returns, probably into oblivion. Or maybe goes back to normal code execution ?
  2800. ROM31:6BD6 ccf 3F
  2801. ROM31:6BD7 nop 00
  2802. ROM31:6BD8 cp $03 FE 03
  2803. ROM31:6BDA ld hl, add sp, $0F F8 0F
  2804. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  2805. ROM31:6BDC ld ($FF00+1F), a E0 1F
  2806. Memory write.
  2807. Destination : $FF1F.
  2808. Write to I/O registers. Almost certainly harmful.
  2809. ROM31:6BDE add a, b 80
  2810. ROM31:6BDF ld a, a 7F
  2811. ROM31:6BE0 ld bc, $03FC 01 FC 03
  2812. ROM31:6BE3 ld a, ($FF00+0F) F0 0F
  2813. ROM31:6BE5 ret nz C0
  2814. Returns, probably into oblivion. Or maybe goes back to normal code execution ?
  2815. ROM31:6BE6 ccf 3F
  2816. ROM31:6BE7 nop 00
  2817. ROM31:6BE8 INVALID FC
  2818. Crashes / freezes the game.
  2821. Beginning reading bank 32
  2822. ROM32:749C ld b, b 40
  2823. ROM32:749D and b A0
  2824. ROM32:749E jr nz, 55 20 55
  2825. Jumping to F5.
  2826. ROM32:74F5 rst 38h FF
  2827. Crashes / freezes the game.
  2830. Beginning reading bank 33
  2831. ROM33:6BD4 ld a, ($FF00+71) F0 71
  2832. ROM33:6BD6 ld ($FF00+3C), a E0 3C
  2833. Memory write.
  2834. Destination : $FF3C.
  2835. Write to I/O registers. Almost certainly harmful.
  2836. ROM33:6BD8 inc hl 23
  2837. ROM33:6BD9 INVALID FC
  2838. Crashes / freezes the game.
  2841. Beginning reading bank 34
  2842. Reaches end of current ROM bank.
  2845. Beginning reading bank 35
  2846. ROM35:6BE0 nop 00
  2847. ROM35:6BE1 nop 00
  2848. ROM35:6BE2 nop 00
  2849. ROM35:6BE3 ld bc, $FD03 01 03 FD
  2850. ROM35:6BE6 nop 00
  2851. ROM35:6BE7 inc bc 03
  2852. ROM35:6BE8 rst 28h EF
  2853. Crashes / freezes the game.
  2856. Beginning reading bank 36
  2857. ROM36:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  2858. Crashes / freezes the game.
  2861. Beginning reading bank 37
  2862. ROM37:6BD4 nop 00
  2863. ROM37:6BD5 rlca 07
  2864. ROM37:6BD6 rst 38h FF
  2865. Crashes / freezes the game.
  2868. Beginning reading bank 38
  2869. ROM38:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  2870. Crashes / freezes the game.
  2873. Beginning reading bank 39
  2874. ROM39:6BD4 add a, b 80
  2875. ROM39:6BD5 ld (hl), b 70
  2876. Memory write.
  2877. Unknown target location. Continuing, but has chances to crash / corrupt stuff.
  2878. ROM39:6BD6 ld a, ($FF00+0C) F0 0C
  2879. ROM39:6BD8 INVALID FC
  2880. Crashes / freezes the game.
  2883. Beginning reading bank 3A
  2884. Reaches end of current ROM bank.
  2887. Beginning reading bank 3B
  2888. Reaches end of current ROM bank.
  2891. Beginning reading bank 3C
  2892. ROM3C:6BD4 ret nc D0
  2893. Returns, probably into oblivion. Or maybe goes back to normal code execution ?
  2894. ROM3C:6BD5 dec c 0D
  2895. ROM3C:6BD6 pop de D1
  2896. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  2897. ROM3C:6BD7 ld a, (hl) 7E
  2898. ROM3C:6BD8 dec c 0D
  2899. ROM3C:6BD9 ld b, $D0 06 D0
  2900. ROM3C:6BDB dec c 0D
  2901. ROM3C:6BDC pop de D1
  2902. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  2903. ROM3C:6BDD ld a, (hl) 7E
  2904. ROM3C:6BDE inc c 0C
  2905. ROM3C:6BDF ld b, $FD 06 FD
  2906. ROM3C:6BE1 dec c 0D
  2907. ROM3C:6BE2 pop de D1
  2908. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  2909. ROM3C:6BE3 ld a, (hl) 7E
  2910. ROM3C:6BE4 dec bc 0B
  2911. ROM3C:6BE5 ld b, $D0 06 D0
  2912. ROM3C:6BE7 dec c 0D
  2913. ROM3C:6BE8 pop de D1
  2914. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  2915. ROM3C:6BE9 ld a, (hl) 7E
  2916. ROM3C:6BEA ld a, (bc) 0A
  2917. ROM3C:6BEB ld b, $D0 06 D0
  2918. ROM3C:6BED dec c 0D
  2919. ROM3C:6BEE pop de D1
  2920. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  2921. ROM3C:6BEF ld a, (hl) 7E
  2922. ROM3C:6BF0 ld a, (bc) 0A
  2923. ROM3C:6BF1 ld bc, $0DD0 01 D0 0D
  2924. ROM3C:6BF4 pop de D1
  2925. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  2926. ROM3C:6BF5 ld a, (hl) 7E
  2927. ROM3C:6BF6 dec bc 0B
  2928. ROM3C:6BF7 ld bc, $0DD0 01 D0 0D
  2929. ROM3C:6BFA pop de D1
  2930. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  2931. ROM3C:6BFB ld a, (hl) 7E
  2932. ROM3C:6BFC inc c 0C
  2933. ROM3C:6BFD ld bc, $0DD0 01 D0 0D
  2934. ROM3C:6C00 pop de D1
  2935. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  2936. ROM3C:6C01 ld a, (hl) 7E
  2937. ROM3C:6C02 dec c 0D
  2938. ROM3C:6C03 ld bc, $0DD0 01 D0 0D
  2939. ROM3C:6C06 pop de D1
  2940. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  2941. ROM3C:6C07 ld a, (hl) 7E
  2942. ROM3C:6C08 ld c, $01 0E 01
  2943. ROM3C:6C0A ret nc D0
  2944. Returns, probably into oblivion. Or maybe goes back to normal code execution ?
  2945. ROM3C:6C0B dec c 0D
  2946. ROM3C:6C0C pop de D1
  2947. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  2948. ROM3C:6C0D ld a, (hl) 7E
  2949. ROM3C:6C0E rrca 0F
  2950. ROM3C:6C0F ld bc, $0DD0 01 D0 0D
  2951. ROM3C:6C12 pop de D1
  2952. Wrecking the stack ? Low chances to exit this safely.
  2953. ROM3C:6C13 ld a, (hl) 7E
  2954. ROM3C:6C14 ld ($4500), sp 08 00 45
  2955. Memory write.
  2956. Destination : $4500.
  2957. SRAM / RTC timer bank switch. Has chances to be harmful, but keeping going.
  2958. ROM3C:6C17 dec e 1D
  2959. ROM3C:6C18 adc a, (hl) 8E
  2960. ROM3C:6C19 ld h, b 60
  2961. ROM3C:6C1A stop 10
  2962. Crashes / freezes the game.
  2965. Beginning reading bank 3D
  2966. Reaches end of current ROM bank.
  2969. Beginning reading bank 3E
  2970. ROM3E:6BD4 jr nc, CF 30 CF
  2971. Jumps backwards, possible infinite loop.
  2974. Beginning reading bank 3F
  2975. ROM3F:6BD4 ld b, c 41
  2976. ROM3F:6BD5 ld a, a 7F
  2977. ROM3F:6BD6 ld b, b 40
  2978. ROM3F:6BD7 ld a, a 7F
  2979. ROM3F:6BD8 ld c, d 4A
  2980. ROM3F:6BD9 ccf 3F
  2981. ROM3F:6BDA ld h, $1F 26 1F
  2982. ROM3F:6BDC inc e 1C
  2983. ROM3F:6BDD ccf 3F
  2984. ROM3F:6BDE ccf 3F
  2985. ROM3F:6BDF cp $12 FE 12
  2986. ROM3F:6BE1 cp $32 FE 32
  2987. ROM3F:6BE3 cp $82 FE 82
  2988. ROM3F:6BE5 cp $02 FE 02
  2989. ROM3F:6BE7 cp $52 FE 52
  2991. Crashes / freezes the game.
  2994. Beginning reading bank 40
  2995. ROM40:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  2996. Crashes / freezes the game.
  2999. Beginning reading bank 41
  3000. ROM41:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3001. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3004. Beginning reading bank 42
  3005. ROM42:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3006. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3009. Beginning reading bank 43
  3010. ROM43:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3011. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3014. Beginning reading bank 44
  3015. ROM44:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3016. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3019. Beginning reading bank 45
  3020. ROM45:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3021. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3024. Beginning reading bank 46
  3025. ROM46:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3026. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3029. Beginning reading bank 47
  3030. ROM47:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3031. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3034. Beginning reading bank 48
  3035. ROM48:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3036. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3039. Beginning reading bank 49
  3040. ROM49:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3041. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3044. Beginning reading bank 4A
  3045. ROM4A:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3046. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3049. Beginning reading bank 4B
  3050. ROM4B:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3051. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3054. Beginning reading bank 4C
  3055. ROM4C:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3056. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3059. Beginning reading bank 4D
  3060. ROM4D:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3061. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3064. Beginning reading bank 4E
  3065. ROM4E:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3066. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3069. Beginning reading bank 4F
  3070. ROM4F:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3071. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3074. Beginning reading bank 50
  3075. ROM50:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3076. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3079. Beginning reading bank 51
  3080. ROM51:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3081. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3084. Beginning reading bank 52
  3085. ROM52:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3086. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3089. Beginning reading bank 53
  3090. ROM53:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3091. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3094. Beginning reading bank 54
  3095. ROM54:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3096. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3099. Beginning reading bank 55
  3100. ROM55:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3101. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3104. Beginning reading bank 56
  3105. ROM56:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3106. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3109. Beginning reading bank 57
  3110. ROM57:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3111. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3114. Beginning reading bank 58
  3115. ROM58:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3116. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3119. Beginning reading bank 59
  3120. ROM59:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3121. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3124. Beginning reading bank 5A
  3125. ROM5A:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3126. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3129. Beginning reading bank 5B
  3130. ROM5B:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3131. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3134. Beginning reading bank 5C
  3135. ROM5C:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3136. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3139. Beginning reading bank 5D
  3140. ROM5D:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3141. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3144. Beginning reading bank 5E
  3145. ROM5E:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3146. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3149. Beginning reading bank 5F
  3150. ROM5F:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3151. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3154. Beginning reading bank 60
  3155. ROM60:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3156. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3159. Beginning reading bank 61
  3160. ROM61:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3161. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3164. Beginning reading bank 62
  3165. ROM62:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3166. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3169. Beginning reading bank 63
  3170. ROM63:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3171. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3174. Beginning reading bank 64
  3175. ROM64:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3176. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3179. Beginning reading bank 65
  3180. ROM65:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3181. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3184. Beginning reading bank 66
  3185. ROM66:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3186. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3189. Beginning reading bank 67
  3190. ROM67:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3191. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3194. Beginning reading bank 68
  3195. ROM68:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3196. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3199. Beginning reading bank 69
  3200. ROM69:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3201. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3204. Beginning reading bank 6A
  3205. ROM6A:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3206. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3209. Beginning reading bank 6B
  3210. ROM6B:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3211. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3214. Beginning reading bank 6C
  3215. ROM6C:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3216. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3219. Beginning reading bank 6D
  3220. ROM6D:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3221. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3224. Beginning reading bank 6E
  3225. ROM6E:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3226. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3229. Beginning reading bank 6F
  3230. ROM6F:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3231. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3234. Beginning reading bank 70
  3235. ROM70:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3236. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3239. Beginning reading bank 71
  3240. ROM71:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3241. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3244. Beginning reading bank 72
  3245. ROM72:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3246. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3249. Beginning reading bank 73
  3250. ROM73:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3251. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3254. Beginning reading bank 74
  3255. ROM74:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3256. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3259. Beginning reading bank 75
  3260. ROM75:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3261. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3264. Beginning reading bank 76
  3265. ROM76:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3266. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3269. Beginning reading bank 77
  3270. ROM77:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3271. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3274. Beginning reading bank 78
  3275. ROM78:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3276. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3279. Beginning reading bank 79
  3280. ROM79:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3281. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3284. Beginning reading bank 7A
  3285. ROM7A:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3286. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3289. Beginning reading bank 7B
  3290. ROM7B:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3291. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3294. Beginning reading bank 7C
  3295. ROM7C:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3296. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3299. Beginning reading bank 7D
  3300. ROM7D:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3301. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3304. Beginning reading bank 7E
  3305. ROM7E:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3306. Crashes / freezes the game.
  3309. Beginning reading bank 7F
  3310. ROM7F:6BD4 rst 38h FF
  3311. Crashes / freezes the game.
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