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Jan 24th, 2020
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Lisp 38.05 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Debugger entered--Lisp error: (file-missing "Cannot open load file" "No such file or directory" "dap-mode")
  2.   require(dap-mode nil nil)
  3.   (progn (require 'dap-mode nil nil) (dap-mode 1) (let ((--dolist-tail-- '(((:lang . cc) ccls dap-lldb dap-gdb-lldb) ((:lang . elixir) elixir-mode dap-elixir) ((:lang . go) go-mode dap-go) ((:lang . java) lsp-java dap-java) ((:lang . php) php-mode dap-php) ((:lang . python) python dap-python) ((:lang . ruby) enh-ruby-mode dap-ruby) ((:lang . rust) rust-mode dap-lldb)))) (while --dolist-tail-- (let ((module (car --dolist-tail--))) (if (doom-module-p (car (car module)) (cdr (car module)) '+lsp) (progn (eval-after-load (nth 1 module) #'...))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))) (if nil (progn (eval-after-load 'js2-mode #'(lambda nil (require 'dap-node) (require 'dap-chrome) (require 'dap-firefox) (if IS-WINDOWS (progn ...)))))) t)
  4.   (closure (t) nil (progn (require 'dap-mode nil nil) (dap-mode 1) (let ((--dolist-tail-- '((... ccls dap-lldb dap-gdb-lldb) (... elixir-mode dap-elixir) (... go-mode dap-go) (... lsp-java dap-java) (... php-mode dap-php) (... python dap-python) (... enh-ruby-mode dap-ruby) (... rust-mode dap-lldb)))) (while --dolist-tail-- (let ((module (car --dolist-tail--))) (if (doom-module-p (car ...) (cdr ...) '+lsp) (progn (eval-after-load ... ...))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))) (if nil (progn (eval-after-load 'js2-mode #'(lambda nil (require ...) (require ...) (require ...) (if IS-WINDOWS ...))))) t))()
  5.   eval-after-load-helper("/home/igarcia/Temp/doom/.emacs.d/.local/straight/b...")
  6.   run-hook-with-args(eval-after-load-helper "/home/igarcia/Temp/doom/.emacs.d/.local/straight/b...")
  7.   do-after-load-evaluation("/home/igarcia/Temp/doom/.emacs.d/.local/straight/b...")
  8.   lsp!()
  9.   funcall(lsp!)
  10.   (condition-case e (funcall hook) ((debug error) (signal 'doom-hook-error (list hook e))))
  11.   doom-try-run-hook(lsp!)
  12.   run-hook-wrapped(doom-try-run-hook lsp!)
  13.   doom-run-local-var-hooks-h()
  14.   run-hooks(hack-local-variables-hook)
  15.   hack-local-variables-apply()
  16.   #f(compiled-function (&optional handle-mode) "Parse and put into effect this buffer's local variables spec.\nFor buffers visiting files, also puts into effect directory-local\nvariables.\nUses `hack-local-variables-apply' to apply the variables.\n\nIf HANDLE-MODE is nil, we apply all the specified local\nvariables.  If HANDLE-MODE is neither nil nor t, we do the same,\nexcept that any settings of `mode' are ignored.\n\nIf HANDLE-MODE is t, all we do is check whether a \"mode:\"\nis specified, and return the corresponding mode symbol, or nil.\nIn this case, we try to ignore minor-modes, and return only a\nmajor-mode.\n\nIf `enable-local-variables' or `local-enable-local-variables' is nil,\nthis function does nothing.  If `inhibit-local-variables-regexps'\napplies to the file in question, the file is not scanned for\nlocal variables, but directory-local variables may still be applied." #<bytecode 0x1fe7e3f95093>)(no-mode)
  17.   apply(#f(compiled-function (&optional handle-mode) "Parse and put into effect this buffer's local variables spec.\nFor buffers visiting files, also puts into effect directory-local\nvariables.\nUses `hack-local-variables-apply' to apply the variables.\n\nIf HANDLE-MODE is nil, we apply all the specified local\nvariables.  If HANDLE-MODE is neither nil nor t, we do the same,\nexcept that any settings of `mode' are ignored.\n\nIf HANDLE-MODE is t, all we do is check whether a \"mode:\"\nis specified, and return the corresponding mode symbol, or nil.\nIn this case, we try to ignore minor-modes, and return only a\nmajor-mode.\n\nIf `enable-local-variables' or `local-enable-local-variables' is nil,\nthis function does nothing.  If `inhibit-local-variables-regexps'\napplies to the file in question, the file is not scanned for\nlocal variables, but directory-local variables may still be applied." #<bytecode 0x1fe7e3f95093>) no-mode nil)
  18.   so-long--hack-local-variables(#f(compiled-function (&optional handle-mode) "Parse and put into effect this buffer's local variables spec.\nFor buffers visiting files, also puts into effect directory-local\nvariables.\nUses `hack-local-variables-apply' to apply the variables.\n\nIf HANDLE-MODE is nil, we apply all the specified local\nvariables.  If HANDLE-MODE is neither nil nor t, we do the same,\nexcept that any settings of `mode' are ignored.\n\nIf HANDLE-MODE is t, all we do is check whether a \"mode:\"\nis specified, and return the corresponding mode symbol, or nil.\nIn this case, we try to ignore minor-modes, and return only a\nmajor-mode.\n\nIf `enable-local-variables' or `local-enable-local-variables' is nil,\nthis function does nothing.  If `inhibit-local-variables-regexps'\napplies to the file in question, the file is not scanned for\nlocal variables, but directory-local variables may still be applied." #<bytecode 0x1fe7e3f95093>) no-mode)
  19.   apply(so-long--hack-local-variables #f(compiled-function (&optional handle-mode) "Parse and put into effect this buffer's local variables spec.\nFor buffers visiting files, also puts into effect directory-local\nvariables.\nUses `hack-local-variables-apply' to apply the variables.\n\nIf HANDLE-MODE is nil, we apply all the specified local\nvariables.  If HANDLE-MODE is neither nil nor t, we do the same,\nexcept that any settings of `mode' are ignored.\n\nIf HANDLE-MODE is t, all we do is check whether a \"mode:\"\nis specified, and return the corresponding mode symbol, or nil.\nIn this case, we try to ignore minor-modes, and return only a\nmajor-mode.\n\nIf `enable-local-variables' or `local-enable-local-variables' is nil,\nthis function does nothing.  If `inhibit-local-variables-regexps'\napplies to the file in question, the file is not scanned for\nlocal variables, but directory-local variables may still be applied." #<bytecode 0x1fe7e3f95093>) no-mode)
  20.   hack-local-variables(no-mode)
  21.   run-mode-hooks(python-mode-hook)
  22.   python-mode()
  23.   set-auto-mode-0(python-mode nil)
  24.   #f(compiled-function (&optional keep-mode-if-same) "Select major mode appropriate for current buffer.\n\nTo find the right major mode, this function checks for a -*- mode tag\nchecks for a `mode:' entry in the Local Variables section of the file,\nchecks if it uses an interpreter listed in `interpreter-mode-alist',\nmatches the buffer beginning against `magic-mode-alist',\ncompares the filename against the entries in `auto-mode-alist',\nthen matches the buffer beginning against `magic-fallback-mode-alist'.\n\nIf `enable-local-variables' is nil, or if the file name matches\n`inhibit-local-variables-regexps', this function does not check\nfor any mode: tag anywhere in the file.  If `local-enable-local-variables'\nis nil, then the only mode: tag that can be relevant is a -*- one.\n\nIf the optional argument KEEP-MODE-IF-SAME is non-nil, then we\nset the major mode only if that would change it.  In other words\nwe don't actually set it to the same mode the buffer already has." #<bytecode 0x1fe7e3f931d9>)()
  25.   apply(#f(compiled-function (&optional keep-mode-if-same) "Select major mode appropriate for current buffer.\n\nTo find the right major mode, this function checks for a -*- mode tag\nchecks for a `mode:' entry in the Local Variables section of the file,\nchecks if it uses an interpreter listed in `interpreter-mode-alist',\nmatches the buffer beginning against `magic-mode-alist',\ncompares the filename against the entries in `auto-mode-alist',\nthen matches the buffer beginning against `magic-fallback-mode-alist'.\n\nIf `enable-local-variables' is nil, or if the file name matches\n`inhibit-local-variables-regexps', this function does not check\nfor any mode: tag anywhere in the file.  If `local-enable-local-variables'\nis nil, then the only mode: tag that can be relevant is a -*- one.\n\nIf the optional argument KEEP-MODE-IF-SAME is non-nil, then we\nset the major mode only if that would change it.  In other words\nwe don't actually set it to the same mode the buffer already has." #<bytecode 0x1fe7e3f931d9>) nil)
  26.   #f(advice-wrapper :after #f(compiled-function (&optional keep-mode-if-same) "Select major mode appropriate for current buffer.\n\nTo find the right major mode, this function checks for a -*- mode tag\nchecks for a `mode:' entry in the Local Variables section of the file,\nchecks if it uses an interpreter listed in `interpreter-mode-alist',\nmatches the buffer beginning against `magic-mode-alist',\ncompares the filename against the entries in `auto-mode-alist',\nthen matches the buffer beginning against `magic-fallback-mode-alist'.\n\nIf `enable-local-variables' is nil, or if the file name matches\n`inhibit-local-variables-regexps', this function does not check\nfor any mode: tag anywhere in the file.  If `local-enable-local-variables'\nis nil, then the only mode: tag that can be relevant is a -*- one.\n\nIf the optional argument KEEP-MODE-IF-SAME is non-nil, then we\nset the major mode only if that would change it.  In other words\nwe don't actually set it to the same mode the buffer already has." #<bytecode 0x1fe7e3f931d9>) auto-minor-mode-set)()
  27.   apply(#f(advice-wrapper :after #f(compiled-function (&optional keep-mode-if-same) "Select major mode appropriate for current buffer.\n\nTo find the right major mode, this function checks for a -*- mode tag\nchecks for a `mode:' entry in the Local Variables section of the file,\nchecks if it uses an interpreter listed in `interpreter-mode-alist',\nmatches the buffer beginning against `magic-mode-alist',\ncompares the filename against the entries in `auto-mode-alist',\nthen matches the buffer beginning against `magic-fallback-mode-alist'.\n\nIf `enable-local-variables' is nil, or if the file name matches\n`inhibit-local-variables-regexps', this function does not check\nfor any mode: tag anywhere in the file.  If `local-enable-local-variables'\nis nil, then the only mode: tag that can be relevant is a -*- one.\n\nIf the optional argument KEEP-MODE-IF-SAME is non-nil, then we\nset the major mode only if that would change it.  In other words\nwe don't actually set it to the same mode the buffer already has." #<bytecode 0x1fe7e3f931d9>) auto-minor-mode-set) nil)
  28.   so-long--set-auto-mode(#f(advice-wrapper :after #f(compiled-function (&optional keep-mode-if-same) "Select major mode appropriate for current buffer.\n\nTo find the right major mode, this function checks for a -*- mode tag\nchecks for a `mode:' entry in the Local Variables section of the file,\nchecks if it uses an interpreter listed in `interpreter-mode-alist',\nmatches the buffer beginning against `magic-mode-alist',\ncompares the filename against the entries in `auto-mode-alist',\nthen matches the buffer beginning against `magic-fallback-mode-alist'.\n\nIf `enable-local-variables' is nil, or if the file name matches\n`inhibit-local-variables-regexps', this function does not check\nfor any mode: tag anywhere in the file.  If `local-enable-local-variables'\nis nil, then the only mode: tag that can be relevant is a -*- one.\n\nIf the optional argument KEEP-MODE-IF-SAME is non-nil, then we\nset the major mode only if that would change it.  In other words\nwe don't actually set it to the same mode the buffer already has." #<bytecode 0x1fe7e3f931d9>) auto-minor-mode-set))
  29.   apply(so-long--set-auto-mode #f(advice-wrapper :after #f(compiled-function (&optional keep-mode-if-same) "Select major mode appropriate for current buffer.\n\nTo find the right major mode, this function checks for a -*- mode tag\nchecks for a `mode:' entry in the Local Variables section of the file,\nchecks if it uses an interpreter listed in `interpreter-mode-alist',\nmatches the buffer beginning against `magic-mode-alist',\ncompares the filename against the entries in `auto-mode-alist',\nthen matches the buffer beginning against `magic-fallback-mode-alist'.\n\nIf `enable-local-variables' is nil, or if the file name matches\n`inhibit-local-variables-regexps', this function does not check\nfor any mode: tag anywhere in the file.  If `local-enable-local-variables'\nis nil, then the only mode: tag that can be relevant is a -*- one.\n\nIf the optional argument KEEP-MODE-IF-SAME is non-nil, then we\nset the major mode only if that would change it.  In other words\nwe don't actually set it to the same mode the buffer already has." #<bytecode 0x1fe7e3f931d9>) auto-minor-mode-set) nil)
  30.   set-auto-mode()
  31.   normal-mode(t)
  32.   #f(compiled-function (&optional error warn noauto after-find-file-from-revert-buffer nomodes) "Called after finding a file and by the default revert function.\nSets buffer mode, parses file-local and directory-local variables.\nOptional args ERROR, WARN, and NOAUTO: ERROR non-nil means there was an\nerror in reading the file.  WARN non-nil means warn if there\nexists an auto-save file more recent than the visited file.\nNOAUTO means don't mess with auto-save mode.\nFourth arg AFTER-FIND-FILE-FROM-REVERT-BUFFER is ignored\n(see `revert-buffer-in-progress-p' for similar functionality).\nFifth arg NOMODES non-nil means don't alter the file's modes.\nFinishes by calling the functions in `find-file-hook'\nunless NOMODES is non-nil." #<bytecode 0x1fe7e3fa753f>)(nil t)
  33.   apply(#f(compiled-function (&optional error warn noauto after-find-file-from-revert-buffer nomodes) "Called after finding a file and by the default revert function.\nSets buffer mode, parses file-local and directory-local variables.\nOptional args ERROR, WARN, and NOAUTO: ERROR non-nil means there was an\nerror in reading the file.  WARN non-nil means warn if there\nexists an auto-save file more recent than the visited file.\nNOAUTO means don't mess with auto-save mode.\nFourth arg AFTER-FIND-FILE-FROM-REVERT-BUFFER is ignored\n(see `revert-buffer-in-progress-p' for similar functionality).\nFifth arg NOMODES non-nil means don't alter the file's modes.\nFinishes by calling the functions in `find-file-hook'\nunless NOMODES is non-nil." #<bytecode 0x1fe7e3fa753f>) (nil t))
  34.   #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(compiled-function (&optional error warn noauto after-find-file-from-revert-buffer nomodes) "Called after finding a file and by the default revert function.\nSets buffer mode, parses file-local and directory-local variables.\nOptional args ERROR, WARN, and NOAUTO: ERROR non-nil means there was an\nerror in reading the file.  WARN non-nil means warn if there\nexists an auto-save file more recent than the visited file.\nNOAUTO means don't mess with auto-save mode.\nFourth arg AFTER-FIND-FILE-FROM-REVERT-BUFFER is ignored\n(see `revert-buffer-in-progress-p' for similar functionality).\nFifth arg NOMODES non-nil means don't alter the file's modes.\nFinishes by calling the functions in `find-file-hook'\nunless NOMODES is non-nil." #<bytecode 0x1fe7e3fa753f>) doom--after-call-paren-h)(nil t)
  35.   apply(#f(advice-wrapper :before #f(compiled-function (&optional error warn noauto after-find-file-from-revert-buffer nomodes) "Called after finding a file and by the default revert function.\nSets buffer mode, parses file-local and directory-local variables.\nOptional args ERROR, WARN, and NOAUTO: ERROR non-nil means there was an\nerror in reading the file.  WARN non-nil means warn if there\nexists an auto-save file more recent than the visited file.\nNOAUTO means don't mess with auto-save mode.\nFourth arg AFTER-FIND-FILE-FROM-REVERT-BUFFER is ignored\n(see `revert-buffer-in-progress-p' for similar functionality).\nFifth arg NOMODES non-nil means don't alter the file's modes.\nFinishes by calling the functions in `find-file-hook'\nunless NOMODES is non-nil." #<bytecode 0x1fe7e3fa753f>) doom--after-call-paren-h) (nil t))
  36.   (if (setq doom-large-file-p (and buffer-file-name (not doom-large-file-p) (file-exists-p buffer-file-name) (> (nth 7 (file-attributes buffer-file-name)) (* 1024 1024 (assoc-default buffer-file-name doom-large-file-size-alist #'string-match-p))))) (prog1 (apply orig-fn args) (if (memq major-mode doom-large-file-excluded-modes) (setq doom-large-file-p nil) (if (fboundp 'so-long-minor-mode) (progn (so-long-minor-mode 1))) (message "Large file detected! Cutting a few corners to impr..."))) (apply orig-fn args))
  37.   doom--optimize-for-large-files-a(#f(advice-wrapper :before #f(compiled-function (&optional error warn noauto after-find-file-from-revert-buffer nomodes) "Called after finding a file and by the default revert function.\nSets buffer mode, parses file-local and directory-local variables.\nOptional args ERROR, WARN, and NOAUTO: ERROR non-nil means there was an\nerror in reading the file.  WARN non-nil means warn if there\nexists an auto-save file more recent than the visited file.\nNOAUTO means don't mess with auto-save mode.\nFourth arg AFTER-FIND-FILE-FROM-REVERT-BUFFER is ignored\n(see `revert-buffer-in-progress-p' for similar functionality).\nFifth arg NOMODES non-nil means don't alter the file's modes.\nFinishes by calling the functions in `find-file-hook'\nunless NOMODES is non-nil." #<bytecode 0x1fe7e3fa753f>) doom--after-call-paren-h) nil t)
  38.   apply(doom--optimize-for-large-files-a #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(compiled-function (&optional error warn noauto after-find-file-from-revert-buffer nomodes) "Called after finding a file and by the default revert function.\nSets buffer mode, parses file-local and directory-local variables.\nOptional args ERROR, WARN, and NOAUTO: ERROR non-nil means there was an\nerror in reading the file.  WARN non-nil means warn if there\nexists an auto-save file more recent than the visited file.\nNOAUTO means don't mess with auto-save mode.\nFourth arg AFTER-FIND-FILE-FROM-REVERT-BUFFER is ignored\n(see `revert-buffer-in-progress-p' for similar functionality).\nFifth arg NOMODES non-nil means don't alter the file's modes.\nFinishes by calling the functions in `find-file-hook'\nunless NOMODES is non-nil." #<bytecode 0x1fe7e3fa753f>) doom--after-call-paren-h) (nil t))
  39.   #f(advice-wrapper :around #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(compiled-function (&optional error warn noauto after-find-file-from-revert-buffer nomodes) "Called after finding a file and by the default revert function.\nSets buffer mode, parses file-local and directory-local variables.\nOptional args ERROR, WARN, and NOAUTO: ERROR non-nil means there was an\nerror in reading the file.  WARN non-nil means warn if there\nexists an auto-save file more recent than the visited file.\nNOAUTO means don't mess with auto-save mode.\nFourth arg AFTER-FIND-FILE-FROM-REVERT-BUFFER is ignored\n(see `revert-buffer-in-progress-p' for similar functionality).\nFifth arg NOMODES non-nil means don't alter the file's modes.\nFinishes by calling the functions in `find-file-hook'\nunless NOMODES is non-nil." #<bytecode 0x1fe7e3fa753f>) doom--after-call-paren-h) doom--optimize-for-large-files-a)(nil t)
  40.   apply(#f(advice-wrapper :around #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(compiled-function (&optional error warn noauto after-find-file-from-revert-buffer nomodes) "Called after finding a file and by the default revert function.\nSets buffer mode, parses file-local and directory-local variables.\nOptional args ERROR, WARN, and NOAUTO: ERROR non-nil means there was an\nerror in reading the file.  WARN non-nil means warn if there\nexists an auto-save file more recent than the visited file.\nNOAUTO means don't mess with auto-save mode.\nFourth arg AFTER-FIND-FILE-FROM-REVERT-BUFFER is ignored\n(see `revert-buffer-in-progress-p' for similar functionality).\nFifth arg NOMODES non-nil means don't alter the file's modes.\nFinishes by calling the functions in `find-file-hook'\nunless NOMODES is non-nil." #<bytecode 0x1fe7e3fa753f>) doom--after-call-paren-h) doom--optimize-for-large-files-a) (nil t))
  41.   #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :around #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(compiled-function (&optional error warn noauto after-find-file-from-revert-buffer nomodes) "Called after finding a file and by the default revert function.\nSets buffer mode, parses file-local and directory-local variables.\nOptional args ERROR, WARN, and NOAUTO: ERROR non-nil means there was an\nerror in reading the file.  WARN non-nil means warn if there\nexists an auto-save file more recent than the visited file.\nNOAUTO means don't mess with auto-save mode.\nFourth arg AFTER-FIND-FILE-FROM-REVERT-BUFFER is ignored\n(see `revert-buffer-in-progress-p' for similar functionality).\nFifth arg NOMODES non-nil means don't alter the file's modes.\nFinishes by calling the functions in `find-file-hook'\nunless NOMODES is non-nil." #<bytecode 0x1fe7e3fa753f>) doom--after-call-paren-h) doom--optimize-for-large-files-a) doom--after-call-recentf-h)(nil t)
  42.   apply(#f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :around #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(compiled-function (&optional error warn noauto after-find-file-from-revert-buffer nomodes) "Called after finding a file and by the default revert function.\nSets buffer mode, parses file-local and directory-local variables.\nOptional args ERROR, WARN, and NOAUTO: ERROR non-nil means there was an\nerror in reading the file.  WARN non-nil means warn if there\nexists an auto-save file more recent than the visited file.\nNOAUTO means don't mess with auto-save mode.\nFourth arg AFTER-FIND-FILE-FROM-REVERT-BUFFER is ignored\n(see `revert-buffer-in-progress-p' for similar functionality).\nFifth arg NOMODES non-nil means don't alter the file's modes.\nFinishes by calling the functions in `find-file-hook'\nunless NOMODES is non-nil." #<bytecode 0x1fe7e3fa753f>) doom--after-call-paren-h) doom--optimize-for-large-files-a) doom--after-call-recentf-h) (nil t))
  43.   #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :around #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(compiled-function (&optional error warn noauto after-find-file-from-revert-buffer nomodes) "Called after finding a file and by the default revert function.\nSets buffer mode, parses file-local and directory-local variables.\nOptional args ERROR, WARN, and NOAUTO: ERROR non-nil means there was an\nerror in reading the file.  WARN non-nil means warn if there\nexists an auto-save file more recent than the visited file.\nNOAUTO means don't mess with auto-save mode.\nFourth arg AFTER-FIND-FILE-FROM-REVERT-BUFFER is ignored\n(see `revert-buffer-in-progress-p' for similar functionality).\nFifth arg NOMODES non-nil means don't alter the file's modes.\nFinishes by calling the functions in `find-file-hook'\nunless NOMODES is non-nil." #<bytecode 0x1fe7e3fa753f>) doom--after-call-paren-h) doom--optimize-for-large-files-a) doom--after-call-recentf-h) doom--after-call-saveplace-h)(nil t)
  44.   apply(#f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :around #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(compiled-function (&optional error warn noauto after-find-file-from-revert-buffer nomodes) "Called after finding a file and by the default revert function.\nSets buffer mode, parses file-local and directory-local variables.\nOptional args ERROR, WARN, and NOAUTO: ERROR non-nil means there was an\nerror in reading the file.  WARN non-nil means warn if there\nexists an auto-save file more recent than the visited file.\nNOAUTO means don't mess with auto-save mode.\nFourth arg AFTER-FIND-FILE-FROM-REVERT-BUFFER is ignored\n(see `revert-buffer-in-progress-p' for similar functionality).\nFifth arg NOMODES non-nil means don't alter the file's modes.\nFinishes by calling the functions in `find-file-hook'\nunless NOMODES is non-nil." #<bytecode 0x1fe7e3fa753f>) doom--after-call-paren-h) doom--optimize-for-large-files-a) doom--after-call-recentf-h) doom--after-call-saveplace-h) (nil t))
  45.   #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :around #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(compiled-function (&optional error warn noauto after-find-file-from-revert-buffer nomodes) "Called after finding a file and by the default revert function.\nSets buffer mode, parses file-local and directory-local variables.\nOptional args ERROR, WARN, and NOAUTO: ERROR non-nil means there was an\nerror in reading the file.  WARN non-nil means warn if there\nexists an auto-save file more recent than the visited file.\nNOAUTO means don't mess with auto-save mode.\nFourth arg AFTER-FIND-FILE-FROM-REVERT-BUFFER is ignored\n(see `revert-buffer-in-progress-p' for similar functionality).\nFifth arg NOMODES non-nil means don't alter the file's modes.\nFinishes by calling the functions in `find-file-hook'\nunless NOMODES is non-nil." #<bytecode 0x1fe7e3fa753f>) doom--after-call-paren-h) doom--optimize-for-large-files-a) doom--after-call-recentf-h) doom--after-call-saveplace-h) doom--after-call-smartparens-h)(nil t)
  46.   apply(#f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :around #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(compiled-function (&optional error warn noauto after-find-file-from-revert-buffer nomodes) "Called after finding a file and by the default revert function.\nSets buffer mode, parses file-local and directory-local variables.\nOptional args ERROR, WARN, and NOAUTO: ERROR non-nil means there was an\nerror in reading the file.  WARN non-nil means warn if there\nexists an auto-save file more recent than the visited file.\nNOAUTO means don't mess with auto-save mode.\nFourth arg AFTER-FIND-FILE-FROM-REVERT-BUFFER is ignored\n(see `revert-buffer-in-progress-p' for similar functionality).\nFifth arg NOMODES non-nil means don't alter the file's modes.\nFinishes by calling the functions in `find-file-hook'\nunless NOMODES is non-nil." #<bytecode 0x1fe7e3fa753f>) doom--after-call-paren-h) doom--optimize-for-large-files-a) doom--after-call-recentf-h) doom--after-call-saveplace-h) doom--after-call-smartparens-h) (nil t))
  47.   #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :around #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(compiled-function (&optional error warn noauto after-find-file-from-revert-buffer nomodes) "Called after finding a file and by the default revert function.\nSets buffer mode, parses file-local and directory-local variables.\nOptional args ERROR, WARN, and NOAUTO: ERROR non-nil means there was an\nerror in reading the file.  WARN non-nil means warn if there\nexists an auto-save file more recent than the visited file.\nNOAUTO means don't mess with auto-save mode.\nFourth arg AFTER-FIND-FILE-FROM-REVERT-BUFFER is ignored\n(see `revert-buffer-in-progress-p' for similar functionality).\nFifth arg NOMODES non-nil means don't alter the file's modes.\nFinishes by calling the functions in `find-file-hook'\nunless NOMODES is non-nil." #<bytecode 0x1fe7e3fa753f>) doom--after-call-paren-h) doom--optimize-for-large-files-a) doom--after-call-recentf-h) doom--after-call-saveplace-h) doom--after-call-smartparens-h) doom--after-call-so-long-h)(nil t)
  48.   apply(#f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :around #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(compiled-function (&optional error warn noauto after-find-file-from-revert-buffer nomodes) "Called after finding a file and by the default revert function.\nSets buffer mode, parses file-local and directory-local variables.\nOptional args ERROR, WARN, and NOAUTO: ERROR non-nil means there was an\nerror in reading the file.  WARN non-nil means warn if there\nexists an auto-save file more recent than the visited file.\nNOAUTO means don't mess with auto-save mode.\nFourth arg AFTER-FIND-FILE-FROM-REVERT-BUFFER is ignored\n(see `revert-buffer-in-progress-p' for similar functionality).\nFifth arg NOMODES non-nil means don't alter the file's modes.\nFinishes by calling the functions in `find-file-hook'\nunless NOMODES is non-nil." #<bytecode 0x1fe7e3fa753f>) doom--after-call-paren-h) doom--optimize-for-large-files-a) doom--after-call-recentf-h) doom--after-call-saveplace-h) doom--after-call-smartparens-h) doom--after-call-so-long-h) (nil t))
  49.   #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :around #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(compiled-function (&optional error warn noauto after-find-file-from-revert-buffer nomodes) "Called after finding a file and by the default revert function.\nSets buffer mode, parses file-local and directory-local variables.\nOptional args ERROR, WARN, and NOAUTO: ERROR non-nil means there was an\nerror in reading the file.  WARN non-nil means warn if there\nexists an auto-save file more recent than the visited file.\nNOAUTO means don't mess with auto-save mode.\nFourth arg AFTER-FIND-FILE-FROM-REVERT-BUFFER is ignored\n(see `revert-buffer-in-progress-p' for similar functionality).\nFifth arg NOMODES non-nil means don't alter the file's modes.\nFinishes by calling the functions in `find-file-hook'\nunless NOMODES is non-nil." #<bytecode 0x1fe7e3fa753f>) doom--after-call-paren-h) doom--optimize-for-large-files-a) doom--after-call-recentf-h) doom--after-call-saveplace-h) doom--after-call-smartparens-h) doom--after-call-so-long-h) doom--after-call-undo-tree-h)(nil t)
  50.   apply(#f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :around #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(compiled-function (&optional error warn noauto after-find-file-from-revert-buffer nomodes) "Called after finding a file and by the default revert function.\nSets buffer mode, parses file-local and directory-local variables.\nOptional args ERROR, WARN, and NOAUTO: ERROR non-nil means there was an\nerror in reading the file.  WARN non-nil means warn if there\nexists an auto-save file more recent than the visited file.\nNOAUTO means don't mess with auto-save mode.\nFourth arg AFTER-FIND-FILE-FROM-REVERT-BUFFER is ignored\n(see `revert-buffer-in-progress-p' for similar functionality).\nFifth arg NOMODES non-nil means don't alter the file's modes.\nFinishes by calling the functions in `find-file-hook'\nunless NOMODES is non-nil." #<bytecode 0x1fe7e3fa753f>) doom--after-call-paren-h) doom--optimize-for-large-files-a) doom--after-call-recentf-h) doom--after-call-saveplace-h) doom--after-call-smartparens-h) doom--after-call-so-long-h) doom--after-call-undo-tree-h) (nil t))
  51.   #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :around #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(compiled-function (&optional error warn noauto after-find-file-from-revert-buffer nomodes) "Called after finding a file and by the default revert function.\nSets buffer mode, parses file-local and directory-local variables.\nOptional args ERROR, WARN, and NOAUTO: ERROR non-nil means there was an\nerror in reading the file.  WARN non-nil means warn if there\nexists an auto-save file more recent than the visited file.\nNOAUTO means don't mess with auto-save mode.\nFourth arg AFTER-FIND-FILE-FROM-REVERT-BUFFER is ignored\n(see `revert-buffer-in-progress-p' for similar functionality).\nFifth arg NOMODES non-nil means don't alter the file's modes.\nFinishes by calling the functions in `find-file-hook'\nunless NOMODES is non-nil." #<bytecode 0x1fe7e3fa753f>) doom--after-call-paren-h) doom--optimize-for-large-files-a) doom--after-call-recentf-h) doom--after-call-saveplace-h) doom--after-call-smartparens-h) doom--after-call-so-long-h) doom--after-call-undo-tree-h) doom--after-call-ws-butler-h)(nil t)
  52.   apply(#f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :around #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(compiled-function (&optional error warn noauto after-find-file-from-revert-buffer nomodes) "Called after finding a file and by the default revert function.\nSets buffer mode, parses file-local and directory-local variables.\nOptional args ERROR, WARN, and NOAUTO: ERROR non-nil means there was an\nerror in reading the file.  WARN non-nil means warn if there\nexists an auto-save file more recent than the visited file.\nNOAUTO means don't mess with auto-save mode.\nFourth arg AFTER-FIND-FILE-FROM-REVERT-BUFFER is ignored\n(see `revert-buffer-in-progress-p' for similar functionality).\nFifth arg NOMODES non-nil means don't alter the file's modes.\nFinishes by calling the functions in `find-file-hook'\nunless NOMODES is non-nil." #<bytecode 0x1fe7e3fa753f>) doom--after-call-paren-h) doom--optimize-for-large-files-a) doom--after-call-recentf-h) doom--after-call-saveplace-h) doom--after-call-smartparens-h) doom--after-call-so-long-h) doom--after-call-undo-tree-h) doom--after-call-ws-butler-h) (nil t))
  53.   #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :around #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(compiled-function (&optional error warn noauto after-find-file-from-revert-buffer nomodes) "Called after finding a file and by the default revert function.\nSets buffer mode, parses file-local and directory-local variables.\nOptional args ERROR, WARN, and NOAUTO: ERROR non-nil means there was an\nerror in reading the file.  WARN non-nil means warn if there\nexists an auto-save file more recent than the visited file.\nNOAUTO means don't mess with auto-save mode.\nFourth arg AFTER-FIND-FILE-FROM-REVERT-BUFFER is ignored\n(see `revert-buffer-in-progress-p' for similar functionality).\nFifth arg NOMODES non-nil means don't alter the file's modes.\nFinishes by calling the functions in `find-file-hook'\nunless NOMODES is non-nil." #<bytecode 0x1fe7e3fa753f>) doom--after-call-paren-h) doom--optimize-for-large-files-a) doom--after-call-recentf-h) doom--after-call-saveplace-h) doom--after-call-smartparens-h) doom--after-call-so-long-h) doom--after-call-undo-tree-h) doom--after-call-ws-butler-h) doom--after-call-centaur-tabs-h)(nil t)
  54.   apply(#f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :around #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(compiled-function (&optional error warn noauto after-find-file-from-revert-buffer nomodes) "Called after finding a file and by the default revert function.\nSets buffer mode, parses file-local and directory-local variables.\nOptional args ERROR, WARN, and NOAUTO: ERROR non-nil means there was an\nerror in reading the file.  WARN non-nil means warn if there\nexists an auto-save file more recent than the visited file.\nNOAUTO means don't mess with auto-save mode.\nFourth arg AFTER-FIND-FILE-FROM-REVERT-BUFFER is ignored\n(see `revert-buffer-in-progress-p' for similar functionality).\nFifth arg NOMODES non-nil means don't alter the file's modes.\nFinishes by calling the functions in `find-file-hook'\nunless NOMODES is non-nil." #<bytecode 0x1fe7e3fa753f>) doom--after-call-paren-h) doom--optimize-for-large-files-a) doom--after-call-recentf-h) doom--after-call-saveplace-h) doom--after-call-smartparens-h) doom--after-call-so-long-h) doom--after-call-undo-tree-h) doom--after-call-ws-butler-h) doom--after-call-centaur-tabs-h) (nil t))
  55.   #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :around #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(compiled-function (&optional error warn noauto after-find-file-from-revert-buffer nomodes) "Called after finding a file and by the default revert function.\nSets buffer mode, parses file-local and directory-local variables.\nOptional args ERROR, WARN, and NOAUTO: ERROR non-nil means there was an\nerror in reading the file.  WARN non-nil means warn if there\nexists an auto-save file more recent than the visited file.\nNOAUTO means don't mess with auto-save mode.\nFourth arg AFTER-FIND-FILE-FROM-REVERT-BUFFER is ignored\n(see `revert-buffer-in-progress-p' for similar functionality).\nFifth arg NOMODES non-nil means don't alter the file's modes.\nFinishes by calling the functions in `find-file-hook'\nunless NOMODES is non-nil." #<bytecode 0x1fe7e3fa753f>) doom--after-call-paren-h) doom--optimize-for-large-files-a) doom--after-call-recentf-h) doom--after-call-saveplace-h) doom--after-call-smartparens-h) doom--after-call-so-long-h) doom--after-call-undo-tree-h) doom--after-call-ws-butler-h) doom--after-call-centaur-tabs-h) doom--after-call-git-commit-h)(nil t)
  56.   apply(#f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(advice-wrapper :around #f(advice-wrapper :before #f(compiled-function (&optional error warn noauto after-find-file-from-revert-buffer nomodes) "Called after finding a file and by the default revert function.\nSets buffer mode, parses file-local and directory-local variables.\nOptional args ERROR, WARN, and NOAUTO: ERROR non-nil means there was an\nerror in reading the file.  WARN non-nil means warn if there\nexists an auto-save file more recent than the visited file.\nNOAUTO means don't mess with auto-save mode.\nFourth arg AFTER-FIND-FILE-FROM-REVERT-BUFFER is ignored\n(see `revert-buffer-in-progress-p' for similar functionality).\nFifth arg NOMODES non-nil means don't alter the file's modes.\nFinishes by calling the functions in `find-file-hook'\nunless NOMODES is non-nil." #<bytecode 0x1fe7e3fa753f>) doom--after-call-paren-h) doom--optimize-for-large-files-a) doom--after-call-recentf-h) doom--after-call-saveplace-h) doom--after-call-smartparens-h) doom--after-call-so-long-h) doom--after-call-undo-tree-h) doom--after-call-ws-butler-h) doom--after-call-centaur-tabs-h) doom--after-call-git-commit-h) (nil t))
  57.   after-find-file(nil t)
  58.   find-file-noselect-1(#<buffer> "/tmp/" nil nil "/tmp/" (162509 46))
  59.   find-file-noselect("/tmp/" nil nil nil)
  60.   find-file("/tmp/")
  61.   counsel-find-file-action("/tmp/")
  62.   ivy-call()
  63.   ivy-read("Find file: " read-file-name-internal :matcher counsel--find-file-matcher :initial-input nil :action counsel-find-file-action :preselect nil :require-match confirm-after-completion :history file-name-history :keymap (keymap (96 lambda (&optional arg) "nil (`nil')" (interactive "p") (if (string= "" ivy-text) (execute-kbd-macro (kbd "M-o b")) (self-insert-command arg))) (C-backspace . counsel-up-directory) (67108991 . counsel-up-directory)) :caller counsel-find-file)
  64.   counsel--find-file-1("Find file: " nil counsel-find-file-action counsel-find-file)
  65.   counsel-find-file()
  66.   funcall-interactively(counsel-find-file)
  67.   call-interactively(counsel-find-file nil nil)
  68.   command-execute(counsel-find-file)
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