

Nov 23rd, 2014
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  1. [General]
  2. SStartingCell =
  3. SCharGenQuest = 00102037
  4. SStartingCellY =
  5. SStartingCellX =
  6. SStartingWorld =
  7. bRunHighLevelProcess=1
  8. bRunMiddleLowLevelProcess=0
  9. iNumHWThreads=4
  10. bMultiThreadMovement=1
  11. bMTRendering=1
  12. iStoryManagerLoggingEvent=-1
  13. bEnableStoryManagerLogging=0
  14. fMasterFilePreLoadMB=500.0000
  15. bDecalMultithreaded=1
  16. STestFile10 =
  17. STestFile9 =
  18. STestFile8 =
  19. STestFile7 =
  20. STestFile6 =
  21. STestFile5 =
  22. STestFile4 =
  23. STestFile3 =
  24. STestFile2 =
  25. STestFile1 =
  26. sEssentialFileCacheList = Data\Fallout.esm|Data2\Fallout.esm, Data\Music\Special\MainTitle.mp3, Data\Fallout - Sound.bsa|Fallout - Sound.bsa, Data\Fallout - Voices1.bsa|Fallout - Voices1.bsa
  27. sUnessentialFileCacheList = Data\Fallout - Meshes.bsa|Data2\Fallout - Meshes.bsa, Data\Fallout - Textures.bsa|Data2\Fallout - Textures.bsa, Data\Fallout - Textures2.bsa, Data\Music\Dungeon\*.xma, Data\Music\Base\*.mp3, Data\Music\Battle\*.mp3, Data\Music\Explore\*.mp3, Data\Music\Public\*.mp3, Data\Music\Special\*.mp3
  28. bPreCullActors = 1
  29. bTaskletActorSceneGraphUpdates = 0
  30. bTaskletActorAnimMovementUpdates = 1
  31. bAnimationUseBlendFromPose = 1
  32. bEnableProfile = 0
  33. bDrawSpellContact = 0
  34. iHoursToSleep = 3
  35. bActorLookWithHavok = 0
  36. SMainMenuMusicTrack = special\maintitle.mp3
  37. bUseEyeEnvMapping = 1
  38. bFixFaceNormals = 0
  39. bUseFaceGenHeads = 1
  40. bFaceMipMaps = 1
  41. bFaceGenTexturing = 1
  42. bDefaultCOCPlacement = 0
  43. uGridDistantCount = 20
  44. uGridsToLoad = 5
  45. fGlobalTimeMultiplier = 1.0000
  46. bNewAnimation = 1
  47. bFixAIPackagesOnLoad = 0
  48. bForceReloadOnEssentialCharacterDeath = 1
  49. bKeepPluginWhenMerging = 0
  50. bCreate Maps Enable = 0
  51. SLocalSavePath = Saves\
  52. SLocalMasterPath = Data\
  53. bDisableDuplicateReferenceCheck = 1
  54. bTintMipMaps = 0
  55. uInteriorCellBuffer = 192
  56. uExteriorCellBuffer = 2304
  57. iIntroSequencePriority = 3
  58. bPreloadIntroSequence = 1
  59. fStaticScreenWaitTime = 3.0000
  60. SMainMenuMovieIntro =
  61. SIntroSequence =
  62. sIntroMovie = Fallout INTRO Vsk.bik
  63. iFPSClamp = 0
  64. bRunVTuneTest = 0
  65. bActivateAllQuestScripts = 0
  66. bUseThreadedBlood=1
  67. bUseThreadedMorpher=1
  68. bUseThreadedTempEffects=1
  69. bUseThreadedParticleSystem=1
  70. bUseThreadedAI=1
  71. bUseThreadedMeshes=1
  72. bUseThreadedLOD=1
  73. bUseThreadedTextures=1
  74. bBorderRegionsEnabled=1
  75. bDisableHeadTracking = 0
  76. bTrackAllDeaths = 0
  77. uiFaceGenMaxEGTDataSize = 67108864
  78. uiFaceGenMaxEGMDataSize = 67108864
  79. bPreemptivelyUnloadCells = 0
  80. iNumBitsForFullySeen = 248
  81. iPreloadSizeLimit = 16777216000
  82. bUseHardDriveCache = 0
  83. bEnableBoundingVolumeOcclusion = 1
  84. bDisplayBoundingVolumes = 0
  85. bUseThreadedTempEffects = 1
  86. bUseThreadedParticleSystem = 0
  87. bExternalLODDataFiles = 1
  88. bCheckCellOffsetsOnInit = 0
  89. uGridDistantTreeRange = 5
  90. bCreateShaderPackage = 0
  91. bWarnOnMissingFileEntry = 0
  92. bAllowScriptedAutosave = 0
  93. uGridDistantTreeRangeCity = 4
  94. uGridDistantCountCity = 4
  95. iSaveGameBackupCount = 1
  96. bDisplayMissingContentDialogue = 1
  97. SSaveGameSafeCellID = 2AEEA
  98. bChangeTimeMultSlowly = 1
  99. bCheckPurgedTextureList = 0
  100. bAnimateDoorPhysics = 0
  101. sLanguage = ENGLISH
  102. bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles = 1
  104. [Display]
  105. fDecalLifetime = 720.0000
  106. bEquippedTorchesCastShadows = 0
  107. bReportBadTangentSpace = 0
  108. bStaticMenuBackground = 1
  109. bForcePow2Textures = 0
  110. bForce1XShaders = 0
  111. bHighQuality20Lighting = 1
  112. bAllow20HairShader = 1
  113. bAllowScreenShot = 0
  114. iMultiSample = 1
  115. bDoTallGrassEffect = 1
  116. bForceMultiPass = 1
  117. bDoTexturePass = 1
  118. bDoSpecularPass = 1
  119. bDoDiffusePass = 1
  120. bDoAmbientPass = 1
  121. bImageSpaceEffects = 1
  122. bDoCanopyShadowPass = 1
  123. bDrawShadows = 0
  124. bUseRefractionShader = 1
  125. bUse Shaders = 1
  126. iNPatchNOrder = 0
  127. iNPatchPOrder = 0
  128. iNPatches = 0
  129. iLocation Y = 5
  130. iLocation X = 5
  131. bFull Screen = 0
  132. iAdapter = 0
  133. iScreenShotIndex = 0
  134. SScreenShotBaseName = ScreenShot
  135. iAutoViewMinDistance = 2000
  136. iAutoViewHiFrameRate = 40
  137. iAutoViewLowFrameRate = 20
  138. bAutoViewDistance = 0
  139. fDefaultFOV=90.0000
  140. fDefaultWorldFOV=90.0000
  141. fNearDistance = 5
  142. fFarDistance = 1000.0000
  143. iDebugTextLeftRightOffset = 10
  144. iDebugTextTopBottomOffset = 20
  145. bShowMenuTextureUse = 1
  146. fLightLODDefaultStartFade = 10240.0
  147. fLightLODRange = 10240.0
  148. fLightLODMinStartFade = 10240.0
  149. fLightLODMaxStartFade = 10240.0
  150. fDecalLOD0=155000.0000
  151. fDecalLOD1=155000.0000
  152. fDecalLOD2=155000.0000
  153. fShadowLODDefaultStartFade = 200.0
  154. fShadowLODRange = 200.0
  155. fShadowLODMinStartFade = 100.0
  156. fShadowLODMaxStartFade = 1000.0
  157. fSkinnedDecalLOD0=155000.0000
  158. fSkinnedDecalLOD1=155000.0000
  159. fSkinnedDecalLOD2=155000.0000
  160. fSpecularLODDefaultStartFade = 10240.0
  161. fSpecularLODRange = 10240.0
  162. fSpecularLODMinStartFade = 10240.0
  163. fSpecularLODMaxStartFade = 10240.0
  164. fGamma = 1.0000
  165. bAllow30Shaders = 1
  166. iTexMipMapMinimum = 0
  167. bDoStaticAndArchShadows = 0
  168. bDoActorShadows = 1
  169. fNoLODFarDistancePct = 1.0000
  170. fNoLODFarDistanceMax = 10240.0000
  171. fNoLODFarDistanceMin = 100.0000
  172. fEyeEnvMapLOD2 = 800.0000
  173. fEyeEnvMapLOD1 = 500.0000
  174. fEnvMapLOD2 = 1800.0000
  175. fEnvMapLOD1 = 1500.0000
  176. fGammaMax = 0.6000
  177. fGammaMin = 1.4000
  178. iMaxDecalsPerFrame=120
  179. iActorShadowCount = 4
  180. bIgnoreResolutionCheck = 0
  181. fSpecualrStartMax = 1000.0000
  182. fSpecularStartMin = 0.0000
  183. iActorShadowIntMax = 10
  184. iActorShadowIntMin = 0
  185. iActorShadowExtMax = 10
  186. iActorShadowExtMin = 0
  187. bDynamicWindowReflections = 1
  188. fShadowFadeTime = 1.0000
  189. iPresentInterval = 0
  190. bDecalsOnSkinnedGeometry = 1
  191. uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart4 = 0
  192. uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart3 = 0
  193. uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart2 = 0
  194. uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart1 = 0
  195. iShadowFilter = 2
  196. bAllowPartialPrecision = 1
  197. iShadowMapResolution = 1024
  198. bShadowsOnGrass = 0
  199. bActorSelfShadowing = 0
  200. iActorShadowCountInt = 6
  201. iActorShadowCountExt = 6
  202. fPipboy1stPersonFOV = 47.0
  203. fDefault1stPersonFOV = 75.0000
  204. bLODNoiseAniso = 1
  205. iMaxAnisotropy = 0
  206. fLandLOFadeSeconds = 15.0
  207. bEnableEyefinity = 0
  209. [Controls]
  210. fForegroundMouseAccelBase=0
  211. fForegroundMouseAccelTop=0
  212. fForegroundMouseBase=0
  213. fForegroundMouseMult=0
  214. bAlwaysRunByDefault = 1
  215. bBackground Mouse = 0
  216. bBackground Keyboard = 1
  218. [Water]
  219. bUseWaterShader = 1
  220. bUseWaterReflections = 1
  221. bUseWaterRefractions = 1
  222. bUseWaterDepth = 1
  223. bUseWaterHiRes = 1
  224. bUseWaterDisplacements = 1
  225. bUseWaterLOD = 1
  226. bReflectExplosions = 1
  227. bAutoWaterSilhouetteReflections = 0
  228. bForceHighDetailReflections = 1
  229. bForceLowDetailReflections = 0
  230. fTileTextureDivisor = 4.7500
  231. fSurfaceTileSize = 2048.0000
  232. fNearWaterOutdoorTolerance = 1024.0000
  233. fNearWaterIndoorTolerance = 512.0000
  234. fNearWaterUnderwaterVolume = 0.9000
  235. fNearWaterUnderwaterFreq = 0.3000
  236. uNearWaterPoints = 8
  237. uNearWaterRadius = 1000
  238. uSurfaceFPS = 12
  240. [Audio]
  241. fASFadeInTime = 2.0
  242. fASFadeOutTime = 10.0
  243. fRegionLoopFadeInTime = 5.0
  244. fRegionLoopFadeOutTime = 5.0
  245. fAudioDebugDelay = 0.0000
  246. bEnableAudio = 1
  247. bEnableAudioCache = 1
  248. bMultiThreadAudio = 0
  249. bEnableEnviroEffectsOnPC = 0
  250. iAudioCacheSize = 2048
  251. iMaxSizeForCachedSound = 256
  252. bUseAudioDebugInformation = 1
  253. fDefaultMasterVolume = 1.0000
  254. fDefaultFootVolume = 0.5000
  255. fDefaultMusicVolume = 0.6000
  256. fDefaultRadioVolume = 0.5000
  257. fDefaultEffectsVolume = 1.0000
  258. fDefaultVoiceVolume = 0.6000
  259. iMaxImpactSoundCount = 32
  260. fMaxFootstepDistance = 1100.0000
  261. fPlayerFootVolume = 0.6500
  262. iCollisionSoundTimeDelta = 150
  263. iRadioUpdateInterval = 250
  264. fDialogMinDistance = 600.00
  265. fDialogMaxDistance = 2000.00
  266. fMainMenuMusicVolume = 0.6
  267. fDBVoiceAttenuationIn2D = 2.0
  268. fCollisionSoundHeavyThreshold = 60.0
  269. fDialogueFadeDecibels = 6.0
  270. fDialogueFadeSecondsIn = 2.0
  271. fDialogueFadeSecondsOut = 1.0
  272. fDialogueHeadPitchExaggeration = 2.0
  273. fDialogueHeadRollExaggeration = 2.0
  274. fDialogueHeadYawExaggeration = 2.0
  275. fHardLandingDamageThreshold = 500.0
  276. fWoodMediumMassMin = 7.0
  277. fWoodLargeMassMin = 15.0
  278. fStoneMediumMassMin = 5.0
  279. fStoneLargeMassMin = 30.0
  280. fEarthMediumMassMin = 5.0
  281. fEarthLargeMassMin = 30.0
  282. fSkinMediumMassMin = 5.0
  283. fSkinLargeMassMin = 30.0
  284. fMetalMediumMassMin = 8.0
  285. fMetalLargeMassMin = 25.0
  286. fRadioDialogMute = 0.50
  287. fFilterDistortionGain = -7.5
  288. fFilterPEQGain = -15.0
  289. fFilterdBAttenuation = 11.5
  290. bEnableTextToSpeech = 0
  291. fTextToSpeechVolume = 0.35
  292. fDialogReverbAttenuation = 0.15
  294. [Pathfinding]
  295. bDrawPathsDefault = 0
  296. bPathMovementOnly = 0
  297. bDrawSmoothFailures = 0
  298. bDebugSmoothing = 0
  299. bSmoothPaths = 1
  300. bSnapToAngle = 0
  301. bDebugAvoidance = 0
  302. bDisableAvoidance = 0
  303. bBackgroundPathing = 1
  304. bUseObstacleAvoidance = 1
  305. bBackgroundNavmeshUpdate = 1
  307. [MAIN]
  308. bEnableBorderRegion = 1
  309. fLowPerfCombatantVoiceDistance = 1000.0000
  310. iDetectionHighNumPicks = 40
  311. fQuestScriptDelayTime = 5.0000
  312. bCloneModelsInBackground = 1
  313. iLastHDRSetting = -1
  315. [HAVOK]
  316. bDisablePlayerCollision = 0
  317. fJumpAnimDelay = 0.7500
  318. bTreeTops = 0
  319. iSimType = 1
  320. bPreventHavokAddAll = 0
  321. bPreventHavokAddClutter = 0
  322. fMaxTime = 0.016
  323. bHavokDebug = 0
  324. fRF = 1000.0000
  325. fOD = 0.9000
  326. fSE = 0.3000
  327. fSD = 0.9800
  328. iResetCounter = 5
  329. fMoveLimitMass = 95.0000
  330. iUpdateType = 0
  331. bHavokPick = 0
  332. fCameraCasterSize = 10.0000
  333. iHavokSkipFrameCountTEST = 0
  334. iNumHavokThreads = 1
  335. fChaseDeltaMult = 0.0500
  336. bAddBipedWhenKeyframed = 1
  337. fQuadrupedPitchMult = 1.0000
  338. iEntityBatchRemoveRate = 100
  339. iMaxPicks = 40
  341. [RagdollAnim]
  342. bRagdollFeedback = 0
  343. fCameraDist = 1000.0
  344. fHierarchyGain = 0.17
  345. fVelocityDamping = 0.0
  346. fAccelerationGain = 1.0
  347. fVelocityGain = 0.6
  348. fPositionGain = 0.05
  349. fPositionMaxLinearVelocity = 14.0
  350. fPositionMaxAngularVelocity = 18.0
  351. fSnapGain = 0.1
  352. fSnapMaxLinearVelocity = 3.0
  353. fSnapMaxAngularVelocity = 0.3
  354. fSnapMaxLinearDistance = 0.3
  355. fSnapMaxAngularDistance = 1.0
  357. [FootIK]
  358. fOnOffGain = 0.5
  359. fGroundAscendingGain = 0.4
  360. fGroundDescendingGain = 0.4
  361. fFootRaisedGain = 0.9000
  362. fFootPlantedGain = 1.0000
  363. bFootPlacementOn = 1
  364. fPelvisUpDownBias = 0.75
  365. fPelvisOffsetDamping = 0.2
  366. fVertErrorGain = 0.5
  367. fOriginalGroundHeightMS = -0.11
  368. fAnkleOffset = 0.2000
  369. fRagdollFeedback = 0.7
  371. [LookIK]
  372. fLookAtTargetGain = 0.3
  373. fLookAtGain = 0.045
  375. [Interface]
  376. fKeyRepeatInterval = 50.0000
  377. fKeyRepeatTime = 500.0000
  378. fActivatePickSphereRadius = 16.0000
  379. fMenuModeAnimBlend = 0.0000
  380. iSafeZoneXWide = 15
  381. iSafeZoneYWide = 15
  382. iSafeZoneX = 15
  383. iSafeZoneY = 15
  384. bAllowConsole = 1
  385. bActivatePickUseGamebryoPick = 0
  386. bUseFuzzyPicking = 1
  387. fMenuBGBlurRadius = 2.0000
  388. fMenuPlayerLightDiffuseBlue = 0.8000
  389. fMenuPlayerLightDiffuseGreen = 0.8000
  390. fMenuPlayerLightDiffuseRed = 0.8000
  391. fMenuPlayerLightAmbientBlue = 0.2500
  392. fMenuPlayerLightAmbientGreen = 0.2500
  393. fMenuPlayerLightAmbientRed = 0.2500
  394. iMaxViewCasterPicksGamebryo = 10
  395. iMaxViewCasterPicksHavok = 10
  396. iMaxViewCasterPicksFuzzy = 5
  397. fInterfaceTintB = 0.8824
  398. fInterfaceTintG = 0.9843
  399. fInterfaceTintR = 0.6314
  400. bUseImageSpaceMenuFX = 0
  401. iSystemColorTerminalRed = 33
  402. iSystemColorTerminalGreen = 231
  403. iSystemColorTerminalBlue = 121
  404. iSystemColorSystemRed = 26
  405. iSystemColorSystemGreen = 255
  406. iSystemColorSystemBlue = 128
  407. iSystemColorMainMenuRed = 199
  408. iSystemColorMainMenuGreen = 255
  409. iSystemColorMainMenuBlue = 165
  410. iSystemColorPipboyRed = 26
  411. iSystemColorPipboyGreen = 255
  412. iSystemColorPipboyBlue = 128
  413. iSystemColorHUDAltRed = 255
  414. iSystemColorHUDAltGreen = 67
  415. iSystemColorHUDAltBlue = 42
  416. iSystemColorHUDMainRed = 26
  417. iSystemColorHUDMainGreen = 255
  418. iSystemColorHUDMainBlue = 128
  419. fRSMFaceSliderDefaultMin = -3.5
  420. fRSMFaceSliderDefaultMax = 3.5
  421. fPopUpBackgroundOpacity = 0.87
  422. fMenuBackgroundOpacity = 0.76
  423. bHideUnavailablePerks = 0
  425. [Loading]
  426. sWelcomeScreen1 = loading_screen_legal
  427. sWelcomeScreen2 = loading_screen_bethsoft
  428. sWelcomeScreen3 = loading_screen_BGS
  429. sWelcomeScreen4 = loading_screen01
  430. sMainMenuBackground = main_background
  431. sTitleMusic = MainTitle
  432. sInitialSound = fx\ui\loadscreen\initial\ui_loadscreen_initial.wav
  433. iMaxScreens = 4
  434. iMaxScreens_MainMenu = 20
  435. fLoadingTextUpdateInterval = 10.0000
  436. fLoadingBkgdUpdateInterval = 10.0000
  437. fMainMenuBkgdUpdateInterval = 10.0000
  438. fLoadingInitUpdateInterval = 3.0000
  439. iNumLocationSpecificScreens = 1
  441. [Menu]
  442. fCreditsScrollSpeed = 40.0000
  443. iConsoleTextYPos = 940
  444. iConsoleTextXPos = 30
  445. iConsoleVisibleLines = 15
  446. iConsoleHistorySize = 50
  447. rDebugTextColor = 255,251,233
  448. iConsoleFont = 2
  449. iDebugTextFont = 3
  451. [GamePlay]
  452. bHealthBarShowing = 0
  453. fHealthBarFadeOutSpeed = 1.0000
  454. fHealthBarSpeed = 80.0000
  455. fHealthBarHeight = 4.0000
  456. fHealthBarWidth = 40.0000
  457. fHealthBarEmittanceFadeTime = 0.5000
  458. fHealthBarEmittanceTime = 1.5000
  459. bAllowHavokGrabTheLiving = 0
  460. bEssentialTakeNoDamage = 1
  461. iDetectionPicks = 21
  463. [Fonts]
  464. sFontFile_1=Textures\Fonts\DarN_FranKleinBold_14.fnt
  465. sFontFile_2=Textures\Fonts\DarN_FranKleinBold_16.fnt
  466. sFontFile_3=Textures\Fonts\Glow_Monofonto_Medium.fnt
  467. sFontFile_4=Textures\Fonts\DarN_Sui_Generis_Otl_10.fnt
  468. sFontFile_5=Textures\Fonts\Fixedsys_Comp_uniform_width.fnt
  469. sFontFile_6=Textures\Fonts\DarN_Sui_Generis_Otl_13.fnt
  470. sFontFile_7=Textures\Fonts\DarN_Libel_Suit_Otl_24.fnt
  471. sfontfile_8=textures\fonts\glow_futura_caps_large.fnt
  472. sFontFile_9 = Textures\Fonts\NVFont_Test.fnt
  474. [SpeedTree]
  475. iTreeClonesAllowed = 1
  476. fCanopyShadowGrassMult = 1.0000
  477. iCanopyShadowScale = 512
  478. fTreeForceMaxBudAngle = -1.0000
  479. fTreeForceMinBudAngle = -1.0000
  480. fTreeForceLeafDimming = -1.0000
  481. fTreeForceBranchDimming = -1.0000
  482. fTreeForceCS = -1.0000
  483. fTreeForceLLA = -1.0000
  484. fTreeLODExponent = 1.0000
  485. bEnableTrees = 1
  486. bForceFullLOD = 0
  487. fLODTreeMipMapLODBias = -0.7500
  488. fLocalTreeMipMapLODBias = -0.2500
  490. [Debug]
  491. bDebugFaceGenCriticalSection = 0
  492. bDebugFaceGenMultithreading = 0
  493. bDebugSaveBuffer = 0
  495. [BackgroundLoad]
  496. bBackgroundPathing = 1
  497. bUseMultiThreadedFaceGen = 1
  498. bBackgroundCellLoads = 1
  499. iAnimaitonClonePerLoop = 5
  500. bUseMultiThreadedTrees = 1
  501. iExteriorPriority = 50
  502. iBackgroundLoadFaceMult = 200
  503. fBackgroundLoadingPerLoop = 20.0000
  504. fBackgroundLoadClonedPerLoop = 5.0000
  505. iBackgroundLoadExtraMaxFPS = 20
  506. iBackgroundLoadExtraMinFPS = 10
  507. iBackgroundLoadExtraMax = 3000
  508. iBackgroundLoadExtraMin = 5
  509. iBackgroundLoadExtraMilliseconds = 2
  510. iBackgroundLoadTreeMilliseconds = 7
  511. iBackgroundLoadMilliseconds = 1
  512. iBackgroundLoadLoading = 1
  513. bUseBackgroundFileLoader = 1
  514. bBackgroundLoadLipFiles = 1
  515. bLoadBackgroundFaceGen = 1
  516. bLoadHelmetsInBackground = 1
  517. iAnimationClonePerLoop = 5
  518. bSelectivePurgeUnusedOnFastTravel = 0
  519. bCloneModelsInBackground = 1
  521. [LOD]
  522. fLODLandDropAmount = 230.0000
  523. fLodDistance = 500.0000
  524. bUseFaceGenLOD = 0
  525. iLODTextureTiling = 2
  526. iLODTextureSizePow2 = 8
  527. fLODNormalTextureBlend = 0.5000
  528. bDisplayLODLand = 1
  529. bDisplayLODBuildings = 1
  530. bLODPopTrees = 0
  531. bLODPopActors = 0
  532. bLODPopItems = 0
  533. bLODPopObjects = 0
  534. fLODFadeOutMultItems=15.0000
  535. fLODFadeOutMultObjects=15.0000
  536. fLODFadeOutMultActors=15.0000
  537. fLODMultLandscape = 1.0000
  538. fLODMultTrees = 0.5000
  539. fLODMultActors = 1.0000
  540. fLODMultItems = 1.0000
  541. fLODMultObjects = 5
  542. iFadeNodeMinNearDistance = 500
  543. fLODFadeOutPercent = 0.6000
  544. fFadeOutThreshold = 0.3000
  545. fFadeInThreshold = 0.7000
  546. fFadeInTimet = 2.0
  547. fFadeOutTime = 2.0
  548. fDistanceMultiplier = 1
  549. fLODBoundRadiusMult = 10
  550. fObjectLODMax = 15.0
  551. fObjectLODMin = 1.0
  552. fObjectLODDefault = 5
  553. fItemLODMax = 15.0
  554. fItemLODMin = 1.0
  555. fItemLODDefault = 2
  556. fActorLODMax = 15.0
  557. fActorLODMin = 2.0
  558. fActorLODDefault = 5
  559. fTreeLODMax = 2.0000
  560. fTreeLODMin = 0.0200
  561. fTreeLODDefault = 0.5000
  562. bLODUseCombinedLandNormalMaps = 1
  563. bForceHideLODLand = 0
  564. fLODLandVerticalBias = 0.0000
  565. fTalkingDistance = 1000.0000
  566. iBoneLODForce = -1
  567. fLODQuadMinLoadDistance = 65536.0000
  568. bDisplayLODTrees = 1
  569. fLODFadeOutActorMultInterior = 1.0000
  570. fLODFadeOutItemMultInterior = 1.0000
  571. fLODFadeOutObjectMultInterior = 1.0000
  572. fLODFadeOutActorMultCity = 1.0000
  573. fLODFadeOutItemMultCity = 1.0000
  574. fLODFadeOutObjectMultCity = 1.0000
  575. fLODFadeOutActorMultComplex = 1.0000
  576. fLODFadeOutItemMultComplex = 1.0000
  577. fLODFadeOutObjectMultComplex = 1.0000
  579. [Weather]
  580. fSunGlareSize = 800.0000
  581. fSunBaseSize = 750.0000
  582. bPrecipitation = 1
  583. fAlphaReduce = 1.0000
  584. SBumpFadeColor = 255,255,255,255
  585. SLerpCloseColor = 255,255,255,255
  586. SEnvReduceColor = 255,255,255,255
  588. [Voice]
  589. SFileTypeLTF = ltf
  590. SFileTypeLip = lip
  591. SFileTypeSource = wav
  592. SFileTypeGame = ogg
  594. [Grass]
  595. iMinGrassSize = 80
  596. bGrassPointLighting = 0
  597. bDrawShaderGrass = 1
  598. iGrassDensityEvalSize = 2
  599. iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure = 2
  600. fWaveOffsetRange = 1.7500
  601. fGrassWindMagnitudeMax = 125.0000
  602. fGrassWindMagnitudeMin = 5.0000
  603. fTexturePctThreshold = 0.0000
  604. fGrassMinStartFadeDistance = 0.0
  605. fGrassMaxStartFadeDistance = 7000.0
  606. fGrassDefaultStartFadeDistance = 3500.0
  607. fGrassFadeRange = 1000.0
  609. [Landscape]
  610. bCurrentCellOnly = 0
  611. bPreventSafetyCheck = 0
  612. fLandTextureTilingMult = 2.0000
  613. fLandFriction = 2.5000
  614. iLandBorder2B = 0
  615. iLandBorder2G = 0
  616. iLandBorder2R = 0
  617. iLandBorder1B = 0
  618. iLandBorder1G = 255
  619. iLandBorder1R = 255
  620. SDefaultLandDiffuseTexture =
  621. SDefaultLandNormalTexture =
  623. [bLightAttenuation]
  624. fQuadraticRadiusMult = 1.0000
  625. fLinearRadiusMult = 1.0000
  626. bOutQuadInLin = 0
  627. fConstantValue = 0.0000
  628. fQuadraticValue = 16.0000
  629. fLinearValue = 3.0000
  630. uQuadraticMethod = 2
  631. uLinearMethod = 1
  632. fFlickerMovement = 8.0000
  633. bUseQuadratic = 1
  634. bUseLinear = 0
  635. bUseConstant = 0
  637. [BlurShaderHDRInterior]
  638. fTargetLUM = 1.0000
  639. fUpperLUMClamp = 1.0000
  640. fEmissiveHDRMult = 1.0000
  641. fEyeAdaptSpeed = 0.5000
  642. fBrightScale = 2.2500
  643. fBrightClamp = 0.2250
  644. fBlurRadius = 7.0000
  645. iNumBlurpasses = 1
  647. [BlurShaderHDR]
  648. fTargetLUM = 1.0000
  649. fUpperLUMClamp = 1.0000
  650. fGrassDimmer = 1.5000
  651. fTreeDimmer = 1.0000
  652. fEmissiveHDRMult = 1.0000
  653. fEyeAdaptSpeed = 0.5000
  654. fSunlightDimmer = 1.5000
  655. fSIEmmisiveMult = 1.0000
  656. fSISpecularMult = 1.0000
  657. fSkyBrightness = 0.5000
  658. fSunBrightness = 0.0000
  659. fBrightScale = 2.2500
  660. fBrightClamp = 0.2250
  661. fBlurRadius = 7.0000
  662. iNumBlurpasses = 1
  663. iBlendType = 2
  664. bDoHighDynamicRange = 1
  666. [BlurShader]
  667. fSunlightDimmer = 1.0000
  668. fSIEmmisiveMult = 1.0000
  669. fSISpecularMult = 1.0000
  670. fSkyBrightness = 0.5000
  671. fSunBrightness = 0.0000
  672. fAlphaAddExterior = 0.2000
  673. fAlphaAddInterior = 0.7000
  674. iBlurTexSize = 256
  675. fBlurRadius = 0.0300
  676. iNumBlurpasses = 1
  677. iBlendType = 2
  678. bUseBlurShader = 1
  680. [GethitShader]
  681. fBlurAmmount = 0.5000
  682. fBlockedTexOffset = 0.0010
  683. fHitTexOffset = 0.0050
  685. [MESSAGES]
  686. bBlockMessageBoxes = 0
  687. bSkipProgramFlows = 1
  688. bAllowYesToAll = 1
  689. bDisableWarning = 1
  690. iFileLogging = 0
  691. bSkipInitializationFlows = 1
  692. bUseWindowsMessageBox = 0
  694. [DistantLOD]
  695. bUseLODLandData = 0
  696. fFadeDistance = 12288.0000
  697. iDistantLODGroupWidth = 8
  699. [GeneralWarnings]
  700. SGeneralMasterMismatchWarning = One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information.
  701. SMasterMismatchWarning = One of the files that "%s" is dependent on has changed since the last save.
  702. This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message
  703. but not necessarily fix any errors.
  705. [Archive]
  706. SInvalidationFile =
  707. iRetainFilenameOffsetTable = 1
  708. iRetainFilenameStringTable = 1
  709. iRetainDirectoryStringTable = 1
  710. bCheckRuntimeCollisions = 0
  711. bInvalidateOlderFiles =1
  712. bUseArchives = 1
  713. SArchiveList =Fallout - Invalidation.bsa, Fallout - Textures.bsa, Fallout - Textures2.bsa, Fallout - Meshes.bsa, Fallout - Voices1.bsa, Fallout - Sound.bsa, Fallout - Misc.bsa
  715. [CameraPath]
  716. iTake = 0
  717. SDirectoryName = TestCameraPath
  718. iFPS = 60
  719. SNif = Test\CameraPath.nif
  721. [Absorb]
  722. fAbsorbGlowColorB = 1.0000
  723. fAbsorbGlowColorG = 0.6000
  724. fAbsorbGlowColorR = 0.0000
  725. fAbsorbCoreColorB = 1.0000
  726. fAbsorbCoreColorG = 1.0000
  727. fAbsorbCoreColorR = 1.0000
  728. iAbsorbNumBolts = 1
  729. fAbsorbBoltGrowWidth = 0.0000
  730. fAbsorbBoltSmallWidth = 7.0000
  731. fAbsorbTortuosityVariance = 2.0000
  732. fAbsorbSegmentVariance = 7.0000
  733. fAbsorbBoltsRadius = 5.0000
  735. [TestAllCells]
  736. bFileShowTextures = 1
  737. bFileShowIcons = 1
  738. bFileSkipIconChecks = 0
  739. bFileTestLoad = 0
  740. bFileNeededMessage = 1
  741. bFileGoneMessage = 1
  742. bFileSkipModelChecks = 0
  743. bFileCheckModelCollision = 0
  745. [CopyProtectionStrings]
  746. SCopyProtectionMessage2 = Insert the Fallout Disc.
  747. SCopyProtectionTitle2 = Fallout Disc Not Found
  748. SCopyProtectionMessage = Unable to find a CD-ROM/DVD drive on this computer.
  749. SCopyProtectionTitle = CD-ROM Drive Not Found
  751. [Pipboy]
  752. fBlurRadiusPipboy = 3.5
  753. fBlurIntensityPipboy = 0.25
  754. fScanlineScalePipboy = 50
  755. bEnableFlickerPipboy = 1
  756. bUsePipboyMode = 1
  758. [InterfaceFX]
  759. fDefaultBurstDuration = 200
  760. fDefaultBurstIntensity = 2
  761. fMiniBurstDuration = 200
  762. fMiniBurstIntensity = 1.5
  763. fPulseBrightenIntensity = 0.25
  764. fPulseRadiusIntensity = 0.5
  765. fPulseRate = 0.0006
  766. fVertHoldChance = 0.08
  767. fShudderChance = 0.20
  768. fScanlineScaleMenus = 50.0000
  769. bEnableFlickerMenus = 1
  770. bEnableScanlinesMenus = 1
  771. bEnableScanlinesPipboy = 1
  772. fBlurRadiusMenus = 0.3000
  773. fBrightenMenus = 1.7000
  774. fBrightenPipboy = 1.3000
  775. bUseImageSpaceMenuFX = 1
  776. fBlurIntensityHUD = 1.2000
  777. fBlurRadiusHUD = 2.0000
  778. fScanlineFrequencyHUD = 0.0000
  779. fScreenLightBaseIntensity = 0.6
  780. fScreenLightRadius = 6
  782. [RenderedTerminal]
  783. bUseRenderedTerminals = 1
  784. fRenderedTerminalFOV = 0.15
  785. fRenderedTerminalZoom = 36
  786. bDoRenderedTerminalScanlines = 1
  787. fRenderedTerminalScanlineScale = 130.000000
  788. fRenderedTerminalHPos = 0.0
  789. fRenderedTerminalVPos = 0.38
  790. fScreenLightBaseIntensity = 1.2
  791. fScreenLightRadius = 80
  792. fScreenLightColorR = 0.68
  793. fScreenLightColorG = 0.74
  794. fScreenLightColorB = 0.62
  795. fRaceSexMenuHPos = 0.0
  796. fRaceSexMenuVPos = -0.6
  797. fRaceSexMenuZoom = 70.0
  798. fRaceSexMenuScale = 0.5
  800. [Decals]
  801. uMaxDecals=575
  802. uMaxDecalCount=575
  803. uMaxSkinDecals=500
  804. uMaxSkinDecalPerActor=50
  805. bProfileDecals=1
  806. bDecalOcclusionQuery=1
  808. [TerrainManager]
  809. fSplitDistanceMult=1.5000
  810. fBlockMorphDistanceMult=0.70
  811. bUseNewTerrainSystem=1
  812. bUseDistantObjectBlocks=1
  813. fBlockLoadDistance=125000.0
  814. fDefaultBlockLoadDistanceLow=50000.0
  815. fLowBlockLoadDistanceLow=25000.0
  816. fHighBlockLoadDistanceLow=50000.0
  817. fDefaultTreeLoadDistance=25000.0
  818. fLowTreeLoadDistance=10000.0
  819. fHighTreeLoadDistance=40000.0
  820. fTreeLoadDistance=40000.0000
  821. fBlockLoadDistanceLow=50000.0000
  823. [VATS]
  824. fVATSLightLevelMin = 20.0
  825. fVATSLightLevelMax = 65.0
  826. fVATSLightAngle = 0.0
  827. fVATSLightDistance = 100.0
  828. fVATSLightElevation = 100.0
  829. fVatsLightColorR = 0.35
  830. fVatsLightColorG = 0.35
  831. fVatsLightColorB = 0.35
  833. [ScreenSplatter]
  834. bScreenSplatterEnabled = 1
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