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Sep 13th, 2017
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  1. import{File, PrintWriter}
  3. object HitoriSolver {
  5. class Square(_num:Int, _x:Int, _y:Int, _white:Boolean = true, _solved:Boolean = false) {
  6. val num = _num;
  7. val x = _x;
  8. val y = _y;
  9. val white:Boolean = _white;
  10. val solved:Boolean = _solved;
  12. override def toString():String = {
  13. val tall = if (num > 9) num else "0"+num
  14. //"Num: " + num + " x: " + x + " y: " + y + " White: " + white + " Solved: " + solved;
  15. if (solved){
  16. if (white) ":" + tall + ":"
  17. else "|" + tall + "|"
  18. }else " " + tall + " ";
  19. }
  21. def setColor(b:Boolean):Square = new Square(num, x, y, b, true);
  22. def isWhite():Boolean = solved && white;
  23. def isBlack():Boolean = solved && !white;
  24. def isUnsolved():Boolean = !solved;
  25. }
  27. class Board(_list:List[Square], _unsolved:List[Square], _whites:List[Square], _blacks:List[Square]) {
  28. //Save lists instead of filter allSquares to reduce computation times.
  29. val allSquares:List[Square] = _list;
  30. val unsolved = _unsolved;
  31. val whites = _whites;
  32. val blacks = _blacks;
  33. val size:Int = Math.sqrt(_list.length).toInt;
  35. //Solve a square and return new board with this changed square
  36. def setColor(x:Int, y:Int, b:Boolean):Board = {
  37. println("Setting square (" + x + "," + y + ") to " + (if (b) "White" else "Black"));
  38. val without = allSquares.filterNot((s:Square) => s.x==x && s.y==y);
  39. val solvedSquare = getSquare(x,y).setColor(b);
  40. val newUnsolved = this.unsolved.filterNot((s:Square) => s.x==x && s.y==y);
  41. val newWhites = if (b) this.whites :+ solvedSquare else this.whites;
  42. val newBlacks = if (!b) this.blacks :+ solvedSquare else this.blacks;
  43. new Board(without :+ solvedSquare, newUnsolved, newWhites, newBlacks);
  44. }
  46. //Grabs a square from allSquares at a specified location
  47. def getSquare(x:Int, y:Int):Square = {
  48. allSquares.filter((s:Square) => s.x==x && s.y==y)(0);
  49. }
  51. //Gets an ordered list of all squares in row from x=0 until size from the unordered list of squares allSquares.
  52. def getRow(row:Int):List[Square] = {
  53. val list = for{ y<-(0 until size).toList; x<-(0 until size).toList if y==row } yield getSquare(x,y);
  54. return list;
  55. }
  56. //Gets an ordered list of all squares in col from x=0 until size from the unordered list of squares allSquares.
  57. def getCol(col:Int):List[Square] = {
  58. val list = for{ y<-(0 until size).toList; x<-(0 until size).toList if x==col } yield getSquare(x,y);
  59. return list;
  60. }
  62. def getUnsolved():List[Square] = unsolved;
  63. def getWhites():List[Square] = whites;
  64. def getBlacks():List[Square] = blacks;
  66. def whiteCheck():Boolean = {
  67. val whitesRow = for(i<- (0 until this.size).toList) yield this.getRow(i).filter( x=> x.isWhite() );
  68. val whitesCol = for(i<- (0 until this.size).toList) yield this.getCol(i).filter( x=> x.isWhite() );
  70. def checks(s:List[List[Square]]):Boolean = {
  71. for(i <- s){
  72. val check = i.filter(x => i.exists(y => y.num == x.num && !y.equals(x)));
  73. if(check.length > 0) return false;
  74. }
  75. return true;
  76. }
  77. return checks(whitesCol) && checks(whitesRow);
  78. }
  80. def blackCheck():Boolean = {
  81. for(black<-this.blacks){
  82. val x = black.x;
  83. val y = black.y;
  84. //Neighbours also black? If so return incorrect (false)
  85. if (x+1 < this.size && this.getSquare(x+1, y).isBlack()) return false;
  86. if (x-1 >= 0 && this.getSquare(x-1, y).isBlack()) return false;
  87. if (y+1 < this.size && this.getSquare(x, y+1).isBlack()) return false;
  88. if (y-1 >= 0 && this.getSquare(x, y-1).isBlack()) return false;
  89. }
  90. return true;
  91. }
  93. def checkConnected(s:Square):Boolean = {
  94. //TODO
  95. val list = countWhiteFromSquare(s, List());
  96. return (list.length == (whites.length + unsolved.length));
  97. }
  99. def countWhiteFromSquare(s:Square, list:List[Square]):List[Square] = {
  100. if (s.isBlack()) return list;
  101. if (list.exists(s equals _)) return list;
  102. val newList = list :+ s;
  103. val a1 = if (s.x+1 < size) countWhiteFromSquare(getSquare(s.x+1, s.y), newList) else newList;
  104. val a2 = if (s.x-1 >=0) countWhiteFromSquare(getSquare(s.x-1, s.y), a1) else a1;
  105. val a3 = if (s.y+1 < size) countWhiteFromSquare(getSquare(s.x, s.y+1), a2) else a2;
  106. val a4 = if (s.y-1 >=0) countWhiteFromSquare(getSquare(s.x, s.y-1), a3) else a3;
  107. return a4;
  108. }
  111. //Checks if this board has not broken any of the following rules
  112. //1) All whites must be connected
  113. //2) Cannot be two whites on a row/col
  114. //3) Cannot be two blacks connected
  115. def correct():Boolean = {
  116. return checkConnected((whites:::unsolved)(0)) && whiteCheck() && blackCheck();
  117. }
  119. def printBoard = {
  120. println("");
  121. for(y<-0 until size){
  122. for (x<-0 until size){
  123. print(getSquare(x, y));
  124. }
  125. println("");
  126. }
  127. println("");
  128. }
  129. }
  131. object Patterns {
  133. //optimize with list of greys and only check this list instead of whole allSquares list
  134. def resolveGray(b:Board):Board = {
  135. for(s<-b.getUnsolved()){
  136. val row = b.getRow(s.y);
  137. val col = b.getCol(s.x);
  138. if (row.filter(x => x.num==s.num && !x.isBlack()).length < 2 && col.filter(x => x.num==s.num && !x.isBlack()).length < 2){
  139. return b.setColor(s.x, s.y, true);
  140. }
  141. }
  142. return b;
  143. }
  145. def resolveWhite(b:Board):Board = {
  146. for(white<-b.whites){
  147. val row = b.getRow(white.y);
  148. val col = b.getCol(white.x);
  149. val equalNums = (row ::: col).filter((s:Square) => !s.solved && s.num == white.num)
  150. if (equalNums.length > 0){
  151. val e = equalNums(0);
  152. return b.setColor(e.x, e.y, false);
  153. }
  154. }
  155. return b;
  156. }
  158. /**
  159. * Should be optimized so only black are checked from a list instead of all the squares in allSquares list
  160. */
  161. def resolveBlack(b:Board):Board = {
  162. for(s<-b.blacks){
  163. val x = s.x;
  164. val y = s.y;
  165. if (x+1 < b.size && !b.getSquare(x+1, y).solved) return b.setColor(x+1, y, true);
  166. if (x-1 >= 0 && !b.getSquare(x-1, y).solved) return b.setColor(x-1, y, true);
  167. if (y+1 < b.size && !b.getSquare(x, y+1).solved) return b.setColor(x, y+1, true);
  168. if (y-1 >= 0 && !b.getSquare(x, y-1).solved) return b.setColor(x, y-1, true);
  169. }
  170. return b;
  171. }
  173. def middleOfTwo(b:Board):Board = {
  174. for(y<- 0 until b.size){
  175. val row = b.getRow(y);
  176. val index = _middleOfTwoPattern(row, true);
  177. if (index >= 0) return b.setColor(index, y, true);
  178. }
  179. for(x<- 0 until b.size){
  180. val col = b.getCol(x);
  181. val index = _middleOfTwoPattern(col, false);
  182. if (index >= 0) return b.setColor(x, index, true);
  183. }
  184. return b;
  185. }
  187. def _middleOfTwoPattern(list:List[Square], isRow:Boolean):Int = {
  188. list match {
  189. case (a :: rest) => rest match {
  190. case (b :: c :: other) if (a.num==c.num && !b.solved) => if (isRow) b.x else b.y;
  191. case _ => _middleOfTwoPattern(rest, isRow);
  192. }
  193. case _ => -1;
  194. }
  195. }
  197. def matchingTwo(b:Board):Board = {
  198. for(y<- 0 until b.size){
  199. val row = b.getRow(y);
  200. val index = _matchingTwoPattern(row, true);
  201. if (index >= 0){
  202. val s = b.getSquare(index, y);
  203. val toBlackOut = row.filter((a:Square) => !a.solved && a.num==s.num && a.x != s.x && a.x != s.x+1);
  204. if (toBlackOut.length > 0) return b.setColor(toBlackOut(0).x, toBlackOut(0).y, false);
  205. }
  206. }
  207. for(x<- 0 until b.size){
  208. val col = b.getCol(x);
  209. val index = _matchingTwoPattern(col, false);
  210. if (index >= 0){
  211. val s = b.getSquare(x, index);
  212. val toBlackOut = col.filter((a:Square) => !a.solved && a.num==s.num && a.y != s.y && a.y != s.y+1);
  213. if (toBlackOut.length > 0) return b.setColor(toBlackOut(0).x, toBlackOut(0).y, false);
  214. }
  215. }
  216. return b;
  217. }
  218. //TODO
  219. //do recurive and return list of all equal stuffs
  220. def _matchingTwoPattern(list:List[Square], isRow:Boolean):Int = {
  221. list match {
  222. case (a :: rest) => rest match {
  223. case (b :: other) if (a.num==b.num) => if (isRow) a.x else a.y;
  224. case _ => _matchingTwoPattern(rest, isRow);
  225. }
  226. case _ => -1;
  227. }
  228. }
  230. //TODO
  231. //works for only the coloums atm and only for the first equal numbers in each coloum.
  232. def matchingTwoDiagonal(b:Board):Board = {
  233. for(x<-0 until b.size){
  234. val col = b.getCol(x);
  235. val index = _matchingTwoPattern(col, false);
  236. if (index >= 0){
  237. val square = b.getSquare(x, index);
  238. val row = b.getRow(index);
  239. for(s<-row){
  240. if ((square.x!=s.x || square.y!=s.y) && square.num==s.num){
  241. if (s.x-1 >= 0){
  242. val diagSquare1 = b.getSquare(s.x-1, s.y+1);
  243. if (diagSquare1.x != square.x && diagSquare1.num==s.num){
  244. if (!b.getSquare(s.x-1, s.y).solved) return b.setColor(s.x-1, s.y, true);
  245. if (!b.getSquare(s.x, s.y+1).solved) return b.setColor(s.x, s.y+1, true);
  246. }
  247. }
  248. if (s.x+1 < b.size){
  249. val diagSquare2 = b.getSquare(s.x+1, s.y+1);
  250. if (diagSquare2.x != square.x && diagSquare2.num==s.num){
  251. if (!b.getSquare(s.x+1, s.y).solved) return b.setColor(s.x+1, s.y, true);
  252. if (!b.getSquare(s.x, s.y+1).solved) return b.setColor(s.x, s.y+1, true);
  253. }
  254. }
  255. }
  256. }
  257. }
  259. }
  260. return b;
  261. }
  263. /*def _matchingTwoDiagonal(list:List[Square], list2:List[Square], isRow:Boolean):Int = {
  265. }*/
  267. }
  269. def main(args: Array[String]){
  270. //TODO
  271. val inputPath = "puzzleTest.txt"//args(0)
  272. val outputPath = args(1)
  273. println(inputPath)
  274. println(outputPath)
  276. val puzzleFile = new File(inputPath);
  278. solvePuzzle(puzzleFile);
  280. def solvePuzzle(f:File):Unit = {
  281. val lines ="\n");
  282. val puzzleSize = lines.length;
  284. // Make list of square objects from numbers in text file
  285. val allSquares:List[Square] = {
  286. for(y<-(0 until lines.length).toList; x<-(0 until lines.length).toList)
  287. yield new Square(lines(y).split(" ")(x).trim().toInt, x, y);
  288. }
  290. val startingBoard = new Board(allSquares,allSquares,List(),List());
  292. startingBoard.printBoard;
  294. var num:Int = 0;
  296. //Begin solving from this initial list of squares
  297. solve(startingBoard, 2).printBoard;
  299. //println("Num grey: " + solve(startingBoard, 0).allSquares.filter(!_.solved).length);
  301. /*
  302. * Not making any new variables, but solving with new boards recursively to fulfill function requirement.
  303. * Steps through several "patterns" to approach the solution
  304. * and then bruteforsly checks every single possibility in the end to find the unique solution.
  305. */
  306. def solve(b:Board, pat:Int):Board = {
  307. b.printBoard;
  308. num = num + 1;
  309. println("This is the " + num + " time we run solve");
  310. //If the board is correct
  311. //PATTERN 0: Numbers between two other equal numbers are white (ex: 343, where 4 is white)
  312. if (pat==0){
  313. /*val b1 = Patterns.middleOfTwo(b);
  314. if (!b1.equals(b)) return solve(b1, pat);
  315. else return solve(b1, pat+1);*/
  316. }else if (pat==1){
  317. /*val b1 = Patterns.matchingTwo(b);
  318. if (!b1.equals(b)) return solve(b1, pat);
  319. else return solve(b1, pat+1);*/
  320. }else if (pat==2){
  321. val b1 = Patterns.matchingTwoDiagonal(b);
  322. if (!b1.equals(b)) return solve(b1, pat);
  323. else return solve(b1, pat+1);
  324. }else if (pat==3){
  325. return solve(b, pat+1);
  326. }else if (pat==4){
  327. /*val b1 = Patterns.resolveWhite(b);
  328. if (!b1.equals(b)) return solve(b1, pat);
  329. else {
  330. val b2 = Patterns.resolveBlack(b1);
  331. if (!b2.equals(b1)) return solve(b2, pat);
  332. else return solve(b2, pat+1);
  333. }*/
  334. }else if (pat==5){
  335. //Only check the greys as sander said... is faster as sonic x
  336. /*val b1 = Patterns.resolveGray(b);
  337. if (!b1.equals(b)) return solve(b1, pat);
  338. else return solve(b1, pat+1);*/
  339. }
  341. /*
  342. for (un<-b.getUnsolved()){
  343. println("Im guessing that (" + un.x + "," + un.y + ") is black");
  344. b.setColor(un.x, un.y, false).printBoard;
  345. val newBoard = solve(b.setColor(un.x, un.y, false), 2);
  346. println("This becomes: ");
  347. newBoard.printBoard;
  348. if (!newBoard.correct()){
  349. println("Error it cannot be black");
  350. return solve(b.setColor(un.x, un.y, true), 2);
  351. }
  352. }*/
  354. /*
  355. //Bruteforce
  356. val numUnsolved = b.getUnsolved().length;
  357. for(i<-0 until numUnsolved){
  358. val bb = Patterns.bruteforce(b, i).correct();
  359. if (bb.correct()) return bb;
  360. }
  361. */
  362. return b;
  363. }
  364. }
  365. }
  367. def outputSolution(outputPath:String) = {
  368. var outputFile = new PrintWriter( new File(outputPath) , "UTF-8")
  370. outputFile.println("");
  372. outputFile.close()
  373. }
  374. }
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