
Leo stuff for tFiW game

Aug 4th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. > Who he was
  3. Leo, he had more to his name once, but it was tradition to lose such things when one is sent away, after all, it's not sending family to die if the banished shares no name with anyone, right?
  5. Or at least that's what he was told the few times he saw it happen to others, and when it was his time, he'd like to say it was a surprise, but it wasn't. The settlement he was born into was never the most prosperous, food was scarce, the fields requiring back breaking labor for just a meager harvest, scavenging and hunting... risky, and when the Unbroken men come, demanding what little there is, you can't say no. Needless to say, sometimes there wasn't enough, and decisions had to be made.
  6. No one was ever left too deprived though, no one who ~~wasn't forced out~~stayed at least. The others? It was a mercy they told ~~him~~them, a chance to go elsewhere rather than starve.
  8. Since that day Leo wondered how far they usually made it.... ~~He knows how far the three sent away with him did, he still wonders why it wasn't him~~
  9. Much of the time after was a haze of hunger and thirst, how long he wandered he still isn't sure, but eventually he found someone willing to spare what little they had for a stranger and a fire to rest beside for a night. To this day he's still not sure who saved him, they were gone in the morning, leaving a pittance of supplies for him, it was enough though to keep him going till the next boon, and to move him to tears.
  12. > The flesh
  13. Weakness-5: Worn down by events and toil, years spent just barely scraping by has left his body and mind weary, and even though things are better now than they were, the aches and doubts remain
  15. Fragility-4: Born with a small frame, Leo has never been strong, and times of want have only made it weaker. Even when his spirit wills it, his flesh's limits hold fast
  16. Unawareness-3: Vision blurs and ears ring, yet not enough to blind nor deafen, he can still see what's in front of him, but that which lies in the distance is distorted to his sight
  17. Ignorance-5: Years of living in the now, of keeping his head down, of struggling just to live another season has left him short sighted and ignorant about the wider world, only after joining the church has his eyes been opened
  18. Isolation-5: Every mouth to feed is a burden, every set of able hands lessens the load, but what if one cannot pull there own weight? The thought lingers at the back of his mind, leaving him fearful of being abandoned again
  20. >how to connect them
  21. Something something, person who saved him spoke with him, 'he didn't remember their face nor voice, but the words struck a cord', told him about how things could be/left him with a desire to seek out knowledge to help others improve their lot? Maybe just awareness of his own ignorance and a desire to improve himself and others? Had stories back home too, but was told not to listen to them?
  22. Not sure this works as well as I first thought it might
  24. > The Dream
  25. Lights, displays, holographic projectors and hovering screens, more paper than glass, each displaying information and recordings of all kind, freely available for those who wish to seek what he knows, all playing across his body, a shiny edifice of glass and chrome, built to teach, and in doing so learning as well. For in this dream there is joy in the knowledge hs spreads, lessons of how to build, how to mend, how to undo the damage this world had done and help others fix themselves as he has been fixed, the first of many steps to build a better world
  • monsterfarts1
    117 days
    # text 0.18 KB | 0 0
    1. hey dog i highly doubt you still look at this website, but i like your stuff and I can't find you anywhere else. I'm wondering if you have any other websites that I could follow you on?
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