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- // Firefox Theme.
- // Made by AeroRev9.
- // 25/07/2015.
- // Updated : 29/07/2015 [2].
- // Credits : Mavaamarten, Xertz.
- // Converted by LaPanthere
- using System;
- using System.ComponentModel;
- using System.Drawing;
- using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
- using System.Drawing.Text;
- using System.Windows.Forms;
- static class Theme
- {
- public static Font GlobalFont(FontStyle B, int S)
- {
- return new Font("Segoe UI", S, B);
- }
- public static string GetCheckMark()
- {
- return "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABMAAAAQCAYAAAD0xERiAAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARnQU1BAACxjwv8YQUAAAAJcEhZcwAADsMAAA7DAcdvqGQAAAEySURBVDhPY/hPRUBdw/79+/efVHz77bf/X37+wRAn2bDff/7+91l+83/YmtsYBpJs2ITjz/8rTbrwP2Dlrf9XXn5FkSPJsD13P/y3nHsVbNjyy28w5Ik27NWXX//TNt8DG1S19zFWNRiGvfzy8//ccy9RxEB4wvFnYIMMZl7+//brLwx5EEYx7MP33/9dF18Ha1py8RVcHBR7mlMvgsVXX8X0Hgwz/P379z8yLtz5AKxJdcpFcBj9+v3nf/CqW2Cx5E13UdSiYwzDvv36/d9/BUSzzvRL/0t2PQSzQd57+vEHilp0jGEYCJ9+8hnuGhiee+4Vhjp0jNUwEN566/1/m/mQZJC/48H/zz9+YVWHjHEaBsKgwAZ59eH771jl0TFew0D48osvWMWxYYKGEY///gcAqiuA6kEmfEMAAAAASUVORK5CYII=";
- }
- }
- static class Helpers
- {
- public enum MouseState : byte
- {
- None = 0,
- Over = 1,
- Down = 2
- }
- public static Rectangle FullRectangle(Size S, bool Subtract)
- {
- if (Subtract)
- {
- return new Rectangle(0, 0, S.Width - 1, S.Height - 1);
- }
- else
- {
- return new Rectangle(0, 0, S.Width, S.Height);
- }
- }
- public static Color GreyColor(int G)
- {
- return Color.FromArgb(G, G, G);
- }
- public static void CenterString(Graphics G, string T, Font F, Color C, Rectangle R)
- {
- SizeF TS = G.MeasureString(T, F);
- using (SolidBrush B = new SolidBrush(C))
- {
- G.DrawString(T, F, B, new Point((int)(R.Width / 2 - (TS.Width / 2)), (int)(R.Height / 2 - (TS.Height / 2))));
- }
- }
- public static void FillRoundRect(Graphics G, Rectangle R, int Curve, Color C)
- {
- using (SolidBrush B = new SolidBrush(C))
- {
- G.FillPie(B, R.X, R.Y, Curve, Curve, 180, 90);
- G.FillPie(B, R.X + R.Width - Curve, R.Y, Curve, Curve, 270, 90);
- G.FillPie(B, R.X, R.Y + R.Height - Curve, Curve, Curve, 90, 90);
- G.FillPie(B, R.X + R.Width - Curve, R.Y + R.Height - Curve, Curve, Curve, 0, 90);
- G.FillRectangle(B, Convert.ToInt32(R.X + Curve / 2), R.Y, R.Width - Curve, Convert.ToInt32(Curve / 2));
- G.FillRectangle(B, R.X, Convert.ToInt32(R.Y + Curve / 2), R.Width, R.Height - Curve);
- G.FillRectangle(B, Convert.ToInt32(R.X + Curve / 2), Convert.ToInt32(R.Y + R.Height - Curve / 2), R.Width - Curve, Convert.ToInt32(Curve / 2));
- }
- }
- public static void DrawRoundRect(Graphics G, Rectangle R, int Curve, Color C)
- {
- using (Pen P = new Pen(C))
- {
- G.DrawArc(P, R.X, R.Y, Curve, Curve, 180, 90);
- G.DrawLine(P, Convert.ToInt32(R.X + Curve / 2), R.Y, Convert.ToInt32(R.X + R.Width - Curve / 2), R.Y);
- G.DrawArc(P, R.X + R.Width - Curve, R.Y, Curve, Curve, 270, 90);
- G.DrawLine(P, R.X, Convert.ToInt32(R.Y + Curve / 2), R.X, Convert.ToInt32(R.Y + R.Height - Curve / 2));
- G.DrawLine(P, Convert.ToInt32(R.X + R.Width), Convert.ToInt32(R.Y + Curve / 2), Convert.ToInt32(R.X + R.Width), Convert.ToInt32(R.Y + R.Height - Curve / 2));
- G.DrawLine(P, Convert.ToInt32(R.X + Curve / 2), Convert.ToInt32(R.Y + R.Height), Convert.ToInt32(R.X + R.Width - Curve / 2), Convert.ToInt32(R.Y + R.Height));
- G.DrawArc(P, R.X, R.Y + R.Height - Curve, Curve, Curve, 90, 90);
- G.DrawArc(P, R.X + R.Width - Curve, R.Y + R.Height - Curve, Curve, Curve, 0, 90);
- }
- }
- public static void CenterStringTab(Graphics G, string text, Font font, Brush brush, Rectangle rect, bool shadow = false, int yOffset = 0)
- {
- SizeF textSize = G.MeasureString(text, font);
- int textX = (int)(rect.X + (rect.Width / 2) - (textSize.Width / 2));
- int textY = (int)(rect.Y + (rect.Height / 2) - (textSize.Height / 2) + yOffset);
- if (shadow)
- G.DrawString(text, font, Brushes.Black, textX + 1, textY + 1);
- G.DrawString(text, font, brush, textX, textY + 1);
- }
- }
- [DefaultEvent("CheckedChanged")]
- class FirefoxRadioButton : Control
- {
- #region " Public "
- public event CheckedChangedEventHandler CheckedChanged;
- public delegate void CheckedChangedEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e);
- #endregion
- #region " Private "
- private Helpers.MouseState State;
- private Color ETC = Color.Blue;
- private Graphics G;
- private bool _EnabledCalc;
- private bool _Checked;
- #endregion
- private bool _Bold;
- #region " Properties "
- public bool Checked
- {
- get { return _Checked; }
- set
- {
- _Checked = value;
- Invalidate();
- }
- }
- public new bool Enabled
- {
- get { return EnabledCalc; }
- set
- {
- _EnabledCalc = value;
- Invalidate();
- }
- }
- [DisplayName("Enabled")]
- public bool EnabledCalc
- {
- get { return _EnabledCalc; }
- set
- {
- Enabled = value;
- Invalidate();
- }
- }
- public bool Bold
- {
- get { return _Bold; }
- set
- {
- _Bold = value;
- Invalidate();
- }
- }
- #endregion
- #region " Control "
- public FirefoxRadioButton()
- {
- DoubleBuffered = true;
- ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(66, 78, 90);
- Font = Theme.GlobalFont(FontStyle.Regular, 10);
- Size = new Size(160, 27);
- Enabled = true;
- }
- protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
- {
- G = e.Graphics;
- G.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
- G.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;
- base.OnPaint(e);
- G.Clear(Parent.BackColor);
- if (Enabled)
- {
- ETC = Color.FromArgb(66, 78, 90);
- switch (State)
- {
- case Helpers.MouseState.Over:
- case Helpers.MouseState.Down:
- using (Pen P = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(34, 146, 208)))
- {
- G.DrawEllipse(P, new Rectangle(2, 2, 22, 22));
- }
- break;
- default:
- using (Pen P = new Pen(Helpers.GreyColor(190)))
- {
- G.DrawEllipse(P, new Rectangle(2, 2, 22, 22));
- }
- break;
- }
- if (Checked)
- {
- using (SolidBrush B = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(34, 146, 208)))
- {
- G.FillEllipse(B, new Rectangle(7, 7, 12, 12));
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ETC = Helpers.GreyColor(170);
- using (Pen P = new Pen(Helpers.GreyColor(210)))
- {
- G.DrawEllipse(P, new Rectangle(2, 2, 22, 22));
- }
- if (Checked)
- {
- using (SolidBrush B = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(34, 146, 208)))
- {
- G.FillEllipse(B, new Rectangle(7, 7, 12, 12));
- }
- }
- }
- using (SolidBrush B = new SolidBrush(ETC))
- {
- if (Bold)
- {
- G.DrawString(Text, Theme.GlobalFont(FontStyle.Bold, 10), B, new Point(32, 4));
- }
- else
- {
- G.DrawString(Text, Theme.GlobalFont(FontStyle.Regular, 10), B, new Point(32, 4));
- }
- }
- }
- protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
- {
- base.OnMouseDown(e);
- State = Helpers.MouseState.Down;
- Invalidate();
- }
- protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
- {
- base.OnMouseUp(e);
- if (Enabled)
- {
- if (!Checked)
- {
- foreach (Control C in Parent.Controls)
- {
- if (C is FirefoxRadioButton)
- {
- ((FirefoxRadioButton)C).Checked = false;
- }
- }
- }
- Checked = true;
- if (CheckedChanged != null)
- {
- CheckedChanged(this, e);
- }
- }
- State = Helpers.MouseState.Over;
- Invalidate();
- }
- protected override void OnMouseEnter(EventArgs e)
- {
- base.OnMouseEnter(e);
- State = Helpers.MouseState.Over;
- Invalidate();
- }
- protected override void OnMouseLeave(EventArgs e)
- {
- base.OnMouseLeave(e);
- State = Helpers.MouseState.None;
- Invalidate();
- }
- #endregion
- }
- [DefaultEvent("CheckedChanged")]
- class FirefoxCheckBox : Control
- {
- #region " Public "
- public event CheckedChangedEventHandler CheckedChanged;
- public delegate void CheckedChangedEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e);
- #endregion
- #region " Private "
- private Helpers.MouseState State;
- private Color ETC = Color.Blue;
- private Graphics G;
- private bool _EnabledCalc;
- private bool _Checked;
- #endregion
- private bool _Bold;
- #region " Properties "
- public bool Checked
- {
- get { return _Checked; }
- set
- {
- _Checked = value;
- Invalidate();
- }
- }
- public new bool Enabled
- {
- get { return EnabledCalc; }
- set
- {
- _EnabledCalc = value;
- Invalidate();
- }
- }
- [DisplayName("Enabled")]
- public bool EnabledCalc
- {
- get { return _EnabledCalc; }
- set
- {
- Enabled = value;
- Invalidate();
- }
- }
- public bool Bold
- {
- get { return _Bold; }
- set
- {
- _Bold = value;
- Invalidate();
- }
- }
- #endregion
- #region " Control "
- public FirefoxCheckBox()
- {
- DoubleBuffered = true;
- ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(66, 78, 90);
- Font = Theme.GlobalFont(FontStyle.Regular, 10);
- Size = new Size(160, 27);
- Enabled = true;
- }
- protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
- {
- G = e.Graphics;
- G.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
- G.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;
- base.OnPaint(e);
- G.Clear(Parent.BackColor);
- if (Enabled)
- {
- ETC = Color.FromArgb(66, 78, 90);
- switch (State)
- {
- case Helpers.MouseState.Over:
- case Helpers.MouseState.Down:
- Helpers.DrawRoundRect(G, new Rectangle(3, 3, 20, 20), 3, Color.FromArgb(44, 156, 218));
- break;
- default:
- Helpers.DrawRoundRect(G, new Rectangle(3, 3, 20, 20), 3, Helpers.GreyColor(200));
- break;
- }
- if (Checked)
- {
- using (Image I = Image.FromStream(new System.IO.MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String(Theme.GetCheckMark()))))
- {
- G.DrawImage(I, new Point(4, 5));
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ETC = Helpers.GreyColor(170);
- Helpers.DrawRoundRect(G, new Rectangle(3, 3, 20, 20), 3, Helpers.GreyColor(220));
- if (Checked)
- {
- using (Image I = Image.FromStream(new System.IO.MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String(Theme.GetCheckMark()))))
- {
- G.DrawImage(I, new Point(4, 5));
- }
- }
- }
- using (SolidBrush B = new SolidBrush(ETC))
- {
- if (Bold)
- {
- G.DrawString(Text, Theme.GlobalFont(FontStyle.Bold, 10), B, new Point(32, 4));
- }
- else
- {
- G.DrawString(Text, Theme.GlobalFont(FontStyle.Regular, 10), B, new Point(32, 4));
- }
- }
- }
- protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
- {
- base.OnMouseDown(e);
- State = Helpers.MouseState.Down;
- Invalidate();
- }
- protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
- {
- base.OnMouseUp(e);
- if (Enabled)
- {
- Checked = !Checked;
- if (CheckedChanged != null)
- {
- CheckedChanged(this, e);
- }
- }
- State = Helpers.MouseState.Over;
- Invalidate();
- }
- protected override void OnMouseEnter(EventArgs e)
- {
- base.OnMouseEnter(e);
- State = Helpers.MouseState.Over;
- Invalidate();
- }
- protected override void OnMouseLeave(EventArgs e)
- {
- base.OnMouseLeave(e);
- State = Helpers.MouseState.None;
- Invalidate();
- }
- #endregion
- }
- class FirefoxH1 : Label
- {
- #region " Private "
- #endregion
- private Graphics G;
- #region " Control "
- public FirefoxH1()
- {
- DoubleBuffered = true;
- AutoSize = false;
- Font = new Font("Segoe UI Semibold", 20);
- ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(76, 88, 100);
- }
- protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
- {
- G = e.Graphics;
- G.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
- G.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;
- base.OnPaint(e);
- using (Pen P = new Pen(Helpers.GreyColor(200)))
- {
- G.DrawLine(P, new Point(0, 50), new Point(Width, 50));
- }
- }
- #endregion
- }
- class FirefoxH2 : Label
- {
- #region " Control "
- public FirefoxH2()
- {
- Font = Theme.GlobalFont(FontStyle.Bold, 10);
- ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(76, 88, 100);
- BackColor = Color.White;
- }
- #endregion
- }
- class FirefoxButton : Control
- {
- #region " Private "
- private Helpers.MouseState State;
- private Color ETC = Color.Blue;
- private Graphics G;
- #endregion
- private bool _EnabledCalc;
- #region " Properties "
- public new bool Enabled
- {
- get { return EnabledCalc; }
- set
- {
- _EnabledCalc = value;
- Invalidate();
- }
- }
- [DisplayName("Enabled")]
- public bool EnabledCalc
- {
- get { return _EnabledCalc; }
- set
- {
- Enabled = value;
- Invalidate();
- }
- }
- #endregion
- #region " Control "
- public FirefoxButton()
- {
- DoubleBuffered = true;
- Enabled = true;
- ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(56, 68, 80);
- Font = Theme.GlobalFont(FontStyle.Regular, 10);
- }
- protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
- {
- G = e.Graphics;
- G.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
- G.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;
- base.OnPaint(e);
- G.Clear(Parent.BackColor);
- if (Enabled)
- {
- ETC = Color.FromArgb(56, 68, 80);
- switch (State)
- {
- case Helpers.MouseState.None:
- using (SolidBrush B = new SolidBrush(Helpers.GreyColor(245)))
- {
- G.FillRectangle(B, new Rectangle(1, 1, Width - 2, Height - 2));
- }
- Helpers.DrawRoundRect(G, Helpers.FullRectangle(Size, true), 2, Helpers.GreyColor(193));
- break;
- case Helpers.MouseState.Over:
- using (SolidBrush B = new SolidBrush(Helpers.GreyColor(232)))
- {
- G.FillRectangle(B, new Rectangle(1, 1, Width - 2, Height - 2));
- }
- Helpers.DrawRoundRect(G, Helpers.FullRectangle(Size, true), 2, Helpers.GreyColor(193));
- break;
- default:
- using (SolidBrush B = new SolidBrush(Helpers.GreyColor(212)))
- {
- G.FillRectangle(B, new Rectangle(1, 1, Width - 2, Height - 2));
- }
- Helpers.DrawRoundRect(G, Helpers.FullRectangle(Size, true), 2, Helpers.GreyColor(193));
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ETC = Helpers.GreyColor(170);
- using (SolidBrush B = new SolidBrush(Helpers.GreyColor(245)))
- {
- G.FillRectangle(B, new Rectangle(1, 1, Width - 2, Height - 2));
- }
- Helpers.DrawRoundRect(G, Helpers.FullRectangle(Size, true), 2, Helpers.GreyColor(223));
- }
- Helpers.CenterString(G, Text, Theme.GlobalFont(FontStyle.Regular, 10), ETC, Helpers.FullRectangle(Size, false));
- }
- protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
- {
- base.OnMouseUp(e);
- State = Helpers.MouseState.Over;
- Invalidate();
- }
- protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
- {
- base.OnMouseUp(e);
- State = Helpers.MouseState.Down;
- Invalidate();
- }
- protected override void OnMouseEnter(EventArgs e)
- {
- base.OnMouseEnter(e);
- State = Helpers.MouseState.Over;
- Invalidate();
- }
- protected override void OnMouseLeave(EventArgs e)
- {
- base.OnMouseEnter(e);
- State = Helpers.MouseState.None;
- Invalidate();
- }
- #endregion
- }
- class FirefoxRedirect : Control
- {
- #region " Private "
- private Helpers.MouseState State;
- private Graphics G;
- private Color FC = Color.Blue;
- #endregion
- private Font FF = null;
- #region " Control "
- public FirefoxRedirect()
- {
- DoubleBuffered = true;
- Cursor = Cursors.Hand;
- BackColor = Color.White;
- }
- protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
- {
- G = e.Graphics;
- G.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
- G.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;
- base.OnPaint(e);
- switch (State)
- {
- case Helpers.MouseState.Over:
- FC = Color.FromArgb(23, 140, 229);
- FF = Theme.GlobalFont(FontStyle.Underline, 10);
- break;
- case Helpers.MouseState.Down:
- FC = Color.FromArgb(255, 149, 0);
- FF = Theme.GlobalFont(FontStyle.Regular, 10);
- break;
- default:
- FC = Color.FromArgb(0, 149, 221);
- FF = Theme.GlobalFont(FontStyle.Regular, 10);
- break;
- }
- using (SolidBrush B = new SolidBrush(FC))
- {
- G.DrawString(Text, FF, B, new Point(0, 0));
- }
- }
- protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
- {
- base.OnMouseUp(e);
- State = Helpers.MouseState.Over;
- Invalidate();
- }
- protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
- {
- base.OnMouseUp(e);
- State = Helpers.MouseState.Down;
- Invalidate();
- }
- protected override void OnMouseEnter(EventArgs e)
- {
- base.OnMouseEnter(e);
- State = Helpers.MouseState.Over;
- Invalidate();
- }
- protected override void OnMouseLeave(EventArgs e)
- {
- base.OnMouseEnter(e);
- State = Helpers.MouseState.None;
- Invalidate();
- }
- #endregion
- }
- class FirefoxSubTabControl : TabControl
- {
- #region " Private "
- private Graphics G;
- #endregion
- private Rectangle TabRect;
- #region " Control "
- public FirefoxSubTabControl()
- {
- DoubleBuffered = true;
- Alignment = TabAlignment.Top;
- }
- protected override void OnCreateControl()
- {
- base.OnCreateControl();
- SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
- ItemSize = new Size(100, 40);
- SizeMode = TabSizeMode.Fixed;
- }
- protected override void OnControlAdded(ControlEventArgs e)
- {
- base.OnControlAdded(e);
- try
- {
- for (int i = 0; i <= TabPages.Count - 1; i++)
- {
- TabPages[i].BackColor = Color.White;
- TabPages[i].ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(66, 79, 90);
- TabPages[i].Font = Theme.GlobalFont(FontStyle.Regular, 10);
- }
- }
- catch
- {
- }
- }
- protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
- {
- G = e.Graphics;
- G.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
- G.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;
- base.OnPaint(e);
- G.Clear(Parent.BackColor);
- for (int i = 0; i <= TabPages.Count - 1; i++)
- {
- TabRect = GetTabRect(i);
- if (GetTabRect(i).Contains(this.PointToClient(Cursor.Position)) & !(SelectedIndex == i))
- {
- using (SolidBrush B = new SolidBrush(Helpers.GreyColor(240)))
- {
- G.FillRectangle(B, new Rectangle(GetTabRect(i).Location.X - 2, GetTabRect(i).Location.Y - 2, GetTabRect(i).Width, GetTabRect(i).Height + 1));
- }
- }
- else if (SelectedIndex == i)
- {
- using (SolidBrush B = new SolidBrush(Helpers.GreyColor(240)))
- {
- G.FillRectangle(B, new Rectangle(GetTabRect(i).Location.X - 2, GetTabRect(i).Location.Y - 2, GetTabRect(i).Width, GetTabRect(i).Height + 1));
- }
- using (Pen P = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(255, 149, 0), 4))
- {
- G.DrawLine(P, new Point(TabRect.X - 2, TabRect.Y + ItemSize.Height - 2), new Point(TabRect.X + TabRect.Width - 2, TabRect.Y + ItemSize.Height - 2));
- }
- }
- else if (!(SelectedIndex == i))
- {
- G.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, GetTabRect(i));
- }
- using (SolidBrush B = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(56, 69, 80)))
- {
- Helpers.CenterStringTab(G, TabPages[i].Text, Theme.GlobalFont(FontStyle.Regular, 10), B, GetTabRect(i));
- }
- }
- using (Pen P = new Pen(Helpers.GreyColor(200)))
- {
- G.DrawLine(P, new Point(0, ItemSize.Height + 2), new Point(Width, ItemSize.Height + 2));
- }
- }
- #endregion
- }
- class FirefoxMainTabControl : TabControl
- {
- #region " Private "
- private Graphics G;
- private Rectangle TabRect;
- #endregion
- private Color FC = Color.Blue;
- #region " Control "
- public FirefoxMainTabControl()
- {
- DoubleBuffered = true;
- ItemSize = new Size(43, 152);
- Alignment = TabAlignment.Left;
- SizeMode = TabSizeMode.Fixed;
- }
- protected override void OnCreateControl()
- {
- base.OnCreateControl();
- SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
- }
- protected override void OnControlAdded(ControlEventArgs e)
- {
- base.OnControlAdded(e);
- try
- {
- for (int i = 0; i <= TabPages.Count - 1; i++)
- {
- TabPages[i].BackColor = Color.White;
- TabPages[i].ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(66, 79, 90);
- TabPages[i].Font = Theme.GlobalFont(FontStyle.Regular, 10);
- }
- }
- catch
- {
- }
- }
- protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
- {
- G = e.Graphics;
- G.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
- G.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;
- base.OnPaint(e);
- G.Clear(Color.FromArgb(66, 79, 90));
- for (int i = 0; i <= TabPages.Count - 1; i++)
- {
- TabRect = GetTabRect(i);
- if (SelectedIndex == i)
- {
- using (SolidBrush B = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(52, 63, 72)))
- {
- G.FillRectangle(B, TabRect);
- }
- FC = Helpers.GreyColor(245);
- using (SolidBrush B = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 175, 54)))
- {
- G.FillRectangle(B, new Rectangle(TabRect.Location.X - 3, TabRect.Location.Y + 1, 5, TabRect.Height - 2));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- FC = Helpers.GreyColor(192);
- using (SolidBrush B = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(66, 79, 90)))
- {
- G.FillRectangle(B, TabRect);
- }
- }
- using (SolidBrush B = new SolidBrush(FC))
- {
- G.DrawString(TabPages[i].Text, Theme.GlobalFont(FontStyle.Regular, 10), B, new Point(TabRect.X + 50, TabRect.Y + 12));
- }
- if ((ImageList != null))
- {
- if (!(TabPages[i].ImageIndex < 0))
- {
- G.DrawImage(ImageList.Images[TabPages[i].ImageIndex], new Rectangle(TabRect.X + 19, TabRect.Y + ((TabRect.Height / 2) - 10), 18, 18));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #endregion
- }
- [DefaultEvent("TextChanged")]
- class FirefoxTextbox : Control
- {
- #region " Private "
- private TextBox withEventsField_TB = new TextBox();
- private TextBox TB
- {
- get { return withEventsField_TB; }
- set
- {
- if (withEventsField_TB != null)
- {
- withEventsField_TB.TextChanged -= new EventHandler(TextChangeTb);
- }
- withEventsField_TB = value;
- if (withEventsField_TB != null)
- {
- withEventsField_TB.TextChanged += TextChangeTb;
- }
- }
- }
- private Graphics G;
- private Helpers.MouseState State;
- private bool IsDown;
- private bool _EnabledCalc;
- private bool _allowpassword = false;
- private int _maxChars = 32767;
- private HorizontalAlignment _textAlignment;
- private bool _multiLine = false;
- #endregion
- private bool _readOnly = false;
- #region " Properties "
- public new bool Enabled
- {
- get { return EnabledCalc; }
- set
- {
- TB.Enabled = value;
- _EnabledCalc = value;
- Invalidate();
- }
- }
- [DisplayName("Enabled")]
- public bool EnabledCalc
- {
- get { return _EnabledCalc; }
- set
- {
- Enabled = value;
- Invalidate();
- }
- }
- public new bool UseSystemPasswordChar
- {
- get { return _allowpassword; }
- set
- {
- TB.UseSystemPasswordChar = UseSystemPasswordChar;
- _allowpassword = value;
- Invalidate();
- }
- }
- public new int MaxLength
- {
- get { return _maxChars; }
- set
- {
- _maxChars = value;
- TB.MaxLength = MaxLength;
- Invalidate();
- }
- }
- public new HorizontalAlignment TextAlign
- {
- get { return _textAlignment; }
- set
- {
- _textAlignment = value;
- Invalidate();
- }
- }
- public new bool MultiLine
- {
- get { return _multiLine; }
- set
- {
- _multiLine = value;
- TB.Multiline = value;
- OnResize(EventArgs.Empty);
- Invalidate();
- }
- }
- public new bool ReadOnly
- {
- get { return _readOnly; }
- set
- {
- _readOnly = value;
- if (TB != null)
- {
- TB.ReadOnly = value;
- }
- }
- }
- #endregion
- #region " Control "
- protected override void OnTextChanged(EventArgs e)
- {
- base.OnTextChanged(e);
- Invalidate();
- }
- protected override void OnBackColorChanged(EventArgs e)
- {
- base.OnBackColorChanged(e);
- Invalidate();
- }
- protected override void OnForeColorChanged(EventArgs e)
- {
- base.OnForeColorChanged(e);
- TB.ForeColor = ForeColor;
- Invalidate();
- }
- protected override void OnFontChanged(EventArgs e)
- {
- base.OnFontChanged(e);
- TB.Font = Font;
- }
- protected override void OnGotFocus(EventArgs e)
- {
- base.OnGotFocus(e);
- TB.Focus();
- }
- private void TextChangeTb(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- Text = TB.Text;
- }
- private void TextChng(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- TB.Text = Text;
- }
- public void NewTextBox()
- {
- var _with1 = TB;
- _with1.Text = string.Empty;
- _with1.BackColor = Color.White;
- _with1.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(66, 78, 90);
- _with1.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
- _with1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
- _with1.Location = new Point(3, 3);
- _with1.Font = Theme.GlobalFont(FontStyle.Regular, 10);
- _with1.Size = new Size(Width - 3, Height - 3);
- _with1.UseSystemPasswordChar = UseSystemPasswordChar;
- }
- public FirefoxTextbox()
- : base()
- {
- TextChanged += new EventHandler(TextChng);
- NewTextBox();
- Controls.Add(TB);
- SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint | ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, true);
- DoubleBuffered = true;
- TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
- ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(66, 78, 90);
- Font = Theme.GlobalFont(FontStyle.Regular, 10);
- Size = new Size(130, 29);
- Enabled = true;
- }
- protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
- {
- G = e.Graphics;
- G.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
- G.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;
- base.OnPaint(e);
- G.Clear(Parent.BackColor);
- if (Enabled)
- {
- TB.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(66, 78, 90);
- if (State == Helpers.MouseState.Down)
- {
- Helpers.DrawRoundRect(G, Helpers.FullRectangle(Size, true), 3, Color.FromArgb(44, 156, 218));
- }
- else
- {
- Helpers.DrawRoundRect(G, Helpers.FullRectangle(Size, true), 3, Helpers.GreyColor(200));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- TB.ForeColor = Helpers.GreyColor(170);
- Helpers.DrawRoundRect(G, Helpers.FullRectangle(Size, true), 3, Helpers.GreyColor(230));
- }
- TB.TextAlign = TextAlign;
- TB.UseSystemPasswordChar = UseSystemPasswordChar;
- }
- protected override void OnResize(EventArgs e)
- {
- base.OnResize(e);
- if (!MultiLine)
- {
- int tbheight = TB.Height;
- TB.Location = new Point(10, Convert.ToInt32(((Height / 2) - (tbheight / 2) - 0)));
- TB.Size = new Size(Width - 20, tbheight);
- }
- else
- {
- TB.Location = new Point(10, 10);
- TB.Size = new Size(Width - 20, Height - 20);
- }
- }
- protected override void OnEnter(EventArgs e)
- {
- base.OnEnter(e);
- State = Helpers.MouseState.Down;
- Invalidate();
- }
- protected override void OnLeave(EventArgs e)
- {
- base.OnLeave(e);
- State = Helpers.MouseState.None;
- Invalidate();
- }
- #endregion
- }
- class FirefoxNumericUpDown : Control
- {
- #region " Private "
- private Graphics G;
- private int _Value;
- private int _Min;
- private int _Max;
- private Point Loc;
- private bool Down;
- private bool _EnabledCalc;
- #endregion
- private Color ETC = Color.Blue;
- #region " Properties "
- public new bool Enabled
- {
- get { return EnabledCalc; }
- set
- {
- _EnabledCalc = value;
- Invalidate();
- }
- }
- [DisplayName("Enabled")]
- public bool EnabledCalc
- {
- get { return _EnabledCalc; }
- set
- {
- Enabled = value;
- Invalidate();
- }
- }
- public int Value
- {
- get { return _Value; }
- set
- {
- if (value <= _Max & value >= Minimum)
- {
- _Value = value;
- }
- Invalidate();
- }
- }
- public int Minimum
- {
- get { return _Min; }
- set
- {
- if (value < Maximum)
- {
- _Min = value;
- }
- if (value < Minimum)
- {
- value = Minimum;
- }
- Invalidate();
- }
- }
- public int Maximum
- {
- get { return _Max; }
- set
- {
- if (value > Minimum)
- {
- _Max = value;
- }
- if (value > Maximum)
- {
- value = Maximum;
- }
- Invalidate();
- }
- }
- #endregion
- #region " Control "
- public FirefoxNumericUpDown()
- {
- DoubleBuffered = true;
- Value = 0;
- Minimum = 0;
- Maximum = 100;
- Cursor = Cursors.IBeam;
- BackColor = Color.White;
- ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(66, 78, 90);
- Font = Theme.GlobalFont(FontStyle.Regular, 10);
- Enabled = true;
- }
- protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
- {
- base.OnMouseMove(e);
- Loc.X = e.X;
- Loc.Y = e.Y;
- Invalidate();
- if (Loc.X < Width - 23)
- {
- Cursor = Cursors.IBeam;
- }
- else
- {
- Cursor = Cursors.Default;
- }
- }
- protected override void OnResize(EventArgs e)
- {
- base.OnResize(e);
- Height = 30;
- }
- protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
- {
- base.OnMouseClick(e);
- if (Enabled)
- {
- if (Loc.X > Width - 21 && Loc.X < Width - 3)
- {
- if (Loc.Y < 15)
- {
- if ((Value + 1) <= Maximum)
- {
- Value += 1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if ((Value - 1) >= Minimum)
- {
- Value -= 1;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Down = !Down;
- Focus();
- }
- }
- Invalidate();
- }
- protected override void OnKeyPress(System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs e)
- {
- base.OnKeyPress(e);
- try
- {
- if (Down)
- {
- Value = Convert.ToInt32(Value.ToString() + e.KeyChar.ToString());
- }
- if (Value > Maximum)
- {
- Value = Maximum;
- }
- }
- catch
- {
- }
- }
- protected override void OnKeyUp(System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs e)
- {
- base.OnKeyUp(e);
- if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Up)
- {
- if ((Value + 1) <= Maximum)
- {
- Value += 1;
- }
- Invalidate();
- }
- else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Down)
- {
- if ((Value - 1) >= Minimum)
- {
- Value -= 1;
- }
- }
- else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Back)
- {
- string BC = Value.ToString();
- BC = BC.Remove(Convert.ToInt32(BC.Length - 1));
- if ((BC.Length == 0))
- {
- BC = "0";
- }
- Value = Convert.ToInt32(BC);
- }
- Invalidate();
- }
- protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
- {
- G = e.Graphics;
- G.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
- G.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;
- base.OnPaint(e);
- G.Clear(Parent.BackColor);
- if (Enabled)
- {
- ETC = Color.FromArgb(66, 78, 90);
- using (Pen P = new Pen(Helpers.GreyColor(190)))
- {
- Helpers.DrawRoundRect(G, Helpers.FullRectangle(Size, true), 2, Helpers.GreyColor(190));
- G.DrawLine(P, new Point(Width - 24, (int)13.5f), new Point(Width - 5, (int)13.5f));
- }
- Helpers.DrawRoundRect(G, new Rectangle(Width - 24, 4, 19, 21), 3, Helpers.GreyColor(200));
- }
- else
- {
- ETC = Helpers.GreyColor(170);
- using (Pen P = new Pen(Helpers.GreyColor(230)))
- {
- Helpers.DrawRoundRect(G, Helpers.FullRectangle(Size, true), 2, Helpers.GreyColor(190));
- G.DrawLine(P, new Point(Width - 24, (int)13.5f), new Point(Width - 5, (int)13.5f));
- }
- Helpers.DrawRoundRect(G, new Rectangle(Width - 24, 4, 19, 21), 3, Helpers.GreyColor(220));
- }
- using (SolidBrush B = new SolidBrush(ETC))
- {
- G.DrawString("t", new Font("Marlett", 8, FontStyle.Bold), B, new Point(Width - 22, 5));
- G.DrawString("u", new Font("Marlett", 8, FontStyle.Bold), B, new Point(Width - 22, 13));
- Helpers.CenterString(G, Value.ToString(), new Font("Segoe UI", 10), ETC, new Rectangle(Width / 2 - 10, 0, Width - 5, Height));
- }
- }
- #endregion
- }
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