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Nov 18th, 2019
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  1. #BackpackCommand
  2. bp.disabled=&cBackpacks are disabled.
  3. bp.notingame=&cAt the moment you can't use any backpacks!
  4. bp.maxteam=&cYou can't use backpacks in FFA.
  5. bp.noteam=&cYou aren't in a team!
  6. #FixCommand
  7. fix.spec=&cYou are not allowed to use this command!
  8. fix.done=&aYou got fixxed.
  9. #HelpopCommand
  10. helpop.usage=%p%&c/helpop <Message>
  11. helpop.staffmsg=&d&l[HELPOP] &c%0% &7[%1%]&8: &f%2%
  12. helpop.submitted=%p%&aYour message was sent to the staff members.
  13. #KillsTopCommand
  14. killstop.head=%p%Loading Top 10 players...
  15. killstop.ranking=%p%&e%0%. %1% &8- &7%2% Kills
  16. killstop.notingame=%p%&cYou can only use this command in the game phase!
  17. #LateScatterCommand
  18. ls.notingame=&cYou can't latescatter at the moment.
  19. ls.already=&cYou were already teleported!
  20. ls.alive=&cYou are still alive.
  21. ls.finalheal=&cYou can't latescatter after the Final-Heal!
  22. ls.done=&aYou got teleported! Good luck and have fun! :)
  23. can latescatter yourself with /latescatter
  24. #ScCommand
  25. sc.notingame=&cYou can't send your Cords at the moment.
  26. sc.sent=&6Coordinates of %0%: &bX: %1% Y: %2% Z: %3%
  27. #TeamsCommand
  28. team.disabled=&cTeams are not enabled!
  29. invite <Name> &8-|- &7Invite a player to your team!
  30. kick <Name> &8-|- &7Kick a player out of your team!
  31. join <Name> &8-|- &7Accept an invitation!
  32. list &8-|- &7List all Team Members
  33. &8-|- &7Send your Cords in the Team Chat
  34. &8-|- &7In the chat to write in the &bTeam Chat
  35. team.noexists=&cThis player doesn't exists!
  36. team.notinteam=&cThis player is not in your team!
  37. team.invite.onlylobby=&cYou can only invite players while the lobby phase.
  38. team.invite.noleader=&cYou are not allowed to invite players!
  39. team.invite.alreadyinvited=&cThis player has already been invited
  40. team.invite.maxsize=&cThe team reached the player limit!
  41. team.invite.invited=&aThe player %0% has been invited to the team!
  42. team.invite.gotinvited=&aYou got invited from %0% to join his team! &e/teams join %0%
  43. team.kick.onlylobby=&cYou can't kick players out of the lobby phase.
  44. team.kick.noleader=&cYou are not allowed to kick players.
  45. team.kick.kicked=&aYou kicked %0% out of your team!
  46. team.kick.gotkicked=&cThe player %0% got kicked out of the team!
  47. team.join.onlylobby=&cYou can only join teams while the lobby phase!
  48. team.join.notinvited=&cYou were not invited to this team!
  49. team.join.maxsize=&cThe team reached the player limit!
  50. team.join.joined=&aYou joined the team of %0%
  51. team.join.playerjoined=&a%0% joined the team!
  52. team.list=&aThe team has following members: &8(&f%0%&8)
  53. #ThanksCommand
  54. thanks.already=%p%You already have thanked the host!
  55. thanks.scatter=%p%You can only thank the host in the game/lobby phase!
  56. thanks.onlyingame=%p%You cant use this command while spectating!
  57. thanks.bc=&a%0% &a&ohas thanked the &c&oHost&f&o!
  58. #PlayerDeathManager
  59. pdm.timedeath=&c%0%&7[&f%1%&7] &edied, because he was more than 10 minutes away!
  60. pdm.haskiller=&c%0%&7[&f%1%&7] &ewas killed by &a%2%&7[&f%3%&7]
  61. pdm.nokiller=&c%0%&7[&f%1%&7] &edied !
  62. pdm.noclean=&aYou now have &f30 seconds &aNoClean protection! (&3NoClean&7)
  63. pdm.deathtitle=&cYou died!
  64. pdm.death.1=&8&m------------------------------
  65. pdm.death.2=&aGood luck next time! :)
  66. pdm.death.3=
  67. pdm.death.4=&7You dont want to miss any game?
  68. pdm.death.5= - &6Discord: &
  69. pdm.death.6= - r&6Twitter: &f@UHCHubEU
  70. pdm.death.7=&8&m------------------------------
  71. #GameManager
  72. gm.startin=%p%&aThe game starts in &a%0% %1%
  73. gm.border.shrank=&8[&bBorder&8] &6The size of the border is &f+%0% &6and &f-%0%
  74. gm.border.meetup.1=&8[&bBorder&8] &6The &fMeetup &6starts now. Please go to &f0 0&f.
  75. gm.border.meetup.2=&8[&bBorder&8] &fSkyBasing &fis &cdisallowed &fand the farming &fshould &cend&f.
  76. tps.ok=%p%&aThe TPS are now stable!
  77. tps.waiting=%p%Wait for the TPS to stabilize...
  78. gm.swapped=%p%&aAll players got swapped!
  79. gm.gamestarted=%p%&aThe game starts now!
  80.[&bBorder&8] &6The border will shrink to &f%1%&6x&f%1% &6in &f%0% secs&8!
  81. gm.finalheal=%p%All players received the final heal!
  82. gm.pvp.enabled=%p%&aPvP is now enabled&7! Good luck fighting! :)
  83. scatter.start=%p%&aAll players get teleported... &aPlease do not log out during the scatter!
  84. scatter.teleported.1=%p%All players got teleported!
  85. scatter.teleported.2=%p%&fFinal Heal: &e10:00 &7| &fPvP: &e20:00
  86. scatter.loading=%p%&aLoading Scatter-Locations...
  87. scatter.loading.done=%p%&aAll Scatter-Locations got loaded! Starting scatter...
  88. uhc.stopin=&aThe UHC server stops in %0% seconds
  89. uhc.winner.solo=%p%%0% &awon the &aUHC-Match&7!
  90. &awon the &aUHC-Match&7!
  91. #GameConfig
  92. gc.globalmute.on=%p%&aThe Globalmute is now active&7.
  93. Globalmute is no longer active&7.
  94. #JoinListener
  95. join.late.1=&8&m------------------------------
  96. join.late.2=&7You dont want to miss any game?
  97. join.late.3=
  98. join.late.4= - &6Discord: &
  99. join.late.5= - &6Twitter: &f@UHCHubEU
  100. join.late.6=&8&m------------------------------
  101. #BlockBreakListener
  102. &7just mined &bdimaonds&7! X: &c%1% &7/ Z: &c%2%
  103. &7just mined &6gold&7! X: &c%1% &7/ Z: &c%2%
  104. #ChatListener
  105. globalmute.on=&cThe GlobalMute is active!
  106. #EntityDamageListener
  107. player has the &3NoClean &cprotection!
  108. noclean.disabled.fight=&cYour &3NoClean &cprotection was removed because you attacked someone!
  109. #PlayerInteractListener
  110. got teleported! (&c%0% &7/&c %1%)
  111. #MoveListener
  112. spec.dont=&c&lYou can't go further than 50x50!
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