

Oct 18th, 2020
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  227. <div class="navigation">
  228. <center><br><a href="">HOME</a> <a href="">MESSAGE</a> <a href="">COMMENT</a> <a href="">ALBUMS</a>
  229. </div>
  231. <div class="love"><h1>MOONSTRUCK</h1>
  232. <center> <b>relationship status:</b> Uninterested. <br>
  233. <b>relationship type:</b> Monogamous, Polyamorous, Open. <br>
  234. <b>Orientation:</b> Pansexual. <br>
  235. <b>Positon:</b> Strictly submissive. | Power bottom. <br>
  236. <b>Nicknames:</b> <i>None.</i> <br>
  237. <b>lover(s):</b> <a href="">Nobody.</a> <br>
  238. <b>date together:</b> --.--.--; <br>
  240. <audio autoplay loop><source src="">
  241. </div>
  245. <div class="aboutme"><h1>MIASMA 15</H1>
  246. <b>Alias:</b> Miasma 15. <br>
  247. <B>full name:</b> Xanthe Moon Kravelas. <br>
  248. <B>nickname(s):</b>Vera, V, Muffin (cupcake only). <br>
  249. <B>species:</b> Caedipyr. <br>
  250. <b>PRONUNCIATION:</b> say-di-piar. <br>
  251. <B>meaning:</b>( blood & Fire ). <br>
  252. <B>sub-species:</b> Ecfectus. <br>
  253. <b>species class:</b> Crystallos. <br>
  254. <B>gender:</b> Female. <br>
  255. <b>blood type:</b> Acidium Vis LVI. <br>
  256. <B>astrological sign:</b> Scorpio. <br>
  257. <B>birth date:</b> October 31st.<br>
  258. <B>birth place:</b> Hell. <br>
  259. <B>date of rebirth:</b> New York, New York. <br>
  260. <B>current residence:</b> <br>
  261. <B>faux occupation:</b> Escort Service Manager | Reaper. <br>
  262. <B>economic status:</b> Xanthe has a large nestegg, though she hardly uses it since she prefers to use her own natural charms and abilities to get by. <br>
  263. <b>soken languages:</b> Latin, Egnlish, Old English, Italian, Icelandish, Russian, Mandrian. <br>
  264. <B>religion:</b> Sincerus. <br>
  265. <B>religious rank:</b> High Preistess. <br>
  266. <h1>lascivious</h1>
  267. <b>body type:</b> Hourglass. <br>
  268. <b>height:</b> 5'2". <br>
  269. <b>weight:</b> 120lbs. <br>
  270. <b>bust size:</b> 36 B. | Appears larger in some bras. <br>
  271. <b>hair color:</b> Honey blonde.<br>
  272. <b>eye color:</b> Light baby blue, with darkger blue scleras. <br>
  273. <b>complexion:</b> Very slightly tanned, with a purpelish tint. Pale in some lighting, tanned in others.<br>
  274. <b>apparel:</b> Xanthe rarely wears a lot of clothing, she prefers to be able to move freely without the weight of fabric weighing her down. <br>
  275. <b>apparel examples:</b> <a href="">Everyday</a> <a href="">Everyday 2</a> <a href="">Work</a> <a href="">Formal</a> <a href="">At home</a> <br>
  276. <b>piercings:</b> Septum, vertical labret, nipples, various gagues. <br>
  277. <b>Natural Scent:</b> Honey & vanilla. <br>
  278. <b>Favorite Flower:</b> Tulips. <Br>
  279. <b>Favorite Perfume:</b> Chanel Grand Extrait. <br>
  280. <b>Favorite Food:</b> Italian | Chicken Parmigiana. <br>
  281. <b>Favorite Cloth Type:</b> Satin & Silk. <br>
  282. <b>Appealing Colors:</b> Black, Plums, Wines. <br>
  283. <b>Prefered Crystals:</b> Amethyst, Apophyllite, Rose Quartz, Aragonite, White Celestine. <br>
  284. <b>Hobbies:</b> Kick boxing, Gymnastics, and piano. <br>
  285. <b>body morphs:</b> Short pointed ears, short pointed clas/nails, white retractable horns, scars across her face and thicker scars across both wrists. <br>
  286. <b>markings:</b> Xanthe has one hand is blackened to the wrists and she sometimes wears a glove to cover it. <br>
  287. <b>looksheet:</b> <a href="">coming soon</a> <br>
  288. <b>voice:</b> <a href="">Lana Del Ray</a> <br>
  289. <b>playby:</b> <a href="">Emily Browning</a> <br>
  290. </div>
  292. <div class="depth">
  293. <h1>AT THE ALTER</h1>
  294. The main species is known as <i>Caedipyr</i>, which were creatures born from the fires of hell. Originally only two of the species born at first, they eventually created more of their kind. Those creations are the race of Caedipyr known as Ecfectus known as the created. Eventually over time the creatures began to breed together and create natural born Caedipyr called <u>Ignigena</u> which means <i>fire-born</i>. At birth / rebirth, class is determined naturally. Some are born as Incendium and some are born as Crystallos. This is mainly determined by climate, but Incendiums' are extremely rare and are mostly found in hell. Incendiums' are strongest around fire and hot climates, they can survive in the mortal realm however they are much stronger in hell. <i>Crystallos'</i> are strongest in the dark, cold, damp, and are strongest in the cool climates which makes the mortal realm the best home for them. In hell they tend to be weak and sick this is also why they are the most common race. Caedipyr can reproduce within their species or with other species. The color of their sclera's are the same color as their blood.
  295. <br>
  296. <h1>BLOODSUCKER</h1>
  297. Caedipyr <u>can consume human food</u>, purely for taste. Their blood is like what humans could call <i>acid</i>, and it destroys food instantly as it hits their stomachs. The nutrients they need to survive comes from blood. Like most creatures they can consume many different types of blood, each gives different benefits. Demon blood will give Caedipyr enough energy to survive, but their abilities will be <i>weakened</i>. Animal blood is better than demon blood in the fact that it helps them survive but also keeps them feeling a little stronger than if they had demon blood. The most common type of blood to consume is <u>mortal blood</u>, it continues all the nutrients their bodies lack. It keeps them in peak shape and gives them full use of all of their abilities. Different religions feed differently, Sincerusians usually ask permission before feeding on humans or they feed on animals. Indigestusians often capture humans and feed on them without remorse. There are some Lustris Houses' that cater to the consumption of human blood for Caedipyr where humans sign up to let them feed off of them for free as a type of kink, they are usually supervised by hidden cameras with bodyguards at every door for safety reasons, humans also have to sign a waiver. These interactions usually end up <strike>sexual</strike>. Both Religions partake, and you can read more about those religions below. <br><br>
  299. <h1>RELIGIOUS BELIEFS</h1>
  300. <center>
  301. <b>Sincerus</b> | Honest | Worships Genitor - Considered good / pure. <br>
  302. <b>Indigestus</b> | Chaotic | Worships Genitrix - Considered bad / evil.<br><br></center>
  304. <b>Genitor & Genitrix</b> are brother and sister, both the original Caedipyr and both are fire-born formally known as Ignigena. They were forged from fire in the depths of hell, and the first of their kind. Genitor and Genitrix grew lonely and created more of their kind from low-level demons also known as Cambions, where Genitor loved his creations / children, Genitrix despised them all and wanted all of the power for herself. Genitor tried to teach his children about love and compassion, teaching them to feed on demons without killing them. His sister, however, wanted them to eat to kill, to her the most important thing they could teach was <i>survival</i>. One day more than half of their creations became violently weak, where some of them were strong and thrived. Genitrix grew to like the ones who were strong, favoring them and leaving the weaker ones to perish. Her brother saw them differently, he loved them. One day he broke down, he couldn't handle seeing his beloved children suffer any longer. He broke them out of hell, freeing them to the mortal realm hoping that his teachings would let them live in harmony amongst humans. After establishing a home for him and his children, <u>Genitor grew weaker and weaker.</u> Being <i>Incendium</i> his body would slowly deteriorate until he returned to hell where he could once again thrive. He continued to teach his children until the day he died and now almost double their group size Caedipyr worship him even in death. When making more creations they perform a ritual and pray for his guidance. Meanwhile, Genitrix stayed behind in hell with only a few of the strong children. Together they took control of hell, and seized it for their own. Genitrix tortured souls for centuries until she died of old age at 1067 years old. To this day the Caedipyr are torn between who was their true ruler, and it is up to the individual who they choose to worship and what rules they choose to follow. <br><Br>
  306. <b>CREATOR RITUAL - SINCERUS</b> <br>
  307. Each religion has it's own ritual for creating Caedipyr. Sincerusians' believe Genitor's sprit has to bless a soul before it can be reborn as a Caedipyr. Once someone is chosen and accepts the change, the ritual will be held in the Ecclesia <i>( church / temple ).</i> The subject will dress in white, a symbol of purity. They will drink from a chalice of Ignigena blood which is considered the purest of Caedipyr blood. Their hands will be tightly bound with frayed rope in order to create scars, mimicking the black scars that Ignigena's are born with. They are laid onto a stone platform, and the blood ceases their life. It is believed by the Sincerusians' that if the person is deemed worthy by Genitor that within a 20-minute span they will be reborn as a Caedipyr. If not, their body will turn to ash within the same time frame. The class / sub-race is determined soon after rebirth depending on how the subject feels, but Incendium's are extremely <u>rare.</u> <br><Br>
  310. Being more <i>chaotic</i> and less about rules, there really is no ritual when it comes to Indigestusians. They pillage and take what they want, oftentimes they will bite their own wrists and force feed their <i>toxic blood</i> to low-level demons and captured humans. This only works half the time, since it isn't an exact science and not everyone's body can be reborn as a Caedipyr. Without much rules, Indigestusians tend to do whatever they please and believe that they should have power over <strike>all beings</strike>.
  311. </div>
  314. <div class="rules"><h1>REGULATIONS</h1>
  315. <b>➤</b> Yes I coded my own div but the codes are not originally mine, do I care for who I got them from? Nah not really. Will I code for you so she can throw a fit about it? Yeh probably. <b>xoxo</b>. <br>
  317. <b>➤</b> Despite what a select people have to say about me, I am actually a really friendly person. All you have to do is talk to me, now I will admit sometimes I can be selective because of personal reasons. I am weary of strangers out of fear, but I am <i>working on it.</i> <br>
  319. <b>➤</b> I am way more active on discord, more than likely I am <b>not</b> going to respond to messages or even comments because I am super lazy and it takes up way too much time and energy. You can <i>ask me</i> for my discord since I don't give it out anymore. <br>
  321. <b>➤</b> Yes I change character's/divs/looks pretty often, <i>get over it??</i> I am a easily bored person, and I get easily inspired. Not that I owe anyone an explanation. <br>
  323. <b>➤</b> I don't want any <i>fucking</i> drama. If someone tells you they hate me, chances are I already <u>know.</u> I might hate them back, or it might all be two-faced bullshit. The point is, <i>I DON'T GIVE A SHIT</i> ignore if someone talks to me about you, I don't give a rats ass. <Br>
  325. <b>➤</b> Friends with someone I don't like or that doesn't like me? boohoo, I don't care. I <u>won't</u> make someone not be friends with someone I don't like just to be friends with me. It's all good. <br>
  327. <b>➤</b> This is just roleplay, let's not get shit twisted. Yes, I like to voice chat with my rp friends on discord and stuff and we have a jolly ol' time. <i>BUT</i> I am married in real life, and I am a full-time student. I don't always have the time to be on here so don't be gettin' all butthurt if I don't respond to you right away. <u>Not that anyone will actually read these.</u> <br>
  329. <b>➤</b> Lastly, just don't be a fucking <i>asshole.</i>
  330. </div>
  332. <div class="thuggies"><br>
  333. <marquee> Tidus, Velvet, Danny, Oniisan, Yyiaza, Nia, Abel, Payne, Demi, Jace. </marquee>
  334. </div>
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  337. <h1>LITTLE MADAME</h1>
  338. Freed from the gates of the underworld, the Caedipyr have been living amongst humans on earth for centuries. Around 1,200 years ago a man and a woman were born from the fires of hell. The man and woman were very much yin and yang, and complete opposites. The man, known as Genitor, lived his life full of love despite where he was <i>"raised"</i>. His sister, however, was filled with a natural hatred of the people around her and even herself. After 100s of years of being the only ones of their kind, they began to experiment in creating more of their new-found species. There was a lot of trial and error but eventually, they succeeded in expanding. The species <i>evolved</i>, they were created from demons and reborn. As time went on they were created and born with different traits, abilities, and appearances. After a good portion of the Caedipyr moved to the mortal world to live their lives in unity along with the mortals and other species hiding with them. Centuries after they made this migration, Genitor fell in love with a mortal woman who one day came into the temple mistakenly, unknowing of the dangers hidden inside. From that point, they spent a lot of time together, years in fact. She aged, and he did not, though for the first few years she just assumed he had good genes. Until one day he had cut himself preparing dinner and healed instantly. She was afraid, and she started to avoid him. Genitor went back to his life hidden within the walls of the temple, overseeing his creations and teaching him the ways he had learned of the mortal world. Until one day he had fallen ill, it wasn't long before Genitor passed away, not looking a day over 25. After his funeral, his mortal lover had found herself back in the temple looking for the man she once loved. Eight months pregnant with twins, she was shocked to find out he had passed away. Stricken with guilt and grief she convinced the temple to take her in and help her raise her "cursed" babies as they were referred to by her mortal church. Life in the church was like a dream to Meradith, they accepted her as one of her own until the very end. Less than a month later her water broke, though there was more blood than could have been expected by a mortal. Caedipyr births are much more extreme, almost impossible for a mortal to survive. Meredith made it though her birth just long enough to see two twin babies born, both blonde and full of life. One with the eyes of a demon, and one without. She named her son Jared, while the curch named the girl Xanthe. After Meredith's timely death, the church found it necessary to give Xanthe a rebirth into the species of her father. Using her infant brothers blood, they performed a ritual to give Xanthe what they believed to be her <i>true form.</i> The two twins were raised within the safe walls of the temple, taught the love story of their departed parents, and how to live humbly alongside humans. Now fully physically grown at the age of <u>201</u>, the twins were on a journey to discover themselves.
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