
Valamere Districts

Oct 28th, 2018
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  1. Religious District: District where the 9 Great Churches are stationed. High concentration of Elite Guard. Church of The Twin Gods: A grand church split into 2 sections. Left dedicated to Serga, Right to Agres. Cathedral split down the middle. The ledgers of donators is kept in the Serga side.
  2. Guarded By: The Lighters
  4. Royal District: District where the king and other nobles live, location of the grand castle.
  5. Guarded By: The Candle Bearers of Ementa
  7. Military District: District where the Soldiers and Wyvern riders train.
  8. Guarded By: The Splitters
  10. Lower Housing District: Slums, where the poor live. Underpatroled and as such is a good meeting place for the shadier people of the city.
  11. Guarded By: The Masked Troupe
  13. Housing District: Basic housing district. Bars, inns, places like this are here.
  14. Guarded By: Givers of Yweyr
  16. Merchantile District: District where most shops are and things are sold.
  17. Guarded By: Blades of Abbarae
  19. Craft District: District where things are made. Smithies, fletchers, such places are here.
  20. Guarded By: Singers of Lymstrus
  22. Agricultural District: Section of the city made with a dirt ground, this is where all the farming takes place.
  23. Guarded By: Naturalists of Etia
  25. Arena District: District of the city home to the Arena of The Nine Gods.
  26. Guarded By: Crackers of Agmir
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