
TIFU by hurting my cat

Apr 23rd, 2020
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  1. TIFU: This actually happened today and I feel awful about it. My cat is not allowed to go outside because he’ll jump the fence and wander off, which is dangerous due to a nearby road. The road used to be a racetrack, and well.. some people seem to forget it’s not anymore. I was in the garden with my boyfriend, cat and dog, set my cat on the grass and put on the leash and he was calm, just happily munching grass. He got scared the first time, so I was happy everything went so smooth, until it didn’t. At some point he seemed to really notice the leash for the first time and freaked out. He was jumping all over the place and crying, while I was trying to get him to hold still and take it off. He even hissed, which is something he barely does, he did it maybe twice in his life. My dog was trying to help too, and got his nose scratched because my cat was panicking. When I finally got it off he sat in a corner until I came to get him. Well, the end of all of this was a visit to the vet because he lost two claws when trying to get the leash off. I’ve been crying a lot, I raised him by bottle and I can’t believe I was so stupid and hurt him like this. I just wanted to help him, because I know he loves to go outside... And what’s more: he usually is mad after a vet visit and ignores me, but that hasn’t been the case today at all. I really don’t get why he doesn’t seem to hate me over it, because he should. I don’t even know why I’m writing this after all, and if someone cares, but I guess I just had to rant...
  3. TL;DR: Hurt my cat when trying to get him to accept a leash, he lost two claws as a result.
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