

Jul 8th, 2016
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  1. GLDEFS warning in "skulltag_actors.pk3\doomdefs.txt", line 439. DECORATE class "BlueColumn" does not exist.
  2. GLDEFS warning in "skulltag_actors.pk3\doomdefs.txt", line 426. DECORATE class "RedColumn" does not exist.
  3. GLDEFS warning in "skulltag_actors.pk3\doomdefs.txt", line 414. DECORATE class "RedTechLamp2" does not exist.
  4. GLDEFS warning in "skulltag_actors.pk3\doomdefs.txt", line 401. DECORATE class "RedTechLamp" does not exist.
  5. GLDEFS warning in "skulltag_actors.pk3\doomdefs.txt", line 386. DECORATE class "BlueCandleStick" does not exist.
  6. GLDEFS warning in "skulltag_actors.pk3\doomdefs.txt", line 371. DECORATE class "RedCandleStick" does not exist.
  7. GLDEFS warning in "skulltag_actors.pk3\doomdefs.txt", line 357. DECORATE class "BlueEvilEye" does not exist.
  8. GLDEFS warning in "skulltag_actors.pk3\doomdefs.txt", line 342. DECORATE class "RedEvilEye" does not exist.
  9. GLDEFS warning in "skulltag_actors.pk3\doomdefs.txt", line 325. DECORATE class "YellowTorch" does not exist.
  10. GLDEFS warning in "skulltag_actors.pk3\doomdefs.txt", line 312. DECORATE class "WhiteTorch" does not exist.
  11. GLDEFS warning in "skulltag_actors.pk3\doomdefs.txt", line 297. DECORATE class "ShortYellowTorch" does not exist.
  12. GLDEFS warning in "skulltag_actors.pk3\doomdefs.txt", line 282. DECORATE class "ShortWhiteTorch" does not exist.
  13. GLDEFS warning in "zandronum.pk3\DOOMDEFS.lmp", line 1403. DECORATE class "MaxArmorBonus" does not exist.
  14. GLDEFS warning in "zandronum.pk3\DOOMDEFS.lmp", line 1389. DECORATE class "MaxHealthBonus" does not exist.
  15. GLDEFS warning in "zandronum.pk3\DOOMDEFS.lmp", line 1367. DECORATE class "Terminator" does not exist.
  16. GLDEFS warning in "zandronum.pk3\DOOMDEFS.lmp", line 1322. DECORATE class "PossessionStone" does not exist.
  17. GLDEFS warning in "zandronum.pk3\DOOMDEFS.lmp", line 1284. DECORATE class "TurboSphere" does not exist.
  18. GLDEFS warning in "zandronum.pk3\DOOMDEFS.lmp", line 1269. DECORATE class "TimefreezeSphere" does not exist.
  19. GLDEFS warning in "zandronum.pk3\DOOMDEFS.lmp", line 1254. DECORATE class "GuardSphere" does not exist.
  20. GLDEFS warning in "zandronum.pk3\DOOMDEFS.lmp", line 1239. DECORATE class "InvisibilitySphere" does not exist.
  21. GLDEFS warning in "zandronum.pk3\DOOMDEFS.lmp", line 1224. DECORATE class "DoomSphere" does not exist.
  22. Unable to find sprite lump "GLAUA" used by actor "GrenadeLauncher":5011. Forgot to include required resources?
  23. Unable to find sprite lump "BFG2A" used by actor "BFG10K":5013. Forgot to include required resources?
  24. Unable to find sprite lump "RAILA" used by actor "RailGun":5012. Forgot to include required resources?
  25. Unable to find sprite lump "MNGNA" used by actor "Minigun":5014. Forgot to include required resources?
  26. Unable to find sprite lump "GPOSA" used by actor "SuperShotgunGuy":5005. Forgot to include required resources?
  27. Unable to find sprite lump "HECTA" used by actor "Hectebus":5007. Forgot to include required resources?
  28. Unable to find sprite lump "SRG2A" used by actor "BloodDemon":5004. Forgot to include required resources?
  29. Unable to find sprite lump "BOS3A" used by actor "Belphegor":5008. Forgot to include required resources?
  30. Unable to find sprite lump "HED3A" used by actor "Abaddon":5015. Forgot to include required resources?
  31. Unable to find sprite lump "HED2A" used by actor "Cacolantern":5006. Forgot to include required resources?
  32. Unable to find sprite lump "DIMPA" used by actor "DarkImp":5003. Forgot to include required resources?
  33. Unable to find sprite lump "HISYB" used by actor "Hissy":5057. Forgot to include required resources?
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