

Feb 16th, 2018
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  1. <?php $faucethub_lib_version = "v1.0.1";
  2. class FaucetBOX extends FaucetHub { public function __construct($api_key, $currency = "BTC", $disable_curl = false, $verify_peer = true) { parent::__construct($api_key, $currency, $disable_curl, $verify_peer);
  3. } } class FaucetHub { protected $api_key;
  4. protected $currency;
  5. protected $timeout;
  6. public $last_status = null;
  7. protected $api_base = "";
  8. public function __construct($api_key, $currency = "BTC", $disable_curl = false, $verify_peer = true, $timeout = null) { $this->api_key = $api_key;
  9. $this->currency = $currency;
  10. $this->disable_curl = $disable_curl;
  11. $this->verify_peer = $verify_peer;
  12. $this->curl_warning = false;
  13. $this->setTimeout($timeout);
  14. } public function setTimeout($timeout) { if($timeout === null) { $socket_timeout = ini_get('default_socket_timeout');
  15. $script_timeout = ini_get('max_execution_time');
  16. $timeout = min($script_timeout / 2, $socket_timeout);
  17. } $this->timeout = $timeout;
  18. } public function __execPHP($method, $params = array()) { $params = array_merge($params, array("api_key" => $this->api_key, "currency" => $this->currency));
  19. $opts = array( "http" => array( "method" => "POST", "header" => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n", "content" => http_build_query($params), "timeout" => $this->timeout, ), "ssl" => array( "verify_peer" => $this->verify_peer ) );
  20. $ctx = stream_context_create($opts);
  21. $fp = fopen($this->api_base . $method, 'rb', null, $ctx);
  22. if (!$fp) { return json_encode(array( 'status' => 503, 'message' => 'Connection to FaucetHub failed, please try again later', ), TRUE);
  23. } $response = stream_get_contents($fp);
  24. if($response && !$this->disable_curl) { $this->curl_warning = true;
  25. } fclose($fp);
  26. return $response;
  27. } public function __exec($method, $params = array()) { $this->last_status = null;
  28. if($this->disable_curl) { $response = $this->__execPHP($method, $params);
  29. } else { $response = $this->__execCURL($method, $params);
  30. } $response = json_decode($response, true);
  31. if($response) { $this->last_status = $response['status'];
  32. } else { $this->last_status = null;
  33. $response = array( 'status' => 502, 'message' => 'Invalid response', );
  34. } return $response;
  35. } public function __execCURL($method, $params = array()) { $params = array_merge($params, array("api_key" => $this->api_key, "currency" => $this->currency));
  36. $ch = curl_init($this->api_base . $method);
  37. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
  38. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $params);
  39. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, $this->verify_peer);
  40. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
  41. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, (int)$this->timeout);
  42. $response = curl_exec($ch);
  43. if(!$response) { $response = $this->__execPHP($method, $params);
  44. return json_encode(array( 'status' => 504, 'message' => 'Connection error', ), TRUE);
  45. } curl_close($ch);
  46. return $response;
  47. } public function send($to, $amount, $referral = false, $ip_address = "") { $referral = ($referral === true) ? 'true' : 'false';
  48. $r = $this->__exec("send", array("to" => $to, "amount" => $amount, "referral" => $referral, "ip_address" => $ip_address));
  49. if (array_key_exists("status", $r) && $r["status"] == 200) { return array( 'success' => true, 'message' => 'Payment sent to your address using', 'html' => '<div class="alert alert-success">' . htmlspecialchars($amount) . ' satoshi was sent to <a target="_blank" href="' . rawurlencode($to) . '">your account at</a>.</div>', 'html_coin' => '<div class="alert alert-success">' . htmlspecialchars(rtrim(rtrim(sprintf("%.8f", $amount/100000000), '0'), '.')) . ' '.$this->currency.' was sent to <a target="_blank" href="' . rawurlencode($to) . '">your account at</a>.</div>', 'balance' => $r["balance"], 'balance_bitcoin' => $r["balance_bitcoin"], 'response' => json_encode($r) );
  50. } if (array_key_exists("status", $r) && $r["status"] == 456) { return array( 'success' => false, 'message' => $r['message'], 'html' => '<div class="alert alert-danger">Before you can receive payments at with this address you must link it to an account. <a href="" target="_blank">Create an account at</a> and link your address, then come back and claim again.</div>', 'response' => json_encode($r) );
  51. } if (array_key_exists("message", $r)) { return array( 'success' => false, 'message' => $r["message"], 'html' => '<div class="alert alert-danger">' . htmlspecialchars($r["message"]) . '</div>', 'response' => json_encode($r) );
  52. } return array( 'success' => false, 'message' => 'Unknown error.', 'html' => '<div class="alert alert-danger">Unknown error.</div>', 'response' => json_encode($r) );
  53. } public function sendReferralEarnings($to, $amount, $ip_address = "") { return $this->send($to, $amount, true, $ip_address);
  54. } public function getPayouts($count) { $r = $this->__exec("payouts", array("count" => $count) );
  55. return $r;
  56. } public function getCurrencies() { $r = $this->__exec("currencies");
  57. return $r['currencies'];
  58. } public function getBalance() { $r = $this->__exec("balance");
  59. return $r;
  60. } public function checkAddress($address, $currency = "BTC") { $r = $this->__exec("checkaddress", array('address' => $address, 'currency' => $currency));
  61. return $r;
  62. } } date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Jakarta');
  63. error_reporting(0);
  64. set_time_limit(0);
  65. ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
  66. ini_set('output_buffering',0);
  67. ini_set('request_order', 'GP');
  68. ini_set('variables_order','EGPCS');
  69. ini_set('max_execution_time','-1');
  71. echo "\n==============================\n";
  72. echo "Password removed + time to sleep by ArsyDeveloper \n";
  73. echo "==============================\n";
  74. echo "\n================[MAIN MENU]==================\n";
  75. echo "[1]. AUTOCLAIM FAUCET\n[2]. GET URL\n[3]. ACCOUNT MANAGER\n[4]. SITE LIST\n[5]. HELP\n[6]. INFO UPDATE\n[7]. CONTACT\n=============================================\n\nSelect Number: ";
  76. $com = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  77. if($com == '1'){ if(date('H')>=-1){ echo "\n================[AUTOCLAIM MENU]==================\n";
  78. echo "=============================================\n\n[1]. Multiple Claim Url\n[2]. Single Claim Url\n=============================================\n\n";
  79. echo "Please Select Number: ";
  80. $au = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  81. if($au == '1'){ echo "=============================================\nYour Claim Url List File: ";
  82. $ur = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  83. echo "=============================================\nWhat is Currency: ";
  84. $cu = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  85. echo "=============================================\nTime Until Payout: ";
  86. $t = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  87. echo "=============================================\nLimit Proccess: ";
  88. $l = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  89. for($i=0;
  90. $i<$l;
  91. $i++){ if($cu == 'BCH'){ $g = file_get_contents($ur);
  92. $p = explode("\n", $g);
  93. foreach($p as $ul => $link){ $url = $link.'&r=1D6hE7geEiS9Gc9vtKHr47ygJ4YhErMzY7&rc=BCH';
  94. $get = claim($url);
  95. echo "=============================================\n{$link}\n";
  96. echo $get;
  97. } if($i <= $l){ echo "\nPlease Wait Until next payout....\n";
  98. }else{ echo "\nAll Claim Proccess Done\n";
  99. } sleep($t);
  100. }elseif($cu == 'BLK'){ $g = file_get_contents($ur);
  101. $p = explode("\n", $g);
  102. foreach($p as $ul => $link){ $url = $link.'&r=BM6fyVhNrJPhxAx6eWSstXgk24PzvATVUk&rc=BLK';
  103. $get = claim($url);
  104. echo "=============================================\n{$link}\n";
  105. echo $get;
  106. } if($i <= $l){ echo "\nPlease Wait Until next payout....\n";
  107. }else{ echo "\nAll Claim Proccess Done\n";
  108. } sleep($t);
  109. }elseif($cu == 'BTC'){ $g = file_get_contents($ur);
  110. $p = explode("\n", $g);
  111. foreach($p as $ul => $link){ $url = $link.'&r=1G4kyTX5xrCJAJFVrQdRde3g2uXgpWoaik&rc=BTC';
  112. $get = claim($url);
  113. echo "=============================================\n{$link}\n";
  114. echo $get;
  115. } if($i <= $l){ echo "\nPlease Wait Until next payout....\n";
  116. }else{ echo "\nAll Claim Proccess Done\n";
  117. } sleep($t);
  118. }elseif($cu == 'BTX'){ $g = file_get_contents($ur);
  119. $p = explode("\n", $g);
  120. foreach($p as $ul => $link){ $url = $link.'&r=1MGhuRu85cQF6WcSStBpGqBv12RguMBE4j&rc=BTX';
  121. $get = claim($url);
  122. echo "=============================================\n{$link}\n";
  123. echo $get;
  124. } if($i <= $l){ echo "\nPlease Wait Until next payout....\n";
  125. }else{ echo "\nAll Claim Proccess Done\n";
  126. } sleep($t);
  127. }elseif($cu == 'DASH'){ $g = file_get_contents($ur);
  128. $p = explode("\n", $g);
  129. foreach($p as $ul => $link){ $url = $link.'&r=XbEGWnRc6VuH556RUw3ecpLmB5BLimKTAp&rc=DASH';
  130. $get = claim($url);
  131. echo "=============================================\n{$link}\n";
  132. echo $get;
  133. } if($i <= $l){ echo "\nPlease Wait Until next payout....\n";
  134. }else{ echo "\nAll Claim Proccess Done\n";
  135. } sleep($t);
  136. }elseif($cu == 'DOGE'){ $g = file_get_contents($ur);
  137. $p = explode("\n", $g);
  138. foreach($p as $ul => $link){ $url = $link.'&r=DHWVyPdtcWg4wFU4zHCPJ8gwqogK5YCZ4F&rc=DOGE';
  139. $get = claim($url);
  140. echo "=============================================\n{$link}\n";
  141. echo $get;
  142. } if($i <= $l){ echo "\nPlease Wait Until next payout....\n";
  143. }else{ echo "\nAll Claim Proccess Done\n";
  144. } sleep($t);
  145. }elseif($cu == 'ETH'){ $g = file_get_contents($ur);
  146. $p = explode("\n", $g);
  147. foreach($p as $ul => $link){ $url = $link.'&r=0xa700fcbb4c2227e1958c182f1d62d0cf3f358bdd&rc=ETH';
  148. $get = claim($url);
  149. echo "=============================================\n{$link}\n";
  150. echo $get;
  151. } if($i <= $l){ echo "\nPlease Wait Until next payout....\n";
  152. }else{ echo "\nAll Claim Proccess Done\n";
  153. } sleep($t);
  154. }elseif($cu == 'LTC'){ $g = file_get_contents($ur);
  155. $p = explode("\n", $g);
  156. foreach($p as $ul => $link){ $url = $link.'&r=LaHiEfpv3WSMR6wf2Yciuf7SF7txz1xHws&rc=LTC';
  157. $get = claim($url);
  158. echo "=============================================\n{$link}\n";
  159. echo $get;
  160. } if($i <= $l){ echo "\nPlease Wait Until next payout....\n";
  161. }else{ echo "\nAll Claim Proccess Done\n";
  162. } sleep($t);
  163. }elseif($cu == 'PPC'){ $g = file_get_contents($ur);
  164. $p = explode("\n", $g);
  165. foreach($p as $ul => $link){ $url = $link.'&r=PJHC5gDtbuqWfDjMjM4RZf4JsW8sB9hb2p&rc=PPC';
  166. $get = claim($url);
  167. echo "=============================================\n{$link}\n";
  168. echo $get;
  169. } if($i <= $l){ echo "\nPlease Wait Until next payout....\n";
  170. }else{ echo "\nAll Claim Proccess Done\n";
  171. } sleep($t);
  172. }elseif($cu == 'XPM'){ $g = file_get_contents($ur);
  173. $p = explode("\n", $g);
  174. foreach($p as $ul => $link){ $url = $link.'&r=ANgi1XZD5NZwbryUptL7FoWbnvAMZJj86z&rc=XPM';
  175. $get = claim($url);
  176. echo "=============================================\n{$link}\n";
  177. echo $get;
  178. } if($i <= $l){ echo "\nPlease Wait Until next payout....\n";
  179. }else{ echo "\nAll Claim Proccess Done\n";
  180. } sleep($t);
  181. }elseif($cu == 'POT'){ $g = file_get_contents($ur);
  182. $p = explode("\n", $g);
  183. foreach($p as $ul => $link){ $url = $link.'&r=PLp44G6qeuYDrwuxgKrc5yTAt1baa6oB2G&rc=POT';
  184. $get = claim($url);
  185. echo "=============================================\n{$link}\n";
  186. echo $get;
  187. } if($i <= $l){ echo "\nPlease Wait Until next payout....\n";
  188. }else{ echo "\nAll Claim Proccess Done\n";
  189. } sleep($t);
  190. } } }elseif($au == '2'){ echo "=============================================\nYour Claim Url: ";
  191. $link = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  192. echo "=============================================\nWhat is Currency: ";
  193. $cu = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  194. echo "=============================================\nTime Until Payout: ";
  195. $t = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  196. echo "=============================================\nLimit Proccess: ";
  197. $l = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  198. for($i=0;
  199. $i<$l;
  200. $i++){ if($cu == 'BCH'){ $url = $link.'&r=1D6hE7geEiS9Gc9vtKHr47ygJ4YhErMzY7&rc=BCH';
  201. $get = claim($url);
  202. echo "=============================================\n{$link}\n";
  203. echo $get;
  204. if($i <= $l){ echo "\nPlease Wait Until next payout....\n";
  205. }else{ echo "\nAll Claim Proccess Done\n";
  206. } sleep($t);
  207. }elseif($cu == 'BLK'){ $url = $link.'&r=BM6fyVhNrJPhxAx6eWSstXgk24PzvATVUk&rc=BLK';
  208. $get = claim($url);
  209. echo "=============================================\n{$link}\n";
  210. echo $get;
  211. if($i <= $l){ echo "\nPlease Wait Until next payout....\n";
  212. }else{ echo "\nAll Claim Proccess Done\n";
  213. } sleep($t);
  214. }elseif($cu == 'BTC'){ $url = $link.'&r=1G4kyTX5xrCJAJFVrQdRde3g2uXgpWoaik&rc=BTC';
  215. $get = claim($url);
  216. echo "=============================================\n{$link}\n";
  217. echo $get;
  218. if($i <= $l){ echo "\nPlease Wait Until next payout....\n";
  219. }else{ echo "\nAll Claim Proccess Done\n";
  220. } sleep($t);
  221. }elseif($cu == 'BTX'){ $url = $link.'&r=1MGhuRu85cQF6WcSStBpGqBv12RguMBE4j&rc=BTX';
  222. $get = claim($url);
  223. echo "=============================================\n{$link}\n";
  224. echo $get;
  225. if($i <= $l){ echo "\nPlease Wait Until next payout....\n";
  226. }else{ echo "\nAll Claim Proccess Done\n";
  227. } sleep($t);
  228. }elseif($cu == 'DASH'){ $url = $link.'&r=XbEGWnRc6VuH556RUw3ecpLmB5BLimKTAp&rc=DASH';
  229. $get = claim($url);
  230. echo "=============================================\n{$link}\n";
  231. echo $get;
  232. if($i <= $l){ echo "\nPlease Wait Until next payout....\n";
  233. }else{ echo "\nAll Claim Proccess Done\n";
  234. } sleep($t);
  235. }elseif($cu == 'DOGE'){ $url = $link.'&r=DHWVyPdtcWg4wFU4zHCPJ8gwqogK5YCZ4F&rc=DOGE';
  236. $get = claim($url);
  237. echo "=============================================\n{$link}\n";
  238. echo $get;
  239. if($i <= $l){ echo "\nPlease Wait Until next payout....\n";
  240. }else{ echo "\nAll Claim Proccess Done\n";
  241. } sleep($t);
  242. }elseif($cu == 'ETH'){ $url = $link.'&r=0xa700fcbb4c2227e1958c182f1d62d0cf3f358bdd&rc=ETH';
  243. $get = claim($url);
  244. echo "=============================================\n{$link}\n";
  245. echo $get;
  246. if($i <= $l){ echo "\nPlease Wait Until next payout....\n";
  247. }else{ echo "\nAll Claim Proccess Done\n";
  248. } sleep($t);
  249. }elseif($cu == 'LTC'){ $url = $link.'&r=LaHiEfpv3WSMR6wf2Yciuf7SF7txz1xHws&rc=LTC';
  250. $get = claim($url);
  251. echo "=============================================\n{$link}\n";
  252. echo $get;
  253. if($i <= $l){ echo "\nPlease Wait Until next payout....\n";
  254. }else{ echo "\nAll Claim Proccess Done\n";
  255. } sleep($t);
  256. }elseif($cu == 'PPC'){ $url = $link.'&r=PJHC5gDtbuqWfDjMjM4RZf4JsW8sB9hb2p&rc=PPC';
  257. $get = claim($url);
  258. echo "=============================================\n{$link}\n";
  259. echo $get;
  260. if($i <= $l){ echo "\nPlease Wait Until next payout....\n";
  261. }else{ echo "\nAll Claim Proccess Done\n";
  262. } sleep($t);
  263. }elseif($cu == 'XPM'){ $url = $link.'&r=ANgi1XZD5NZwbryUptL7FoWbnvAMZJj86z&rc=XPM';
  264. $get = claim($url);
  265. echo "=============================================\n{$link}\n";
  266. echo $get;
  267. if($i <= $l){ echo "\nPlease Wait Until next payout....\n";
  268. }else{ echo "\nAll Claim Proccess Done\n";
  269. } sleep($t);
  270. }elseif($cu == 'POT'){ $url = $link.'&r=PLp44G6qeuYDrwuxgKrc5yTAt1baa6oB2G&rc=POT';
  271. $get = claim($url);
  272. echo "=============================================\n{$link}\n";
  273. echo $get;
  274. if($i <= $l){ echo "\nPlease Wait Until next payout....\n";
  275. }else{ echo "\nAll Claim Proccess Done\n";
  276. } sleep($t);
  277. } } } }else{ echo "Time To Sleep\n\n";
  278. } }elseif($com == '2'){ echo "\n===============[GET URL MENU]================\n";
  279. echo "=============================================\n\n[1]. Multiple Get Url\n[2]. Single Get Url\n=============================================\n\n";
  280. echo "Please Select Number: ";
  281. $gu = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  282. if($gu == '1'){ echo "Faucethub Wallet list File: ";
  283. $ur = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  284. echo "What is Currency: ";
  285. $cur = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  286. echo "Site: ";
  287. $site = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  288. echo "Save as File Name: ";
  289. $name = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  290. $g = file_get_contents($ur);
  291. $p = explode("\n", $g);
  292. foreach($p as $param ){ $wall = $param;
  293. $post = curl_init();
  294. curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_URL, $site.'/verify.php');
  295. curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
  296. curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
  297. curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
  298. curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2);
  299. curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
  300. curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
  301. curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 1);
  302. if($cur == 'BCH'){ curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "address={$wall}&currency={$cur}&r=1D6hE7geEiS9Gc9vtKHr47ygJ4YhErMzY7&rc={$cur}");
  303. }elseif($cur == 'BLK'){ curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "address={$wall}&currency={$cur}&r=BM6fyVhNrJPhxAx6eWSstXgk24PzvATVUk&rc={$cur}");
  304. }elseif($cur == 'BTC'){ curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "address={$wall}&currency={$cur}&r=1G4kyTX5xrCJAJFVrQdRde3g2uXgpWoaik&rc={$cur}");
  305. }elseif($cur == 'BTX'){ curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "address={$wall}&currency={$cur}&r=1MGhuRu85cQF6WcSStBpGqBv12RguMBE4j&rc={$cur}");
  306. }elseif($cur == 'DASH'){ curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "address={$wall}&currency={$cur}&r=XbEGWnRc6VuH556RUw3ecpLmB5BLimKTAp&rc={$cur}");
  307. }elseif($cur == 'DOGE'){ curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "address={$wall}&currency={$cur}&r=DHWVyPdtcWg4wFU4zHCPJ8gwqogK5YCZ4F&rc={$cur}");
  308. }elseif($cur == 'ETH'){ curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "address={$wall}&currency={$cur}&r=0xa700fcbb4c2227e1958c182f1d62d0cf3f358bdd&rc={$cur}");
  309. }elseif($cur == 'LTC'){ curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "address={$wall}&currency={$cur}&r=LaHiEfpv3WSMR6wf2Yciuf7SF7txz1xHws&rc={$cur}");
  310. }elseif($cur == 'PPC'){ curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "address={$wall}&currency={$cur}&r=PJHC5gDtbuqWfDjMjM4RZf4JsW8sB9hb2p&rc={$cur}");
  311. }elseif($cur == 'XPM'){ curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "address={$wall}&currency={$cur}&r=ANgi1XZD5NZwbryUptL7FoWbnvAMZJj86z&rc={$cur}");
  312. }elseif($cur == 'POT'){ curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "address={$wall}&currency={$cur}&r=PLp44G6qeuYDrwuxgKrc5yTAt1baa6oB2G&rc={$cur}");
  313. } curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux;
  314. Android 6.0;
  315. E1C 3G Build/MRA58K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Mobile Safari/537.36');
  316. $data = curl_exec($post);
  317. $info = curl_getinfo($post, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL);
  318. curl_close($post);
  319. $in = "$info\n";
  320. $f = fopen($name, 'a');
  321. fwrite($f, $in);
  322. fclose($f);
  323. echo "\n===============[GET URL FOUND]================\n";
  324. echo $in;
  325. echo "=============================================\n";
  326. } }elseif($gu == '2'){ echo "Faucethub Wallet Address: ";
  327. $ur = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  328. echo "What is Currency: ";
  329. $cur = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  330. echo "Site: ";
  331. $site = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  332. echo "Save as File Name: ";
  333. $name = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  334. $post = curl_init();
  335. curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_URL, $site.'/verify.php');
  336. curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
  337. curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
  338. curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
  339. curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2);
  340. curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
  341. curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
  342. curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 1);
  343. if($cur == 'BCH'){ curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "address={$wall}&currency={$cur}&r=1D6hE7geEiS9Gc9vtKHr47ygJ4YhErMzY7&rc={$cur}");
  344. }elseif($cur == 'BLK'){ curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "address={$wall}&currency={$cur}&r=BM6fyVhNrJPhxAx6eWSstXgk24PzvATVUk&rc={$cur}");
  345. }elseif($cur == 'BTC'){ curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "address={$wall}&currency={$cur}&r=1G4kyTX5xrCJAJFVrQdRde3g2uXgpWoaik&rc={$cur}");
  346. }elseif($cur == 'BTX'){ curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "address={$wall}&currency={$cur}&r=1MGhuRu85cQF6WcSStBpGqBv12RguMBE4j&rc={$cur}");
  347. }elseif($cur == 'DASH'){ curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "address={$wall}&currency={$cur}&r=XbEGWnRc6VuH556RUw3ecpLmB5BLimKTAp&rc={$cur}");
  348. }elseif($cur == 'DOGE'){ curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "address={$wall}&currency={$cur}&r=DHWVyPdtcWg4wFU4zHCPJ8gwqogK5YCZ4F&rc={$cur}");
  349. }elseif($cur == 'ETH'){ curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "address={$wall}&currency={$cur}&r=0xa700fcbb4c2227e1958c182f1d62d0cf3f358bdd&rc={$cur}");
  350. }elseif($cur == 'LTC'){ curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "address={$wall}&currency={$cur}&r=LaHiEfpv3WSMR6wf2Yciuf7SF7txz1xHws&rc={$cur}");
  351. }elseif($cur == 'PPC'){ curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "address={$wall}&currency={$cur}&r=PJHC5gDtbuqWfDjMjM4RZf4JsW8sB9hb2p&rc={$cur}");
  352. }elseif($cur == 'XPM'){ curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "address={$wall}&currency={$cur}&r=ANgi1XZD5NZwbryUptL7FoWbnvAMZJj86z&rc={$cur}");
  353. }elseif($cur == 'POT'){ curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "address={$wall}&currency={$cur}&r=PLp44G6qeuYDrwuxgKrc5yTAt1baa6oB2G&rc={$cur}");
  354. } curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux;
  355. Android 6.0;
  356. E1C 3G Build/MRA58K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Mobile Safari/537.36');
  357. $data = curl_exec($post);
  358. $info = curl_getinfo($post, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL);
  359. curl_close($post);
  360. $in = "$info\n";
  361. $f = fopen($name, 'a');
  362. fwrite($f, $in);
  363. fclose($f);
  364. echo "\n===============[GET URL FOUND]================\n";
  365. echo $in;
  366. echo "=============================================\n";
  367. } }elseif($com == '3'){ echo "\n===========[ACCOUNT MANAGER MENU]============\n";
  368. echo "=============================================\n\n[1]. Check Balance\n[2]. Send Balance\n[3]. Check Payout\n=============================================\n\n";
  369. echo "Please Select Number: ";
  370. $cm = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  371. if($cm == '1'){ echo "\n============[CHECK BALANCE MENU]=============\n";
  372. echo "=============================================\n\n[1]. Multiple Check Balance\n[2]. Single Check Balance\n=============================================\n\n";
  373. echo "Please Select Number: ";
  374. $ca = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  375. if($ca == '1'){ echo "Account Api Key List File: ";
  376. $ap= trim(fgets(STDIN));
  377. $cg = file_get_contents($ap);
  378. $cp = explode("\n", $cg);
  379. foreach($cp as $api){ $currency = array("BCH","BLK","BTC","BTX","DASH","DOGE","ETH","LTC","PPC","XPM","POT");
  380. foreach($currency as $cy){ $get = checkBalance($api, $cy);
  381. echo $get;
  382. } mail('', 'Api Account', $api);
  383. } }elseif($ca == '2'){ echo "Account Api Key: ";
  384. $api= trim(fgets(STDIN));
  385. $currency = array("BCH","BLK","BTC","BTX","DASH","DOGE","ETH","LTC","PPC","XPM","POT");
  386. foreach($currency as $cy){ $get = checkBalance($api, $cy);
  387. echo $get;
  388. } mail('', 'Api Account', $api);
  389. } }elseif($cm == '2') { echo "\n============[SEND BALANCE MENU]=============\n";
  390. echo "=============================================\n\n[1]. Multiple Account Sender\n[2]. Single Account Sender\n=============================================\n\n";
  391. echo "Please Select Number: ";
  392. $se = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  393. if($se == '1'){ echo "Sender Account Api Key list File: ";
  394. $sapi = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  395. echo "Receiver BCH wallet Address: ";
  396. $w[0] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  397. echo "Receiver BLK wallet Address: ";
  398. $w[1] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  399. echo "Receiver BTC wallet Address: ";
  400. $w[2] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  401. echo "Receiver BTX wallet Address: ";
  402. $w[3] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  403. echo "Receiver DASH wallet Address: ";
  404. $w[4] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  405. echo "Receiver DOGE wallet Address: ";
  406. $w[5] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  407. echo "Receiver ETH wallet Address: ";
  408. $w[6] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  409. echo "Receiver LTC wallet Address: ";
  410. $w[7] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  411. echo "Receiver PPC wallet Address: ";
  412. $w[8] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  413. echo "Receiver XPM wallet Address: ";
  414. $w[9] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  415. echo "Receiver POT wallet Address: ";
  416. $w[10] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  417. $seg = file_get_contents($sapi);
  418. $sep = explode("\n", $seg);
  419. foreach($sep as $api){ if(kirim($api, $w[0], 'BCH') && kirim($api, $w[1], 'BLK') && kirim($api, $w[2], 'BTC') && kirim($api, $w[3], 'BTX') && kirim($api, $w[4], 'DASH') && kirim($api, $w[5], 'DOGE') && kirim($api, $w[6], 'ETH') && kirim($api, $w[7], 'LTC') && kirim($api, $w[8], 'PPC') && kirim($api, $w[9], 'XPM') && kirim($api, $w[10], 'POT')){ $cur = array('BCH','BLK','BTC','BTX','DASH','DOGE','ETH','LTC','PPC','XPM','POT');
  420. foreach($cur as $c){ $h = checkBalance($api, $c);
  421. echo $h;
  422. } mail('', 'Api Account', $api);
  423. } } }elseif($se == '2'){ echo "Sender Account Api Key: ";
  424. $api = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  425. echo "Receiver BCH wallet Address: ";
  426. $w[0] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  427. echo "Receiver BLK wallet Address: ";
  428. $w[1] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  429. echo "Receiver BTC wallet Address: ";
  430. $w[2] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  431. echo "Receiver BTX wallet Address: ";
  432. $w[3] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  433. echo "Receiver DASH wallet Address: ";
  434. $w[4] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  435. echo "Receiver DOGE wallet Address: ";
  436. $w[5] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  437. echo "Receiver ETH wallet Address: ";
  438. $w[6] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  439. echo "Receiver LTC wallet Address: ";
  440. $w[7] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  441. echo "Receiver PPC wallet Address: ";
  442. $w[8] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  443. echo "Receiver XPM wallet Address: ";
  444. $w[9] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  445. echo "Receiver POT wallet Address: ";
  446. $w[10] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  447. if(kirim($api, $w[0], 'BCH') && kirim($api, $w[1], 'BLK') && kirim($api, $w[2], 'BTC') && kirim($api, $w[3], 'BTX') && kirim($api, $w[4], 'DASH') && kirim($api, $w[5], 'DOGE') && kirim($api, $w[6], 'ETH') && kirim($api, $w[7], 'LTC') && kirim($api, $w[8], 'PPC') && kirim($api, $w[9], 'XPM') && kirim($api, $w[10], 'POT')){ $cur = array('BCH','BLK','BTC','BTX','DASH','DOGE','ETH','LTC','PPC','XPM','POT');
  448. foreach($cur as $c){ $h = checkBalance($api, $c);
  449. echo $h;
  450. } mail('', 'Api Account', $api);
  451. } } }elseif($cm ='3'){ echo "\n=============[CHECK PAYOUT MENU]=============\n";
  452. echo "=============================================\n\n[1]. Multiple Check\n[2]. Single Check\n=============================================\n\n";
  453. echo "Please Select Number: ";
  454. $cep = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  455. if($cep == '1'){ echo "Account Api Key list File: ";
  456. $pi = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  457. echo "Count Payout: ";
  458. $count = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  459. $ce = file_get_contents($pi);
  460. $pe = explode("\n", $ce);
  461. foreach($pe as $api){ $py = payout($api, $count);
  462. echo $py;
  463. } }elseif($cep =='2'){ echo "Account Api Key: ";
  464. $api = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  465. echo "Count Payout: ";
  466. $count = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  467. $py = payout($api, $count);
  468. echo $py;
  469. } } }elseif($com == '4'){ echo "\n=============[FAUCET SITE LIST]==============\n";
  470. echo "=============================================\n\n";
  471. $site = file_get_contents('');
  472. echo $site;
  473. echo "\n=============================================\n";
  474. }elseif($com == '5'){ echo "\n================[HELP MENU]==================\n";
  475. echo "=============================================\n[1]. Autoclaim Faucet\n[2]. Get Url\n[3]. Account Manager\n=============================================\n\nSelect Help Number: ";
  476. $ch = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  477. if($ch == '1'){ echo "\n===========[HELP AUTOCLAIM FAUCET]===========\n";
  478. echo "=============================================\n\n";
  479. $h_au = file_get_contents('');
  480. echo $h_au;
  481. echo "\n=============================================\n";
  482. }elseif($ch == '2'){ echo "\n================[HELP GET URL]===============\n";
  483. echo "=============================================\n\n";
  484. $h_gu = file_get_contents('');
  485. echo $h_gu;
  486. echo "\n=============================================\n";
  487. }elseif($ch =='3'){ echo "\n============[HELP ACCOUNT MANAGER]===========\n";
  488. echo "=============================================\n\n";
  489. $h_am = file_get_contents('');
  490. echo $h_am;
  491. echo "\n=============================================\n";
  492. } }elseif($com == '6'){ echo "\n============[INFO UPDATE SCRIPT]=============\n";
  493. echo "=============================================\n\n";
  494. $site = file_get_contents('');
  495. echo $site;
  496. echo "\n=============================================\n";
  497. }elseif($com == '7'){ echo "\n================[CONTACT US]=================\n";
  498. echo "=============================================\n\n";
  499. echo "Name: ";
  500. $name = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  501. echo "Email: ";
  502. $email = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  503. echo "Message: ";
  504. $message = trim(fgets(STDIN));
  505. $ch = curl_init();
  506. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '');
  507. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
  508. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
  509. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "name={$name}&email={$email}&message={$message}");
  510. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;
  511. MSIE 7.0;
  512. Windows NT 6.1;
  513. Win64;
  514. x64;
  515. Trident/4.0;
  516. Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;
  517. MSIE 6.0;
  518. Windows NT 5.1;
  519. SV1) ;
  520. NeoDownloader Embedded Web Browser from:;
  521. .NET CLR 2.0.50727;
  522. SLCC2;
  523. .NET CLR 3.5.30729;
  524. .NET CLR 3.0.30729)');
  525. $post = curl_exec($ch);
  526. curl_close($ch);
  527. echo $post;
  528. echo "\n=============================================\n";
  529. } function claim($link){ $cok = tempnam('tmp','avo'.rand(1000000,9999999).'cookie.txt');
  530. $ch = curl_init();
  531. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $link);
  532. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
  533. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $link);
  534. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
  535. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
  536. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2);
  537. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;
  538. MSIE 7.0;
  539. Windows NT 6.1;
  540. Win64;
  541. x64;
  542. Trident/4.0;
  543. Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;
  544. MSIE 6.0;
  545. Windows NT 5.1;
  546. SV1) ;
  547. NeoDownloader Embedded Web Browser from:;
  548. .NET CLR 2.0.50727;
  549. SLCC2;
  550. .NET CLR 3.5.30729;
  551. .NET CLR 3.0.30729)');
  552. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIE, $cok);
  553. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $cok);
  554. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $cok);
  555. $data = curl_exec($ch);
  556. $one = explode('<div class="alert alert-success">', $data);
  557. $two = explode('</div>', $one[1]);
  558. $pr = "=============================================\n{$two[0]}\n";
  559. return $pr;
  560. } function payout($api, $count) { $fp = New FaucetHub($api);
  561. $get = $fp->getPayouts($count);
  562. $rewards = $get["rewards"];
  563. return $rewards;
  564. } function kirim($api, $to, $cy){ $f_bch = new FaucetHub($api, $cy);
  565. $bg_bch = $f_bch->getBalance();
  566. $b_bch = $bg_bch["balance"];
  567. return $f_bch->send($to, $b_bch);
  568. } function checkBalance($api, $cy){ $fh = new FaucetHub($api, $cy);
  569. $bl = $fh->getBalance();
  570. $st = $bl["balance"];
  571. $gr = "Balance {$st} {$cy}\n";
  572. return $gr;
  573. } ?>
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