
Solaire in Equestria Chapter 1

Apr 13th, 2012
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  1. "Hello, hello, ..... I don't suppose I've met you before have I?"
  2. "Yes, yes,... You are quite new to me, are you not?"
  3. >The iron-clad knight sat amongst the ravages of thick forests
  4. >plant life at every turn, choking out any sign of light
  5. "And yet, I feel as though I know you.... Like a long lost friend..."
  6. "Or perhaps, you know me? Heheheh.......
  7. "Whatever the case, I'm happy to have met someone besides myself in this dreary place"
  8. >His helm covering his face, only a slit into the metal mask, where his eyes could be seen
  9. >they were dark eyes, not of evil, but sorrow
  10. "Ahh, I see you peeking at my face? Aren't you the curious sort."
  11. "But ... I'm afraid I can't allow you to see me... Not as I am at least"
  12. >The small brown bear cub he'd been chatting with, looked deep into the man's helmet
  13. "I'm sorry little one, but I'm afraid my current state may, ... displease you."
  14. "You see, I had always followed the sun, it's golden light showering upon myself"
  15. "But ... I had wanted more.... I wanted, my own sun."
  16. >the bear cub curled up in the man's lap, drowzy
  19. "Yes, my own sun. The glory of that great father, just for me"
  20. "And in my quest for my sun, I even found a friend."
  21. "Much like myself, he too was ... less than lively."
  22. >the cub was near sleep, not hearing the man's words
  23. "And after so much searching, I found it. My own sun"
  24. "But I was blinded, it was no sun ... it was, a lie."
  25. "I was overtaken by my sun, unable to control my own actions. I struck against my friend, and he did what had to be done"
  26. "And so, I was laid to rest, at the hand of my friend, a fellow follower of the sun."
  27. >the man tilted his head, looking at the cub asleep, resting his hand upon the cub's stomach
  28. "But I suppose that's not of your interest. hmmm.... hmmmmmmm ..."
  29. >the man stroked the cubs fur, it stretching
  30. >A moment passed, then two, the man found himself riddled with fatigue
  31. >*KRSSHK
  32. >A noise from the tangled bushes off to the side startled the cub awake
  33. "there, there, it's alright, no harm to be done."
  34. >the man softly broached the cubs' fur, attempting to ease it
  35. >from the bushes stepped a much larger bear, an angered look in it's eyes
  36. "Oh my, perhaps I was wrong"
  39. >The larger bear slowly approached the man, baring it's teeth.
  40. "Well, we may be in a bit of trouble, eh? hehehe .... oh?"
  41. >The man looked at the cub, now making it's way towards the larger bear
  42. "ahh, I see, your kin I suppose?"
  43. >the man held a hand up, open, gesturing towards the parent
  44. "Well glorious, I am happy to know this little one is not alone."
  45. "Being so young, and alone, it would be just tragic"
  46. >the mother bear made it's way to the strange metal man, her anger not wavering
  47. "Oh, you see me as a threat? I understand, it is your child, afterall. ... And I, I am not of the greatest valor"
  48. "Please, do as you see fit, I will not resist"
  49. >the metal man sat against the tree, arms out, almost as if welcoming the bear
  50. >the bear reached the man, who remained motionless, arms out, head down
  51. >snffing the helm, the bear drew back, a rancid smell filling it's nostrils, and stepped away
  52. "oh? Do I displease you as well? I'm sorry, I must smell as I look."
  53. >the metal man looked over his hand, his arm, his torso and legs,
  54. "I'm sorry for the unpleasant odor, But I myself have not been able to smell in quite some time."
  55. "these things, these .... pleasures, elude me.
  58. >The bear looked at the man, a sort of curiosity
  59. >Carefully walking back, the bear took her cub by the scruff, and carried it away
  60. >The man remaining to observe his own body, his wretched dead body
  61. "As all at peace it would seem, perhaps this is where I would make my stay"
  62. >The man crossed his legs, laying his arms to rest in his lap, his head slack
  63. "Perhaps this is my punishment? .... Oh glorious sun, is this what I deserve?"
  64. "Is this the fate I have led myself to? All for my greed, .... my despare"
  65. "Pitiful"
  66. >"oh, I'm so glad you found your cub, where was he?"
  67. >the man slowly raised his head, an unfamiliar voice catching his attention
  68. >there stood a small yellowish creature, and, pink?
  69. >It stood aside the bear and her cub, the bear looking towards the man
  70. >"Oh?"
  71. >the yellow creature looked to the man, bewilderment settling into it's face
  72. >"Oh, I've never seen this thing before, what is it?"
  73. >the creature carefully approached the strange object
  74. >looking over the shape, the torn cloth, a sun like emblem upon the center
  75. >a slight silver shine over the thing, stained green from moss, and red?
  78. >The yellow creature crept closer, studying the strange thing before it
  79. >"I don't think I've seen something like this before."
  80. >the creature tapped the mans leg with her own. *TNNG!*
  81. "Oh, hello there"
  82. >as the man spoke, lifting his head, the yellow creature jerked back
  83. >"AAAHHH! OH! It can talk!"
  84. >It jumped in the air, but didn't land. Wings, upon it's back, flapped quickly, the creature aloft
  85. >"Oh, oh my. Um, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to touch you! Please don't-"
  86. "Curious, it can fly. How magnificent!"
  87. >"Um, what?"
  88. >the man looked at the flying thing, his head bobbing as he followed it's movements
  89. >a silence between them, the yellow thing, slowed it's wings, landing farther away from where it jumped
  90. >the man lowered his head slightly, arms to his sides
  91. "Oh, My apologies. I did not mean to startle you, I was .... surprised."
  92. >the yellow creature stayed silent, barely keeping eye contact
  93. "Ahh, I see, you too must feel unpleasant with my presence. My apolo-"
  94. >"No, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to bother ... you...."
  95. >she trailed off, turning away from him
  96. "Please, do not go. I ... I feel, ........ lonely..."
  97. >the yellow creatured turned, facing him, cautiously stepping forward
  98. "My name, is Solaire of Astora, adherent of the Lord of Sunlight"
  99. >he placed his hand on chest, conically
  100. "Oh, .... I .... I'm ... Flutter ...... shy....."
  101. >the creature responded weakly
  104. >Solaire looked in awe at the creature, this winged beast
  105. "Ahh, miss Sly, was it? My apologies, I must be out of ear's throw."
  106. >"N-no, Flutter .. shy ..."
  107. "Ah, I see, Miss Shy, I adore your acquaintance"
  108. >Another silence
  109. >Tilting his head, he held a hand up, offering
  110. .Fluttershy looked nervously at him
  111. "Is this not common practice? A hand shake to show peace and trust?"
  112. "Perhaps customs are far more different than I would have expected."
  113. "What a strange world this is."
  114. >Fluttershy looked up, confused
  115. >"strange world, well then .... where ARE you from?"
  116. >the man laid his arm down, resting on his knee
  117. "I hail from no one land, my travels took me to many places, but one place....."
  118. "It was my favourite really, Known as the undead burg above the undead parish, a land to the far north."
  119. >"Un .... un ... dead ...?!"
  120. >the creature cowered, lrgs together, leaning back
  121. "Why yes, It was said that the dead were pushed to the north,just like my friend....."
  122. "Do you, not have any undead in your world? They were quite common ... back there"
  123. >the creature shuddered, fear emulsing her entire body, shaking
  126. >"W-we don't ... have ... those ....."
  127. "Oh? What a marvelous place this must be then. hmmmm, I think I may enjoy this little spot for a century or two then"
  128. >the creatures eyes went wide at the word "century"
  129. >"Wait, what do you mean century?"
  130. "hmm? I simply expect I will be here a while, until my eventual time ends"
  131. "Does this surprise you?"
  132. >the man looked questioningly at her
  133. >"I.... I don't know, we ponies, don't normally live that long."
  134. "Ponies? Is that what you are?"
  135. >Solaire studied her intently
  136. >Fluttershy looked down at herself, blushing
  137. >"Well, yes..."
  138. "And there are others like you? Other, ponies?"
  139. >"Um, yes.... OH! Maybe my friends can help you!"
  140. "Help me? Am I in need of service?"
  141. >"Oh, well, ... I thought ... Maybe, you want to ... go back home..?"
  142. >The man looked at his hands, pondering
  143. "In all my searching, I've never been any closer to my sun than another time,"
  144. "if I am in this land, I would like to believe it is for a purpose. Perhaps,..."
  145. "This," he raised his hands, "is where I am to find my sun. Or,... even perhaps were I am to finally die."
  146. "No matter the reason for my being, I do not wish to return to Lordran."
  147. "Though, if it requested I not stay here, I will humbly oblige."
  148. >Fluttershy's mouth parted slowly
  149. >"Your, son?"
  150. >> the man looked at her, with admiration
  151. "Why yes, as an adherent of the Lord of Sunlight, I serve myself to the great sun's plight."
  152. "Though, over time, I found myself seeking something more. I wanted my own sun"
  153. "My personal sun."
  154. >"Oh, ok, I think, I understand?"
  155. "Does this appear farfetched to you? Well it should. It is, after all, a dream."
  156. "A dream, that drove me to my destruction"
  157. >"Wh-what?"
  158. >Flutter shy's eyes widened, concerned
  159. "During my search for my sun, I met another man, like myself, undead-"
  160. >Fluttershy stepped back
  161. "Oh no, do not worry, I am undead, but I have not lost myself, I am no hollow"
  162. >"O-kay..." She remained listening, cautious, afraid
  163. "You see, Lordran, the land of the gods, was plagued by fearsome beings,"
  164. "I do not know how it all goes, but legend tells flames given to the creatures of the world,"
  165. "One to Nito, the original undead, one to the witch of Izalith and her daughters, one to Lord Gwyn, his knights, and the scaleless dragon who served him, Seath"
  166. "...and the last to a forgotten creature."
  167. >Fluttershy listened, slightly shaking
  168. "They had gained the power of these flames, and battled the dragons who ruled the lands, until they were ultimately, defeated."
  169. "After which, they resided in their respective lands, as the world fell to chaos."
  170. >"Oh, ... I'm ... so sorry..."
  171. "No, it's alright, it was a terrible place to start. But here," he looked about him, "this is quite a pleasent forest"
  172. >"Oh, but it's dangerous in here," she cowered a bit, "we should really go, it's getting dark"
  173. "We?"
  174. >"Oh, I'm sorry, you can stay if you want, but it's scary here."
  175. >she turned a bit, making a motion to leave
  176. "My apologies, I just can't imagine I would be wanted in such a pleasent place"
  177. >Fluttershy turned back around
  178. >"Oh my, no, I'm sure my friends would love to meet you. Just, follow me"
  179. >Fluttershy turned again, walking ahead as the man rose to his feet, his sword clanking against his armor, his dented sheild to his side
  180. "I do not wish to be of trouble, I would hate to have-"
  181. >"Really, it's fine. Twilight especially would love to meet you"
  184. >He followed the yellow horse down a winding path, through thick shrubberies. thralls of vines catching foot
  185. >it was an almost sickly silence, only to be altered by the occasional crunch of leaves and twigs under foot
  186. >his armor swayed, with each step, softly clinking against the chainmail underneath
  187. >Looking ahead, this horse, this, Fluttershy, looked onward, happily walking down the given path
  188. >How very trusting of her, how .... foolish
  189. >Solaire looked at his gloved hands, the green hue from the moss, the tan of dirt, and the faded red ....
  190. >Was it his own blood upon his hands? Surely, when he was struck down, he stood no chance to his attacker, his friend
  191. >with sullen eyes, he stared himself down, raising the torn patches of the clothe upon his chest
  192. >The sun, this symol that embodied his reason to be, the purity he abstained to withhold, his honor to the fair Gwyndolin
  193. >He has forsaken it all through his greed.
  194. >He could not think of another way, he wanted his own sun, he yearned for it, ... he needed it, at all costs
  195. >And he found it, his sun, his own little light, in the depths of the demon ruins
  196. >His sun, his honor, his lie
  197. >"Here we are, this is ... my ...."
  198. >Fluttershy trailed off, the man not noticing the pony made her way far in front
  199. >He continued to view his hands, standing at the edge of the forest, softly muttering to himself
  200. >"Um, ... excuse me" Fluttershy quietly approached him
  201. "Oh? Oh, yes, my apologies. I was merely lost in thought."
  202. >"Oh, ok, well, we're here"
  203. >Solaire looked up upon the house that stood before him
  204. "Uncanny, and you say there are others like you? How very, ... cramped, this must be."
  205. >"Wha-what? Oh no, this is just my house, the rest of Ponyville is farther down the road"
  206. >She raised a hoof, pointing down the road, sure enough, there were other building off in the distance
  207. "Ahh, I see, a township, how quaint"
  208. >"Yes, it's really quite peaceful most of the time"
  209. "Wonderful! And where is it we are to go?"
  210. >"Oh, to Twilights', but it's late, we should wait until tomorrow, everypony will be asleep right now."
  211. "Ahh, I understand, wait we shall"
  212. >Solaire sat in front of the house, his back against a post of a miniature bridge.
  213. >Fluttershy cocked her head to the side
  214. >"You're welcome to come in, if you want."
  215. "Oh no, I'm sorry, but you've done so much for me already, I musn't intrude."
  216. >"No really, it's ok," she said her door open, a hoof extended out motioning inside, "It woud be better than-"
  217. "Please, I can't. I do not wish for my ... stature, to cause you discern. I will stay here, and wait for morning."
  218. >"oh .... okay ...." Fluttershy quietly said, almost whispering, "goodnight mister Solaire"
  219. "Goodnight miss Shy"
  220. >Fluttershy slowly walked into her house, the door creaking shut behind her
  221. >Solaire looked over himself once more, gripping his blood stained hands
  222. "Perhaps, this is sorrow...."
  223. ---
  224. >Celestia stood upon a great wall of glass, designs etched throughout the silver haze
  225. >almost shimmering, the glass hummed a soft dulldrum tone,
  226. >Celestia looked over the wall, intent, restless, in the dead of night
  227. >"Where are you...?"
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