

Aug 15th, 2013
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  1. ;======================================================================================
  2. ;==================================Rp2 Server Settings=================================
  3. ;======================================================================================
  4.                     Version 12.0
  5. ; The following is a series of premade settings that any server hosting Rp2 can change.
  6. ; These settings affects things ranging from gameplay elements to admin controls that
  7. ; can be triggered via the phone (yes I know SSGM does a great job of giving you more
  8. ; advanced features, however not everyone that hosts Rp2 can use SSGM).
  11. ;======================================================================================
  12. ;------------------------------Rp2 San Casina Settings---------------------------------
  13. ;======================================================================================
  14. ;----------------------------------Rp2 AI Settings-------------------------------------
  15. ; Standard game settings, changing these will affect the main map itself.
  16. SMART_BOTS_ON_MAP   1   ; This setting changes the number of bots on the map
  17. PLAYERS_REMOVE_BOTS 1   ; This value is used to start removing bots one by one
  18. ; once the player count exceeds the value.
  19. BOT_TEAMS       1   ; This is how many fractions the bots are divided into
  20. ; (max of 2 for the time being, set it to 1 to make them all civilians).
  21. ALLOW_BOT_COUNT_ADJUST  TRUE    ; When this is enabled the player can call a phone
  22. ; number that will allow them to change how many bots are in game.
  23. MIN_BOT_COUNT_SETTING   10  ; This is the minimum number of bots the player can put
  24. ; on the main map.
  25. MAX_BOT_COUNT_SETTING   30  ; This is the maximum number of bots the player can put
  26. ; on the main map.
  27. SIMPLE_TRAFFIC_COUNT    50  ; This number controls how many 'dumb' bots there are
  28. ; on the map at a given time.
  29. TRAFFIC_AI_PEDESTRIANS  10  ; This number controls the max number of 'dumb'
  30. ; pedestrians there are running around on the map at any point in time.
  31. TRAFFIC_AI_POLICE_CARS  50  ; This number controls how many law enforcement
  32. ; vehicles there can be on the map at a time.
  33. TRAFFIC_AI_TAXIS    50  ; This number controls how many taxis there are on the
  34. ; map at a time.
  35. ALLOW_SPECIAL_TRAFFIC   TRUE    ; This allows things like civilian aircraft and
  36. ; gunboats to patrol the ocean, it helps to make san casina look more alive.
  38. ;----------------------------Rp2 Random Weather Settings-------------------------------
  39. AVERAGE_TEMPREATURE 60.0f   ; This is the temperature the San Casina kind of centers
  40. ; around, if you make it too low it'll almost always be cold, to high and it'll almost
  41. ; always be hot (Default is 60.0).
  42. MINIMUM_TEMPREATURE -20.0   ; Min value is -20 (anything blow 0 is when the screen
  43. ; starts to fade blue).
  44. MAXIMUM_TEMPREATURE 120.0   ; Max value is 120 (anything above 100 is when the
  45. ; screen starts to fade red).
  46. ALLOW_RANDOM_SNOW   False   ; Set this to false if you want to allow it to snow
  47. ; when the temperature is below 32F, some clients have major lag issues with snow so
  48. ; that’s why the option is here, setting it to false means freezing rain instead.
  50. ;------------------------------Rp2 Death Message Settings------------------------------
  51. SHOW_DEATH_MESSAGES 0   ; Value determines what death messages to display, a
  52. ; value of 0 only displays when a player is killed by a player or ai bot. 1 Displays
  53. ; whenever a player kills an ai bot or player as well as all things displayed by 0.
  54. ; 2 Displays all kill messages. Default = 0
  55. ONLY_SHOW_PLAYERS_KILLS True    ; If true, a player will ONLY see kills they made
  56. ; unless another player kills a player, in which case all players will see that kill.
  57. ; FALSE means that all players will see all kills made by other players.
  58. ; Default = True
  60. ;------------------------------Rp2 Disaster Settings------------------------------
  61. ALLOW_WEATHER_TORNADOS  True    ; Allow tornados to spawn when weather permits.
  62. MIN_DISASTER_TIME   3600    ; The min amount of time between disaster events.
  63. MAX_DISASTER_TIME   18000   ; The max amount of time between disaster events.
  64. ; Note: The chance is calculated by adding all the chance amounts together and then
  65. ; dividing out the specified value for the current.
  66. UFO_CHANCE      1   ; Chance of a UFO invasion happening.
  67. ODRDNPA_CHANCE      1   ; Chance of a ODRDNPA Tank being 'lost.'
  68. MADCAT_CHANCE       1   ; Chance of a Prototype MK5 Madcat being stolen.
  69. CAT_RAMPAGE_CHANCE  1   ; Chance that a bunch of pissed cats will spawn.
  70. MUTANT_ASSAULT_CHANCE   1   ; Chance a mutant invasion will begin.
  72. ;--------------------------------------Misc.--------------------------------------
  73. MAP_TIME_LIMIT_OVERRIDE -1  ; When the value is not -1 the value specified
  74. ; overrides the time limit specified in the server config file, 0 turns off timer.
  77. ;======================================================================================
  78. ;----------------------------Rp2 Mutant Assault Settings-------------------------------
  79. ;======================================================================================
  80. ;-------------------------Mutant Assault Difficulty Settings---------------------------
  81. MA_DIFFICULTY       0.6 ; Difficulty Settings for Mutant Assault
  82. ; Easy = 1.0, Medium = 2.0, Hard = 3.0, Extreme = 4.0. If you desire more difficulty, a
  83. ; value can be entered up to 1800, or if you desire something easier than easy, a value
  84. ; as low as 0.0001 can be entered. Default = 0.5
  85. PLAYER_ADD_DIFFICULTY   0.025   ; This controls how much difficulty to add for each
  86. ; player in game.
  87. BASE_MUTANT_HEALTH  0.1 ; This value is the starting health of the mutants.
  88. ; Default = 0.1
  89. MIN_MUTANT_HEALTH_RATIO 0.0 ; This allows you to set the min value that the health
  90. ; ratio of the mutants can reach. Towards the start of the round mutants are weaker.
  91. ; Default = 0.0
  92. MAX_MUTANT_HEALTH_RATIO 1.0 ; This allows you to set the max value that the health
  93. ; ratio of the mutants can reach. Towards the start of the round mutants are stronger.
  94. ; Default = 1.0
  95. BASE_MUTANT_SPEED   0.1 ; This value is the starting speed of the mutants.
  96. ; Default = 0.1
  97. MUTANT_SPEED_RATIO_WT   1.0 ; This value is how much the games current difficulty
  98. ; affects the speed of the mutants. Default = 0.75
  99. MIN_MUTANT_SPEED_RATIO  0.0 ; This value allows you to set the min value for the
  100. ; mutants movement speed ratio. Towards the start of the game mutants move slower.
  101. ; Default = 0.0
  102. MAX_MUTANT_SPEED_RATIO  1.0 ; This value allows you to set the max value for the
  103. ; mutants movement speed ratio. Towards the end of the game mutants move faster.
  104. ; Default = 1.0
  105. MIN_MUTANT_SPAWN_TIME   0.0 ; This value is used to control the minimum amount of  
  106. ; time it takes for the mutants to respawn, towards the start of the round mutants
  107. ; spawn slower. Default = 0.0
  108. MAX_MUTANT_SPAWN_TIME   60.0    ; This value is used to control the maximum amount of  
  109. ; time it takes for the mutants to respawn, towards the end of the round mutants
  110. ; spawn faster. Default = 60.0
  112. ;-------------------------Mutant Assault "Evolution" Settings---------------------------
  113. MUTANT_MUTATION_AMOUNT  0.00167 ; This value is used to determine how fast the mutants
  114. ; 'evolve', if left at 0 the mutant spawn probabilities start at max. Default = 0.00167
  115. MUTANT_MUTATION_RATE    1.0 ; This is how often the probabilities are updated, min
  116. ; value of 0.1 (IE ten times a second). Default = 1.0
  118. ;---------------------------Mutant Assault Spawn Settings------------------------------
  119. MIN_AI_DEFENDERS    5   ; The number of Friendly AI you have to help you in
  120. ; your fight against the mutants. Default = 5
  121. STARTING_AI_MUTANTS 5   ; The min number of Mutants that populate the map, keep
  122. ; in mind that this value increases by 1 for every player that joins the game, in
  123. ; addition, this value does not control the max size of the mutant teams growth.
  124. ; Default = 5
  125. TARGET_MUTANT_COUNT 50  ; This is the value that the game will slowly increase
  126. ; or decrease to as the map runs. Default = 50
  127. MAX_MUTANT_INFECTED 25  ; This is the max number of infected mutants (the
  128. ; mutants that are spawned when a mutant kills a defender). If set to 0 the infection
  129. ; cannot spread. Default = 25
  130. MUTANT_COUNT_CHANGE 5   ; This is the value that the game will increase by to
  131. ; reach the target value. Default = 5
  132. MUTANT_CHANGE_RATE  60  ; This is how fast (seconds) the mutant count will
  133. ; increase/decrease to reach the target value. Default = 60.0
  135. ;----------------------------Mutant Assault Wave Settings------------------------------
  136. NEXT_WAVE_TRIGGER   0   ; This setting is used the let the game know if the
  137. ; mutants should attach in waves. 0 Means that there is no trigger, there by spawning
  138. ; the mutants every time the delay timer expires. 1 Means that the next wave will spawn
  139. ; after all the previously spawned mutants have been killed. 2 Means that the next wave
  140. ; will spawn after all the previously spawned mutants AND the infected mutants have
  141. ; been killed. Default = 0
  142. NEXT_WAVE_DELAY     0   ; This is the delay after the trigger has fired before
  143. ; the next wave of mutants can attack. Default = 0
  144. NEXT_WAVE_DELAY_ADD 0   ; This is the amount of time to add to the wave delay
  145. ; per wave, this value is useful to either make the waves start coming faster or slower
  146. ; as the game continues. Default = 0
  147. ANNOUNCE_WAVE_ARRIVAL   false   ; This is used to alert the players to the arrival of
  148. ; another wave of mutants. Default = false
  150. ;----------------------------Mutant Assault Cat Settings-------------------------------
  151. ALLOW_CAT_CASCADE   True    ; If one cat isn't hard enough for you, enable this to
  152. ; allow another cat to spawn if the first one is taking too long. Default = True
  153. CAT_RESPAWN_BUILD   30  ; If greater than 0, the value is used to decrease the
  154. ; delay between when the next cat comes every time a cat is spawned. If less than 0,
  155. ; the time will be incrased before the next cat comes. This delay is reset when the
  156. ; defenders lose a control point. Default = 30
  157. ALLOW_CAT_TIME      1200    ; The amount of time (in seconds) that must pass
  158. ; before cats can start coming. If a value of -1 is entered, the cat must wait until
  159. ; the game reaches max difficulty. Default = 1200
  160. MAX_CAT_DELAY       240 ; The longest amount of time it takes for another cat
  161. ; to come once cats are allowed. Default = 240
  162. MIN_CAT_DELAY       30  ; The min amount of respawn time cats can have if
  163. ; respawn build is enabled or if a player recaps a cp. Default = 30
  166. ;======================================================================================
  167. ;-----------------------------------Phone Settings-------------------------------------
  168. ;======================================================================================
  169. ; These settings change the advanced phone numbers that your users can use, they also
  170. ; allow you to specify what user groups can use them IE:
  171. ; 0 - anyone
  172. ; 1 - Admins
  173. ; 2 - Mods & Admins
  174. ; 3 - anyone, however players will have to vote for it
  176. ; FunctionName      PhoneNumber     UserGroup
  177. END_GAME        9872            2
  178. SAVE_GAME       9873            2
  179. SPAWN_AI_SWARM      4000            2
  180. SPAWN_ZOMBIES       4001            2
  181. SPAWN_RESPAWING_AI  4002            2
  182. SPAWN_CAT_SWARM     4003            2
  185. ;======================================================================================
  186. ;-------------------------------Map Specific Overrides---------------------------------
  187. ;======================================================================================
  188. DEFAULT_MAP_SETTINGS_OVERRIDE   "Rp2_Mutant Assault.mix"
  193. ALLOW_CAT_TIME      750
  194. MIN_CAT_DELAY       60
  197. ALLOW_CAT_TIME      450
  201. ALLOW_CAT_TIME      750
  204. DEFAULT_MAP_SETTINGS_OVERRIDE   "Rp2_MA_Frontlines.mix"
  205. ALLOW_CAT_TIME      900
  208. DEFAULT_MAP_SETTINGS_OVERRIDE   "Rp2_San Casina.mix"
  217. DEFAULT_MAP_SETTINGS_OVERRIDE   "Rp2_DM_CarnageClub.mix"
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