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Website Dump -7 *by(*)Zer0Knowledg

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Jun 11th, 2017
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  14. ---------------------------------------
  15. -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
  16. -- version
  17. --
  18. --
  19. -- Host: localhost
  20. -- Generation Time: Jun 12, 2008 at 09:09 PM
  21. -- Server version: 5.0.51
  22. -- PHP Version: 5.2.3
  26. --
  27. -- Database: `larry_kontur`
  28. --
  30. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  32. --
  33. -- Table structure for table `address`
  34. --
  36. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `address` (
  37. `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  38. `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  39. `address1` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
  40. `address2` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
  41. `city` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  42. `state` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  43. `zip` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  44. `phone` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  45. `doctor_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  46. `address_name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  47. `email` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  48. `is_prime_key` enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '0',
  49. `practice_name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  50. PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  51. KEY `doctor_id` (`doctor_id`)
  54. --
  55. -- Dumping data for table `address`
  56. --
  58. INSERT INTO `address` (`id`, `name`, `address1`, `address2`, `city`, `state`, `zip`, `phone`, `doctor_id`, `address_name`, `email`, `is_prime_key`, `practice_name`) VALUES
  59. (18, '2 2', 'da das dsa', '2', '2', '50', '2', '2', 3, '2', '', '0', '2'),
  60. (19, '3 3', '3', '3', '3', '29', '3', '3', 3, '3', '', '0', '3'),
  61. (20, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 3, '4', '', '0', ''),
  62. (21, '5', '5', '5', '5', '49', '5', '5', 3, '5', '', '0', '5'),
  63. (22, 'Bill Forrest', '223 Shadow Dance Dr', '1760 Halford Ave', 'San Jose', '5', '95110', '408-287-3872', 6, 'test address  001', '', '0', 'test practice name'),
  64. (26, 'Bill Forrest', '223 Shadow Dance Dr', '1760 Halford Ave', 'San Jose', '5', '95110', '408-287-3872', 6, 'address 0001', '', '1', 'Pracrtice Name'),
  65. (25, '1 1', '1', '1', '1', '29', '1', '1', 6, '1', '', '0', '1'),
  66. (27, 'Rex Bill', 'test address1 from Rex', 'test address2 from Rex', 'San Jose', '5', '95110', '333-343-3434', 9, 'Address 1', '', '1', 'test practice name'),
  67. (28, ' ', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, 'Address 1', '', '1', ''),
  68. (29, 'test first name test second name', 'test address 1', 'test ddress 2', 'test cty', '5', '95110', '555-4545-5454', 9, 'Address 2', '', '0', 'test practice name'),
  69. (30, '3 3', '3', '3', '3', '5', '33333', '3333-3333-3333', 9, 'Address 3', '', '0', '3'),
  70. (31, '4 4', '4', '4', '4', '5', '55454', '545-4545-4343', 9, 'Address 4', '', '0', '4'),
  71. (32, 'Paul Hsueh', '1762 Technology Dr.', '111', 'San Jose', '5', '95110', '866-913-9327', 11, 'Address 1', '', '0', 'Baytech'),
  72. (33, 'Paul Hsueh', '123 Whatever Rd.', '111', 'San Jose', '5', '95110', '866-913-9327', 11, 'Blah', '', '0', 'Baytech 2'),
  73. (34, 'Paul Blah', '123 Whatever Rd.', '111', 'Witchita', '17', '12345', '555-555-5555', 12, 'Address 1', '', '1', 'Baytechy'),
  74. (35, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', '', 'Hercules', '5', '94547', '5109649760', 15, 'Address 1', '', '1', 'kontur'),
  75. (36, 'Dana Ewell', '102 Hawthorne Ave.', '', 'San Anselmo', '5', '94960-1545', '510-964-9760 x109', 15, 'Work', '', '0', 'Kontur'),
  76. (37, 'Dana Ewell', '3033 Richmond Pkwy', '', 'Richmond', '5', '94960-1545', '510-964-9760 x109', 15, 'Work 2', '', '0', 'DGE'),
  77. (38, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', '', 'Hercules', '5', '94547', '5109649760', 15, 'Address 3', '', '0', 'Kontur 3'),
  78. (39, '111 22', '344', '334', 'wewe', '16', '44555', '34343', 11, 'fdfdfddddd', '', '0', '2223'),
  79. (40, '1 1', '1', '1', '1', '35', '1', '1', 10, 'Address 1', '', '1', '1'),
  80. (41, 'Dana diver', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', '', 'Hercules', '5', '94547', '4132352555', 16, 'address 1', '', '0', 'Dumaguete Optics'),
  81. (42, '1 1', '1', '1', '1', '16', '1', '1', 11, '1', '', '0', '1'),
  82. (43, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 11, '2', '', '1', ''),
  83. (44, '223 123', '123', '123', '123', '1', '1123', '13', 5, 'Address 1', '', '1', '13'),
  84. (45, 'J Jonde', 'Ho', 'Ho', 'Hercules', '3', '12345', '4154586969', 17, 'Address 5', '', '0', 'Ho'),
  85. (46, 'kjkjkj jkjkj', 'jjkjk', 'jkjk', 'ioio', '11', '98899', '877878', 3, 'jkjkjkjjjjk', '', '0', 'ouou'),
  86. (47, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 3, '1', '', '1', ''),
  87. (48, '4 4', '4', '4', '4', '2', '4', '4', 3, '4', '', '0', '4'),
  88. (49, 'q q', 'qq', 'q', 'q', '4', '1', '1', 3, 'q', '', '0', 'q'),
  89. (51, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', '', 'Hercules', '5', '94547', '5109649760', 19, 'address 2', '', '0', 'Office 2'),
  90. (52, '1 1', '1', '1', '1', '29', '1', '(1) -', 22, 'Address 1', '', '1', '1'),
  91. (53, 'Diane Ewell', '102 Hawthorne Ave.', '', 'San Anselmo', '5', '94960-1545', '(510) -96-4-97', 23, 'Address 1', '', '1', 'DD Certs'),
  92. (54, 'Dana E', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', '', 'Hercules', '5', '94547', '(123) -', 19, '3', '', '0', 'EW'),
  93. (55, 'JoBob Ewell', '102 Hawthorne Ave.', '', 'San Anselmo', '5', '94960-1545', '(510) -96-4-97', 19, 'Address 1', '', '1', 'X files');
  95. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  97. --
  98. -- Table structure for table `admin`
  99. --
  102. `userid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  103. `username` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
  104. `password` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  105. `adminlevel` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
  106. `logintimes` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
  107. `lastlogin` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  108. `email` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  109. PRIMARY KEY (`userid`),
  110. KEY `username` (`username`)
  113. --
  114. -- Dumping data for table `admin`
  115. --
  117. INSERT INTO `admin` (`userid`, `username`, `password`, `adminlevel`, `logintimes`, `lastlogin`, `email`) VALUES
  118. (1, 'admin', '21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3', 10, 197, '2007-11-21 14:44:31', '');
  120. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  122. --
  123. -- Table structure for table `articles`
  124. --
  126. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `articles` (
  127. `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  128. `title` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  129. `content` text NOT NULL,
  130. `adddate` int(11) NOT NULL,
  131. PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  132. KEY `title` (`title`)
  135. --
  136. -- Dumping data for table `articles`
  137. --
  139. INSERT INTO `articles` (`id`, `title`, `content`, `adddate`) VALUES
  140. (1, '1', '<p><img width="769" height="258" src="/userfiles/Indexbanner_new(1).jpg" alt="" /></p>', 1),
  141. (2, '2', '<h1 align="left"><font size="3"><em>For Patients: Where can you get Kontur lenses?</em></font><em> </em><font size="3"><em>Find a practitioner here...</em></font></h1>\r\n<div id="patient">\r\n<div style="float: left; width: 110px; height: 100px;"><img width="108" height="81" border="0" src="/userfiles/image/index_11.jpg" alt="" /></div>\r\n<div style="float: left; margin-left: 10px; width: 220px;">Our lenses are sold only through authorized practitioners, and are available almost anywhere in the US. If your eye doctor doesn''t carry our lenses, ask him to call us to set up an account .</div>\r\n</div>', 2),
  142. (3, '3', '<h1 align="left"><font size="3"><em>Practitioners: Register here to start using our online resources...</em></font></h1>\r\n<div id="patient">\r\n<div style="float: left; width: 110px; height: 100px"><img height="81" alt="" width="108" border="0" src="/userfiles/image/index_14.jpg" /></div>\r\n<div style="float: left; margin-left: 10px; width: 220px">Already registered? Sign in here.&nbsp;\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n</div>\r\n</div>', 3),
  143. (4, '4', '<p><strong>The Human Eye</strong></p>\r\n<p><strong>Anatomy of the eye</strong><br />\r\nA human eye gives the sharpest vision when it is perfectly spherical, that is, round like a basketball. Distortion occurs when the eyeball is too short from front to back (Hyperopia) or too long (Myopia), or the curvature of the cornea is irregular, egg shaped rather than a perfect sphere (astigmatism).</p>\r\n<p><img width="139" height="143" src="/userfiles/Schematic_diagram_of_the_human_eye(1).jpg" alt="" /></p>\r\n<p><strong>How the eye works</strong><br />\r\nLight from object A is focused by the cornea and crystalline lens to form an upside-down image on the light-sensitive cells of the retina. Information is transmitted as impulses from these cells to the brain via the optic nerve. The quantity of light entering the eye is regulated by the iris. The pupil is the variable-sized black circular opening in the center of the iris.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><strong>Astigmatism</strong></p>\r\n<p>Astigmatism is a vision condition that causes blurred vision due either to the irregular shape of the cornea, the clear front cover of the eye, or sometimes the curvature of the lens inside the eye. The surface of the cornea is toric, oblong in shape like a football, instead of perfectly round like a basketball. An irregular shaped cornea or lens prevents light from focusing properly on the retina, the light sensitive surface at the back of the eye. As a result, vision becomes blurred at any distance. Consequently, vision is blurred at most distances.</p>\r\n<p>Astigmatism is usually hereditary, although factors, such as low light levels and too much work done close up can contribute. Over time this condition may increase slowly, but generally over a lifetime it remains relatively stable. Forty-five percent of people who require vision correction have some degree of astigmatism. Symptoms include squinting, occasional headaches and eye strain. In most cases, astigmatism is accompanied by myopia (nearsightedness) or hyperopia (farsightedness).</p>\r\n<p>Here&rsquo;s how a toric lens corrects astigmatism.</p>\r\n<p>\r\n<table width="456" height="77" border="0">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td valign="top" align="center">\r\n <p><img width="150" height="68" border="0" align="middle" alt="" src="" /></p>\r\n </td>\r\n <td valign="top" align="center"><img width="150" hspace="0" height="68" border="0" align="middle" alt="" src="" /></td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td valign="top" align="center">The irregular shape of an astigmatic eye cornea and/or lens produces two focusing points in front of or behind the retina in blurred vision.</td>\r\n <td valign="top" align="center">A toric lens corrects the refractive errors, creating a single focal point in the retina where vision is sharpest.</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n</p>\r\n<p>For the past two decades, millions who have an astigmatism believed they could never wear soft contact lenses. And, many who were fitted with toric lenses for astigmatism often found the performance unsatisfactory. <br />\r\n<br />\r\nAt Kontur, toric lenses have always been our specialty. In fact, our late founder, Dr. David Ewell, invented the toric design in the 1970s that almost all toric labs use today. Many patients that were told that they could not wear soft torics have been successfully fit with Kontur Toric lenses.</p>\r\n<p>So, if you were told you couldn''t wear torics, we invite you to try the toric that practitioners use &quot;when all others fail&quot;!</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><img width="250" hspace="0" height="100" border="0" align="middle" alt="" src="" /></p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><strong>Nearsighted vision (myopia)</strong></p>\r\n<p>A nearsighted eye sees near objects within a certain range very clearly while distance vision appears blurry at all times. An estimated 70 million people in the U.S suffer from this condition. Most often caused when the eyeball is too long for the focusing power of the lens and cornea, nearsightedness creates an overpowered eye which causes images to reach true focus in front of the retina. Correction requires a &quot;minus&quot; lens to &quot;weaken&quot; the eye optically to permit clear distance vision.</p>\r\n<p><br />\r\nHere''s how a spherical contact lens corrects nearsightedness.</p>\r\n<p><img width="150" height="68" border="0" align="middle" src="" alt="" /> <img width="150" hspace="0" height="68" border="0" align="middle" src="" alt="" /></p>\r\n<p>The shape of a nearsighted eye focuses images in front of the retina, producing a blurred distance vision. By reducing the cornea''s focusing power, a spherical contact lens creates a single focal point on the retina where vision is sharpest.</p>\r\n<p>See also <u></u></p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><strong>Farsighted vision (hyperopia)</strong></p>\r\n<p>Farsightedness, or hyperopia, occurs when an eyeball is too short for the focusing power of the lens and cornea. This causes light rays to focus behind the retina. As a result, the eye sees distant objects more clearly while near objects appear blurred. It is a condition in which your eye is underpowered. Correction requires a &quot;plus&quot; lens containing additional optical power to permit sharp vision of near objects.</p>\r\n<p><br />\r\nHere''s how a spherical contact lens corrects hyperopia.</p>\r\n<p><img width="150" height="68" border="0" align="middle" alt="" src="" /> <img width="150" vspace="0" hspace="0" height="68" border="0" align="middle" alt="" src="" /></p>\r\n<p>The shape of a hyperopic eye focuses images behind the retina, producing blurred vision of near objects. By increasing the cornea''s focusing power, a spherical contact lens corrects the refractive error, creating a single focal point on the retina where vision is sharpest.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p align="center">&nbsp;</p>', 4),
  144. (5, '5', '<p>Lorem ipsum onsectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</p>\r\n<p>Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum.</p>\r\n<p>Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Nam liber tempor cum soluta</p>\r\n<p>Lorem ipsum onsectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</p>\r\n<p>Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum.</p>\r\n<p>Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Nam liber tempor cum soluta</p>', 5),
  145. (6, '6', '<p>Kontur Kontact Lens, Co., Inc.<br />\r\n642 Alfred Nobel Dr.<br />\r\nHercules, CA 94547<br />\r\nMon-Fri: 7:00 am - 5:00 pm, PST<br />\r\n<br />\r\nNat''l: 800.227.1320<br />\r\nLocal: 510.964.9760<br />\r\nFax: 800.650.6525<br />\r\</p>', 6),
  146. (7, '7', '<p>Lorem ipsum onsectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore sequat.</p>\r\n<p>Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illssim qui blandit praesent luptatum.</p>', 7),
  147. (8, '8', '<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><a href="/userfiles/Kontur Return Authorization Form_300_65-1_00_rev_I.pdf">Download Product Return Form</a></p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center" align="center"><font face="Arial"><strong><em><u><span style="font-size: 16pt; color: gray"><o:p></o:p></span></u></em></strong></font></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center" align="center"><font face="Arial"><em><u><span style="font-size: 14pt"><o:p></o:p></span></u></em></font></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal"><font face="Arial"><strong><span><o:p></o:p></span></strong></font></p>\r\n<p><u><font size="3"><strong><font face="Arial"><font face="Arial"><a href="#" name="02"></a>Policies and Terms</font></font></strong></font></u></p>\r\n<p><u><font size="3"><strong><font face="Arial"><font face="Arial"></font></font></strong></font></u></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal"><font face="Arial"><strong><em><u><span style="font-size: 14pt"><font size="2">Product warranty - All lenses</font><o:p></o:p></span></u></em></strong></font></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal"><font face="Arial"><strong><em><u><span style="font-size: 6pt"><o:p></o:p></span></u></em></strong></font></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal"><font face="Arial"><strong><em><span style="font-size: 6pt"><o:p></o:p></span></em></strong></font></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left: 0.25in; text-indent: -0.25in"><span style="font-size: 9pt; font-family: Symbol"><span><font face="Arial">&middot;<span font-stretch="" font-size-adjust="" line-height="" font-size="" font-weight="" font-variant="" font-style="" roman="" new="" times=""> </span></font></span></span><span style="font-size: 9pt"><font face="Arial">All Kontur lenses are guaranteed against defects in materials and workmanship for 30 days after purchase.<o:p></o:p></font></span></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left: 0.25in; text-indent: -0.25in"><span style="font-size: 9pt; font-family: Symbol"><span><font face="Arial">&middot;<span font-stretch="" font-size-adjust="" line-height="" font-size="" font-weight="" font-variant="" font-style="" roman="" new="" times=""> </span></font></span></span><span style="font-size: 9pt"><font face="Arial">If a lens is found to be defective, return the lens in its original vial with a copy of the lens invoice and a completed lens return form, stating the reason for the return.<o:p></o:p></font></span></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left: 0.25in; text-indent: -0.25in"><span style="font-size: 9pt; font-family: Symbol"><span><font face="Arial">&middot;<span font-stretch="" font-size-adjust="" line-height="" font-size="" font-weight="" font-variant="" font-style="" roman="" new="" times=""> </span></font></span></span><span style="font-size: 9pt"><font face="Arial">All lenses are subject to inspection by Kontur. Credit will not be issued for the following reasons:<o:p></o:p></font></span></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left: 40.5pt; text-indent: -0.25in"><span style="font-size: 9pt; font-family: Symbol"><span><font face="Arial">&middot;<span font-stretch="" font-size-adjust="" line-height="" font-size="" font-weight="" font-variant="" font-style="" roman="" new="" times=""> </span></font></span></span><span style="font-size: 9pt"><font face="Arial">Lenses that indicate wear<o:p></o:p></font></span></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left: 40.5pt; text-indent: -0.25in"><span style="font-size: 9pt; font-family: Symbol"><span><font face="Arial">&middot;<span font-stretch="" font-size-adjust="" line-height="" font-size="" font-weight="" font-variant="" font-style="" roman="" new="" times=""> </span></font></span></span><span style="font-size: 9pt"><font face="Arial">Lenses that show signs of mishandling<o:p></o:p></font></span></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left: 40.5pt; text-indent: -0.25in"><span style="font-size: 9pt; font-family: Symbol"><span><font face="Arial">&middot;<span font-stretch="" font-size-adjust="" line-height="" font-size="" font-weight="" font-variant="" font-style="" roman="" new="" times=""> </span></font></span></span><span style="font-size: 9pt"><font face="Arial">Lenses returned outside the 30 day warranty period<o:p></o:p></font></span></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left: 40.5pt; text-indent: -0.25in"><span style="font-size: 9pt; font-family: Symbol"><span><font face="Arial">&middot;<span font-stretch="" font-size-adjust="" line-height="" font-size="" font-weight="" font-variant="" font-style="" roman="" new="" times=""> </span></font></span></span><span style="font-size: 9pt"><font face="Arial">Torics returned outside the 90 day exchange period<o:p></o:p></font></span></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left: 40.5pt; text-indent: -0.25in"><span style="font-size: 9pt; font-family: Symbol"><span><font face="Arial">&middot;<span font-stretch="" font-size-adjust="" line-height="" font-size="" font-weight="" font-variant="" font-style="" roman="" new="" times=""> </span></font></span></span><span style="font-size: 9pt"><font face="Arial">Lenses not returned in their original vials<o:p></o:p></font></span></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left: 0.25in; text-indent: -0.25in"><span style="font-size: 8pt; font-family: Symbol"><span><font face="Arial">&middot;<span font-stretch="" font-size-adjust="" line-height="" font-size="" font-weight="" font-variant="" font-style="" roman="" new="" times=""> </span></font></span></span><span style="font-size: 9pt"><font face="Arial">If a lens is found to be defective by our QA department, Kontur will either issue 100% credit or refund.</font></span><span style="font-size: 8pt"><o:p></o:p></span></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal"><font face="Arial"><strong><em><u><span style="font-size: 14pt"><font size="2">Exchange Policy</font><o:p></o:p></span></u></em></strong></font></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal"><font face="Arial"><em><span style="font-size: 6pt"><o:p></o:p></span></em></font></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal"><font face="Arial"><strong><em><span>Kontur 55 Torics<o:p></o:p></span></em></strong></font></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal"><font face="Arial"><strong><em><span style="font-size: 6pt"><o:p></o:p></span></em></strong></font></p>\r\n<p class="MsoBodyText" style="line-height: normal"><font face="Arial">All Kontur torics come with a 90-day unlimited exchange policy. Unopened lenses may be returned for full credit or refund up to 6 months after original invoice date. Lenses ordered under Kontur&rsquo;s &ldquo;<em>Frequent Replacement Program</em>&rdquo; may not be returned for parameter exchanges. 100% credit or refund will be issued for patient cancellation</font></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 8pt"><o:p><font face="Arial"></font></o:p></span></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal"><font face="Arial"><strong><em><span>Kontur 55 Spheres<o:p></o:p></span></em></strong></font></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal"><font face="Arial"><strong><em><span style="font-size: 6pt"><o:p></o:p></span></em></strong></font></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 9pt"><font face="Arial">Unopened spheres may be exchanged for a lens of comparable value if returned within 6 months of original invoice date.<o:p></o:p></font></span></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal"><font face="Arial"><strong><span style="font-size: 9pt">We will not accept opened spherical lenses for credit <em>except </em>for manufacturing defects.<o:p></o:p></span></strong></font></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 9pt"><o:p><font face="Arial"></font></o:p></span></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal"><font face="Arial"><strong><em><span>Kontur 55 Custom Spheres<o:p></o:p></span></em></strong></font></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal"><font face="Arial"><strong><em><span style="font-size: 6pt"><o:p></o:p></span></em></strong></font></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 9pt"><font face="Arial">Custom Spheres are not eligible for return <strong>except</strong> for manufacturing defects, unless the per-case option was chosen during initial ordering.<o:p></o:p></font></span></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal"><font face="Arial"><strong><em><span><o:p></o:p></span></em></strong></font></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal"><font face="Arial"><strong><em><span>Professional Consultation<o:p></o:p></span></em></strong></font></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 6pt"><o:p><font face="Arial"></font></o:p></span></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 9pt"><font face="Arial">Kontur has a full time consultation department to answer any questions you may have about fitting our lenses. <o:p></o:p></font></span></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 9pt"><font face="Arial">Please call us toll free at </font></span><font face="Arial"><strong><em><span style="font-size: 10pt">800-227-1320</span></em></strong><span style="font-size: 9pt"><o:p></o:p></span></font></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal"><span><o:p><font face="Arial"></font></o:p></span></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal"><font face="Arial"><strong><em><span>Payment terms<o:p></o:p></span></em></strong></font></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal"><font face="Arial"><strong><em><span style="font-size: 6pt"><o:p></o:p></span></em></strong></font></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 9pt"><font face="Arial">Accounts are billed on a monthly basis. Payments are net 10 days. Late payments will be assessed a finance charge.<o:p></o:p></font></span></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal"><span><o:p><font face="Arial"></font></o:p></span></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal"><font face="Arial"><strong><em><span>Policy changes<o:p></o:p></span></em></strong></font></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal"><font face="Arial"><strong><em><span style="font-size: 6pt"><o:p></o:p></span></em></strong></font></p>\r\n<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 9pt"><font face="Arial">Kontur reserves the right to change its prices, policies and terms without prior notice. This sales policy supercedes all previous lists and policies.</font></span><span style="font-size: 11pt"><o:p></o:p></span></p>\r\n<div class="pdf"><font face="Arial"></font></div>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><font face="Arial"><a href="#" name="03"></a>Package Insert</font></p>\r\n<p><font face="Arial"><a href="/userfiles/Package insert web version.pdf"><font size="2">Download Package Insert</font></a></font></p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>', 8),
  148. (9, '9', '<p>Lorem ipsum onsectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</p>\r\n<p>Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum.</p>\r\n<p>Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Nam liber tempor cum soluta</p>\r\n<p>Lorem ipsum onsectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</p>\r\n<p>Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum.</p>\r\n<p>Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Nam liber tempor cum soluta</p>', 9);
  150. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  152. --
  153. -- Table structure for table `config_tax`
  154. --
  156. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `config_tax` (
  157. `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  158. `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  159. `value` decimal(5,2) NOT NULL,
  160. `description` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  161. `rate_description` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  162. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  165. --
  166. -- Dumping data for table `config_tax`
  167. --
  169. INSERT INTO `config_tax` (`id`, `name`, `value`, `description`, `rate_description`) VALUES
  170. (1, '', 8.25, '', '');
  172. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  174. --
  175. -- Table structure for table `doctor`
  176. --
  178. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `doctor` (
  179. `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  180. `email` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  181. `fname` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  182. `lname` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  183. `password` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
  184. `address1` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
  185. `address2` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
  186. `city` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
  187. `state` tinyint(4) NOT NULL,
  188. `phone` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  189. `zip` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  190. `regdate` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  191. `salutation` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
  192. `practice_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  193. `kontur_account` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  194. `license` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  195. `shipping_methed` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  196. `active_status` enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '0',
  197. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  200. --
  201. -- Dumping data for table `doctor`
  202. --
  204. INSERT INTO `doctor` (`id`, `email`, `fname`, `lname`, `password`, `address1`, `address2`, `city`, `state`, `phone`, `zip`, `regdate`, `salutation`, `practice_name`, `kontur_account`, `license`, `shipping_methed`, `active_status`) VALUES
  205. (3, '', '1', '1', 'c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b', '1', '1', '1', 2, '1', '1', 1194850653, 'OD', '1', '1', '1', '4.95', '1'),
  206. (28, '', 'Dana', 'Ewell', 'dabc4060a1cf706cea272121ffff01be', '102 Hawthorne Ave.', '', 'San Anselmo', 5, '(510) -96-4-97', '94960-1545', 1212092868, 'MD', 'New test', '', '123', '1.95', '0'),
  207. (11, '', '2', '2', '098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6', '2', '2', '2', 18, '2', '2', 1207083274, 'MD', '2', '123', '456', '1.95', '1'),
  208. (15, '', 'Dana', 'Ewell', 'dabc4060a1cf706cea272121ffff01be', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', '', 'Hercules', 5, '5109649760', '94547', 1207237515, 'OD', 'kontur', '5112', '123456', '4.25', '1'),
  209. (16, '', 'Dana', 'Ewell 2', 'dabc4060a1cf706cea272121ffff01be', '3033 Richmond Pkwy', '', 'Richmond', 5, '(408) 123-4567', '94547', 1208424262, 'OD', 'Dana&#039;s Lab', '', '123', '4.95', '1'),
  210. (18, '', 'jessie', 'dfdf', '098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6', 'dfdf', '', 'dfdf', 17, '(343) 434-3434', '3434343', 1210743671, 'OD', 'dfdf', '', 'dfdf', '4.25', '1'),
  211. (19, '', 'JoBob', 'Ewell', 'dabc4060a1cf706cea272121ffff01be', '102 Hawthorne Ave.', '', 'San Anselmo', 5, '(510) -96-4-97', '94960-1545', 1210892242, 'MD', 'X files', '', '123', '1.95', '1'),
  212. (20, '', 'Kari', 'Savelli', 'dabc4060a1cf706cea272121ffff01be', '3033 Richmond pkwy', '', 'Richmond', 5, '(510) -96-4-97', '94960-1545', 1211223861, 'OD', 'KonKonLens', '', '12345', '1.95', '1'),
  213. (23, '', 'Diane', 'Ewell', 'dabc4060a1cf706cea272121ffff01be', '102 Hawthorne Ave.', '', 'San Anselmo', 5, '(510) -96-4-97', '94960-1545', 1211320602, 'MD', 'DD Certs', '', 'sss', '1.95', '1'),
  214. (26, '', 'Dana', 'Ewell', 'dabc4060a1cf706cea272121ffff01be', '102 Hawthorne Ave.', '', 'San Anselmo', 5, '(510) 964-9845', '94960-1545', 1211408313, 'MD', 'XYZ', '1233', '1234', '1.95', '1'),
  215. (27, '', 'Dana', 'Ewell', 'dabc4060a1cf706cea272121ffff01be', '642 Alfred Nobel', '', 'San Francisco', 5, '(415) 454-1730', '94960-1545', 1211478994, 'OD', 'NaSpark&#039;s', '', '123456', '1.95', '1');
  217. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  219. --
  220. -- Table structure for table `orders`
  221. --
  223. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `orders` (
  224. `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  225. `order_id` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'kontur_order_id',
  226. `doctor_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  227. `billing_name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  228. `billing_address` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  229. `billing_city` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  230. `billing_zip` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  231. `billing_state` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  232. `billing_country` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  233. `price_total` decimal(9,2) NOT NULL,
  234. `status` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
  235. `datetime` int(11) NOT NULL,
  236. `po_num` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  237. `shipping_date` datetime NOT NULL,
  238. `carrier` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  239. `carrier_num` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  240. `cc_num` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
  241. `expiry_date` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  242. `shipping_fee` decimal(7,2) NOT NULL,
  243. `tax_total` decimal(9,2) NOT NULL,
  244. `price_tax_total` decimal(11,2) NOT NULL,
  245. `cvs_num` smallint(6) NOT NULL,
  246. `cc_name` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  247. PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  248. KEY `order_id` (`order_id`),
  249. KEY `doctor_id` (`doctor_id`)
  252. --
  253. -- Dumping data for table `orders`
  254. --
  256. INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `order_id`, `doctor_id`, `billing_name`, `billing_address`, `billing_city`, `billing_zip`, `billing_state`, `billing_country`, `price_total`, `status`, `datetime`, `po_num`, `shipping_date`, `carrier`, `carrier_num`, `cc_num`, `expiry_date`, `shipping_fee`, `tax_total`, `price_tax_total`, `cvs_num`, `cc_name`) VALUES
  257. (69, 152525, 15, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '', 845.00, 'Pending', 1212279991, '1234', '1999-11-30 00:00:00', '', '', '', '01/2008', 4.25, 69.71, 918.96, 0, ''),
  258. (90, 0, 15, 'Dana Ewell', '3033 Richmond Pkwy', 'Richmond', '94960-1545', '5', '', 85.00, 'Pending', 1213149093, '', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '', '', '01/2008', 4.25, 7.01, 96.26, 0, ''),
  259. (89, 0, 15, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '', 85.00, 'Pending', 1212796509, '', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '', '', '01/2008', 4.25, 7.01, 96.26, 0, ''),
  260. (88, 144525, 15, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '', 85.00, 'Pending', 1212618465, '', '1999-11-30 00:00:00', '', '', '', '01/2008', 4.25, 7.01, 96.26, 0, ''),
  261. (70, 0, 15, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '', 260.00, 'Pending', 1212349720, '', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '', '378261', '06/2009', 4.25, 21.45, 285.70, 0, 'Dana'),
  262. (63, 0, 15, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '', 1206.00, 'Pending', 1212099960, '', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '', '', '01/2008', 4.25, 99.50, 1309.74, 0, ''),
  263. (64, 0, 15, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '', 85.00, 'Pending', 1212127853, '', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '', '', '01/2008', 4.25, 7.01, 96.26, 0, ''),
  264. (65, 0, 3, '1 1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '', 15.00, 'Pending', 1212134063, '', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '', '', '01/2008', 4.95, 1.24, 21.19, 0, ''),
  265. (66, 0, 3, '1 1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '', 1365.00, 'Pending', 1212134512, '123', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '', '', '01/2008', 4.95, 112.61, 1482.56, 0, ''),
  266. (67, 0, 19, 'JoBob Ewell', '102 Hawthorne Ave.', 'San Anselmo', '94960-1545', '5', '', 84.50, 'Pending', 1212184736, '', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '', '', '01/2008', 1.95, 6.97, 93.42, 0, ''),
  267. (71, 0, 15, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '', 115.00, 'Pending', 1212350167, '', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '', '', '01/2008', 4.25, 9.49, 128.74, 0, ''),
  268. (68, 0, 15, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '', 495.00, 'Pending', 1212185116, '', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '', '', '01/2008', 4.25, 40.84, 540.09, 0, ''),
  269. (87, 0, 15, 'new name', 'nowhere', 'son', 'sa', '1', '', 335.00, 'Pending', 1212591213, '', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '', '', '01/2008', 4.25, 27.64, 366.89, 0, ''),
  270. (72, 0, 15, 'Dana Ewell', '102 Hawthorne Ave.', 'San Anselmo', '94960-1545', '5', '', 190.00, 'Pending', 1212350692, '', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '', '123456789', '04/2009', 4.25, 15.68, 209.93, 123, 'Dana Ewell'),
  271. (73, 0, 3, '3 3', '3', '3', '3', '29', '', 85.00, 'Pending', 1212371027, '', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '', '', '01/2008', 4.95, 7.01, 96.96, 0, ''),
  272. (74, 0, 3, '4 4', '4', '4', '4', '2', '', 180.00, 'Pending', 1212371337, '', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '', '', '01/2008', 4.95, 14.85, 199.80, 0, ''),
  273. (75, 0, 11, '2 2', '2', '2', '2', '18', '', 15.00, 'Pending', 1212374477, '', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '', '', '01/2008', 1.95, 1.24, 18.19, 0, ''),
  274. (76, 0, 3, '1 1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '', 15.00, 'Pending', 1212377470, '', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '', '', '01/2008', 4.95, 1.24, 21.19, 0, ''),
  275. (77, 0, 3, '1 1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '', 15.00, 'Pending', 1212378609, '', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '', '', '01/2008', 4.95, 1.24, 21.19, 0, ''),
  276. (78, 123456, 15, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '', 590.00, 'Pending', 1212432563, '', '1999-11-30 00:00:00', '', '', '', '01/2008', 4.25, 48.68, 642.92, 0, ''),
  277. (79, 0, 15, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '', 85.00, 'Pending', 1212452708, '', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '', '', '01/2008', 4.25, 7.01, 96.26, 0, ''),
  278. (80, 0, 3, '1 1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '', 15.00, 'Pending', 1212473140, '', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '', '', '01/2008', 4.95, 1.24, 21.19, 0, ''),
  279. (81, 0, 19, 'JoBob Ewell', '102 Hawthorne Ave.', 'San Anselmo', '94960-1545', '5', '', 60.00, 'Pending', 1212500354, '', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '', '', '01/2008', 1.95, 4.95, 66.90, 0, ''),
  280. (82, 0, 15, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '', 160.00, 'Pending', 1212517241, '', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '', '', '01/2008', 4.25, 13.20, 177.45, 0, ''),
  281. (83, 0, 3, '2 2 undefined', 'da das dsa', '2', '2', '50', '', 85.00, 'Pending', 1212532620, '', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '', '', '01/2008', 4.95, 7.01, 96.96, 0, ''),
  282. (84, 0, 3, 'erer dfdf', 'dfdf', 'dfd', '34343', '17', '', 15.00, 'Pending', 1212533095, '', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '', '', '01/2008', 4.95, 1.24, 21.19, 0, ''),
  283. (85, 0, 3, '4 4', '4', '4', '4', '2', '', 37.50, 'Pending', 1212535369, '', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '', '', '01/2008', 4.95, 3.09, 45.54, 0, ''),
  284. (86, 0, 3, '1 1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '', 15.00, 'Pending', 1212552633, '', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '', '', '01/2008', 4.95, 1.24, 21.19, 0, '');
  286. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  288. --
  289. -- Table structure for table `orders_child`
  290. --
  292. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `orders_child` (
  293. `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  294. `parent_orders_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  295. `shipping_name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  296. `shipping_address` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  297. `shipping_city` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  298. `shipping_zip` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  299. `shipping_state` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  300. `shipping_phone` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  301. `product_price` decimal(9,2) NOT NULL,
  302. `product_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  303. `product_title` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  304. `product_describe` text NOT NULL,
  305. `product_eye` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'OS,OD',
  306. `product_order_type` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'RX,Stock',
  307. `product_num` int(5) NOT NULL,
  308. `product_tax` decimal(7,2) NOT NULL,
  309. `is_doctor_patient` enum('1','0') NOT NULL default '1' COMMENT '1:doctor,0:patient',
  310. `order_placed_by` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  311. `shipping_address2` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  312. `practice_name` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
  313. `patients_name` varchar(30) default NULL,
  314. PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  315. KEY `parent_orders_id` (`parent_orders_id`)
  318. --
  319. -- Dumping data for table `orders_child`
  320. --
  322. INSERT INTO `orders_child` (`id`, `parent_orders_id`, `shipping_name`, `shipping_address`, `shipping_city`, `shipping_zip`, `shipping_state`, `shipping_phone`, `product_price`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_describe`, `product_eye`, `product_order_type`, `product_num`, `product_tax`, `is_doctor_patient`, `order_placed_by`, `shipping_address2`, `practice_name`, `patients_name`) VALUES
  323. (251, 69, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.60 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -19.00 ||8.60/15.0 -19.00', '', 'Stock', 2, 15.08, '1', 'Fred Bear', '', 'kontur', ''),
  324. (240, 69, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 85.00, 55, ' Kontur Toric Div. IV', 'Base_Curve 8.00 Diameter 13.0 Sphere -19.00 Cylinder -0.75 Axis 13.00 ||8.00/13.0 -19.00 -0.75 x 13', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 85.43, '1', 'ssss', '', 'kontur', ' '),
  325. (239, 68, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 49.50, 75, 'Precision Sphere Div III', 'Base_Curve 9.00 Diameter 18.0 Sphere 0.00 ||9.00/18.0 0.00', 'OD', 'RX', 5, 53.58, '1', 'ss', '', 'kontur', ' '),
  326. (238, 68, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 49.50, 75, 'Precision Sphere Div III', 'Base_Curve 9.00 Diameter 18.0 Sphere 0.00 ||9.00/18.0 0.00', 'OD', 'RX', 5, 53.58, '1', 'ss', '', 'kontur', ' '),
  327. (262, 72, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 85.00, 55, ' Kontur Toric Div. IV', 'Base_Curve 8.00 Diameter 13.0 Sphere -19.50 Cylinder -1.50 Axis 2.00 ||8.00/13.0 -19.50 -1.50 x 2', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 85.43, '1', 'DE', '', 'kontur', 'Ann Bank'),
  328. (261, 71, 'Ann Bank', '123 Main', 'Stockton', '12344', '', '(413) 12-3456', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.60 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -16.50 ||8.60/15.0 -16.50', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 15.08, '0', 'DE', '', 'kontur', 'Ann Bank'),
  329. (260, 71, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.90 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -20.00 ||8.90/15.0 -20.00', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 15.08, '1', 'DE', '', 'kontur', 'Susan Miller'),
  330. (259, 71, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 85.00, 55, ' Kontur Toric Div. IV', 'Base_Curve 8.00 Diameter 13.5 Sphere -19.75 Cylinder -9.00 Axis 18.00 ||8.00/13.5 -19.75 -9.00 x 18', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 85.43, '1', 'DE', '', 'kontur', 'Al Jolson'),
  331. (258, 70, 'Susan Miller', '60 Magnolia', 'Timbuktu', '94960-1545', '', '510-964-9760 x109', 47.50, 76, 'Large diameter 22-24 mm', 'Base_Curve 9.80 Diameter 22.0 Sphere 0.00 ||9.80/22.0 0.00', 'OS', 'RX', 1, 51.42, '0', 'DE', '', 'kontur', 'Susan Miller'),
  332. (257, 70, 'Susan Miller', '60 Magnolia', 'Timbuktu', '94960-1545', '', '510-964-9760 x109', 47.50, 77, 'Large diameter 18-20 mm', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 18.0 Sphere 0.50 ||8.30/18.0 0.50', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 51.42, '0', 'DE', '', 'kontur', 'Susan Miller'),
  333. (256, 70, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.90 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -14.00 ||8.90/15.0 -14.00', '', 'Stock', 2, 15.08, '1', 'DE', '', 'kontur', ''),
  334. (254, 70, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 35.00, 51, 'Kontur Sphere - Aphakic', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere 20.00 ||8.30/15.0 20.00', 'OS', 'RX', 1, 35.17, '1', 'DE', '', 'kontur', 'Joe Blow'),
  335. (255, 70, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.60 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -11.50 ||8.60/15.0 -11.50', '', 'Stock', 1, 15.08, '1', 'DE', '', 'kontur', ''),
  336. (253, 70, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.90 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -14.50 ||8.90/15.0 -14.50', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 15.08, '1', 'DE', '', 'kontur', 'Joe Blow'),
  337. (252, 70, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 70.00, 54, ' Kontur Toric Div. III', 'Base_Curve 8.60 Diameter 14.5 Sphere -0.50 Cylinder -4.00 Axis 124.00 ||8.60/14.5 -0.50 -4.00 x 124', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 70.35, '1', 'DE', '', 'kontur', 'Al Jolson'),
  338. (210, 63, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 85.00, 55, ' Kontur Toric Div. IV', 'Base_Curve 8.00 Diameter 13.0 Sphere -19.50 Cylinder -9.75 Axis 2.00 ||8.00/13.0 -19.50 -9.75 x 2.00', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 85.43, '1', 'Dabny', '', 'kontur', ' '),
  339. (211, 63, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 85.00, 55, ' Kontur Toric Div. IV', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 13.5 Sphere -19.50 Cylinder -9.50 Axis 144.00 ||8.30/13.5 -19.50 -9.50 x 144.00', 'OS', 'RX', 1, 85.43, '1', 'Dabny', '', 'kontur', ' '),
  340. (212, 63, 'Ann Bank', '123 Main', 'Stockton', '12344', '', '(413) 12-3456', 85.00, 55, ' Kontur Toric Div. IV', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 14.5 Sphere -19.25 Cylinder -9.50 Axis 4.00 ||8.30/14.5 -19.25 -9.50 x 4.00', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 85.43, '0', 'Dabny', '', 'kontur', 'Ann Bank'),
  341. (213, 63, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 70.00, 54, ' Kontur Toric Div. III', 'Base_Curve 8.60 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -1.00 Cylinder -5.00 Axis 14.00 ||8.60/15.0 -1.00 -5.00 x 14.00', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 70.35, '1', 'Karu', '', 'kontur', ' '),
  342. (214, 63, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 55.00, 53, ' Kontur Toric Div. II', 'Base_Curve 8.60 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -20.00 Cylinder -1.00 Axis 2.00 ||8.60/15.0 -20.00 -1.00 x 2.00', 'OS', 'RX', 1, 55.28, '1', 'Karu', '', 'kontur', ' '),
  343. (215, 63, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 35.00, 60, 'Kontur Precision Sphere Div V', 'Base_Curve 8.60 Diameter 16.0 Sphere -12.25 Prism 1.00 ||8.60/16.0 -12.25 Prism 1.00', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 37.89, '1', 'Karu', '', 'kontur', ' '),
  344. (216, 63, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 35.00, 60, 'Kontur Precision Sphere Div V', 'Base_Curve 8.60 Diameter 16.0 Sphere -19.50 Prism 2.00 ||8.60/16.0 -19.50 Prism 2.00', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 37.89, '1', 'Karu', '', 'kontur', ' '),
  345. (217, 63, 'Al Jolson', '34 West', 'Saoul', '12345', '', '(jjj) jjj-jjj', 49.50, 75, 'Large Diameter plano', 'Base_Curve 9.00 Diameter 18.0 Sphere 0.00 ||9.00/18.0 0.00', 'OD', 'RX', 12, 53.58, '0', 'Karu', '', 'kontur', 'Al Jolson'),
  346. (218, 63, 'Al Jolson', '34 West', 'Saoul', '12345', '', '(jjj) jjj-jjj', 49.50, 75, 'Large Diameter plano', 'Base_Curve 9.80 Diameter 24.0 Sphere 0.00 ||9.80/24.0 0.00', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 53.58, '0', 'Karu', '', 'kontur', 'Al Jolson'),
  347. (219, 63, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 37.50, 56, 'Kontur Precision Sphere Div I', 'Base_Curve 7.00 Diameter 13.0 Sphere -19.50 ||7.00/13.0 -19.50', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 40.59, '1', 'Karu', '', 'kontur', ' '),
  348. (220, 63, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 37.50, 56, 'Kontur Precision Sphere Div I', 'Base_Curve 7.00 Diameter 12.0 Sphere -20.00 ||7.00/12.0 -20.00', 'OD', 'RX', 2, 40.59, '1', 'Karu', '', 'kontur', ' '),
  349. (221, 64, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 85.00, 55, ' Kontur Toric Div. IV', 'Base_Curve 8.00 Diameter 13.0 Sphere -19.75 Cylinder -1.00 Axis 1.00 ||8.00/13.0 -19.75 -1.00 x 1.00', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 85.43, '1', 'xrt', '', 'kontur', ' '),
  350. (222, 65, '1 1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '1', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -20.00 ||8.30/15.0 -20.00', '', 'Stock', 1, 15.08, '1', '1', '1', '1', ''),
  351. (223, 66, '1 1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '1', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -20.00 ||8.30/15.0 -20.00', '', 'Stock', 1, 15.08, '1', '1', '1', '1', ''),
  352. (224, 66, '1 1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '1', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -20.00 ||8.30/15.0 -20.00', '', 'Stock', 2, 15.08, '1', '1', '1', '1', ''),
  353. (225, 66, '1 1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '1', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -20.00 ||8.30/15.0 -20.00', '', 'Stock', 3, 15.08, '1', '1', '1', '1', ''),
  354. (226, 66, '1 1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '1', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -20.00 ||8.30/15.0 -20.00', '', 'Stock', 4, 15.08, '1', '1', '1', '1', ''),
  355. (227, 66, '1 1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '1', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -20.00 ||8.30/15.0 -20.00', '', 'Stock', 5, 15.08, '1', '1', '1', '1', ''),
  356. (228, 66, '1 1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '1', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -20.00 ||8.30/15.0 -20.00', '', 'Stock', 6, 15.08, '1', '1', '1', '1', ''),
  357. (229, 66, '1 1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '1', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -20.00 ||8.30/15.0 -20.00', '', 'Stock', 7, 15.08, '1', '1', '1', '1', ''),
  358. (230, 66, '1 1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '1', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -20.00 ||8.30/15.0 -20.00', '', 'Stock', 8, 15.08, '1', '1', '1', '1', ''),
  359. (231, 66, '1 1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '1', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -20.00 ||8.30/15.0 -20.00', '', 'Stock', 9, 15.08, '1', '1', '1', '1', ''),
  360. (232, 66, '1 1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '1', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -20.00 ||8.30/15.0 -20.00', '', 'Stock', 10, 15.08, '1', '1', '1', '1', ''),
  361. (233, 66, '1 1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '1', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -20.00 ||8.30/15.0 -20.00', '', 'Stock', 11, 15.08, '1', '1', '1', '1', ''),
  362. (234, 66, '1 1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '1', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -20.00 ||8.30/15.0 -20.00', '', 'Stock', 12, 15.08, '1', '1', '1', '1', ''),
  363. (235, 66, '1 1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '1', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -20.00 ||8.30/15.0 -20.00', '', 'Stock', 13, 15.08, '1', '1', '1', '1', ''),
  364. (236, 67, 'JoBob Ewell', '102 Hawthorne Ave.', 'San Anselmo', '94960-1545', '5', '(510) -96-4-97', 35.00, 60, 'Kontur Precision Sphere Div V', 'Base_Curve 8.60 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -7.25 Prism 2.00 ||8.60/15.0 -7.25 Prism 2', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 37.89, '1', 'as', '', 'X files', ' '),
  365. (237, 67, 'JoBob Ewell', '102 Hawthorne Ave.', 'San Anselmo', '94960-1545', '5', '(510) -96-4-97', 49.50, 75, '18-20 plano', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 18.0 Sphere 0.00 ||8.30/18.0 0.00', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 53.58, '1', 'as', '', 'X files', ' '),
  366. (313, 87, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -20.00 ||8.30/15.0 -20.00', '', 'Stock', 1, 15.08, '1', 'Dana', '', 'kontur', ''),
  367. (312, 87, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -19.50 ||8.30/15.0 -19.50', '', 'Stock', 1, 15.08, '1', 'Dana', '', 'kontur', ''),
  368. (311, 87, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.60 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -19.50 ||8.60/15.0 -19.50', '', 'Stock', 1, 15.08, '1', 'Dana', '', 'kontur', ''),
  369. (309, 87, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 85.00, 55, ' Kontur Toric Div. IV', 'Base_Curve 8.00 Diameter 13.0 Sphere -20.00 Cylinder -1.00 Axis 2.00 ||8.00/13.0 -20.00 -1.00 x 2', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 85.43, '1', 'Dana', '', 'kontur', ' '),
  370. (310, 87, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -20.00 ||8.30/15.0 -20.00', '', 'Stock', 1, 15.08, '1', 'Dana', '', 'kontur', ''),
  371. (319, 90, 'Dana Ewell', '3033 Richmond Pkwy', 'Richmond', '94960-1545', '5', '510-964-9760 x109', 85.00, 55, ' Kontur Toric Div. IV', 'Base_Curve 8.00 Diameter 13.5 Sphere -19.50 Cylinder -1.50 Axis 2.00 ||8.00/13.5 -19.50 -1.50 x 2', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 85.43, '1', 'Dana', '', 'DGE', 'Minh Ly'),
  372. (318, 89, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 85.00, 55, ' Kontur Toric Div. IV', 'Base_Curve 8.00 Diameter 13.5 Sphere -20.00 Cylinder -1.25 Axis 4.00 ||8.00/13.5 -20.00 -1.25 x 4', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 85.43, '1', 'Paul', '', 'kontur', 'Ben Dover'),
  373. (315, 87, 'Al Jolson', '34 West', 'Saoul', '12345', '', '(jjj) jjj-jjj', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -19.50 ||8.30/15.0 -19.50', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 15.08, '0', 'Dana', '', 'kontur', 'Al Jolson'),
  374. (316, 87, 'Al Jolson', '34 West', 'Saoul', '12345', '', '(jjj) jjj-jjj', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -20.00 ||8.30/15.0 -20.00', 'OS', 'RX', 1, 15.08, '0', 'Dana', '', 'kontur', 'Al Jolson'),
  375. (317, 88, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 85.00, 55, ' Kontur Toric Div. IV', 'Base_Curve 8.00 Diameter 13.0 Sphere -20.00 Cylinder -1.00 Axis 1.00 ||8.00/13.0 -20.00 -1.00 x 1', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 85.43, '1', 'x', '', 'kontur', ' '),
  376. (314, 87, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -20.00 ||8.30/15.0 -20.00', '', 'Stock', 1, 15.08, '1', 'Dana', '', 'kontur', ''),
  377. (308, 87, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 85.00, 55, ' Kontur Toric Div. IV', 'Base_Curve 8.00 Diameter 13.0 Sphere -20.00 Cylinder -1.00 Axis 1.00 ||8.00/13.0 -20.00 -1.00 x 1', '', 'RX', 1, 85.43, '1', 'Dana', '', 'kontur', ' '),
  378. (307, 87, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -19.50 ||8.30/15.0 -19.50', '', 'Stock', 1, 15.08, '1', 'Dana', '', 'kontur', ''),
  379. (306, 87, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -19.50 ||8.30/15.0 -19.50', '', 'Stock', 1, 15.08, '1', 'Dana', '', 'kontur', ''),
  380. (305, 87, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.60 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -20.00 ||8.60/15.0 -20.00', '', 'Stock', 1, 15.08, '1', 'Dana', '', 'kontur', ''),
  381. (304, 87, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -19.50 ||8.30/15.0 -19.50', '', 'Stock', 1, 15.08, '1', 'Dana', '', 'kontur', ''),
  382. (302, 85, '1 1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '1', 37.50, 56, 'Kontur Precision Sphere Div I', 'Base_Curve 6.80 Diameter 12.0 Sphere -17.50 ||6.80/12.0 -17.50', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 40.59, '1', 'dfdf', '1', '1', ' '),
  383. (303, 86, '1 1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '1', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -20.00 ||8.30/15.0 -20.00', '', 'Stock', 1, 15.08, '1', '1', '1', '1', ''),
  384. (300, 84, '', '', '', '', '', '', 0.00, 0, '', '', '', '', 1, 0.00, '', '', '', '', ''),
  385. (301, 84, '1 1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '1', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -12.50 ||8.30/15.0 -12.50', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 15.08, '1', 'dfdf', '1', '1', ' '),
  386. (299, 83, '1 1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '1', 85.00, 55, ' Kontur Toric Div. IV', 'Base_Curve 8.00 Diameter 13.0 Sphere -20.00 Cylinder -0.75 Axis 180.00 ||8.00/13.0 -20.00 -0.75 x 180', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 85.43, '1', 'dfdf', '1', '1', ' '),
  387. (298, 82, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 85.00, 55, ' Kontur Toric Div. IV', 'Base_Curve 8.00 Diameter 13.0 Sphere -20.00 Cylinder -1.75 Axis 180.00 ||8.00/13.0 -20.00 -1.75 x 180', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 85.43, '1', 'ssss', '', 'kontur', ' '),
  388. (297, 82, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 37.50, 56, 'Kontur Precision Sphere Div I', 'Base_Curve 6.80 Diameter 12.0 Sphere -20.00 ||6.80/12.0 -20.00', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 40.59, '1', 'ssss', '', 'kontur', ' '),
  389. (296, 82, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 37.50, 56, 'Kontur Precision Sphere Div I', 'Base_Curve 7.20 Diameter 13.5 Sphere -19.50 ||7.20/13.5 -19.50', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 40.59, '1', 'ssss', '', 'kontur', ' '),
  390. (295, 81, 'JoBob Ewell', '102 Hawthorne Ave.', 'San Anselmo', '94960-1545', '5', '(510) -96-4-97', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -20.00 ||8.30/15.0 -20.00', '', 'Stock', 1, 15.08, '1', 'SS', '', 'X files', ''),
  391. (294, 81, 'JoBob Ewell', '102 Hawthorne Ave.', 'San Anselmo', '94960-1545', '5', '(510) -96-4-97', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -20.00 ||8.30/15.0 -20.00', '', 'Stock', 1, 15.08, '1', 'SS', '', 'X files', ''),
  392. (290, 79, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 85.00, 55, ' Kontur Toric Div. IV', 'Base_Curve 8.00 Diameter 13.0 Sphere -20.00 Cylinder -1.00 Axis 2.00 ||8.00/13.0 -20.00 -1.00 x 2', '', 'RX', 1, 85.43, '1', 'ddd', '', 'kontur', ' '),
  393. (291, 80, '1 1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '1', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -20.00 ||8.30/15.0 -20.00', '', 'Stock', 1, 15.08, '1', '1', '1', '1', ''),
  394. (292, 81, 'JoBob Ewell', '102 Hawthorne Ave.', 'San Anselmo', '94960-1545', '5', '(510) -96-4-97', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.60 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -19.50 ||8.60/15.0 -19.50', '', 'Stock', 1, 15.08, '1', 'SS', '', 'X files', ''),
  395. (293, 81, 'JoBob Ewell', '102 Hawthorne Ave.', 'San Anselmo', '94960-1545', '5', '(510) -96-4-97', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -20.00 ||8.30/15.0 -20.00', '', 'Stock', 1, 15.08, '1', 'SS', '', 'X files', ''),
  396. (250, 69, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -19.50 ||8.30/15.0 -19.50', '', 'Stock', 2, 15.08, '1', 'Fred Bear', '', 'kontur', ''),
  397. (241, 69, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 85.00, 55, ' Kontur Toric Div. IV', 'Base_Curve 8.00 Diameter 13.0 Sphere 0.00 Cylinder -0.75 Axis 1.00 ||8.00/13.0 0.00 -0.75 x 1', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 85.43, '1', 'ssss', '', 'kontur', ' '),
  398. (242, 69, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 85.00, 55, ' Kontur Toric Div. IV', 'Base_Curve 8.00 Diameter 13.0 Sphere -19.75 Cylinder -0.75 Axis 2.00 ||8.00/13.0 -19.75 -0.75 x 2', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 85.43, '1', 'Fred Bear', '', 'kontur', ' '),
  399. (243, 69, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 85.00, 55, ' Kontur Toric Div. IV', 'Base_Curve 8.00 Diameter 13.0 Sphere -19.75 Cylinder -0.75 Axis 2.00 ||8.00/13.0 -19.75 -0.75 x 2', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 85.43, '1', 'Fred Bear', '', 'kontur', ' '),
  400. (244, 69, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -20.00 ||8.30/15.0 -20.00', '', 'Stock', 1, 15.08, '1', 'Fred Bear', '', 'kontur', ''),
  401. (245, 69, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.90 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -17.00 ||8.90/15.0 -17.00', '', 'Stock', 4, 15.08, '1', 'Fred Bear', '', 'kontur', ''),
  402. (246, 69, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.90 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -17.50 ||8.90/15.0 -17.50', '', 'Stock', 4, 15.08, '1', 'Fred Bear', '', 'kontur', ''),
  403. (247, 69, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 35.00, 51, 'Kontur Sphere - Aphakic', 'Base_Curve 8.60 Diameter 15.0 Sphere 15.50 ||8.60/15.0 15.50', '', 'Stock', 4, 35.17, '1', 'Fred Bear', '', 'kontur', ''),
  404. (248, 69, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 35.00, 51, 'Kontur Sphere - Aphakic', 'Base_Curve 8.60 Diameter 15.0 Sphere 15.00 ||8.60/15.0 15.00', '', 'Stock', 4, 35.17, '1', 'Fred Bear', '', 'kontur', ''),
  405. (249, 69, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -20.00 ||8.30/15.0 -20.00', '', 'Stock', 2, 15.08, '1', 'Fred Bear', '', 'kontur', ''),
  406. (284, 78, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 85.00, 55, ' Kontur Toric Div. IV', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 13.0 Sphere -19.75 Cylinder -1.00 Axis 2.00 ||8.30/13.0 -19.75 -1.00 x 2', 'OD', 'RX', 2, 85.43, '1', 'June 1', '', 'kontur', 'Al Jolson'),
  407. (281, 76, '1 1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '1', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -20.00 ||8.30/15.0 -20.00', '', 'Stock', 1, 15.08, '1', '1', '1', '1', ''),
  408. (282, 77, '1 1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '1', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -20.00 ||8.30/15.0 -20.00', '', 'Stock', 1, 15.08, '1', '1', '1', '1', ''),
  409. (283, 78, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 85.00, 55, ' Kontur Toric Div. IV', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 13.0 Sphere -20.00 Cylinder -1.25 Axis 4.00 ||8.30/13.0 -20.00 -1.25 x 4', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 85.43, '1', 'June 1', '', 'kontur', 'Al Jolson'),
  410. (285, 78, 'Dana Ewell', '3033 Richmond Pkwy', 'Richmond', '94960-1545', '5', '510-964-9760 x109', 85.00, 55, ' Kontur Toric Div. IV', 'Base_Curve 8.00 Diameter 13.0 Sphere -20.00 Cylinder -1.00 Axis 1.00 ||8.00/13.0 -20.00 -1.00 x 1', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 85.43, '1', 'June 1', '', 'DGE', 'Ben Dover'),
  411. (280, 75, '2 2', '2', '2', '2', '18', '2', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.60 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -18.50 ||8.60/15.0 -18.50', '', 'Stock', 1, 15.08, '1', 'dfdfd', '2', '2', ''),
  412. (279, 74, '3 3', '3', '3', '3', '29', '3', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -8.00 ||8.30/15.0 -8.00', '', 'Stock', 1, 15.08, '1', 'dfdfd', '3', '3', ''),
  413. (263, 72, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 37.50, 56, 'Kontur Precision Sphere Div I', 'Base_Curve 7.20 Diameter 13.5 Sphere -19.00 ||7.20/13.5 -19.00', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 40.59, '1', 'DE', '', 'kontur', 'Susan Miller'),
  414. (264, 72, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 37.50, 56, 'Kontur Precision Sphere Div I', 'Base_Curve 7.00 Diameter 13.0 Sphere -18.00 ||7.00/13.0 -18.00', 'OS', 'RX', 1, 40.59, '1', 'DE', '', 'kontur', 'Susan Miller'),
  415. (265, 72, 'Joe Blow', '187 Street', 'San Pablo', '12345', '', '(123) 456-7899', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.60 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -19.50 ||8.60/15.0 -19.50', 'OS', 'RX', 1, 15.08, '0', 'DE', '', 'kontur', 'Joe Blow'),
  416. (266, 72, 'Joe Blow', '187 Street', 'San Pablo', '12345', '', '(123) 456-7899', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -13.00 ||8.30/15.0 -13.00', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 15.08, '0', 'DE', '', 'kontur', 'Joe Blow'),
  417. (267, 73, '1 1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '1', 85.00, 55, ' Kontur Toric Div. IV', 'Base_Curve 8.00 Diameter 13.5 Sphere -20.00 Cylinder -0.75 Axis 1.00 ||8.00/13.5 -20.00 -0.75 x 1', '', 'RX', 1, 85.43, '1', '1', '1', '1', ' '),
  418. (268, 74, '3 3', '3', '3', '3', '29', '3', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -9.25 ||8.30/15.0 -9.25', '', 'Stock', 1, 15.08, '1', 'dfdfd', '3', '3', ''),
  419. (269, 74, '3 3', '3', '3', '3', '29', '3', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -8.50 ||8.30/15.0 -8.50', '', 'Stock', 1, 15.08, '1', 'dfdfd', '3', '3', ''),
  420. (270, 74, '3 3', '3', '3', '3', '29', '3', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -8.50 ||8.30/15.0 -8.50', '', 'Stock', 1, 15.08, '1', 'dfdfd', '3', '3', ''),
  421. (271, 74, '3 3', '3', '3', '3', '29', '3', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.60 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -8.25 ||8.60/15.0 -8.25', '', 'Stock', 1, 15.08, '1', 'dfdfd', '3', '3', ''),
  422. (272, 74, '3 3', '3', '3', '3', '29', '3', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -9.75 ||8.30/15.0 -9.75', '', 'Stock', 1, 15.08, '1', 'dfdfd', '3', '3', ''),
  423. (273, 74, '3 3', '3', '3', '3', '29', '3', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -9.50 ||8.30/15.0 -9.50', '', 'Stock', 1, 15.08, '1', 'dfdfd', '3', '3', ''),
  424. (274, 74, '3 3', '3', '3', '3', '29', '3', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.60 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -8.75 ||8.60/15.0 -8.75', '', 'Stock', 1, 15.08, '1', 'dfdfd', '3', '3', ''),
  425. (275, 74, '3 3', '3', '3', '3', '29', '3', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -8.50 ||8.30/15.0 -8.50', '', 'Stock', 1, 15.08, '1', 'dfdfd', '3', '3', ''),
  426. (276, 74, '3 3', '3', '3', '3', '29', '3', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.60 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -8.25 ||8.60/15.0 -8.25', '', 'Stock', 1, 15.08, '1', 'dfdfd', '3', '3', ''),
  427. (277, 74, '3 3', '3', '3', '3', '29', '3', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.60 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -8.25 ||8.60/15.0 -8.25', '', 'Stock', 1, 15.08, '1', 'dfdfd', '3', '3', ''),
  428. (278, 74, '3 3', '3', '3', '3', '29', '3', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -8.25 ||8.30/15.0 -8.25', '', 'Stock', 1, 15.08, '1', 'dfdfd', '3', '3', ''),
  429. (289, 78, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -18.00 ||8.30/15.0 -18.00', '', 'Stock', 2, 15.08, '1', 'June 1', '', 'kontur', ''),
  430. (288, 78, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 15.00, 50, 'Kontur Sphere', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 15.0 Sphere -19.50 ||8.30/15.0 -19.50', '', 'Stock', 2, 15.08, '1', 'June 1', '', 'kontur', ''),
  431. (287, 78, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 47.50, 76, 'Large diameter 22-24 mm', 'Base_Curve 9.80 Diameter 22.0 Sphere 0.00 ||9.80/22.0 0.00', 'OS', 'RX', 3, 51.42, '1', 'June 1', '', 'kontur', 'Ann Bank'),
  432. (286, 78, 'Dana Ewell', '642 Alfred Nobel Dr.', 'Hercules', '94547', '5', '5109649760', 47.50, 77, 'Large diameter 18-20 mm', 'Base_Curve 8.30 Diameter 20.0 Sphere 0.50 ||8.30/20.0 0.50', 'OD', 'RX', 1, 51.42, '1', 'June 1', '', 'kontur', 'Ann Bank');
  434. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  436. --
  437. -- Table structure for table `patient`
  438. --
  440. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `patient` (
  441. `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  442. `p_fname` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  443. `p_lname` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  444. `p_address1` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
  445. `p_address2` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
  446. `p_city` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  447. `p_state` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  448. `p_zip` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  449. `p_phone` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  450. `p_email` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  451. `doctorid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  452. `addtime` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  453. PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  454. KEY `doctorid` (`doctorid`)
  457. --
  458. -- Dumping data for table `patient`
  459. --
  461. INSERT INTO `patient` (`id`, `p_fname`, `p_lname`, `p_address1`, `p_address2`, `p_city`, `p_state`, `p_zip`, `p_phone`, `p_email`, `doctorid`, `addtime`) VALUES
  462. (1, 'p1', 'asdf', 'adsf', 'adf', 'asdf', 15, '123123', '23123412312', '', 2, 1194850653),
  463. (2, 'sadf', 'asdf', 'asdf', 'asdf', 'ny', 23, '132', '213123', '', 2, 1194850653),
  464. (3, '232sss', '2222ss', 'sadf', 'asdf', 'new jersey', 19, '23413', '', '', 2, 1194850653),
  465. (6, '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', 3, '6', '7', '8', 3, 1205914809),
  466. (5, '4asdf', 'asdfsad', 'asdfasd', 'asdf', 'cs', 26, '24234', '1', '', 3, 1194850653),
  467. (9, 'test first name 001', 'test second name 002', 'test patient address 1', 'test patient address 2', 'San Jose', 5, '95110', '333-343-3434', '', 9, 1207014808),
  468. (8, 'Bill', 'Forrest', '223&nbsp;Shadow&nbsp;Dance&nbsp;Dr', '1760&nbsp;Halford&nbsp;Ave', 'San&nbsp;Jose', 5, '95110', '408-287-3872', '', 6, 1206666293),
  469. (10, 'test patient first n', 'test patient second ', 'test patient address 1 from baytechlive rex', 'test patient address 2 from baytechlive rex', 'test patient city from baytechlive rex', 5, '95110', '444-454-4545', '', 9, 1207014902),
  470. (11, '12', '12', '2', '12', '2', 4, '12', '12', '12', 9, 1207014916),
  471. (12, '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', 0, '2', '2', '2', 9, 1207014948),
  472. (13, '3', '3', '3', '3', '3', 3, '3', '3', '3', 9, 1207014959),
  473. (15, 'Patient ', 'One', '123 Whatever Rd.', '111', 'San Jose', 5, '95110', '555-555-5555', '', 11, 1207083566),
  474. (16, 'Dana', 'Ewell', '102 Hawthorne Ave.', '', 'San Anselmo', 5, '94960-1545', '510-964-9760 x109', '', 15, 1207238731),
  475. (18, 'Susan', 'Miller', '60 Magnolia', '', 'Timbuktu', 11, '94960-1545', '510-964-9760 x109', '', 15, 1207239484),
  476. (19, 'dfdfd', '', '', '', '', 17, '', '', '', 11, 1207283568),
  477. (20, 'dfd', '', '', '', '', 0, '', '', '', 11, 1207283702),
  478. (21, 'Dana2', 'Ewell', '102 Hawthorne Ave.', '', 'San Anselmo', 5, '94960-1545', '510-964-9760 x109', '', 16, 1208424921),
  479. (22, 'dfdf', 'dddd', 'dfdf', '', 'sa', 18, '3', '3', '', 11, 1208492798),
  480. (23, '2', '4', '2', '3', '344', 18, '3', '3', '', 11, 1208492865),
  481. (24, 'JJ', 'Cale', '102 Hawthorne Ave.', '', 'San Anselmo', 5, '94960-1545', '510-964-9760 x109', '', 17, 1210718889),
  482. (25, '1', '2', '1', '1', '1', 2, '1', '1', '1', 10, 1210750460),
  483. (26, 'D', 'Ewell', '102 Hawthorne Ave.', '', 'San Anselmo', 5, '94960-1545', '510-964-9760 x109', '', 19, 1210898719),
  484. (27, '2', '1', '', '', '', 0, '', '', '', 3, 1211166850),
  485. (28, 'Dana2', 'Ewell', 'gn', '', '', 0, '', '', '', 19, 1211228332),
  486. (29, 'Dana', 'Ewell', '102 Hawthorne Ave.', '', 'San Anselmo', 5, '94960-1545', '510-964-9760 x109', '', 19, 1211228399),
  487. (30, '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', 1, '1', '(1) -', '1', 24, 1211337560),
  488. (31, 'Ann', 'Bank', '123 Main', '', 'Stockton', 6, '12344', '(413) 12-3456', '', 15, 1211498151),
  489. (32, 'Joe', 'Blow', '187 Street', '', 'San Pablo', 21, '12345', '(123) 456-7899', 'dd2ooh', 15, 1211498215),
  490. (33, 'Al', 'Jolson', '34 West', '', 'Saoul', 48, '12345', '(jjj) jjj-jjj', '', 15, 1211498279),
  491. (34, 'Stock', '', '', '', '', 0, '', '', '', 19, 1211574399),
  492. (35, 'Ben', 'Dover', '123 Homes', '', 'Argula', 13, '94562', '', '', 15, 1212432449),
  493. (36, 'Minh', 'Ly', 'XYS', '', '', 0, '', '(456) 456-9876', '', 15, 1213149017);
  495. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  497. --
  498. -- Table structure for table `product`
  499. --
  501. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `product` (
  502. `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  503. `class_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  504. `datetime` int(11) NOT NULL,
  505. `product_title` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  506. `price` decimal(7,2) NOT NULL,
  507. `model_class_id` varchar(60) NOT NULL COMMENT 'id|id',
  508. `model_id` text NOT NULL COMMENT 'id,id,id|id,id',
  509. `tax` enum('1','0') NOT NULL default '0',
  510. `price_tax` decimal(6,2) NOT NULL,
  511. `list_id` smallint(6) default NULL,
  512. PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  513. KEY `class_id` (`class_id`,`product_title`)
  516. --
  517. -- Dumping data for table `product`
  518. --
  520. INSERT INTO `product` (`id`, `class_id`, `datetime`, `product_title`, `price`, `model_class_id`, `model_id`, `tax`, `price_tax`, `list_id`) VALUES
  521. (50, 17, 1204876485, 'Kontur Sphere', 15.00, '18|27|20|', '61,62,63,|74,|153,155,157,159,161,163,165,167,169,171,173,175,177,179,181,183,185,187,189,191,193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,514,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,152,151,150,149,148,147,146,145,144,513,143,142,141,140,139,138,137,136,135,134,133,132,131,130,129,128,127,126,125,124,123,122,121,120,119,118,117,116,115,114,113,|', '1', 15.08, 1),
  522. (51, 17, 1204876545, 'Kontur Sphere - Aphakic', 35.00, '18|27|20|', '61,62,63,|74,|112,111,110,109,108,107,106,105,104,103,102,101,100,99,98,97,96,95,94,93,|', '1', 35.17, 2),
  523. (52, 18, 1204876675, ' Kontur Toric Div. I', 37.50, '18|27|20|28|31|', '61,62,63,|74,|209,210,211,212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,514,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,152,151,150,149,148,147,146,145,144,513,143,142,141,140,139,138,137,|237,236,235,234,233,232,|269,270,271,272,273,274,275,276,277,278,279,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,289,290,291,292,293,294,295,296,297,298,299,300,301,302,303,304,305,306,307,308,309,310,311,312,313,314,315,316,317,318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,327,328,329,330,331,332,333,334,335,336,337,338,339,340,341,342,343,344,345,346,347,348,349,350,351,352,353,354,355,356,357,358,359,360,361,362,363,364,365,366,367,368,369,370,371,372,373,374,375,376,377,378,379,380,381,382,383,384,385,386,387,388,389,390,391,392,393,394,395,396,397,398,399,400,401,402,403,404,405,406,407,408,409,410,411,412,413,414,415,416,417,418,419,420,421,422,423,424,425,426,427,428,429,430,431,432,433,434,435,436,437,438,439,440,441,442,443,444,445,446,447,448,|', '1', 40.59, 1),
  524. (53, 18, 1204876772, ' Kontur Toric Div. II', 55.00, '18|27|20|28|31|', '61,62,63,|73,74,76,|153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,514,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,152,151,150,149,148,147,146,145,144,513,143,142,141,140,139,138,137,136,135,134,133,132,131,130,129,128,127,126,125,124,123,122,121,120,119,118,117,116,115,114,113,|243,242,241,240,239,238,237,236,235,234,233,232,|269,270,271,272,273,274,275,276,277,278,279,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,289,290,291,292,293,294,295,296,297,298,299,300,301,302,303,304,305,306,307,308,309,310,311,312,313,314,315,316,317,318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,327,328,329,330,331,332,333,334,335,336,337,338,339,340,341,342,343,344,345,346,347,348,349,350,351,352,353,354,355,356,357,358,359,360,361,362,363,364,365,366,367,368,369,370,371,372,373,374,375,376,377,378,379,380,381,382,383,384,385,386,387,388,389,390,391,392,393,394,395,396,397,398,399,400,401,402,403,404,405,406,407,408,409,410,411,412,413,414,415,416,417,418,419,420,421,422,423,424,425,426,427,428,429,430,431,432,433,434,435,436,437,438,439,440,441,442,443,444,445,446,447,448,|', '1', 55.28, 2),
  525. (54, 18, 1204876893, ' Kontur Toric Div. III', 70.00, '18|27|20|28|31|', '61,62,63,|73,74,76,|153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,514,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,152,151,150,149,148,147,146,145,144,513,143,142,141,140,139,138,137,136,135,134,133,132,131,130,129,128,127,126,125,124,123,122,121,120,119,118,117,116,115,114,113,|249,248,247,246,245,244,243,242,241,240,239,238,237,236,235,234,233,232,|269,270,271,272,273,274,275,276,277,278,279,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,289,290,291,292,293,294,295,296,297,298,299,300,301,302,303,304,305,306,307,308,309,310,311,312,313,314,315,316,317,318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,327,328,329,330,331,332,333,334,335,336,337,338,339,340,341,342,343,344,345,346,347,348,349,350,351,352,353,354,355,356,357,358,359,360,361,362,363,364,365,366,367,368,369,370,371,372,373,374,375,376,377,378,379,380,381,382,383,384,385,386,387,388,389,390,391,392,393,394,395,396,397,398,399,400,401,402,403,404,405,406,407,408,409,410,411,412,413,414,415,416,417,418,419,420,421,422,423,424,425,426,427,428,429,430,431,432,433,434,435,436,437,438,439,440,441,442,443,444,445,446,447,448,|', '1', 70.35, 3),
  526. (55, 18, 1204876993, ' Kontur Toric Div. IV', 85.00, '18|27|20|28|31|', '60,61,62,63,|70,71,73,74,76,|153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,514,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,152,151,150,149,148,147,146,145,144,513,143,142,141,140,139,138,137,136,135,134,133,132,131,130,129,128,127,126,125,124,123,122,121,120,119,118,117,116,115,114,113,|268,267,266,265,264,263,262,261,260,259,258,257,256,255,254,253,252,251,250,249,248,247,246,245,244,243,242,241,240,239,238,237,236,235,234,233,232,|269,270,271,272,273,274,275,276,277,278,279,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,289,290,291,292,293,294,295,296,297,298,299,300,301,302,303,304,305,306,307,308,309,310,311,312,313,314,315,316,317,318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,327,328,329,330,331,332,333,334,335,336,337,338,339,340,341,342,343,344,345,346,347,348,349,350,351,352,353,354,355,356,357,358,359,360,361,362,363,364,365,366,367,368,369,370,371,372,373,374,375,376,377,378,379,380,381,382,383,384,385,386,387,388,389,390,391,392,393,394,395,396,397,398,399,400,401,402,403,404,405,406,407,408,409,410,411,412,413,414,415,416,417,418,419,420,421,422,423,424,425,426,427,428,429,430,431,432,433,434,435,436,437,438,439,440,441,442,443,444,445,446,447,448,|', '1', 85.43, 4),
  527. (77, 24, 1212189349, 'Large diameter 18-20 mm', 47.50, '18|27|20|', '61,64,|80,84,|152,150,|', '1', 51.42, 4),
  528. (56, 19, 1204877073, 'Kontur Precision Sphere Div I', 37.50, '18|27|20|', '54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,|68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,|153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,514,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,152,151,150,149,148,147,146,145,144,513,143,142,141,140,139,138,137,136,135,134,133,132,131,130,129,128,127,126,125,124,123,122,121,120,119,118,117,116,115,114,113,112,111,110,109,108,107,106,105,104,103,102,101,100,99,98,97,96,95,94,93,|', '1', 40.59, 1),
  529. (57, 19, 1204877474, 'Kontur Precision Sphere Div II', 45.00, '18|27|20|', '54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,|68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,|93,461,462,463,464,465,466,467,468,469,470,471,472,473,474,475,476,477,478,479,480,|', '1', 45.23, 2),
  530. (76, 24, 1212187422, 'Large diameter 22-24 mm', 47.50, '18|27|20|', '67,|88,92,|152,150,|', '1', 51.42, 4),
  531. (59, 19, 1204877668, 'Kontur Precision Sphere Div IV', 55.00, '18|27|20|', '61,64,67,|80,84,88,92,|153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,514,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,152,151,150,149,148,147,146,145,144,513,143,142,141,140,139,138,137,136,135,134,133,132,131,130,129,128,127,126,125,124,123,122,121,120,119,118,117,116,115,114,113,112,111,110,109,108,107,106,105,104,103,102,101,100,99,98,97,96,95,94,93,|', '1', 55.28, 4),
  532. (60, 25, 1204877754, 'Kontur Precision Sphere Div V', 35.00, '18|27|20|32|', '61,62,63,|74,76,|153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,514,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,152,151,150,149,148,147,146,145,144,513,143,142,141,140,139,138,137,136,135,134,133,132,131,130,129,128,127,126,125,124,123,122,121,120,119,118,117,116,115,114,113,112,111,110,109,108,107,106,105,104,103,102,101,100,99,98,97,96,95,94,93,|517,450,451,452,|', '1', 37.89, 1),
  533. (61, 25, 1204877851, 'Kontur Precision Sphere Div VI', 65.00, '18|27|20|32|', '61,64,67,|80,84,88,92,|153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,514,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,152,151,150,149,148,147,146,145,144,513,143,142,141,140,139,138,137,136,135,134,133,132,131,130,129,128,127,126,125,124,123,122,121,120,119,118,117,116,115,114,113,112,111,110,109,108,107,106,105,104,103,102,101,100,99,98,97,96,95,94,93,|517,450,451,452,|', '1', 65.33, 2),
  534. (75, 19, 1211418776, 'Precision Sphere Div III', 49.50, '18|27|20|', '61,64,|80,84,|152,|', '1', 53.58, 3);
  536. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  538. --
  539. -- Table structure for table `product_class`
  540. --
  542. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `product_class` (
  543. `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  544. `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  545. `datetime` int(11) NOT NULL,
  546. `sort_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  547. `img` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  548. `description` text NOT NULL,
  549. `parameters` text NOT NULL,
  550. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  553. --
  554. -- Dumping data for table `product_class`
  555. --
  557. INSERT INTO `product_class` (`id`, `title`, `datetime`, `sort_id`, `img`, `description`, `parameters`) VALUES
  558. (17, 'Sphere', 1196058816, 2, '../upload/2008/03/21/20080321033917578126_122x122.jpg', 'Kontur Sphere\r\nDaily wear, 55% water, (methafilcon A)\r\n18.8 dk', '<table width="770" height="97" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;" x:str="">\r\n <col width="208" style="width: 156pt;"></col> <col width="124" style="width: 93pt;"></col> <col width="118" style="width: 89pt;"></col> <col width="121" style="width: 91pt;"></col> <col width="100" style="width: 75pt;"></col> <col width="97" style="width: 73pt;"></col>\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td width="208" height="17" style="height: 12.75pt; width: 156pt;">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td width="124" align="center" style="width: 93pt;" class="xl30"><strong>Base curve</strong></td>\r\n <td width="118" align="center" style="border-left: medium none; width: 89pt;" class="xl30"><strong>Diameter</strong></td>\r\n <td width="121" align="center" style="border-left: medium none; width: 91pt;" class="xl30"><strong>Sphere power</strong></td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;" class="xl29"><strong>Kontur 55 Sphere</strong></td>\r\n <td style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;" class="xl31">8.30, 8.60,8.90</td>\r\n <td x:num="" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;" class="xl32">15.0</td>\r\n <td style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;" class="xl31">+10.00 to -20.00</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td height="17" style="border-top: medium none; height: 12.75pt;" class="xl29"><strong>Kontur 55 Aphakic</strong></td>\r\n <td style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;" class="xl31">8.30, 8.60,8.90</td>\r\n <td x:num="" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;" class="xl32">15.0</td>\r\n <td style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;" class="xl31">+10.50 to +20.00</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n<div align="left">&nbsp;</div>'),
  559. (18, 'Toric', 1196058821, 1, '../upload/2008/03/21/20080321033926000001_122x122.jpg', 'Kontur 55 Toric\r\nDaily wear, 55% water, (methafilcon A)\r\nPrism ballast', '<table width="100%" height="200" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td width="208" height="17" style="width: 156pt; height: 12.75pt;">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td width="124" align="center" class="xl31" style="width: 93pt;"><strong>Base curve</strong></td>\r\n <td width="118" align="center" class="xl31" style="border-left: medium none; width: 89pt;"><strong>Diameter</strong></td>\r\n <td width="121" align="center" class="xl31" style="border-left: medium none; width: 91pt;"><strong>Sphere power</strong></td>\r\n <td width="100" align="center" class="xl31" style="border-left: medium none; width: 75pt;"><strong>Cylinder Power</strong></td>\r\n <td width="97" align="center" class="xl37" style="border-left: medium none; width: 73pt;"><strong>Axis</strong></td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td height="17" class="xl29" style="height: 12.75pt;"><strong>Kontur 55 Toric Div I</strong></td>\r\n <td class="xl32" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;">8.30, 8.60,8.90</td>\r\n <td align="center" class="xl35" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;" x:num="">15.0</td>\r\n <td class="xl32" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;">+4.00 to -6.00</td>\r\n <td class="xl34" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;">-0.75 to -2.00</td>\r\n <td width="97" align="center" class="xl38" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 73pt;">Any</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td height="17" class="xl30" style="border-top: medium none; height: 12.75pt;"><strong>Kontur 55 Toric Div II</strong></td>\r\n <td class="xl32" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;">8.30, 8.60,8.90</td>\r\n <td align="center" class="xl35" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;">15.0, 16.0</td>\r\n <td class="xl32" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;">+10.00 to -20.00</td>\r\n <td class="xl34" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;">-0.75 to -3.50</td>\r\n <td width="97" align="center" class="xl39" style="border-left: medium none; width: 73pt;">(in 1&ordm; steps)</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td height="17" class="xl30" style="border-top: medium none; height: 12.75pt;"><strong>Kontur 55 Toric Div III</strong></td>\r\n <td class="xl32" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;">8.30, 8.60,8.90</td>\r\n <td align="center" class="xl35" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;">15.0, 16.0</td>\r\n <td class="xl32" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;">+10.00 to -20.00</td>\r\n <td class="xl34" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;">-0.75 to -5.00</td>\r\n <td width="97" align="center" class="xl39" style="border-left: medium none; width: 73pt;">Orientation</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td height="34" class="xl47" style="border-top: medium none; height: 25.5pt;" rowspan="2"><strong>Kontur 55 Toric Div IV</strong></td>\r\n <td class="xl33" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;">8.00, 8.30</td>\r\n <td align="center" class="xl35" style="border-top: medium none;">14.0, 14.5</td>\r\n <td class="xl45" style="border-top: medium none;" rowspan="2">+10.00 to -20.00</td>\r\n <td class="xl43" style="border-top: medium none;" rowspan="2">-0.75 to -5.00</td>\r\n <td width="97" align="center" class="xl39" style="border-left: medium none; width: 73pt;">dot at 6:00</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td height="17" class="xl33" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; height: 12.75pt;">8.30, 8.60,8.90</td>\r\n <td align="center" class="xl35" style="border-top: medium none;">15.0, 16.0</td>\r\n <td width="97" class="xl40" style="border-left: medium none; width: 73pt;">&nbsp;</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>'),
  560. (19, 'Precision Sphere', 1196058831, 3, '../upload/2008/03/21/20080321033933765626_122x122.jpg', 'Kontur Precision Spheres\r\nDaily wear, 55% water (methafilcon A)\r\nCustom parameters available', '<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td width="208" height="17" style="width: 156pt; height: 12.75pt;">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td width="124" style="width: 93pt;" class="xl36"><strong>Base curve</strong></td>\r\n <td valign="top"><strong>&nbsp;</strong></td>\r\n <td width="118" style="border-left: medium none; width: 89pt;" class="xl36"><strong>Diameter</strong></td>\r\n <td width="121" style="border-left: medium none; width: 91pt;" class="xl36"><strong>Sphere power</strong></td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td class="xl37">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td style="border-left: medium none;" class="xl37"><font size="1">(in 0.5 mm. steps)</font></td>\r\n <td style="border-left: medium none;" class="xl37"><font size="1">(in 0.25 D. steps)</font></td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td height="17" align="center" style="height: 12.75pt;">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td class="xl38">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td style="border-left: medium none;" class="xl38">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td style="border-left: medium none;" class="xl38">&nbsp;</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td height="17" align="center" style="height: 12.75pt;" class="xl29"><strong>Kontur Precision Sphere I</strong></td>\r\n <td style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;" class="xl35">6.80 to 9.80</td>\r\n <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;" class="xl35">12.0 to 16.0</td>\r\n <td style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;" class="xl35">20.00 to -20.00</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td height="17" align="center" style="height: 12.75pt;" class="xl31"><strong>&nbsp;</strong></td>\r\n <td class="xl39">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td class="xl39">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td class="xl39">&nbsp;</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td height="17" align="center" style="border-top: medium none; height: 12.75pt;" class="xl29"><strong>Kontur Precision Sphere II</strong></td>\r\n <td style="border-left: medium none;" class="xl35">6.80 to 9.80</td>\r\n <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td style="border-left: medium none;" class="xl35">12.0 to 16.0</td>\r\n <td style="border-left: medium none;" class="xl35">Over &plusmn; 20.00</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td height="17" align="center" style="height: 12.75pt;"><strong>&nbsp;</strong></td>\r\n <td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td class="xl39">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td class="xl39">&nbsp;</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td height="17" align="center" style="height: 12.75pt;" class="xl32"><strong>Kontur Precision Sphere III</strong></td>\r\n <td style="border-left: medium none;" class="xl45">8.30*, 9.00</td>\r\n <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td style="border-left: medium none;" class="xl35">18.0, 20.0</td>\r\n <td width="121" rowspan="2" style="width: 91pt;" class="xl48">Plano</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td height="17" align="center" style="height: 12.75pt;" class="xl33"><strong>&nbsp;</strong></td>\r\n <td style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;" class="xl35">9.80</td>\r\n <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td style="border-left: medium none;" class="xl40">22.0, 24.0</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td height="17" align="center" style="height: 12.75pt;"><strong>&nbsp;</strong></td>\r\n <td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td width="208" height="34" align="center" rowspan="2" style="width: 156pt; height: 25.5pt;" class="xl49"><strong>Kontur Precision Sphere IV</strong></td>\r\n <td style="border-left: medium none;" class="xl45">8.30*, 9.00</td>\r\n <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td style="border-left: medium none;" class="xl35">18.0, 20.0</td>\r\n <td width="121" rowspan="2" style="width: 91pt;" class="xl48">+20.00 to -20.00</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td height="17" style="border-left: medium none; height: 12.75pt;" class="xl40">9.80</td>\r\n <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td style="border-left: medium none;" class="xl40">22.0, 24.0</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td height="17" align="center" style="border-top: medium none; height: 12.75pt;" class="xl30"><strong>&nbsp;</strong></td>\r\n <td class="xl39">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td class="xl39">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td height="17" align="center" x:str="Kontur Precision Sphere V " style="border-top: medium none; height: 12.75pt;" class="xl32"><strong>Kontur Precision Sphere V<span> </span></strong></td>\r\n <td width="124" rowspan="2" style="width: 93pt;" class="xl48">8.30, 8.60,8.90</td>\r\n <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td width="118" rowspan="2" style="width: 89pt;" class="xl48">14.0 to 16.0</td>\r\n <td width="121" rowspan="2" style="width: 91pt;" class="xl48">+20.00 to -20.00</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" align="center" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;" class="xl34"><strong>1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 D Prism</strong></td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td height="17" align="center" style="height: 12.75pt;"><strong>&nbsp;</strong></td>\r\n <td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td class="xl39">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td height="17" align="center" style="height: 12.75pt;" class="xl32"><strong>Kontur Precision Sphere VI</strong></td>\r\n <td style="border-left: medium none;" class="xl45">8.30*, 9.00</td>\r\n <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td style="border-left: medium none;" class="xl35">18.0, 20.0</td>\r\n <td width="121" rowspan="2" style="width: 91pt;" class="xl48">+20.00 to -20.00</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td height="17" align="center" style="height: 12.75pt;" class="xl34">1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 D Prism</td>\r\n <td style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;" class="xl35">9.80</td>\r\n <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;" class="xl35">22.0, 24.0</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td height="17" align="center" style="height: 12.75pt;"><strong>&nbsp;</strong></td>\r\n <td colspan="4">* 8.30 base curve available only in 18.0 mm diameter</td>\r\n <td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>'),
  561. (25, 'Precision Sphere Prism', 1211232751, 5, '', '', '<p>Base curves:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 8.30, 8.60. 8.90</p>\r\n<p>Sphere pwrs:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; -20.00D to +20.00D</p>\r\n<p>Diameters:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 15.0mm, 16.0mm</p>\r\n<p>Prism:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5D</p>'),
  562. (24, 'Large diameter', 1212187087, 4, '', '', '<table width="753" height="325" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td width="208" height="17" style="width: 156pt; height: 12.75pt;">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td width="124" class="xl36" style="width: 93pt;"><strong>Base curve</strong></td>\r\n <td valign="top"><strong> </strong></td>\r\n <td width="118" class="xl36" style="border-left: medium none; width: 89pt;"><strong>Diameter</strong></td>\r\n <td width="121" class="xl36" style="border-left: medium none; width: 91pt;"><strong>Sphere power</strong></td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td height="17" align="center" style="height: 12.75pt;">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td class="xl38">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td class="xl38" style="border-left: medium none;">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td class="xl38" style="border-left: medium none;">&nbsp;</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td height="17" align="center" class="xl32" style="height: 12.75pt;"><strong>Kontur Precision Sphere III</strong></td>\r\n <td class="xl45" style="border-left: medium none;">8.30*, 9.00</td>\r\n <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td class="xl35" style="border-left: medium none;">18.0, 20.0</td>\r\n <td width="121" class="xl48" style="width: 91pt;" rowspan="2">Plano</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td height="17" align="center" class="xl33" style="height: 12.75pt;"><strong> </strong></td>\r\n <td class="xl35" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;">9.80</td>\r\n <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td class="xl40" style="border-left: medium none;">22.0, 24.0</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td height="17" align="center" style="height: 12.75pt;"><strong> </strong></td>\r\n <td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td width="208" height="34" align="center" class="xl49" style="width: 156pt; height: 25.5pt;" rowspan="2"><strong>Kontur Precision Sphere IV</strong></td>\r\n <td class="xl45" style="border-left: medium none;">8.30*, 9.00</td>\r\n <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td class="xl35" style="border-left: medium none;">18.0, 20.0</td>\r\n <td width="121" class="xl48" style="width: 91pt;" rowspan="2">+20.00 to -20.00</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td height="17" class="xl40" style="border-left: medium none; height: 12.75pt;">9.80</td>\r\n <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td class="xl40" style="border-left: medium none;">22.0, 24.0</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td height="17" align="center" style="height: 12.75pt;"><strong> </strong></td>\r\n <td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td class="xl39">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td height="17" align="center" class="xl32" style="height: 12.75pt;"><strong>Kontur Precision Sphere VI</strong></td>\r\n <td class="xl45" style="border-left: medium none;">8.30*, 9.00</td>\r\n <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td class="xl35" style="border-left: medium none;">18.0, 20.0</td>\r\n <td width="121" class="xl48" style="width: 91pt;" rowspan="2">+20.00 to -20.00</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td height="17" align="center" class="xl34" style="height: 12.75pt;">1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 D Prism</td>\r\n <td class="xl35" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;">9.80</td>\r\n <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td class="xl35" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none;">22.0, 24.0</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr height="17" style="height: 12.75pt;">\r\n <td height="17" align="center" style="height: 12.75pt;"><strong> </strong></td>\r\n <td colspan="4">* 8.30 base curve available only in 18.0 mm diameter</td>\r\n <td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n <td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>');
  564. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  566. --
  567. -- Table structure for table `product_model`
  568. --
  570. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `product_model` (
  571. `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  572. `value` float(5,2) NOT NULL,
  573. `datetime` int(11) NOT NULL,
  574. `model_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  575. PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  576. KEY `model_id` (`model_id`)
  579. --
  580. -- Dumping data for table `product_model`
  581. --
  583. INSERT INTO `product_model` (`id`, `value`, `datetime`, `model_id`) VALUES
  584. (54, 6.80, 1204529037, 18),
  585. (55, 7.00, 1204529037, 18),
  586. (56, 7.20, 1204529037, 18),
  587. (62, 8.60, 1204529037, 18),
  588. (57, 7.40, 1204529037, 18),
  589. (58, 7.60, 1204529037, 18),
  590. (59, 7.80, 1204529037, 18),
  591. (60, 8.00, 1204529037, 18),
  592. (61, 8.30, 1204529037, 18),
  593. (63, 8.90, 1204529037, 18),
  594. (64, 9.00, 1204529037, 18),
  595. (65, 9.20, 1204529037, 18),
  596. (66, 9.50, 1204529037, 18),
  597. (67, 9.80, 1204529037, 18),
  598. (68, 12.00, 1204529037, 27),
  599. (69, 12.50, 1204529037, 27),
  600. (70, 13.00, 1204529037, 27),
  601. (71, 13.50, 1204529037, 27),
  602. (72, 14.00, 1204529037, 27),
  603. (73, 14.50, 1204529037, 27),
  604. (74, 15.00, 1204529037, 27),
  605. (75, 15.50, 1204529037, 27),
  606. (76, 16.00, 1204529037, 27),
  607. (80, 18.00, 1204529037, 27),
  608. (84, 20.00, 1204529037, 27),
  609. (88, 22.00, 1204529037, 27),
  610. (92, 24.00, 1204529037, 27),
  611. (93, 20.00, 1204529037, 20),
  612. (94, 19.50, 1204529037, 20),
  613. (95, 19.00, 1204529037, 20),
  614. (96, 18.50, 1204529037, 20),
  615. (97, 18.00, 1204529037, 20),
  616. (98, 17.50, 1204529037, 20),
  617. (99, 17.00, 1204529037, 20),
  618. (100, 16.50, 1204529037, 20),
  619. (101, 16.00, 1204529037, 20),
  620. (102, 15.50, 1204529037, 20),
  621. (103, 15.00, 1204529037, 20),
  622. (104, 14.50, 1204529037, 20),
  623. (105, 14.00, 1204529037, 20),
  624. (106, 13.50, 1204529037, 20),
  625. (107, 13.00, 1204529037, 20),
  626. (108, 12.50, 1204529037, 20),
  627. (109, 12.00, 1204529037, 20),
  628. (110, 11.50, 1204529037, 20),
  629. (111, 11.00, 1204529037, 20),
  630. (112, 10.50, 1204529037, 20),
  631. (113, 10.00, 1204529037, 20),
  632. (114, 9.75, 1204529037, 20),
  633. (115, 9.50, 1204529037, 20),
  634. (116, 9.25, 1204529037, 20),
  635. (117, 9.00, 1204529037, 20),
  636. (118, 8.75, 1204529037, 20),
  637. (119, 8.50, 1204529037, 20),
  638. (120, 8.25, 1204529037, 20),
  639. (121, 8.00, 1204529037, 20),
  640. (122, 7.75, 1204529037, 20),
  641. (123, 7.50, 1204529037, 20),
  642. (124, 7.25, 1204529037, 20),
  643. (125, 7.00, 1204529037, 20),
  644. (126, 6.75, 1204529037, 20),
  645. (127, 6.50, 1204529037, 20),
  646. (128, 6.25, 1204529037, 20),
  647. (129, 6.00, 1204529037, 20),
  648. (130, 5.75, 1204529037, 20),
  649. (131, 5.50, 1204529037, 20),
  650. (132, 5.25, 1204529037, 20),
  651. (133, 5.00, 1204529037, 20),
  652. (134, 4.75, 1204529037, 20),
  653. (135, 4.50, 1204529037, 20),
  654. (136, 4.25, 1204529037, 20),
  655. (137, 4.00, 1204529037, 20),
  656. (138, 3.75, 1204529037, 20),
  657. (139, 3.50, 1204529037, 20),
  658. (140, 3.25, 1204529037, 20),
  659. (141, 3.00, 1204529037, 20),
  660. (142, 2.75, 1204529037, 20),
  661. (143, 2.50, 1204529037, 20),
  662. (144, 2.00, 1204529037, 20),
  663. (145, 1.75, 1204529037, 20),
  664. (146, 1.50, 1204529037, 20),
  665. (147, 1.25, 1204529037, 20),
  666. (148, 1.00, 1204529037, 20),
  667. (149, 0.75, 1204529037, 20),
  668. (150, 0.50, 1204529037, 20),
  669. (151, 0.25, 1204529037, 20),
  670. (152, 0.00, 1204529037, 20),
  671. (153, -20.00, 1204529037, 20),
  672. (154, -19.75, 1204529037, 20),
  673. (155, -19.50, 1204529037, 20),
  674. (156, -19.25, 1204529037, 20),
  675. (157, -19.00, 1204529037, 20),
  676. (158, -18.75, 1204529037, 20),
  677. (159, -18.50, 1204529037, 20),
  678. (160, -18.25, 1204529037, 20),
  679. (161, -18.00, 1204529037, 20),
  680. (162, -17.75, 1204529037, 20),
  681. (163, -17.50, 1204529037, 20),
  682. (164, -17.25, 1204529037, 20),
  683. (165, -17.00, 1204529037, 20),
  684. (166, -16.75, 1204529037, 20),
  685. (167, -16.50, 1204529037, 20),
  686. (168, -16.25, 1204529037, 20),
  687. (169, -16.00, 1204529037, 20),
  688. (170, -15.75, 1204529037, 20),
  689. (171, -15.50, 1204529037, 20),
  690. (172, -15.25, 1204529037, 20),
  691. (173, -15.00, 1204529037, 20),
  692. (174, -14.75, 1204529037, 20),
  693. (175, -14.50, 1204529037, 20),
  694. (176, -14.25, 1204529037, 20),
  695. (177, -14.00, 1204529037, 20),
  696. (178, -13.75, 1204529037, 20),
  697. (179, -13.50, 1204529037, 20),
  698. (180, -13.25, 1204529037, 20),
  699. (181, -13.00, 1204529037, 20),
  700. (182, -12.75, 1204529037, 20),
  701. (183, -12.50, 1204529037, 20),
  702. (184, -12.25, 1204529037, 20),
  703. (185, -12.00, 1204529037, 20),
  704. (186, -11.75, 1204529037, 20),
  705. (187, -11.50, 1204529037, 20),
  706. (188, -11.25, 1204529037, 20),
  707. (189, -11.00, 1204529037, 20),
  708. (190, -10.75, 1204529037, 20),
  709. (191, -10.50, 1204529037, 20),
  710. (192, -10.25, 1204529037, 20),
  711. (193, -10.00, 1204529037, 20),
  712. (194, -9.75, 1204529037, 20),
  713. (195, -9.50, 1204529037, 20),
  714. (196, -9.25, 1204529037, 20),
  715. (197, -9.00, 1204529037, 20),
  716. (198, -8.75, 1204529037, 20),
  717. (199, -8.50, 1204529037, 20),
  718. (200, -8.25, 1204529037, 20),
  719. (201, -8.00, 1204529037, 20),
  720. (202, -7.75, 1204529037, 20),
  721. (203, -7.50, 1204529037, 20),
  722. (204, -7.25, 1204529037, 20),
  723. (205, -7.00, 1204529037, 20),
  724. (206, -6.75, 1204529037, 20),
  725. (207, -6.50, 1204529037, 20),
  726. (208, -6.25, 1204529037, 20),
  727. (209, -6.00, 1204529037, 20),
  728. (210, -5.75, 1204529037, 20),
  729. (211, -5.50, 1204529037, 20),
  730. (212, -5.25, 1204529037, 20),
  731. (213, -5.00, 1204529037, 20),
  732. (214, -4.75, 1204529037, 20),
  733. (215, -4.50, 1204529037, 20),
  734. (216, -4.25, 1204529037, 20),
  735. (217, -4.00, 1204529037, 20),
  736. (218, -3.75, 1204529037, 20),
  737. (219, -3.50, 1204529037, 20),
  738. (220, -3.25, 1204529037, 20),
  739. (221, -3.00, 1204529037, 20),
  740. (222, -2.75, 1204529037, 20),
  741. (223, -2.50, 1204529037, 20),
  742. (224, -2.00, 1204529037, 20),
  743. (225, -1.75, 1204529037, 20),
  744. (226, -1.50, 1204529037, 20),
  745. (227, -1.25, 1204529037, 20),
  746. (228, -1.00, 1204529037, 20),
  747. (229, -0.75, 1204529037, 20),
  748. (230, -0.50, 1204529037, 20),
  749. (231, -0.25, 1204529037, 20),
  750. (232, -0.75, 1204529037, 28),
  751. (233, -1.00, 1204529037, 28),
  752. (234, -1.25, 1204529037, 28),
  753. (235, -1.50, 1204529037, 28),
  754. (236, -1.75, 1204529037, 28),
  755. (237, -2.00, 1204529037, 28),
  756. (238, -2.25, 1204529037, 28),
  757. (239, -2.50, 1204529037, 28),
  758. (240, -2.75, 1204529037, 28),
  759. (241, -3.00, 1204529037, 28),
  760. (242, -3.25, 1204529037, 28),
  761. (243, -3.50, 1204529037, 28),
  762. (244, -3.75, 1204529037, 28),
  763. (245, -4.00, 1204529037, 28),
  764. (246, -4.25, 1204529037, 28),
  765. (247, -4.50, 1204529037, 28),
  766. (248, -4.75, 1204529037, 28),
  767. (249, -5.00, 1204529037, 28),
  768. (250, -5.25, 1204529037, 28),
  769. (251, -5.50, 1204529037, 28),
  770. (252, -5.75, 1204529037, 28),
  771. (253, -6.00, 1204529037, 28),
  772. (254, -6.25, 1204529037, 28),
  773. (255, -6.75, 1204529037, 28),
  774. (256, -7.00, 1204529037, 28),
  775. (257, -7.25, 1204529037, 28),
  776. (258, -7.50, 1204529037, 28),
  777. (259, -7.75, 1204529037, 28),
  778. (260, -8.00, 1204529037, 28),
  779. (261, -8.25, 1204529037, 28),
  780. (262, -8.50, 1204529037, 28),
  781. (263, -8.75, 1204529037, 28),
  782. (264, -9.00, 1204529037, 28),
  783. (265, -9.25, 1204529037, 28),
  784. (266, -9.50, 1204529037, 28),
  785. (267, -9.75, 1204529037, 28),
  786. (268, -10.00, 1204529037, 28),
  787. (269, 1.00, 1204529037, 31),
  788. (270, 2.00, 1204529037, 31),
  789. (271, 3.00, 1204529037, 31),
  790. (272, 4.00, 1204529037, 31),
  791. (273, 5.00, 1204529037, 31),
  792. (274, 6.00, 1204529037, 31),
  793. (275, 7.00, 1204529037, 31),
  794. (276, 8.00, 1204529037, 31),
  795. (277, 9.00, 1204529037, 31),
  796. (278, 10.00, 1204529037, 31),
  797. (279, 11.00, 1204529037, 31),
  798. (280, 12.00, 1204529037, 31),
  799. (281, 13.00, 1204529037, 31),
  800. (282, 14.00, 1204529037, 31),
  801. (283, 15.00, 1204529037, 31),
  802. (284, 16.00, 1204529037, 31),
  803. (285, 17.00, 1204529037, 31),
  804. (286, 18.00, 1204529037, 31),
  805. (287, 19.00, 1204529037, 31),
  806. (288, 20.00, 1204529037, 31),
  807. (289, 21.00, 1204529037, 31),
  808. (290, 22.00, 1204529037, 31),
  809. (291, 23.00, 1204529037, 31),
  810. (292, 24.00, 1204529037, 31),
  811. (293, 25.00, 1204529037, 31),
  812. (294, 26.00, 1204529037, 31),
  813. (295, 27.00, 1204529037, 31),
  814. (296, 28.00, 1204529037, 31),
  815. (297, 29.00, 1204529037, 31),
  816. (298, 30.00, 1204529037, 31),
  817. (299, 31.00, 1204529037, 31),
  818. (300, 32.00, 1204529037, 31),
  819. (301, 33.00, 1204529037, 31),
  820. (302, 34.00, 1204529037, 31),
  821. (303, 35.00, 1204529037, 31),
  822. (304, 36.00, 1204529037, 31),
  823. (305, 37.00, 1204529037, 31),
  824. (306, 38.00, 1204529037, 31),
  825. (307, 39.00, 1204529037, 31),
  826. (308, 40.00, 1204529037, 31),
  827. (309, 41.00, 1204529037, 31),
  828. (310, 42.00, 1204529037, 31),
  829. (311, 43.00, 1204529037, 31),
  830. (312, 44.00, 1204529037, 31),
  831. (313, 45.00, 1204529037, 31),
  832. (314, 46.00, 1204529037, 31),
  833. (315, 47.00, 1204529037, 31),
  834. (316, 48.00, 1204529037, 31),
  835. (317, 49.00, 1204529037, 31),
  836. (318, 50.00, 1204529037, 31),
  837. (319, 51.00, 1204529037, 31),
  838. (320, 52.00, 1204529037, 31),
  839. (321, 53.00, 1204529037, 31),
  840. (322, 54.00, 1204529037, 31),
  841. (323, 55.00, 1204529037, 31),
  842. (324, 56.00, 1204529037, 31),
  843. (325, 57.00, 1204529037, 31),
  844. (326, 58.00, 1204529037, 31),
  845. (327, 59.00, 1204529037, 31),
  846. (328, 60.00, 1204529037, 31),
  847. (329, 61.00, 1204529037, 31),
  848. (330, 62.00, 1204529037, 31),
  849. (331, 63.00, 1204529037, 31),
  850. (332, 64.00, 1204529037, 31),
  851. (333, 65.00, 1204529037, 31),
  852. (334, 66.00, 1204529037, 31),
  853. (335, 67.00, 1204529037, 31),
  854. (336, 68.00, 1204529037, 31),
  855. (337, 69.00, 1204529037, 31),
  856. (338, 70.00, 1204529037, 31),
  857. (339, 71.00, 1204529037, 31),
  858. (340, 72.00, 1204529037, 31),
  859. (341, 73.00, 1204529037, 31),
  860. (342, 74.00, 1204529037, 31),
  861. (343, 75.00, 1204529037, 31),
  862. (344, 76.00, 1204529037, 31),
  863. (345, 77.00, 1204529037, 31),
  864. (346, 78.00, 1204529037, 31),
  865. (347, 79.00, 1204529037, 31),
  866. (348, 80.00, 1204529037, 31),
  867. (349, 81.00, 1204529037, 31),
  868. (350, 82.00, 1204529037, 31),
  869. (351, 83.00, 1204529037, 31),
  870. (352, 84.00, 1204529037, 31),
  871. (353, 85.00, 1204529037, 31),
  872. (354, 86.00, 1204529037, 31),
  873. (355, 87.00, 1204529037, 31),
  874. (356, 88.00, 1204529037, 31),
  875. (357, 89.00, 1204529037, 31),
  876. (358, 90.00, 1204529037, 31),
  877. (359, 91.00, 1204529037, 31),
  878. (360, 92.00, 1204529037, 31),
  879. (361, 93.00, 1204529037, 31),
  880. (362, 94.00, 1204529037, 31),
  881. (363, 95.00, 1204529037, 31),
  882. (364, 96.00, 1204529037, 31),
  883. (365, 97.00, 1204529037, 31),
  884. (366, 98.00, 1204529037, 31),
  885. (367, 99.00, 1204529037, 31),
  886. (368, 100.00, 1204529037, 31),
  887. (369, 101.00, 1204529037, 31),
  888. (370, 102.00, 1204529037, 31),
  889. (371, 103.00, 1204529037, 31),
  890. (372, 104.00, 1204529037, 31),
  891. (373, 105.00, 1204529037, 31),
  892. (374, 106.00, 1204529037, 31),
  893. (375, 107.00, 1204529037, 31),
  894. (376, 108.00, 1204529037, 31),
  895. (377, 109.00, 1204529037, 31),
  896. (378, 110.00, 1204529037, 31),
  897. (379, 111.00, 1204529037, 31),
  898. (380, 112.00, 1204529037, 31),
  899. (381, 113.00, 1204529037, 31),
  900. (382, 114.00, 1204529037, 31),
  901. (383, 115.00, 1204529037, 31),
  902. (384, 116.00, 1204529037, 31),
  903. (385, 117.00, 1204529037, 31),
  904. (386, 118.00, 1204529037, 31),
  905. (387, 119.00, 1204529037, 31),
  906. (388, 120.00, 1204529037, 31),
  907. (389, 121.00, 1204529037, 31),
  908. (390, 122.00, 1204529037, 31),
  909. (391, 123.00, 1204529037, 31),
  910. (392, 124.00, 1204529037, 31),
  911. (393, 125.00, 1204529037, 31),
  912. (394, 126.00, 1204529037, 31),
  913. (395, 127.00, 1204529037, 31),
  914. (396, 128.00, 1204529037, 31),
  915. (397, 129.00, 1204529037, 31),
  916. (398, 130.00, 1204529037, 31),
  917. (399, 131.00, 1204529037, 31),
  918. (400, 132.00, 1204529037, 31),
  919. (401, 133.00, 1204529037, 31),
  920. (402, 134.00, 1204529037, 31),
  921. (403, 135.00, 1204529037, 31),
  922. (404, 136.00, 1204529037, 31),
  923. (405, 137.00, 1204529037, 31),
  924. (406, 138.00, 1204529037, 31),
  925. (407, 139.00, 1204529037, 31),
  926. (408, 140.00, 1204529037, 31),
  927. (409, 141.00, 1204529037, 31),
  928. (410, 142.00, 1204529037, 31),
  929. (411, 143.00, 1204529037, 31),
  930. (412, 144.00, 1204529037, 31),
  931. (413, 145.00, 1204529037, 31),
  932. (414, 146.00, 1204529037, 31),
  933. (415, 147.00, 1204529037, 31),
  934. (416, 148.00, 1204529037, 31),
  935. (417, 149.00, 1204529037, 31),
  936. (418, 150.00, 1204529037, 31),
  937. (419, 151.00, 1204529037, 31),
  938. (420, 152.00, 1204529037, 31),
  939. (421, 153.00, 1204529037, 31),
  940. (422, 154.00, 1204529037, 31),
  941. (423, 155.00, 1204529037, 31),
  942. (424, 156.00, 1204529037, 31),
  943. (425, 157.00, 1204529037, 31),
  944. (426, 158.00, 1204529037, 31),
  945. (427, 159.00, 1204529037, 31),
  946. (428, 160.00, 1204529037, 31),
  947. (429, 161.00, 1204529037, 31),
  948. (430, 162.00, 1204529037, 31),
  949. (431, 163.00, 1204529037, 31),
  950. (432, 164.00, 1204529037, 31),
  951. (433, 165.00, 1204529037, 31),
  952. (434, 166.00, 1204529037, 31),
  953. (435, 167.00, 1204529037, 31),
  954. (436, 168.00, 1204529037, 31),
  955. (437, 169.00, 1204529037, 31),
  956. (438, 170.00, 1204529037, 31),
  957. (439, 171.00, 1204529037, 31),
  958. (440, 172.00, 1204529037, 31),
  959. (441, 173.00, 1204529037, 31),
  960. (442, 174.00, 1204529037, 31),
  961. (443, 175.00, 1204529037, 31),
  962. (444, 176.00, 1204529037, 31),
  963. (445, 177.00, 1204529037, 31),
  964. (446, 178.00, 1204529037, 31),
  965. (447, 179.00, 1204529037, 31),
  966. (448, 180.00, 1204529037, 31),
  967. (449, 3.50, 1204529037, 32),
  968. (450, 1.50, 1204529037, 32),
  969. (451, 2.00, 1204529037, 32),
  970. (452, 2.50, 1204529037, 32),
  971. (461, 20.50, 1204529037, 20),
  972. (462, 21.00, 1204529037, 20),
  973. (463, 21.50, 1204529037, 20),
  974. (464, 22.00, 1204529037, 20),
  975. (465, 22.50, 1204529037, 20),
  976. (466, 23.00, 1204529037, 20),
  977. (467, 23.50, 1204529037, 20),
  978. (468, 24.00, 1204529037, 20),
  979. (469, 24.50, 1204529037, 20),
  980. (470, 25.00, 1204529037, 20),
  981. (471, 25.50, 1204529037, 20),
  982. (472, 26.00, 1204529037, 20),
  983. (473, 26.50, 1204529037, 20),
  984. (474, 27.00, 1204529037, 20),
  985. (475, 27.50, 1204529037, 20),
  986. (476, 28.00, 1204529037, 20),
  987. (477, 28.50, 1204529037, 20),
  988. (478, 29.00, 1204529037, 20),
  989. (479, 29.50, 1204529037, 20),
  990. (480, 30.00, 1204529037, 20),
  991. (481, -20.50, 1204529037, 20),
  992. (482, -21.00, 1204529037, 20),
  993. (483, -21.50, 1204529037, 20),
  994. (484, -22.00, 1204529037, 20),
  995. (485, -22.50, 1204529037, 20),
  996. (486, -23.00, 1204529037, 20),
  997. (487, -23.50, 1204529037, 20),
  998. (488, -24.00, 1204529037, 20),
  999. (489, -24.50, 1204529037, 20),
  1000. (490, -25.00, 1204529037, 20),
  1001. (491, -25.50, 1204529037, 20),
  1002. (492, -26.00, 1204529037, 20),
  1003. (493, -26.50, 1204529037, 20),
  1004. (494, -27.00, 1204529037, 20),
  1005. (495, -27.50, 1204529037, 20),
  1006. (496, -28.00, 1204529037, 20),
  1007. (497, -28.50, 1204529037, 20),
  1008. (498, -29.00, 1204529037, 20),
  1009. (499, -29.50, 1204529037, 20),
  1010. (500, -30.00, 1204529037, 20),
  1011. (521, 11.75, 1211234334, 20),
  1012. (518, 10.25, 1211234298, 20),
  1013. (520, 11.25, 1211234324, 20),
  1014. (519, 10.75, 1211234310, 20),
  1015. (510, 3.00, 1207091791, 32),
  1016. (513, 2.25, 1207282190, 20),
  1017. (514, -2.25, 1207282203, 20),
  1018. (517, 1.00, 1211168781, 32),
  1019. (522, 12.25, 1211234346, 20),
  1020. (523, 12.75, 1211234356, 20),
  1021. (524, 13.25, 1211234561, 20),
  1022. (525, 13.75, 1211234570, 20),
  1023. (526, 14.25, 1211234579, 20),
  1024. (527, 14.75, 1211234588, 20),
  1025. (528, 15.25, 1211234599, 20),
  1026. (529, 15.75, 1211234609, 20),
  1027. (530, 16.25, 1211234627, 20),
  1028. (531, 16.75, 1211234635, 20),
  1029. (532, 17.25, 1211234643, 20),
  1030. (533, 17.75, 1211234654, 20),
  1031. (534, 18.25, 1211234662, 20),
  1032. (535, 18.75, 1211234670, 20),
  1033. (536, 19.25, 1211234681, 20),
  1034. (537, 19.75, 1211234690, 20);
  1036. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  1038. --
  1039. -- Table structure for table `product_model_class`
  1040. --
  1042. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `product_model_class` (
  1043. `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  1044. `model_class_name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  1045. `datetime` int(11) NOT NULL,
  1046. `sort_id` tinyint(4) NOT NULL COMMENT '0',
  1047. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  1050. --
  1051. -- Dumping data for table `product_model_class`
  1052. --
  1054. INSERT INTO `product_model_class` (`id`, `model_class_name`, `datetime`, `sort_id`) VALUES
  1055. (18, 'Base Curve', 1196057657, 1),
  1056. (27, 'Diameter', 1204529037, 2),
  1057. (20, 'Sphere', 1196057720, 3),
  1058. (28, 'Cylinder', 1196057720, 4),
  1059. (31, 'Axis', 1204529037, 5),
  1060. (32, 'Prism', 1204529037, 6);
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