

Jan 19th, 2019
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  1. #
  2. # +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
  3. # | _____ _ _ _ _____ _ | #
  4. # | / ____| | | | | | | | __ \ | | | #
  5. # | | (___ _ _ _ __ ___ _ __| | ___ | |__ | |__ _ _| | | | ___| |_ ___ _____ | #
  6. # | \___ \| | | | '_ \ / _ \ '__| | / _ \| '_ \| '_ \| | | | | | |/ _ \ | | | \ \/ / _ \ | #
  7. # | ____) | |_| | |_) | __/ | | |___| (_) | |_) | |_) | |_| | |__| | __/ | |_| |> < __/ | #
  8. # | |_____/ \__,_| .__/ \___|_| |______\___/|_.__/|_.__/ \__, |_____/ \___|_|\__,_/_/\_\___| | #
  9. # | | | __/ | | #
  10. # | |_| |___/ | #
  11. # | | #
  12. # | | #
  13. # | WIKI: http://en.wiki.pedrojm96.com/wiki/SuperLobbyDeluxe | #
  14. # | BUG REPORTS: https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/superlobbydeluxe.132949 | #
  15. # | AUTHOR: PedroJM96 (pedrojm96.com) | #
  16. # | OFFICIAL SERVER: mc.minepal.net | #
  17. # | | #
  18. # +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
  19. # +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
  20. # | Menu Nodes | #
  21. # +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
  22. # | | #
  23. # | settings-name: The name of the menu. | #
  24. # | settings-rows: Number of rows in the menu. (1,2,3,4,5,6). | #
  25. # | settings-world: World where the menu works. (Do not place to work on all worlds). | #
  26. # | settings-open-commands: Command to open the menu. | #
  27. # | settings-permission: Permission to use the menu. | #
  28. # | settings-open-sound: Sound that will sound when you open the menu. | #
  29. # | settings-glass-enable: To place decoration glasses. default false | #
  30. # | settings-glass-color: The color of the glasses. From 0 to 15 | #
  31. # | items: List of items that will contain the menu. | #
  32. # | | #
  33. # | | #
  34. # +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
  35. # +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
  36. # | Items Nodes | #
  37. # +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
  38. # | | #
  39. # | name: The name of the item. | #
  40. # | lore: The description of the item. | #
  41. # | material: The material of the item. Example: "SKULL_ITEM:3","DIAMOND". | #
  42. # | id: The id of the item material (https://www.minecraftinfo.com/idlist.htm). | #
  43. # | data: Value of the material type of the item. | #
  44. # | slot: Location in the inventory of the item. | #
  45. # | commands: Command that is executed when clicking. (server, player, console, op, | #
  46. # | broadcast, give, money, points, tell, open, world). | #
  47. # | permission: Permission to use the item. | #
  48. # | price: Price to use the item. default none. | #
  49. # | keep-open: To keep inventory open. default false. | #
  50. # | permission-to-view: Permission to view the inventory. default false. | #
  51. # | skull: To use heads with skin. | #
  52. # | (url: address.png | textures: <Base64 code> | web: <player> | <player>) | #
  53. # | enchant-glow: To add enchantment colors to the items. default false | #
  54. # | version-check: To check if it is the correct version of minecraft. | #
  55. # | default false (Requires ViaVersion) | #
  56. # | version-list: List of versions to check in check version. | #
  57. # | no-version-message: Message to show if the version is not compatible. | #
  58. # | Use <version> to show compatible versions in the message. | #
  59. # | no-permision-message: Message that will be shown to the player when he does not have the | #
  60. # | permissions to use the item. | #
  61. # | | #
  62. # | | #
  63. # +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
  64. # +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
  65. # | To create more item simply copy the previous one and paste it here within items. | #
  66. # | To create more menus, copy the previous menu and paste it down in a clean place. | #
  67. # +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
  68. menu:
  69. settings-name: '&6&k.&r &5&lExample Menu &6&k.'
  70. settings-rows: 5
  71. settings-world: lobby
  72. settings-open-commands: menu
  73. settings-permission: superlobby.menu.menu
  74. settings-open-sound: NOTE_PLING
  75. settings-glass-enable: true
  76. settings-glass-color: 14
  77. items:
  78. gamemode:
  79. name: '&6&l<3> &b&lGame modes &6&l<3>'
  80. lore:
  81. - '&b&m--------------------'
  82. - '&7Modalities of game'
  83. - '&7that we have available.'
  84. - '&b&m--------------------'
  85. - '&6Skull skin example with url'
  86. material: PLAYER_HEAD
  87. material-old: SKULL_ITEM:3
  88. slot: 12
  89. keep-open: true
  90. skull: url:http://textures.minecraft.net/texture/e063a0ebb2d8010273b6c45b64e84d83b1e43e2ca5dfb2a6fd838c3f88827d
  91. commands:
  92. - 'open: server'
  93. profile:
  94. name: '&6&l<3> &b&lProfile &6&l<3>'
  95. lore:
  96. - '&b&m---------------------------------'
  97. - '&7General player information,'
  98. - '&7statistics, achievements among others.'
  99. - '&b&m---------------------------------'
  100. - '&6Skull example with player name'
  101. material: PLAYER_HEAD
  102. material-old: SKULL_ITEM:3
  103. skull: <player>
  104. slot: 16
  105. keep-open: true
  106. commands:
  107. - 'open: profile'
  108. options:
  109. name: '&6&l<3> &b&lOptions &6&l<3>'
  110. lore:
  111. - '&b&m-----------------------'
  112. - '&7Permit activates or '
  113. - '&7deactivates player options.'
  114. - '&b&m-----------------------'
  115. material: REPEATER
  116. material-old: DIODE
  117. slot: 22
  118. commands:
  119. - 'tell: &e>> &7This only works with a plugin options like DeluxePlayerOptions:'
  120. - 'tell: &e>> &ehttps://www.spigotmc.org/resources/playeroptions.33033/'
  121. shop:
  122. name: '&6&l<3> &b&lShop&6&l<3>'
  123. lore:
  124. - '&b&m-------------------------'
  125. - '&7See the items we have'
  126. - '&7for sale to buy'
  127. - '&b&m-------------------------'
  128. - '&6Example with submenus'
  129. material: DIAMOND
  130. slot: 24
  131. keep-open: true
  132. commands:
  133. - 'open: shop'
  134. referrals:
  135. name: '&6&l<3> &b&lReferrals &6&l<3>'
  136. lore:
  137. - '&b&m--------------------------'
  138. - '&7Win fantastic rewards'
  139. - '&7by completing these tasks.'
  140. - '&b&m--------------------------'
  141. material: SPONGE
  142. slot: 14
  143. commands:
  144. - 'tell: &e>> &7This function can be added with a referral plugin such as:'
  145. - 'tell: &e>> &ehttps://www.spigotmc.org/resources/referralsystem.29709/'
  146. permission-view:
  147. name: '&c&lā˜… &a&lExample Permission to see &c&lā˜…'
  148. lore:
  149. - '&8> &7Great you can see it'
  150. - '&8> &aYou have the necessary permissions.'
  151. material: STONE
  152. slot: 32
  153. commands:
  154. - 'tell: You have the necessary permissions'
  155. permission: superlobby.permission-view
  156. permission-to-view: true
  157. credits:
  158. name: '&6&l<3> &b&lCredits &6&l<3>'
  159. lore:
  160. - '&b&m------------------'
  161. - '&7See your credits'
  162. - '&b&m------------------'
  163. - '&6Skull with textures skin'
  164. material: PLAYER_HEAD
  165. material-old: SKULL_ITEM:3
  166. skull: textures:eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDk0NTk5NmM4YWU5MWUzNzYxOTZkNGRjNjc2ZmVjMzFmZWFjNzkwYTJmMTk1YjI5ODFhNzAzY2ExZDE2Y2I2In19fQ==
  167. slot: 37
  168. commands:
  169. - 'tell: &e>> &7This function can be added with a credits plugin like:'
  170. - 'tell: &e>> &ehttps://www.spigotmc.org/resources/supercredits.31074/'
  171. game:
  172. settings-name: '&6&k.&r &8&lGame modes &6&k.'
  173. settings-rows: 6
  174. settings-open-commands: game
  175. settings-permission: superlobby.menu.game
  176. settings-open-sound: NOTE_PLING
  177. settings-glass-enable: true
  178. settings-glass-color: 15
  179. items:
  180. Kingdom:
  181. name: '&d&l<3> &6&lKINGDOM &d&l<3> &7(&60/100&7)'
  182. lore:
  183. - '&b&m--------------------------'
  184. - '&8Version 1.8.9'
  185. - '&8> &aClick to connect.'
  186. - '&b&m--------------------------'
  187. - '&6Example with version check'
  188. material: REDSTONE_BLOCK
  189. version-check: true
  190. version-list:
  191. - 1.8.9
  192. no-version-message: '&7[&9&l>&7] Only available in the versions <version>.'
  193. slot: 12
  194. commands:
  195. - 'server: mvtp KingdomWorld'
  196. keep-open: true
  197. Coming Soon1:
  198. name: '&8&l<3> &c&lCOMMING SOON &8&l<3>'
  199. lore:
  200. - '&b&m--------------------------'
  201. - '&8Version ???'
  202. - '&b&m--------------------------'
  203. material: BARRIER
  204. version-check: true
  205. version-list:
  206. - 1.12.2
  207. no-version-message: '&7[&9&l>&7] Only available in the versions <version>.'
  208. slot: 14
  209. commands:
  210. - ''
  211. keep-open: true
  212. Coming Soon2:
  213. name: '&8&l<3> &c&lCOMMING SOON &8&l<3>'
  214. lore:
  215. - '&b&m--------------------------'
  216. - '&8Version ???'
  217. - '&b&m--------------------------'
  218. material: BARRIER
  219. version-check: true
  220. version-list:
  221. - 1.12.2
  222. no-version-message: '&7[&9&l>&7] Only available in the versions <version>.'
  223. slot: 16
  224. commands:
  225. - ''
  226. keep-open: true
  227. Coming Soon3:
  228. name: '&8&l<3> &c&lCOMMING SOON &8&l<3>'
  229. lore:
  230. - '&b&m--------------------------'
  231. - '&8Version ???'
  232. - '&b&m--------------------------'
  233. material: BARRIER
  234. version-check: true
  235. version-list:
  236. - 1.12.2
  237. no-version-message: '&7[&9&l>&7] Only available in the versions <version>.'
  238. slot: 30
  239. commands:
  240. - ''
  241. keep-open: true
  242. Coming Soon4:
  243. name: '&8&l<3> &c&lCOMMING SOON &8&l<3>'
  244. lore:
  245. - '&b&m--------------------------'
  246. - '&8Version ???'
  247. - '&b&m--------------------------'
  248. material: BARRIER
  249. version-check: true
  250. version-list:
  251. - 1.12.2
  252. no-version-message: '&7[&9&l>&7] Only available in the versions <version>.'
  253. slot: 32
  254. commands:
  255. - ''
  256. keep-open: true
  257. Coming Soon5:
  258. name: '&8&l<3> &c&lCOMMING SOON &8&l<3>'
  259. lore:
  260. - '&b&m--------------------------'
  261. - '&8Version ???'
  262. - '&b&m--------------------------'
  263. material: BARRIER
  264. version-check: true
  265. version-list:
  266. - 1.12.2
  267. no-version-message: '&7[&9&l>&7] Only available in the versions <version>.'
  268. slot: 34
  269. commands:
  270. - ''
  271. keep-open: true
  272. builder:
  273. name: '&6&l<3> &a&lBuilder Server &6&l<3> &7(&60/20&7)'
  274. lore:
  275. - '&b&m--------------------------'
  276. - '&8> &aClick to connect.'
  277. - '&b&m--------------------------'
  278. - '&8Builders Only'
  279. material: WOODEN_AXE
  280. material-old: WOOD_AXE
  281. permission: superlobby.server.builder
  282. slot: 50
  283. commands:
  284. - 'player: mvtp Builders'
  285. keep-open: true
  286. menu:
  287. name: '&6&l<3> &b&lMen<u> &6&l<3>'
  288. lore:
  289. - '&b&m--------------------------'
  290. - '&7Go to the main menu.'
  291. - '&b&m--------------------------'
  292. - '&6Example with submenus'
  293. material: NETHER_STAR
  294. slot: 54
  295. commands:
  296. - 'open: menu'
  297. keep-open: true
  298. lobby:
  299. name: '&6&l<3> &b&lLobby &6&l<3> &7(&60/20&7)'
  300. lore:
  301. - '&b&m--------------------------'
  302. - '&7Go to the main Lobby.'
  303. - '&b&m--------------------------'
  304. material: NETHER_STAR
  305. slot: 46
  306. commands:
  307. - ''
  308. keep-open: true
  309. profile:
  310. settings-name: '&6&k..&r &8&lProfile &6&k..'
  311. settings-rows: 3
  312. settings-open-commands: profile
  313. settings-permission: superlobby.menu.profile
  314. settings-open-sound: NOTE_PLING
  315. settings-glass-enable: true
  316. settings-glass-color: 15
  317. items:
  318. skull:
  319. name: '&6&l<3> &b&l<player> &6&l<3>'
  320. lore:
  321. - '&b&m----------------------'
  322. - '&b- &7Name: &f<player>'
  323. - '&b- &7Rank: &f<rank>'
  324. - '&b- &7Referrals: &f%rs_referrals%'
  325. - '&b- &7Referral points: &f%rs_points%'
  326. - '&b- &7Credits&7: &f%scredits_value%'
  327. - '&b&m----------------------'
  328. - '&eExample with placeholders'
  329. material: PLAYER_HEAD
  330. material-old: SKULL_ITEM:3
  331. slot: 12
  332. skull: <player>
  333. keep-open: true
  334. stats:
  335. name: '&6&l<3> &b&lStatistics &6&l<3>'
  336. lore:
  337. - '&b&m-----------------------'
  338. - '&7Global statistics of'
  339. - '&7all game modes'
  340. - '&b&m-----------------------'
  341. material: BOOK
  342. slot: 16
  343. commands:
  344. - 'tell: &e>> &7This works only with a stats plugin like superstats.'
  345. - 'tell: &e>> &ehttps://www.spigotmc.org/resources/superstats.43594/'
  346. shop:
  347. settings-name: '&6&k.&r &5&lShop &6&k.'
  348. settings-rows: 3
  349. settings-open-commands: shop
  350. settings-permission: superlobby.menu.shop
  351. settings-open-sound: NOTE_PLING
  352. settings-glass-enable: true
  353. settings-glass-color: 15
  354. items:
  355. diamond:
  356. name: '&b&LDiamonds &6(&7Price: &f<price>&6)'
  357. lore:
  358. - '&a-----------------------'
  359. - '&a- &7Buy 10 Diamonds'
  360. - '&a- &7Click to buy'
  361. - '&a-----------------------'
  362. material: DIAMOND
  363. slot: 12
  364. commands:
  365. - 'give: DIAMOND 10'
  366. - 'tell: &7Your reward &610 &bdiamonds'
  367. - 'broadcast: &7The player &b<player> &7 buy &610 &bdiamonds.'
  368. permission: superlobby.diamond
  369. price: 40
  370. gold:
  371. name: '&b&lGolds &6(&7Price: &f<price>&6)'
  372. lore:
  373. - '&a-----------------------'
  374. - '&a- &7Buy 10 Golds'
  375. - '&a- &7Click to buy'
  376. - '&a-----------------------'
  377. material: GOLD_INGOT
  378. slot: 14
  379. commands:
  380. - 'give: GOLD 10'
  381. - 'tell: &7Your reward &610 &bgolds.'
  382. - 'broadcast: &7The player &b<player> &7buy &610 &bgolds.'
  383. permission: superlobby.gold
  384. price: 10
  385. menu:
  386. name: '&6&l<3> &b&lMen<u> &6&l<3>'
  387. lore:
  388. - '&b&m--------------------------'
  389. - '&7Go to the main menu.'
  390. - '&b&m--------------------------'
  391. - '&6Example with submenus'
  392. material: NETHER_STAR
  393. slot: 16
  394. commands:
  395. - 'open: menu'
  396. keep-open: true
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