
Discordant Constitution

Aug 29th, 2016
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  1. Friday, August 12, 2016 CE.
  3. In a free government, the general freedoms and safety of the populace are often respected and ensured. This has not been the case in previous iterations of the mode of governance over these rooms of conversation. From the ashes, a new age rises, by, for, and of the people. This government can only exist through the consent of the governed, and shall thusly be controlled as such. Unlike previous attempts of wrestling the chaos of the masses into submission through fascist oligarchy, this new era shall prove a shining star in an infinite sea of thick, tangible darkness.
  7. Our previous mode of governance served us little. Those in command raged madly about in the streets, slaying all about them for sport. Their hammers shone crimson with the crystalline blood of their victims. Put in simple terms, pure, unadulterated anarchy.
  9. This time is no more.
  11. As established by this convention under the illuminating eye of checks and balances, moderators and administrators who henceforth abuse their extraordinary power to govern these halls of communication will have their status temporarily revoked for a period of time lasting up to a full standard solar week of time.
  13. Of course, it becomes pertinent to define the abuse of power itself. This convention defines the abuse of power specifically as any attempt to defy the human rights and laws established in this constitution. Similarly, any further moderator attempts to encourage a discriminatory system of governance will be classified as an abuse of power, as will attempts to defy democracy with court votes of less than three moderators or administrators. Rejoice, o kinsmen, for The Citadel is no more.
  15. Such a rollback of executive power brings with it a vital question. If there is to be no more meritocratic fascist oligarchy, how will justice be served to the deserving? Simply put, this convention has established a system of justice that will serve our needs into the far future.
  17. Every user of this establishment, from meme queen to the lowest of glorious nippon steel, will be assigned an equal amount of strikes, numbering precisely three. Those seen to enact great disruption will receive a strike. Each strike lasts exactly one solar week from assignment until it expires. However, if one manages to acquire three strikes before the week's end, the court of moderators and administrators will take a vote upon said being. If the vote reaches a majority of all moderators and administrators online in the next three days, the player in question will be permanently banned from this Discord. The same applies for any moderators or administrators, with the exception of them being unable to participate in a vote on their own expulsion from the premises.
  19. Any player may ask the reveal of their strikes of a moderator, and it will be promptly be revealed to them, with no questions asked. Players shall be issued strikes directly through a formal private warning. Thus is the new law of the state.
  23. Thusly, it becomes a matter of vital import to define disruptive behavior, as to prevent systematic mass-banning of political opponents simply because they were stating their opinions.
  25. In the previous mode of governance, funnily enough, rebellions were as common as they were easily put down. Revelers ran through the streets, looting and burning all, before being extrajudicially slain by a hammer to the face. Once more, this shall not occur.
  27. As established by this convention, all members of this court of public opinion shall have freedom to express themselves in any manner they wish, as long as their expression is not codified by slurs or denigration of any fashion whatsoever. According to Article I, anyone discovered to have partaken of the aforementioned slurs or denigration will be met immediately with a strike, without exception.
  29. Now that these base truths have been set standard, it is prudent to define disruption itself. This ultimately became a simplistic affair, after the great debate encircling the freedom of expression. Disruptive behavior that can be punished by the state executives is classified as the direct interruption of a serious debate or discussion with low-effort content or jokes, as well as the public reveal of content involving mature themes to the populace in an unconsenting fashion.
  31. Similarly, disruption can be classified as the overuse of artificial intelligence within bots not contained within the realm of Robot Hell, with few exceptions.
  33. Furthermore, as established by this convention, the extent of denigration, as stated by the law. You are all permitted wholly by the law to have debates and state criticism, with the noticeable limiter of being required to directly take criticism up with the object of it before the populace as soon as possible. If you decide to bring criticism up in this fashion, and yet prove to be entirely immature or otherwise excessively insulting or libelous, the court of moderators will reward you with a wonderful shining strike to take home. Either air your grievances publicly, or in private one-on-one.
  35. It is also a prudent question to bring up how far your freedom of expression is permitted. The convention has decided to permit this freedom, with all previous restrictions established, to the extent of illegal content or revelation of the personal information of others. Anyone committing these egregious crimes will immediately be brought to a permanent ban vote by the state of all active moderators and administrators at that time. At that point, only a lack of a majority can save you. The content will be deleted regardless of the vote's outcome.
  39. The establishment of separate channels was never a question that would have been of any import in the previous realm of governance. However, this realm is by far more organized, and such a discussion is vital.
  41. The creation of any permanent new channel within this discordant reality must be approved by a majority of all online moderators and administrators active at the time the idea is proposed by another player, or even another member of the court. However, the deletion of a channel must be approved by the court over a period of three days, with full allowance of changes in vote over the period.
  43. Of course, games within this existence have always had rather dubious rules. Such a fact shall stand no longer. Games are classified as private property, along with channels specifically set around a certain topic. Their rules are to be established by the being running them. It is recommended by the convention that they follow the rules of this constitution stated at points prior to this article, but not required.
  45. Private property itself has a specific set of rules. Channels owned as private property can be dealt with as their owners desire, as opposed to state-run channels. As an owner of a private channel, you are permitted to allow whoever you want enter the channel, and whoever you desire restricted from the channel, without any questions.
  47. However, the matter of consent has come to the attention of the convention. Of particular import, vicious games of tennis, to an extent. This infamous type of game has sent out a fair warning to the vast majority of the inhabitants of this discordant realm. Fortunately for them, conscription is now only permitted to an extent. You must be consenting to the game prior to the initiation of the conscription, and aware of the consequences of the game as well. If one was speaking within this game realm, they are to be assumed active, and, if consenting to the game beforehand, and aware of the consequences, they are entirely free for conscription by the owner of the private property. If one is both aware of the consequences of the game, and openly utilizing it prior to conscription, they are free to be conscripted.
  49. Otherwise, however, all lists of rules not bound to private property are formally abolished by this convention, with the exception of necessary additions specific to the channel in question.
  53. The next topic of discussion is vital to the functioning of this discordant realm as well. In previous years, the lords of the land were entirely free and impudent in their actions, slaying extrajudicially those who they wished for what reasons they believed adequate. This will henceforth no longer go unpunished.
  55. Both the promotion of average players to the ranks of moderator and administrator, and the demotion of moderators and administrators, shall be carried out as a vote of all of the executive court active over a period of precisely three days. Revotes for any reason whatsoever are permitted. Keep in mind that promotions or demotions cannot be recommended by the general populace, and must occur internally.
  57. Similarly, a public log of affairs must be retained for the purposes of the people, in regards to any vokes partaken in by the court of moderators and administrators. The purposes of these votes can be restricted, with sufficient reason to do so.
  59. ARTICLE V.
  61. As with any reasonable grouping of people, the convention recognizes the possible need to amend this very constitution in the future as the circumstances change, and our civilization evolves. There are precisely two methods by which this can be accomplished.
  63. The first method of amending the constitution is somewhat more complex. In order for the populace to propose an amendment for the constitution, they must first create a petition that explicitly states the language that is desired to be amended or added in. This petition must receive a minimum of three other signatures, not including the signature of this amendment's author, naturally. These signatures must be made by people fully aware of the choice they are making, and the potential consequences. If the petition receives this minimum of signatures, it may be submitted to a moderator or administrator publicly or privately. Once submitted, the congress of administrators and moderators must vote on this amendment. All members of the court active during the following two days must vote on this amendment. If the vote receives a majority, the amendment will be presented to the court of public opinion.
  65. The second method is considerably more simple in nature. Individual moderators or administrators may propose an amendment to the other members of the court. This amendment will be voted on over a period of two days, and submitted to the public if a majority is established.
  67. Following either method of proposition and passage through the court of moderators and administrators, the amendment will be presented to the people, and voted on over a period of precisely one day. Thus is the law of the land.
  71. The final question emerges. How is this constitution going to be approved in a manner not exceedingly oligarchic, or fascist?
  73. The constitution shall be presented to the court of public opinion. Over the period of a day, the populace shall read this constitution, and either approve it individually, or vote against it. The ratification of the laws established in this document has already been approved by the members of the convention, and now need only be sent through the people on a wave of public support to establishment as law.
  75. May your wills sing true and democratic.
  77. Convention President Kalare Vanarus Erelye
  79. IN SHORT:
  81. 1a. Mods and admins who abuse their power will have it removed for one week.
  82. 1b. Abuse is defined as an attempt to bypass any of the rules here or to create an alternate system of government (i.e. The Citadel.)
  83. 1c. Any user who breaks a rule here will be given one strike. If you are given three strikes, the mods/admins vote over the course of three days to determine your fate. If majority rules, you are perma-banned. The same process applies to mods with three strikes, except they cannot vote for themself. A strike expires a week after it's given.
  84. 1d. Your current strike count can be viewed at any time by asking a mod.
  86. 2a. No slurs or denigration.
  87. 2b. No disruptive behavior such as low-effort content interrupting a serious discussion. No NSFW posts. These will be relegated to a seperate channel.
  88. 2c. In addition, don't abuse bots outside of Robot Hell.
  89. 2d. If you want to criticize someone, you need to do it with them present. Don't be an asshole. That is, don't criticize someone behind their back or insult them with them present.
  90. 2e. No posting or discussing illegal content. If you do this, the content will be removed and you will gain three strikes immediately.
  92. 3a. Creating a new channel needs to be approved by the majority of mods/admins online at the time of the idea. Removing a channel needs to be approved by the majority of mods/admins over the course of three days.
  93. 3b. Channels for a certain idea or memo games are "private property." This means they have their own set of rules. They do not need to follow these rules, but are encouraged to. In addition, the owner of a channel like this can determine who they want to post in it.
  94. 3c. You can be randomly drafted into a memo game ONLY IF you are posting in the game and are aware of the consequences involved by doing so. If you fulfill these two criteria and do not consent, Pinary couldn't care less. You still need to STEP UP.
  96. 4a. Promotions to mod are decided upon by the mods/admins. You can't beg for a position.
  97. 4b. Voting on a mod promotion is up to a unanimous vote of mods/admins over the course of three days. If such a vote is not unanimous, a revote can be taken later on.
  98. 4c. There are two ranks of mods: senior and junior. Senior mods are known for their outstanding contributions to the Discord. It is up to the staff to determine who gets this rank.
  100. 5a. If the people have an idea for an amendment, one person must come up with an idea and three other people must be willing to support it, aware of the pros and cons of said amendment. Once this is fulfilled, the amendment is sent to the mods/admins. If the majority vote is fulfilled over the course of two days, the amendment is then voted on by the public.
  101. 5b. If the staff has an idea for an amendment, an individual mod/admin can propose an idea and have it be put up to staff vote immediately, after which it will go to a public vote.
  103. 6a. The people (that means you!) will be able to vote on this over the course of today. You can vote for or against this. If majority votes for, then the consitution is officially ratified.
  105. Delegates of the Convention.
  107. NumberSoup
  108. SplitSuns
  109. TwinBuilder
  110. InsertGenericUsername
  111. Bomber
  112. The_Serpent
  114. General Populace.
  116. ConsumerOfAll
  117. Battlefury
  118. Jondanger23
  119. Solar
  120. FeatheredDragon
  121. UltimatePersona
  122. Nomble
  123. crystalcat
  124. Revan
  125. Krill13
  126. Pit The Angel
  127. Irecreeper
  128. Pionoplayer
  129. W32Coravint
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