
The Queen Of The Playground

Jul 25th, 2019
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  1. It was a bright, sunny day in the small town of Hopkins. The streets were livelier than usual, in spite of the slight heat. It was the perfect time to stroll in the parks, for clear skies made the perfect backdrop for a picturesque day. And so, that was what most people did. The elderly and youthful alike left the confines of their homes, to relish in the warm incandescence that the sun gave. The more active townsfolk jogged along the sunlit sidewalks, occasionally conversing about fitness techniques and low-carb diets, among other things.
  3. But not even the local fitness buffs could compete with the most energetic group in all of humanity: children. Contrasting the tranquility of the town, the various playgrounds acted as both a godsend for weary parents, and a boon for kids who had high energy. Joyful shouts and playful teasing rang throughout the air, as the sounds of youth cut through the silence of the antiquated town.
  5. While most of these colorful constructs were left largely unsupervised (save for a few helicopter parents), the largest among them had a dedicated defender. Two stories high, at the top of the tallest playground tower, where all slides and ladders begin, there rests a single, pink throne. A little plastic training potty that may have appeared out of place for most, and even unsanitary to some, but it was a symbol. A symbol of power, order, and irony. For it was the throne of none other than Millie Mackenzie, the self-proclaimed ‘Queen Of The Playground.’
  7. On her pampered derriere, the young prodigy watched her subjects have the time of their carefree lives, goofing around with friends old and new. The sounds of gleeful giggling and speeding sneakers against the blacktop brought joy to Millie’s ears. It was one of those days. Everything seemed to be just right. Not a lost toy, nor scraped knee in sight.
  9. And in came the new kids.
  11. “Hey, your Majesty, uh...who’s that?” One of her two royal fanners asked, pointing to the edge of the playground.
  13. “Tyler, my binoculars, please.” She leaned forward, trying to get a good look at the two. The servant kid rummaged through Millie’s backpack, and anxiously handed her the scouting tool.
  15. “Thank you very much. You guys can take a break. The wind’s coming in, anyways. Now go and play, you two.” She smiled at them, before looking through the binoculars.
  17. “Alright! Thanks, your majesty! Dibs on the big slide!” Tyler exclaimed, going down the steel staircase.
  19. “No fair! I had dibs on it!” The other kid shouted, following suit.
  21. “Did not!”
  23. “Did too!”
  25. Millie chuckled, hearing the two boys argue. Where would they be without her? Focusing once more on her new subjects, she observed them walking into the blacktop. It was a pair of siblings, and one of them looked older than her by a year or two. They both had brown skin, black curly hair, and large brown eyes that made Millie’s glasses look tiny. The boy seemed to be the more adventurous of the two, as he eagerly walked into the playground, with the shorter girl reluctantly following. She put down the binoculars, and smirked.
  27. “This should be interesting...” She said to herself, rubbing her palms together. Millie got off her throne, and saw that the siblings went their separate ways. The boy walked towards the sandbox, while the girl appeared to be going straight towards her tower.
  29. “Ah...alrighty then! Here comes a new challenger…” Millie excitedly said, watching the girl quickly climb up the ladders and stairs. The little queen was, perhaps, too excited, as her puffy diaper grew a bit warmer as she waited. Noticing the sudden change in temperature, the prodigy lifted her dress, only to see a soggy, yellowed pamper. The yellow prints were replaced with dark blue ones, showing to the playground the extent of her accident.
  31. “Huh. What do ya know.” She said, pulling up her saggy diaper a bit. Millie did like her padding, but the prospect of it falling off was one of her worst nightmares.
  33. Meanwhile, at the sandbox, one of the twins caught notice of the un-potty trained girl at the top of the playground. “Hey, who’s the big baby?” He asked, pointing at the kid in the red dress.
  35. “Woah! Don’t say that! Do you wanna die?!” Tyler shout-whispered, putting down the boy’s extended arm with a plastic shovel.
  37. “Huh? What’s she gonna do about it? Look at her! She’s wearin’ diapers!” He shook his head.
  39. “Well, yeah. But she’s not just any baby. She’s the baby. The queen of da playground.” The fan-boy said, bowing slightly in Millie’s general direction.
  41. “Haha! Really? I thought playgrounds are for everyone! You can’t just...own one. It’s not a toy. It’s a place! Silly baby.”
  43. “Oh, no. She doesn’t own it. No one does. Millie’s just really good at helping us. One time, I had to go potty, but the bathroom was too far, so she gave me one of her diapers! She’s nice. But don’t make her mad. She’ll kill you, dude!”
  45. “Hmm...I dunno. She doesn’t look tough. How old is she, anyway?”
  47. “Uhm...four.”
  49. “Ha! I’m five. Easy win.” He grinned in childish pride.
  51. “Hey, you know, I’m five and a half, and lemme tell you something. She’s as strong as...I dunno, Superman! She got me down in one push! And that was ‘cause I teased her. She helped me up though. Millie’s nice. Thank God for that.”
  53. “Hmm...okay. I’ll talk to 'er later." He said, picking up an action figure and playing with it.
  55. Meanwhile, at the top of the playground's tower, Millie continued to sit down on her throne, happily watching her subjects as she squished her soggy pampers against the plastic.
  57. "Hey, these diapees aren't half bad. They're so big and squishy! Hehe." She smiled, lifting her skirt to pat the front of her padding.
  59. "Gah! I'm sowwy! I didn't know you were goin' potty..." The little queen turned to her side, and saw the new girl standing at the front of the staircase, covering her eyes.
  61. "Oh! It's okay. I went in my diapees, see?" She stood up, and lifted her skirt to the bashful girl. The newcomer's eyes widened, seeing a heavily-soaked diaper hanging between her legs.
  63. "Ooh! I'm wearin' one too! Lookie hewe." She beamed, pulling down her polka-dot tights, revealing the unmistakable sight of a poofy, neatly taped diaper. It was adorned with little teal dots, pastel numbers, and a few animals at the top.
  65. "Hihi! Nice diapee. Oh! I'm Millie, by the way. Nice to meet you." The tiny ruler grinned, putting her hands behind her back.
  67. "I'm Wose. Wose. Oh, dawn. Can't say it wight." She pulled up her tights, pouting a bit.
  69. "Rose? I like that name. It's pretty."
  71. "Thankies! Millie's good, too!" She giggled, and Millie followed suit.
  73. "So...why'd ya got a potty all da way up here? If I was potty twained, I dun' fink I wanna pee-pee while evwyone's watchin'." The new girl pointed at the throne, as she began to suck on her thumb.
  75. "Well...nobody really goes potty up here. It's just a throne. I’m the queen!"
  77. Rose's eyes widened at the thought. "QWEEN? Wow. That's gotta be weally impowtant." She nodded her head, looking at the potty with awe.
  79. "It is! An’ this potty’s the most important thing in the playground, too. 'Cause this is my throne." She smugly said, crossing her arms.
  81. "Ooh. Das...weally impowtant."
  83. "Yup! I gotta make sure everyone's having fun, and no one's fighting. Pretty tough job, but someone's gotta do it."
  85. "Oh! Uh… wait one second, youw majesty..." Rose gave Millie a toothy, mischievous grin.
  87. "Huh? What's that?--"
  89. She pulled down her tights, and squatted down. The newcomer grunted and pushed with determination, and the seat of her diapers expanded with a loud crinkle. A sudden rush of stink filled the back of her padding, causing it to droop between her short legs. The white plastic was tinted a light yellow, and Rose sighed in relief.
  91. "--Gotta potty! Hehe!" She giggled, looking up at Millie. The queen chuckled back, as she got up from her squat. Her swollen pampers had reached her knees, barely touching the pulled-down tights.
  93. "You really had to go, huh? Lil' stinker." Millie rustled her curly hair, treating her like a younger sibling.
  95. "Hehe. I did. You'we weally nice, Millie. Fanks." She smiled, giving her an unexpected hug.
  97. "You're welcome. Stinkbug." The tiny ruler replied, hugging her back.
  99. "Huh? Stinkybug?"
  101. "I mean it. Stinkbugs are cute, small and really nice. They don't wanna hurt anyone, but they smell weird. Kinda like you! Small, kind, and stinky!" She exclaimed, pulling out of the hug.
  103. "Yeah! I wike it. Stinkybug. Awe you fwends with stinkybugs?"
  105. "Well, I'm friends with you! That counts."
  107. "Hihi! Yeah. You'we wight." She reached for her tights, about to pull them up.
  109. "Wait! Don't do that!" Millie said, holding the younger diaper girl's hand.
  111. "Hm? Why? Jus' gonna pull my pants up."
  113. "Exactly! If your pants cover your diapees, the poop inside's gonna spread! It's gonna...explode!"
  115. Rose stopped sucking her thumb, and gasped. "Explode?! Uh-uh. I wike goin' potty, but I dun' wike messies outside my pampies. No way." She adamantly said, crossing her arms.
  117. "Okay. Since your pants'll make your butt blow up, don't wear 'em. Just play in your shirt and shoes! Easy."
  119. "Okay! Uh...but--evwyone's gonna see my diapee. They'we gonna laugh at me…" She frowned, looking at the floor.
  121. "Aww, it's okay. I'll go with you. No one's gonna laugh with me around. Trust me." Millie put a hand on her shoulder, and Rose looked back up at her with glee.
  123. "Fank you! You'we da best, Millie!" She hugged her once more, and the prodigy did the same.
  125. "Anything for a stinkybutt." She smiled, patting her new friend's pudgy diaper.
  127. "Uh...can ya help me with my pants? I'm not good at this stuff." Rose awkwardly asked.
  129. "Sure! First we gotta get your shoes off…"
  131. Millie was an expert at things like these. Her parents would always want to be on schedule, and changing quickly was something she had to do almost every day. On top of that, dressing up her younger brother gave her the experience she needed.
  133. “...and done! There we go.” She confidently laced her friend’s shoes, and stood triumphantly. Rose’s packed padding hung freely, and the newcomer looked at it with glee.
  135. “Fanks! This feews a wot bettew than wearin’ pants.” Rose smiled, poking her heavy diaper.
  137. “You’re welcome! So, now that you’re comfy, I think it’s time I show you a royal tour of the playground. Come on! We’ll take my favorite slide.” The queen held her hand gently, and led her to a long, bright-yellow tube slide. It wrapped around the tower like a giant snake, ending at the blacktop ground.
  139. “Woah. You suwe? It’s big. Weally big…” Rose hesitated, looking down the slide.
  141. “Hey, it’s gonna be alright. Besides, we have diapies, remember? It’s gonna be a soft landing, ‘specially for you, stinkybutt.” Millie reassured, patting her on the back.
  143. “Oh yeah! Good thinkin’.” The curly-haired kid said, sitting down on the slide’s entrance. A loud squish came from her diaper, and she giggled at the sound.
  145. Millie chuckled back, patting her messy hair. "See you downstairs, stinkbug!"
  147. “See ya soon, Miwwie!” Rose waved, before speeding down the slide. Joyful laughter erupted from the plastic tube, and the queen couldn’t help but smile. She sat down on her soaked pampers, and with a lesser squish, followed suit.
  149. Some time later, the two were walking amongst the playground, as Millie gave the new girl a tour of the large blacktop land. The boys that would normally tease someone like Rose decided it would be better to mind their own business, as starting a fight with a friend of the Queen was like a death sentence. They pinched their noses and fanned the air, and simply stayed quiet.
  151. But of course, there was always one kid who would screw it up.
  153. "Rose! Where the frick are your pants?!" James shouted, standing up from the sandbox.
  155. "Oh, J-Jamie! Uhm…" She stuttered at the sight of her brother.
  157. "She doesn't need 'em. Why? 'Cause it's gonna make her diapee explode! Pants are overrated." Millie stepped up, as the other kids slowly backed off.
  159. Jamie gave the little queen a look of confusion. "What da heck? You gotta wear pants. Everyone knows it."
  161. He turned to his sister. "No one wants to see your stinky butt, you big baby. I don't care if your butt explodes, 'cause that's mommy's job to clean it up. Point is, diapers are just...stupid! And you’re stupid too, you big, dumb baby!" As he shoved Rose back, gasps erupted from the onlooking crowd of kids.
  163. Rose's eyes were filled with tears. Millie looked at her with sorrow, and then gazed back at James with inscrutable anger. There was nothing worse than being insulted in front of everyone, let alone, by your own sibling!
  165. All went quiet on the blacktop. The world seemed to stand still for a moment, as eyes fixated on the Queen of The Playground, and the only boy that would oppose her. For once, the park grounds were as serene as the rest of the town.
  167. But not for long.
  169. The diapered queen walked up to the bully boy, and sized him up. He was clearly taller than her, but if there was something that Millie learned from years of watching professional wrestling, it was that size didn’t matter. Unless, of course, they fought Mister Morgue. It was impossible to beat him.
  171. Millie put a finger on his chest, making the boy scowl at her.
  173. “You think you’re so tough?” She said, shoving him back. The mere poke was enough to stagger him.
  175. “What?--”
  177. “--of course you do. ‘Cause that’s what bad guys do. They can’t deal with someone better than ‘em, so they prey on the weak. The defenseless. And for what? So that they look big. And strong, too. But guess what? Your lil’ sister, she ain’t defenseless. ‘Cause I’m here. Heck, I shouldn’t even be the one doing this! You’re the big brother. It’s your job. Now, you go and hug Rose, and tell her you’re sorry!”
  179. “Or what?” He was barely fazed by the scarlet tyke.
  181. “I’m gonna--mmph!--show you why I'm the Queen!” She leaned forward. Her hands were on her legs, as she let out a long, strained grunt. “Nnnnnf!”
  183. BRAP!
  185. The sound of a potty break rang throughout the silent playground, and the familiar sight of plump, heavy padding peeked from the bottom of Millie's skirt. Jamie grimaced in disgust, while the rest observed in anticipation.
  187. "Ahh...alright. Now, I’m gonna give you a choice. You're gonna tell her you're sorry, or I'll make you wish you never had a nose. Choose wisely." She crossed her arms, standing widely as a smug look grew on her face.
  189. “Man, I wish I never had a nose already! You two smell like trash cans.” He fanned the air defiantly.
  191. “Alright, then. If that’s the case...I’ll make you wish you never had a face!”
  193. “What--”
  195. The boy was cut off by the queen, who tackled him to the ground. He landed in the sandbox, dust and grains of sand flying around them. Before he knew it, the girl in the red dress had pinned him down. Her squishy, warm diaper rested on his chest, and the smell was overpowering.
  197. “You got one more try. Tell her you’re sorry.” Millie looked down at him with the same, smug look.
  198. The boy pondered for a moment. All of this seemed familiar. “The tackle, the takedown…” He said to himself, almost absentmindedly.
  200. “...the--tombstone? Wait, you watch wrestling too?” Millie tilted her head, eyes widening.
  202. “Yeah! You just did Mister Morgue’s special move! But...stinkier.” Jamie grew enthusiastic, remembering the superstar.
  204. “Oh! Uh...I guess, hehe. Wait a minute! You didn’t say sorry. That was your last chance, right?” She turned around, lifting her skirt as he laid there in shock.
  206. A look of fear and instant regret appeared on his face. Some onlookers giggled, whilst others covered their eyes. Oh, the humanity!
  208. “Yeah, but--”
  210. SQUISH!
  212. Before they knew it, the queen’s loaded, squishy bottom sat on top of the local bully’s face. The warm plastic rustled and crinkled as she bounced in place, with Jamie helplessly flailing around. She put all of her weight on his face, as she kicked her legs in the sand. Rose couldn’t help but laugh, and the rest of the kids followed suit.
  214. “Ready to say sorry now?” Millie stood up, pulling up her diaper as she looked down.
  216. The older brother stared at her packed pampers, his expression full of shock and awe. “Y-yeah.” He blushed, unable to move.
  218. “Great! Go on now, give Rose a big hug.” She stepped out of the sandbox, and Jamie hastily did the same.
  220. “Rose! I’m sorry. Even though you’re stinky, you’re still my sister. And I love you. Stinkybutt.” Jamie embraced the tyke, and she embraced him back.
  222. “Hehe! Wove you too, big bwo! An’ it’s okay. I wike bein’ stinky.” Rose giggled.
  224. As the siblings hugged, a few aww’s and giggles came from the crowd. The curly-haired tot looked to the queen with glee, and the little ruler smiled back.
  226. “Oh, yeah...uh, Rose?”
  228. “Yeah?”
  230. “You didn’t say where your pants are.”
  232. Millie snapped out of her glee, and opened her backpack. She found a pair of polka-dot tights, and tossed it towards the two. It landed on Jamie’s face, causing onlookers to giggle.
  234. “Oh. Figures." Jamie sighed, removing the pants from his head.
  236. The crowd around them slowly dispersed, and eventually, the playground was back to normal. Rose had been called by her mother, who would change her on a park bench far away. Millie smiled at her success, and began to walk back to her throne.
  238. "Hey! Uh--I mean, your majesty!" A familiar voice called out. She turned around, and saw the same boy that antagonized her friend.
  240. "Hm? Oh, it's you again." Millie crossed her arms, seeing that he was hiding something behind his back.
  242. Jamie appeared nervous, his arms and legs grew shaky at the sight of her. He hesitantly showed her what was in his hands, opening his palms. Resting on his trembling hands was a toy. Not just any toy, but an action figure. To be more specific…
  244. "It--it's Mister Morgue. I feel kinda bad f-for makin' a fuss awhile ago, so I--I want ya to have him." He stuttered, walking towards her.
  246. "Oh! How--how nice of you. Thanks.” She gently took the figure, and smiled. It had been a while since she’d met a boy this thoughtful.
  248. “Oh, a-and that tackle you did? That was pretty good, by the way. You know, I don’t think I’ve ever met a girl that liked wrestling. Ever.”
  250. “Really? Wow. Good thing I’m here, huh?” She chuckled.
  252. “Y-yeah. Hehe. Oh! Uh, you never said your name.”
  254. “Millie. Millie Mackenzie.” The queen did a little curtsy, showing a bit of her pampers.
  256. “Millie, huh? I’m Jamie. Well, actually, it’s Jaime Gonzales, but, uh, my lil’ sis wants to call me Jamie.” He chuckled, rubbing his neck.
  258. “Well, I think Jamie’s a good name. Nice to meet you. I think we got off on the wrong foot, that’s all.”
  260. “Y-yeah. Wrong foot. So, uh...I was kinda thinking--you wanna play on the swings? I mean, if it’s okay with you. Since your diaper’s kinda...messy.”
  262. “Sure! Hehe. Unless you wanna change me…” She lifted the front of her skirt, making him blush and stumble.
  264. “Uh--no thanks!”
  266. “I’m just kidding, you big dummy.” She nudged him slightly. “Now come on! Before mommy remembers I haven’t changed yet!” Millie grabbed his hand, and dragged him to the swings. Jamie followed her, and felt his heart race as they rushed to the swing set.
  268. And with squishy swings and playful pushes, the day was saved once more by The Queen of The Playground. And perhaps, maybe the King of The Playground will be crowned someday...that is, if he could get over the smell of her majesty’s diapers.
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