

Oct 1st, 2013
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  1. ########################################################################
  2. # evilwm conkyrc #
  3. # livarp_0.4 arpinux@2013 #
  4. # #
  5. ########################################################################
  6. # Settings #
  7. ########################################################################
  8. background yes
  9. font -*-snap-normal-*-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-*
  10. use_xft no
  11. #xftfont Terminus:pixelsize=11
  12. #xftalpha 0.8
  13. update_interval 2.0
  14. total_run_times 0
  15. own_window yes
  16. own_window_transparent yes
  17. own_window_argb_visual yes
  18. own_window_colour black
  19. own_window_type override
  20. own_window_title Infos
  21. own_window_hints skip_pager
  22. double_buffer yes
  23. minimum_size 1000 0
  24. maximum_width 1000
  25. draw_shades no
  26. draw_outline no
  27. draw_borders no
  28. border_inner_margin 0
  29. border_outer_margin 0
  30. border_width 1
  31. draw_graph_borders yes
  32. default_color 333333 #grey40
  33. color1 FF4300 # orange
  34. color2 222222 # light
  35. color3 6EFF00 # light green
  36. color4 006EFF # blue
  37. color6 00A6C9 # light blue
  38. color5 008B08 # dark green
  39. color7 C90058 # purple
  40. default_shade_color black
  41. default_outline_color white
  42. alignment br
  43. gap_x 510
  44. gap_y 0
  45. no_buffers yes
  46. uppercase no
  47. text_buffer_size 1024
  48. cpu_avg_samples 2
  49. show_graph_scale no
  50. show_graph_range no
  51. short_units yes
  52. override_utf8_locale yes
  53. use_spacer right
  54. if_up_strictness address
  55. ########################################################################
  56. # Output #
  57. ########################################################################
  58. TEXT
  59. ${goto 330}${color2}${time %I:%M} ${color}${time %a %d %b} ${goto 440}${color1}CPU $cpu % $color ${color3}RAM $memperc % ${color grey60}HDD ${fs_used_perc /} %${color} Uptime ${uptime_short} \
  60. ${if_gw}${if_up eth0}${color grey70} eth0${color} Up${color6} ${upspeed eth0}${color} Dl ${color7}${downspeed eth0}${color}${else} \
  61. ${if_up eth1}${alignr 5}${color grey70}eth1${color} Up${color6} ${upspeed eth1}${color} Dl ${color7}${downspeed eth1}${color}${else} \
  62. ${if_up wlan0}${alignr 5}${color grey70}wlan0${color} Up${color6} ${upspeed wlan0}${color} Dl ${color7}${downspeed wlan0}${color}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}
  63. #${alignr}${if_running mocp}${texeci 5 ~/.conky/}${else}no zik ${endif}
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