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[Full name] Damien Stoneham
[Full name] Diego Russell (Original name: Diego Fischer)
[Nicknames] Damien Stoner. Dami.
[Preferred name] Dami
[Preferred name] Diego
[Age] 22
[Age] 23
[Gender] Male
[Pronouns] He/him
[Romantic/Sexual orientation] Bisexual (still questioning + closeted)
[Romantic/Sexual orientation] Queer/questioning (later discovers he is pansexual/panromantic)
[Ethnicity] Irish (what if they were like distantly related???)
[Ethnicity] German/Spanish
[Nationality] American
[Place of birth] Atlanta, Georgia
[Place of birth] Dortmund, Germany
[Date of birth] 11th April
[Date of birth] 24th November
[Occupation] Drug dealer
[Occupation] Barista & Stripper
[Face claim] Angus Cloud
[Face claim] Aron Piper
[Backup face claim] n/a (i can't think of anyone that has the same vibe i'm looking for, nobody can match up to THE Angus Cloud)
[Backup face claim] n/a (sorry but i love him so much)
[Body mods] n/a
[Body mods] Left ear piercing
[Clothing style] Blue jeans and the most exciting part about his outfits are his jumpers since he loves a colourful jumper. Or else, he'll just go for a simple tracksuit bottom and t-shirt/vest kind of look. Does not really care about fashion that much.
[Clothing style] He is all about his graphic tee's, other than that, it is like he is allergic to shirts because the man is always shirtless
[Personality traits] Sentimental. Impulsive. Attentive. Street smart. Hot headed. Distant. Private. Creative. Easy going. Low maintenance. Crackhead. 
[Personality traits] Independent. Charming. Shameless. Competitive. Private. Sarcastic.
[In-depth personality]
[In-depth personality] 
Damien tends to feel very strong feelings and so when he cares about something or someone, he gets attached. He tends to be lead by emotion as opposed to reason. It is more common for him to get attached to people than to items and material possessions. As I mentioned before, he is more lead by his emotions than reason and this causes him to behave impulsively and act out as well as this, his BPD causes him to lack control over his emotions. It is because of this that he often gets himself into crappy situations because he blurted something out without thinking first for example. He is that one friend that will buy things just because he saw it and then never use it or that one friend who will run across the road without looking and somehow never get hurt. He tries to be the person that he needs in his life and so he is very attentive and is definitely a listener more than a talker. Having lived by himself for so long, he knows how to look after himself and he knows how to handle difficult or dangerous situations; he also knows how to keep his composure.
Diego is known to be very independent and hates asking for help from other people; he would rather see himself fail alone than succeed with people's help. He is confident in his enough own abilities that he prefers to do things on his own. People often find him very reliable as he just seems so self-assured and on top of things. He is known to be a very friendly and easy to talk to person. He just has that energy that people cannot help but be drawn to. He is that one friend who always down for a dare, no matter how wacky or ridiculous or dangerous it may be; he just does it without a second thought.
Seemingly, the smallest thing can make Damien angry. He is the type to punch a bitch if they say the wrong thing to him and believe me, if you do something to get on the wrong side of him, he will not hesitate to beat your ass. Damien, also tends to be quite withdrawn and tends to keep to himself. He is also a very private person and likes to keep his own private life private. His social media only has no pictures on it and he has quite a small social circle that he likes to keep to. Damien has a very creative mind and this usually comes out in his drawings. He likes to find new and interesting ways to depict parts of his life and when he is not doing anything, he usually has a pencil, paintbrush or spray paint can.
Diego always wants to be at the top of his game, more specifically for sports as that is what he got his scholarship for. To him, anything less than number one is just not good enough and he holds himself to really high standards. This is why, at times, it seems as if he is competing with his own friends. Diego likes to keep his private life, private. There are just certain things going on in his life that he doesn't want people to know, for instance: that he is adopted or that he is a stripper. Although Diego is a nice person, when he is close with you, he can be very snarky and sarcastic but not because he doesn't like you; in fact its the complete opposite, he behaves this way with people he is comfortable around and not just anyone.
When he is not doing something, he is in a constant state of relaxation. What is the point in doing stuff if you don't have to? He likes to smoke weed and watch movies. It does not take much for him to be in a good mood and you don't need to do much to make him happy; he usually just likes someone's company, even if they don't speak. Damien has times where he just says or does the most random stuff and he will be very serious but people can't help but laugh because of how serious he is.
Diego Russell, born Diego Fischer, was born in Dortmund, Germany. He was adopted when he was two years old by a man called Spencer Russell as his parents were deemed unfit to parent; his parents were raging alcoholics. Spencer raised Diego in Germany for 9 years and in that time his brother Karl was adopted from his abusive parents. This was when their father made the decision to move them all to his home country, America. He made this decision as he realised that the boys only had negative memories associated with the country and they needed a change of environment.
Damien was born and "raised" Atlanta, Georgia. His parents were never together and he was born from a drunken fling. Things seemed to be going well between the couple for the most part, but things were not what they seemed. It turns out that Damien's dad only stayed because his parents told him that he should not leave a pregnant woman because as soon as he was born, his father left. He lived with his mother up until he was 8 years olds. During this time, his mother neglected all of her motherly duties such as caring for him and taking him to school. He stopped going to school when he was six years old meaning that he did not have the basic education that most people his age had.
They moved to America when Diego was 12 years old. The new environment was daunting yet exciting for the boys and they quickly got settled. They enrolled in a new school and got accustomed to the values and traditions of the US. Although he had been learning English in Germany for four years, he was not yet fluent. He could get by and understand what people were saying but there were certain words here and there that he would mix up or mispronounce so his father hired him a tutor. When he first started going to his tutoring lessons, meeting him was the first time he had ever questioned his sexuality. He felt all weird inside when he was around him or he complimented his work.
On his 8th birthday, after begging for a week straight, Damien's mother took him to go an see his father. They all spent the day together and ate food. His mother said that he was going to sleep over at his dad's house, and so Damien got excited. The next day, Damien waited for his mother to pick him up but she didn't come. A week went by, she still hadn't come back. Soon a week turned into a month and a month turned into 5 years.
He was considered cute by many, not only because of his looks but also because of his reserved and shy nature. This was soon to change. He started hanging out with a group of friends who really brought him out of his shell. Gone was the quiet, shy boy who could not look people in the eyes; now there was this loud and lowkey cocky guy who knew he could have anyone he wanted. Diego was always very big on sports and especially enjoyed athletics, tennis and football. He joined the schools respective teams and quickly showed amazing ability in these sports. He became one of the star athletes in their school.
Dealing with being abandoned was stressful by his mum was stressful and it caused a rift in their relationship as well as his relationship with his father which was never really that good to begin with. His treated him very poorly and it was as if he genuinely did not care for Damien. On a daily basis, he would call Damien names such as 'idiot', 'fool', 'moron' and 'dumb'. Once or twice, it would not be so bad but when it is a daily occurrence for 5 years, it cuts deep. Damien was 13 when his father walked out on him, which would be the second time his father left him and the third time he had been left altogether.
When Diego was aged 16, his father, Spencer, was diagnosed with Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD). This diagnosis came after months of telling his father to go to the doctor as he had recently developed a tremor in his hand which was ongoing. None of them really understood the gravity of the situation or how bad the diagnosis was. This was until a couple of months later when his father would begin to forget the names of the most obvious items. Furthermore, he would get frequently distracted by the most random things and there was even a time when he drove them to the shopping centre and when they arrived, he forgot to exit the car and just sat there. This began to make both Diego and Karl worry as they had never seen their father like this before.
Damien was now living on his own at thirteen years old something he was really not ready for. He met a few guys who were part of the local gang in his area. They noticed his situation and took him under their wing. They would get him cool stuff and hang out with him like he was one of their friends. They would invite him to group hang outs as well. Damien did not know this at the time, but he was actually being groomed. They took advantage of a vulnerable and lonely child in order to get him into the drugs game. Soon enough, they were stashing deliveries in his bag and sending him off to wherever to deliver them. 
This worrying behaviour prompted Diego to do his own research on the condition and what he found was devastating. He found out that the condition only gets worse as it is a degenerative disease. Soon enough, their father was laid off work as he was deemed too mentally incompetent to come to work. So now their father was unemployed, Diego had no job and Karl was too young to work. They were living way above their means. Taking their father out became a challenge because he often acted inappropriately in public, starting fights with people, flirting with random women, walking off randomly and even stealing. He and his brother often had to go around apologising to people for their fathers behaviour. Their life became going to school and hoping and praying that when they come back, their dad hadn't walked off to God knows where. This was a genuine worry as he had done this on more than one occasion, one of the times he went out in winter without a jacket or shoes on. His father's mental capacity was rapidly deteriorating before his very eyes and there was nothing that he could do.
It quickly became clear to him what they were having him do, he was already in too deep and he had to pay back the gang members for all the gifts they had got him. By the time he had paid the guys back, he was heavily involved and didn't even want to back out, the money he was making was the only thing keeping him from starving and he felt a sense of pride since he was one of their best dealers. Since the gang knew that Damien was living on his own, they decided to move their base to his house, much to Damien's disdain, but unfortunately, he could not say anything.
Diego got a job as a barista to try and help out about the house, the pay was decent but it was nowhere near enough to pay for the things that needed paying for, nor to provide for all three of them. He worked this job for two years, accepting odd jobs here and there as well. When he was 20, on his way back home from doing a job for someone, he was approached by a man who likely worked at the strip club he was walking past. He started complimenting him telling him that he should join the club. At this point, Diego was still ignoring the man, until he mentioned the money he would be making. He got the mans number and after a few weeks of deliberation, he agreed.
When Damien was 17, the leader of the gang he was working for, along with a couple of the higher-up members, were killed by a rival gang. He knew everything was about to go to shit and so he managed to steal a decent amount of the drugs that were being kept at his house and ran away. While he was escaping, he was caught by a member of the rival gang. Damien now had a choice, do nothing and be sucked back into the life he hated or fight back; Damien chose the latter. He was looking around for something to fight back with, his eyes caught sight of a gun and so he grabbed it. The gang member seemed unfazed as he saw that Damien's hands were shaking. As he walked closer and reached for something in his pocket, Damien fired, fearing that he was about to pull out a gun. He shot him in the stomach, he died almost instantly. Damien had no time to react to the fact that he just killed someone because he heard more people coming so he just had to go.
Soon enough, in the day time, he was working as a barista and in the night time he was half naked dancing on a stage for everyone to see. At first he found it humiliating, dancing for all the men and women to ogle at but he soon pushed this feeling aside as it was making him more money than he made after a months work at the cafe. He quickly became one of the main eventers at the strip club and would be paid a lot for a show from him but one thing he refused to do is private room sessions because he knew that only meant one thing. However, all this was a small price to pay if it meant that he could provide for his family and give them the stuff they wanted and needed.
He ran to the outskirts of a richer neighbourhood upstate. He knew that this would be his best clientele as a lot of these rich snobs love doing drugs behind the scenes, especially the kids and the politicians. He used the money he had stolen to rent out a small apartment from a shady landlord and began selling his own stash. It was a good business decision to move to this neighbourhood, he had no shortage of clients in this new area so business was good. He has set up base here ever since.
[Likes] Exercise. Sports. Parties. Cycling. Watching tennis. Board/Card games. Video games.
[Dislikes] His job. People making fun of his dad. Being underestimated. Nosiness. Bad hygiene.
[Likes] Drawing. Painting. Spray painting. Baking. Movies. Smoking weed. House parties.
[Hobbies] Jogging. Tennis. Football (soccer). Riding his bike.
[Dislikes] School. Talking about his parents. People thinking they know what's best for him. Pity. Drinking. Being underestimated. Insects.
[Fears] Losing people close to him. Not being able to provide for his family.
[Hobbies] Watching movies. Learning tricks on his Kendama. Drawing. Baking. Doing haircuts. Spray painting.
[Strengths] Hardworking. Resilient. Strong willed. Charming.
[Fears] Fear of abandonment. Entomophobia.
[Weaknesses] Refuses to ask for help. Prideful. Rude at times.
[Strengths] Creative. Go-getter. Driven (when it comes to stuff he cares about). Attentive. Thick skin. Relatable.
[Weaknesses] Impulsive. Hot headed. Distant. Low IQ. Semi-literate.
Spencer Russell / adoptive father (52)
Karl Russell / adoptive brother (18)
Deborah Raynor / estranged mother 
Clifford Stoneham / estranged father
[Love interest dynamic]
"Well this is awkward". Probably accidentally found out where he worked when they saw him leaving the place. At first, they figure that he paid for a service and he is almost willing to let them believe At first he denies it, but then realises that there is no point in doing that. He slowly begins to open up to them about his life. Him being able open up like this to someone is unusual for him and so he begins to feel a deep connection with the person.
[Love interest dynamic] 
"Flexi dynamic" (i'm sorry but i love that dynamic so much). L/i sees him as more than just a low life drug dealer, sees a more sensitive and intelligent side to him. They bring out his more sensitive side compared to his tougher, more serious side. He gets them to be more confident in themselves and their abilities and worry less about what others think and more about themselves.
"Why are we still doing this". On and off couple. Semi-open relationship. They break up every other week but then they always get back together. Have probably cheated on each other more times than they can count but they use the excuse that they are in an "open relationship". They have never made each other happy and so people always wonder why they have been together for so long.
"Romeo and Juliet type beat". Damien is a lowlife drug dealer with no education and no future prospects and l/i comes from a reasonably wealthy household with everything going for them. They meet by chance, maybe l/i wants drugs for a party or just to try and they just start talking from there. They bond over common interests and soon enough they are talking all the time however, it has to be in secret since l/i parents would hate to see their child around such company.
"Enemies to lovers". They have never really seen eye to eye on things. This is because since they both excel in sports, they have always been pitted against each other so this has affected their views on each other. In reality, they have no reason to hate each other and no matter how much they say they hate each other, there has always been some sort of tension between the two. They soon confront and one thing leads to another and they are sucking each others faces off (hmm hmm 🀭 jkjk).
"Whirlwind romance". The relationship gets intense quite quickly however it soon fizzles out due to them not working out in the long term.
"Right person, wrong time". They both met around the time when his father passed away. Diego was not in the right headspace for a relationship so the dynamic was all off. He was very cold towards them and would isolate himself from them. Fast forward a considerable amount of time, they reconcile and he apologises for how he treated them, it takes time but they begin dating again and this time, it is not like the last time.
"Match made in hell". When one drug dealer and one full time drug addict come together, that doesn't sound like it will end well. Nothing good will come out of a relationship like that except for one of them being dependent on the other and growing an unhealthy attachment which is what happened here. Damien is easy access to drugs, when they are both high, nothing else in the world matters
[Platonic dynamics]
"Ride or Die". They have known each other for and basically trust each other with their lives. They have the sort of relationship where they can laugh at each other and be rude to each other but in reality they both know that they would go to war for each other. There is no topic that is too uncomfortable to talk about that since they have known each other for too long and they literally talk about EVERYTHING. They are the only person that knows about Diego being a stripper.
[Platonic dynamics] 
"24/7 Stoned". These two do not take life that seriously since they are high most of the time. Never a dull moment between these two and get up to the most random shit when they are with each other. They often don't make the best decisions but who cares, they are having fun and that's all that matters.
"Your secret's safe with me". They are both stripper at the strip club and are basically in the same boat, only doing this work as a source of income. They have both made a pact not to tell anyone about what they do. They are quite close and sometimes hang out after their shifts.
"Platonic soulmates". Damien genuinely feels at peace whenever he is around them and he can talk to them about issues that he has without fear of judgement. As cringe as it may sound, the are the sibling that he wish he had and he wishes that he met them earlier on in his life.
"No strings attached". They started off as just friends but it soon developed into a friends with benefits relationship. They actually have a lot of chemistry and so people are often surprised to find out that they are not an actual couple. At parties, they are usually all over each other.
"You're not my mum". They are quite close with Damien but they are strongly against him being a drug dealer. Constantly trying to help him find a job, much to the annoyance of Damien and he often gets pissed off at them because he feels that they are looking down on him and trying to baby him and control him. However, when not worrying about what he does for a living, they are really close and hang out a lot. Always trying to stop Damien smoking as it has become a habit for him to just light a blunt out of nowhere.
[Aesthetic] Night time. Night clubs. Alcohol. Money.
[Mental health /10] 5/10
[Aesthetic] drugs. a pistol. money. smoking with friends. house parties.
[Mental/medical disorders/illnesses]
[Mental health /10] 6/10
1. Peanut allergy
[Mental/medical disorders/illnesses] 
[Habits] Biting the inside of his cheek. Stretching his neck.
1. SEMI-LITERATE. He stopped going to school when he was about 6 years old, his mother did not care enough to take him. At this age, this was a blessing to him; not having to wake up early, not having to do stupid maths or dumb english. However, this started to catch up to him later in life when he realised it would take him a lot longer than other people his age to read stuff and to comprehend text. This was the same with his writing skill and fluency.
[Head cannons/scenes] 
- father passes away from his FTD
2. BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER (BPD). This stemmed from being abandoned by his mother when he was 8 years and then his father when he was 13 years old. He has issues with his perception of people's actions or words and tends to misunderstand people. He also has a habit of acting out impulsively and getting himself into shitty situations. He has a strong fear of abandonment. Furthermore, he really struggles to form strong and healthy relationships and so that is why his relationships don't last more than maybe a month. When alone, he often feels empty and this usually leads him to anything to fill this emptiness, this is usually in the form of drugs.
- being told he has to do a private room session since he was specifically asked for by the customer and they are very rich
- getting angry at his brother, Karl for staying late without telling him
3. SCHOOL ANXIETY. This developed from when he tried to go back to school to help with his illiteracy however, the environment was difficult to learn in as he was often bullied and made fun of for how slow he was and his inability to read fluently. It got so bad that even thinking of school makes his head spin and makes his palms excessively sweaty. He hates the whole school setting and doesn't see himself going back anytime soon.
- his brother discovering what he does for a living and being disgusted and so he doesn't talk to Diego
[Habits] Biting lip. Rubbing his hand over his head. Cracking knuckles. Bouncing his leg up and down.
[Extra] n/a.
[Head cannons/scenes]
- Damien buggin' out on someone for messing up a drug deal
Stigma - V
- A high Damien making out with a guy for the first time whilst at a party
Earfquake - Tyler, the Creator
- Getting into a fight with someone he doesn't get along and as the fight is about to get physical, Damien pulls out a gun on him
I'm Okay - iKON
- Someone trying to rob Damien but then he catches the person and basically kidnaps them. Then starts interrogating him and each time they don't answer, he guns bucks them (basically, think Ashtray when interrogating Nate Jacobs' dad)
Airplane - iKON
- Damien beating the shit out of someone (like the scene where Fezco beat the shit out of Nate)
Answer - Ateez
Treasure - Ateez
[Extra] n/a
Love Riddim - Rotimi
End of the World - Epik High, GSoul
Miss Summer - Odie
Kiss Me More - Doja Cat
Sober - P!NK
Hold on - The Internet
Stand by me - Ben E. King (πŸ₯°)
"I don't remember talking to you"
Pretend - CNCO
"I'm too hot to be mad at"
Location - Dave, Burna Boy
One love - Justin Bieber (his guilty pleasure song, would die before letting anyone know he likes this song)