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11/22/2016 - this is a really sudden thing and probably nobody expected this but i think i should just say it now.
i need to leave smogon. this place is a hellhole. it's toxic. i was dragged in and now im just barely realizing that i need to get out. there are a lot of personal reasons that play a part in this, as well as the fact that this community is just not good for me.
i am failing classes. losing friends. losing touch with my parents even more than already. i'm becoming the stereotypical, antisocial, weird kid that everybody stares at. it's not good. i'm trying to focus on what i want to do in real life, be it computer science, statistics, swimming, anything. i need to leave this website if i want to succeed at any these things.
i am losing friends. losing touch with my parents even more than already. i'm becoming the stereotypical, antisocial, weird kid that everybody stares at. it's not good. i'm trying to focus on what i want to do in real life, be it computer science, statistics, swimming, anything. i need to leave this website if i want to succeed at any these things.
i'll just shout out people here. i'm so unbelievably sorry if i forgot you, i'm writing this on a whim and i probably have nothing against you if i accidentally leave you out.
im doing this in no particular order, so it isn't listed in order of favorite to least favorite, etc. let's begin:
kit kasai - we just became friends earlier this year, but i enjoyed every second of it. you're a really cool person and i'm glad we got to speak.
chloe (zangooser) - oh my goodness it has been a wild ride. i didn't become friends with you until mid-to-late 2015 (i dont fucking know lol) but im glad that i did. you're one of the best people that i've met on this website and i dont regret anything that we've done together. you have been one of the main factors of everything i've been able to confidently do and i have made sure to get your opinion on almost everything too. you are part of the reason why it has been so hard to actually leave the website but ill make sure to stay in touch with you when i do. thank you for being one of my best friends.
baconbagon - bestfriend; but really, you are one of the other people i can proudly call one of my closest friends. we haven't talked much lately, but that's a combination of conflicting schedules and timezones. regardless though, we have helped each other through thick and thin, even when we didn't want to. we might be rude to each other at times but i think we both know that's all mostly satire. you can tell when im being serious. you're one of the many people that im proud to call my best friend and while it might not show, i really think that you're a cool person. i helped you go from 0 to hero on smogon at light speed when i failed to. keep living the fun life that you have and don't forget to hit me up on discord. thank you for truly being my "bestfriend".
uselesscrab - eh
peef rimgar - welcome back bud. you're another one of the many people that im glad to call a friend. this sounds horrible but i cant write very much because everything that happened between us i can't remember that well. just try to keep in contact with me after i leave.
eevee general - another mentor. you have been one of the most level-headed people to talk to all the time, and im glad to have met you. ill be sure to stay in touch with you over discord, and ill be happy to check over things for your blog whenever you need it. with all of the ups and downs ive been through, youve always been there with me. thank you.
eevee general - read chloe but ignore the hard to leave part because i dont like you at all you suck
p squared, gatodelfuego, the dutch plumberjack - you three have been able to help me turn myself around, and i want to thank you guys for it. i know i lied to you guys in 2015, but i regret doing so because of how cool you guys are and how friendly you made me. if it werent for you guys, i feel like i wouldnt be able to be myself on this website and talk to you all so easily. other people have been my mentors throughout my smogon career, but you all were and still are some of my favorite people to talk to. im going to stay in touch on discord because you three make me laugh a lot.
colonel m, mr. uncompetitive - you two are the ones that tolerate my shit the most and i honestly applaud you for it. i constantly make fun of you guys, and you either take it and leave it or retaliate, and it has made you both so enjoyable to speak to. most of our conversations are very ironic, but it's still pleasant to talk to you guys, i havent known you for long, but im glad that i met you. stay in tou(n)ch.