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Battle Pyramid FAQ:
Battle Dome FAQ:
Basic Definition: The Battle Pyramid is the exploration facility. You have to progress through 7 different floors, in which Wild Pokemon appear, as do trainers, and items. You get to use items that you pickup along the way. You are surrounded in darkness, and every battle you win with either a Wild Pokemon or a trainer increases you vision slightly. The floors are completely randomised, including the exit, making finding the exit very difficult, and very random.
Basic Definition: The Battle Dome is the tournament facility. 16 trainers enter, so you have to win 4 to win the tournament. As the start of each match, you can check you opponents 3 Pokemon. You then choose 2 of yours, to fight in a 2v2 match.
Difficulty: 2nd of 7 on easiness scale (Very Easy)
Difficulty: 1st of 7 on easiness scale (Easiest)
Team: Latios: Calm Mind, Psychic, Dragon Claw, Thunderbolt
Team: Latios @ Lum Berry: Calm Mind, Psychic, Dragon Claw, Thunderbolt
Swampert: Earthquake, Surf, Ice Beam, Protect
Swampert @ Leftovers: Earthquake, Surf, Ice Beam, Counter
Metagross: Meteor Mash, Earthquake, Shadow Ball, Brick Break
Metagross @ Choice Band: Meteor Mash, Earthquake, Shadow Ball, Explosion (May hold Lax Incense until as late as Set 7 if do not have any losses, as will not have the Battle Points to afford the Choice Band before then)
Manipulation: You can manipulate the starting floor, to an extent. The floor layout is generated right before you choose to save. The exact decor of this layout is generated when you enter (e.g. items and trainer positions are already set, but what they are, aren't)
Manipulation: None.
How it works: RNG starts at 0 as usual, so you save and reset right before entering, and then time your last input before starting to save. I've mapped out a cluster with a range of 10 frames on either side (e.g. 21), and have pictures of what the starting layout looks like, and then know where to go.
The reason this is the easiest facility is for 3 reasons. 
A) Even though there are 10 sets, this has the lowest amount of battles, as 10x4 = 40, whereas 6x7 = 42.
Why it isn't possible to route more than 1 floor: You'd have to hit 2 textboxes frame perfectly, and then do movement in the dark perfectly. AND loading time varies, so you'd have to route is manually, which is ridiculous. And even on emulator, just loading a savestate and going through exactly the same, I got varying results, so it's possible that either loading varies, or there's another factor that just makes it flat impossible.
B) You get to see your opponents team before the match and plan accordingly, meaning you never get blind-sighted by a bad combination, which is almost always how you lose
C) IVs of opponent Pokemon do not increase at all throughout the challenge. Meaning even on Set 10, they all have IVs of 3, making them pitifully weak compared to other facilities.