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Our rules are a mixture of T1 ( and Freeflow.
1. No white knighting during a fight, you must speak with all parties before joining a fight. ( Do not join in a fight trying to protect another without permission. )
1. Abilities and powers must be stated on the profile so people know what they're getting into/you cannot suddenly God-mod or pull things out of nowhere. ( Godmoding This is the most misunderstood rule of them all. Most seem to think that GM'ing is pulling ridiculously powerful moves, or seemingly impossible feats, just to be an opponent. However, this is simply false. As mentioned before, If you are both agreed that it is a FP tier fight, then there is no limit to how OverPowered you can be. The truth is, GM simply means 'Going beyond the limits of your character.' For example. The character's only power is to control fire, yet, somehow, just manifested a black hole. This is GM'ing, pulling an action your character simply cannot do. (This is why it is essential to list powers on profiles, so you know who is doing something their character cannot.)
2. Abilities and powers must be stated on the profile so people know what they're getting into/you cannot suddenly God-mod or pull things out of nowhere. ( Godmoding This is the most misunderstood rule of them all. Most seem to think that GM'ing is pulling ridiculously powerful moves, or seemingly impossible feats, just to be an opponent. However, this is simply false. As mentioned before, If you are both agreed that it is a FP tier fight, then there is now limit to how OverPowered you can be. The truth is, GM simply means 'Going beyond the limits of your character.' For example. The character's only power is to control fire, yet, somehow, just manifested a black hole. This is GM'ing, pulling an action your character simply cannot do. (This is why it is essential to list powers on profiles, so you know who is doing something their character cannot.) )
2. No Meta-gaming. ( Meta Gaming This is the act of taking knowledge from the writer of a character, and implanting it within the character they play. I.E  If our characters have never met before, yet my character knows exactly what powers, skills, or details that they shouldn't actually know. This is metagaming. )
3. No Meta-gaming. ( Meta Gaming This is the act of taking knowledge from the writer of a character, and implanting it within the character they play. I.E  If our characters have new met before, yet my character knows exactly what powers, skills, or details that they shouldn't actually know. This is meta gaming. )
3. Make sure to post what items/weapons you have on your person when battling so you're not pulling something out of your ass. Be reasonable about it, or at least have it listed/stated somewhere what you carry/what you are carrying at that moment.
4. Make sure to post what items/weapons you have on your person when battling so you're not pulling something out of your ass. Be reasonable about it, or at least have it listed/stated somewhere what you carry/what you are carrying at that moment.
4. No bunny-ing. ( Non-flow combat attacks. IE. About to attack someone with your fist, but then suddenly with your other hand you pull out the broadsword off of your back and attack with it as well. Be reasonable. )
5. No bunny-ing. ( Non-flow combat attacks. IE. About to attack someone with your fist, but then suddenly with your other hand you pull out the broadsword off of your back and attack with it as well. Be reasonable. )
5. Reasonable Timeline-ing. ( Go with the flow, if someone makes a step first, you cannot step before them without reason. )
6. Reasonable Timeline-ing. ( Go with the flow, if someone makes a step first, you cannot step before them without reason. )
6. No Auto-hitting. (Auto Hits and Auto Dodges. Auto hits are the acts of stating your character has already landed a hit on the opponent, without offering them a chance to defend, and or dodge. Auto Hits are all about sentence wording.
7. No Auto-hitting. (Auto Hits and Auto Dodges. Auto hits are the acts of stating your character has already landed a hit on the opponent, without offering them a chance to defend, and or dodge. Auto Hits are all about sentence wording.
Correct Wording. Player1 dashed across the field, swung his sword at Player 2, hoping to cut him in order to leave a deep slash wound on his opponent. )
7. Healing can be used, by an outside source. Healers on hand are good. However, healers engaging in combat are forbidden from using healing on themselves. 
8. Healing should be used sparingly, even if it is a character ability; as it is frowned upon to heal in the middle of a battle without reason aside to hold a higher advantage.
8. No teleporting during combat. 
9. Limited portaling/teleportation within reason. ( Two Teleports per post, the next post cannot include a teleport.)
9. Follow the rules of magic linked on the group page for more information.
10. OC powers, write them out yourself please! Do not copy paste from the superpower Wiki, you will be asked to write them out personally. We want to make sure you understand your powers, not just rip them from a wiki.
10. All abilities must be listed on profile! A paste bin link or otherwise. And spells must have a count for charging during each post round. EX: To charge up a spell that would form a barrier of ice. 1/3 when you start. As you continue 2/3/ last post 3/3 is the fire point. There can be quick shots but those are 1/2.
11. If you can bleed you can die. Immortals and Gods can die, just not by human means, but no one is immune to death.
12. Death is not permanent; you will be re-created at a Re-Animation Station in the main Lobby where you character will be remade with a new body, however your character needs time to adapt to being alive again, meaning you will be out of commission for fights until your body has adjusted. It will take time, so don't be unreasonable about it.
12. Death is permanent.
13. Any powers or abilities that have any kind of character control must be discussed with the other party ALWAYS. There is no exception to this rule, we do not tolerate puppetry without consent.
13. No future vision in combat. Controlling another character. No reading a mind in combat. 
14. Death Matches. Though not manditory, if you want to settle things to a higher degree, two people can speak between one another about setting up a Death Match; where a Mod MUST be present to do so, so you must also speak with a Moderator to set up this event. ( Death Match is a In Character fight that will be heavily judged by a Moderator, and whoever is the loser, must DELETE their profile/character. )
14. Don't be an unreasonable dick.
15. Don't be an unreasonable dickhead. Just... don't.
Any questions please ask one of the mods.