

Mar 2nd, 2022
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  1. Config = {}
  3. -----------------
  4. -- Utility
  5. -----------------
  6. Config.Target = "qb-target"
  7. Config.QBMenu = "qb-menu"
  8. Config.SkillBar = "qb-skillbar" -- You can use: np-skillbar / qb-skillbar / reload-skillbar
  9. Config.Phone = "qb-phone" -- qb-phone or gksphone
  10. Config.PhoneSendEmailQBPhone = "qb-phone:server:sendNewMail"
  11. Config.PhoneSendEmailGKSPhone = "gksphone:NewMail"
  12. Config.TriggerInventoryItemBox = "inventory:client:ItemBox"
  13. Config.TriggerHasItem = "QBCore:HasItem"
  14. Config.ItemNecessario = "chavelavagem"
  15. Config.ItemDinheiroSujo = "markedbills"
  16. Config.TempoParaLavarNovamente = 15000
  17. Config.TempoRecolher = math.random(2500, 5000)
  18. Config.PrecoPorCadaChip = math.random(1250, 3500)
  19. Config.ItensPagamento = "casinochips"
  20. Config.Text3DToCollet = "~g~[E]~w~ - Collect"
  22. -----------------
  23. -- Ped to obtain information
  24. -----------------
  25. Config.LocalizacaoInfoPed = {543.57, -2782.5, 5.1,"Mario",242.72,0xffffffff9760192e,"cs_bankman"} -- Location of NPC shop
  26. Config.LocalizacaoInfo = vector3(543.57, -2782.5, 6.1) -- Location of shop, you need to change on Config.LocalizacaoPedShop too
  28. -----------------
  29. -- Ped to sell chips
  30. -----------------
  31. Config.LocalizacaoPedShop = {974.32, 12.88, 80.04,"Mario",243.72,0xffffffff9760192e,"cs_bankman"} -- Location of NPC shop
  32. Config.LocalizacaoShop = vector3(974.32, 12.88, 81.04) -- Location of shop, you need to change on Config.LocalizacaoPedShop too
  34. -----------------
  35. -- Armário para tentar desbloquear e obter chave
  36. -----------------
  37. Config.LocalizacaoArmario = vector3(575.13, -2795.63, 6.1)
  39. -----------------
  40. -- Notifications
  41. -----------------
  42. Config["Notificacoes"] = {
  43. ["Falhaste"] = "You failed",
  44. ["NaoTensItem"] = "You don't have what you need.",
  45. ["DinheiroPronto"] = "The money is ready to be withdrawn.",
  46. ["Esperar"] = "You have to wait.",
  47. ["Cancelado"] = "Canceled.",
  48. ["ComecouLavar"] = "The notes were placed.",
  49. ["SemDinheiroSujo"] = "You don't have notes marked with you.",
  50. ["NadaParaVender"] = "You have nothing to sell.",
  51. ["JaTensChave"] = "You already have a key with you."
  52. }
  54. -----------------
  55. -- Menus
  56. -----------------
  57. Config.QBMenuNPC1 = "Manager"
  58. Config.QBMenuNPC2 = "I have the key here!"
  59. Config.QBMenuNPC3 = "< Close"
  60. Config.QBMenuNPC4 = "Manager"
  61. Config.QBMenuNPC5 = "I want to know information!"
  62. Config.QBMenuNPC6 = "< Close"
  63. Config.QBMenuNPC7 = "Sell Illegal Chips"
  64. Config.QBMenuNPC8 = "Sell Chips"
  65. Config.QBMenuNPC9 = "< Close"
  67. -----------------
  68. -- Targets
  69. -----------------
  70. Config.Target01 = "Talk"
  71. Config.Target01Icon = "fas fa-male"
  72. Config.Target02 = "Get In"
  73. Config.Target02Icon = "fas fa-male"
  74. Config.Target03 = "Go Out"
  75. Config.Target03Icon = "fas fa-male"
  76. Config.Target04 = "Wash Money"
  77. Config.Target04Icon = "fas fa-money-bill-alt"
  78. Config.Target05 = "Sell Chips"
  79. Config.Target05Icon = "fas fa-male"
  80. Config.Target06 = "Try Combination"
  81. Config.Target06Icon = "fas fa-male"
  83. -----------------
  84. -- Emails
  85. -----------------
  86. -- Search Key
  87. Config.Sender = "Manager"
  88. Config.Title = "Informations"
  89. Config.Message = "The key is in one of the lockers at the entrance, bring it to me and I'll tell you the rest!"
  90. -- Information of warehouse
  91. Config.Sender2 = "Manager"
  92. Config.Title2 = "Warehouse"
  93. Config.Message2 = "The warehouse is at zip code 459. Be careful the police can't see you!"
  95. -----------------
  96. -- Progressbar
  97. -----------------
  98. Config.ProgressbarCollecting = "Collecting the money..."
  99. Config.ProgressbarAnimation = "mp_car_bomb"
  100. Config.ProgressbarSubAnimation = "car_bomb_mechanic"
  102. -----------------
  103. -- Webhooks / logs
  104. -----------------
  105. Config.NameOfWebhook = "lavagem"
  106. Config.LogTitle = "Lavagem de Dinheiro"
  107. Config.LogColour = "lightgreen"
  108. Config.LogPlayer = "**Jogador:** "
  109. Config.LogCitizenID = "**Citizenid:** "
  110. Config.LogID = "**ID:** "
  111. Config.LogMessage = "**Começou a lavar:** "
  112. Config.LogMesasge2 = " de dinheiro sujo."
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