
Copypasta: Should I be calling my friend the N-Word?

May 7th, 2020
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  1. Perhaps not, but it's used because he specifically requested that it not be. I was hoping he'd ban me and everyone we know would be like "just get rid of the bot" but he hasn't and won't, so come soon i'll just leave the channel one day when I get tired of it. Or at least I would, but that little sociopathic fuck getting his way by me staying quiet LIKE HE ALWAYS DOES (becasue his NUMBER ONE claim to victory in EVERY situation i have EVER seen him in is when people stop conversing with him because he's fucking insane). He takes that shit as a win and I CANNOT stand that shit. So as much as i'm not a fan of troll behavior (like my use of the N word here) in place of protest. He doesnt respect me at all so ANYTHING that will make him mad is my avenue, anybody and everybody else be damned. If he hates the C-word i'd pay a pilot to spell it ovver his place of work. If he told me don't say the R-word i'd grafiti it on his car. If he hated the F-word i'd call him and only him said word until he gets the point. He is a disgusting human being who deserves the most disgusting labels imaginable, and nothing short of his apology (which he has never and will never do FOR ANYONE NO MATTER WHAT I'VE FUCKING WATCHED THIS KID FOR YEARS AND HE HAS NEVER APOLOGIZED FOR ANYTHING) will satisfy me. This ignorant fucking bitch believes he's so much fucking better than everyone else that unless you've met him, it's hard to even comprehend, and you know what gets to people like that THE MOST? Unapologetic stupidity in their face. They short circuit, trolling is the only thing i've found to work when it comes to making the guy fuck off and so long as he views it as "a war" (which is just FUCKING PATHETIC btw) then i'll hapily greet him with anything I can to make him upset. This is obviously not a way of thinking for VIRTUALLY ANYTHING ELSE on my life, but for that little uncontested FUCK known as \*censored\*, there are no rules, there never will be, and if you'd like to disagree, i'd like to refer you to our DND campaign where THE ONLY THING HE WOULD DO is ensalve people, lebodomise people and make them into slaves, kill children ect, IT'S A HERO CAMPAIGN, and when confronted about how this was innapropriate, he sipmply said he'd just make a new charecter and do the exact same shit, becasue it isn't a charecter that's the problem, it's him as a human being. "No fun for everybody but him" is a preferable alternative to "everybody has fun." People like \*censored\* live in a bubble of a reality. One where THEY are god, everything they say is LAW, and anybody and everybody else is simply below them. In the face of such a CLEARLY rediculous, superiority complex driven human being, the BEST attack is that of nonsense. Call his dad an animal rapist, his mom a drug addicted failure, and his stupid fucking bot: an N-word. If 5 people in a call call him out for saying something untrue, THERE IS NOT A SINLGLE TIME IN HISTORY where he's walked away thinking he was wrong in any way shape or form. THE ONLY THING we as a friend gorup do to tolerate him, is just say "whatever" and move on, but not me. I will not let this little make believe tyrant pretend to be king cause he has a shitty fucking discord server. I'd rather spam the N-word until there IS NO server for him to own or i'm publically banneed. Why would being banned be good? Because he started all of this BULLSHIT and me being removed for my response (no matter how despicible) would be all the proof anyone IK would need to hit him with "so you can talk shit but then when someone does it back you ban them?" In being faced with his own borderline tyranical line of reasoning he'd either get rid of the bot, or live as some sort of unironic Nepoleon rip off. Because again I can't stress this enough, I take very little as serious as SOMEBODY TRYING TO BLACKMAIL ME. Sexually too! You know, the police intervention kind! The best part is he actually has virtually nothing on me, but the fact that he's made such threats PUBLICALLY and is SO FUCKING SMUG with his "evidense" makes me want nothing more then to see his life plumit into misery. Have never nor will ever feel this way about a different ideology, political leaning, race, culture, or anything of the sort. But a superiority complex driven sociopath who's threatened to sexually blackmail you?? You decide what's too much, as far as i'm concerned, I barely made a scratch. Will have to wait until he shows another weakness like "don't say" or "please don'tfollowed by anything that i'll then immediately do" hopefully it's not race related next time.
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