

Nov 18th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. [webhook]
  2. general_webhook
  3. # discord webhook to send general data (sent trades, accepted inbounds, declined inbounds, ect) information to
  5. completed_trades_webhook
  6. # discord webhook to send completed trades to
  8. [outbound_checker]
  9. outbound_checker
  10. # scans all outbound trades constantly while running the bot incase an item's value has changed
  12. outbound_min_gain_percent
  13. # the min percent of value you can get from a trade (1 to 100)
  15. outbound_rap_gain
  16. # the amount of value you neeed to gain from a trade, if its at 20 a trade needs to be giving you atleast 20 rap/value profit
  18. time_between_checking_outbounds
  19. # the amount of time in seconds between each outbound trade (or sent trades) the bot checks, this can't be lower than 0.75, I highly recommend not putting this too low as it can cause ratelimiting problems
  21. [inbound]
  22. check_inbounds
  23. # checks your inbound trades and accepts trades that make you profit (this does use your min gain percentage)
  25. keep_bad_inbounds
  26. # when finding bad inbound trades instead of declining them, it leaves them and re-checks them every 24hours hoping one day due to value/rap changes they would become wins!!! (it also allows you to check them yourself manually)
  28. time_between_checking_inbound
  29. # time between checking if you have any inbound trades available!
  31. [main]
  32. trading_mode
  33. # if set to 1 if will attempt to downgrade if its set to 2 it will upgrade if set at 0 it will attempt to do both, I recommend USING 2 when you have a lot of limiteds
  35. trading_type
  36. # trading Type, I recommend keeping this at default if you don't understand what it does
  37. # available Modes: normal (Uses Rolimons) or advanced
  39. min_gain_percent
  40. # the min percentage of value you can get from a trade (1 to 100)
  41. # i recommend changing this to 3 when you get 20K+ rap/value limiteds
  43. max_gain_percent
  44. # the max percentage of value you can get from a trade (the lower it is the higher the chances of the trade being accepted are) (1 to 100)
  46. min_rap_gain
  47. # the min amount of rap you gain from a trade, set to 0 to disable
  49. dont_do_1v1s
  50. # dont do 1 item for 1 item trades
  52. min_demand_win
  53. # 0 to infinite, how better in demand the trade is, if its set at 1 the trade needs to be the exact same or higher demand, if set at 2 the trade needs to be double or more better demand, if its set at -1 it will send trades with 2x worse demand items, its its set at 0.35-0.5 (Recommended) it will send SLIGHT demand losses and more (20% less demand only) (disable this if you have a limited with the highest demand in its class like a shaggy)
  55. max_demand_win
  56. # the max amount of demand you can win, the lower this is the higher chance of the trade getting accepted
  58. downscale_percent
  59. # this increases the amount the other person needs to OP the more limiteds they are giving
  60. # only works with Trade Mode 0
  62. use_base_value_x
  63. # the amount of rap the item needs to be over/under its value before the bot uses rolimon's rap table to get the item's value when using advanced mode
  65. prioritize_proj
  66. # sends trades with projected offers in queue first before non, to try and get rid of them asap
  68. max_limiteds_offer
  70. max_limiteds_request
  72. min_limiteds_offer
  74. min_limiteds_request
  76. min_sales_volume
  77. # the min amount of sales the item needs to have in the past 6 months
  79. max_trading_partner_inventory_size
  80. # the max inventory size of your trading partner
  82. time_before_updating_inventory
  83. # time before bot updates your tradable items
  85. not_for_trade
  86. # items you aren't willing to trade (seperated by comma, if you didn't want to trade your Blue Starry Sight & Green Banded Top Hat you would do Not_For_Trade=2222775067,1563352)
  88. dont_trade_for
  89. # items you don't want to trade for (seperated by comma, if you didn't want to trade for Blue Starry Sight & Green Banded Top Hat you would do Dont_Trade_For=2222775067,1563352)
  91. userid_blacklist
  92. # the bot won't send trades to anyone in this list (if you don't want to send trades to someone you would type their ids here seperated by a comma, UserId_Blacklist=2222775067,1563352)
  94. blacklist_terrible_demand
  95. # blacklists all items with terrible/bad demand, I highly recommend always keeping this enabled
  97. offered_projecteds_decrease_percent
  98. # set this to 0 to disable it, the percent the item's projected rap is decreased (so if this is set to 100 it will send trade for the original rap)
  99. # if your items rap is 1235 and its projected to 1500 and your percentage is 99% it will count its rap as 1237 [This only applies to your items]
  101. min_request_limited_value
  102. # set this to 0 to disable the feature, this is the min amount of value the item the bot is trading for needs to have
  104. max_trade_offer_value
  105. # keeps this at 0 to disable it, The max amount of trade item value of offered limiteds you want the bot to trade its good to keep this at 100k if you dont want the bot to trade your 100k+ limiteds
  107. max_trade_request_value
  108. # keeps this at 0 to disable it, The max amount of trade item value of requested limiteds you want the bot to trade its good to keep this at 100k if you dont want the bot to trade for 100k+ limiteds
  110. min_time_before_trading_with_same_user
  111. # time in seconds before sending trades to the same person, I recommend keeping this 12hours and above
  113. [extra]
  114. delete_dead_proxies
  115. # Deletes proxies that are dead on start-up, helps speed up trades
  117. use_proxies
  118. # Uses proxies to send more trades
  120. auto_config
  121. # Automatically adjusts most settings to what best fits your inventory
  123. clean_messages
  124. # deletes all trade related messages in your inbox
  126. uuc_protection
  127. # I recommend almost never disabling this until UUC dies/stops
  129. safe_mode
  130. # doesn't allow the bot to send trades where the requested limiteds have less value than the offered limiteds (Please, Never Disable This)
  132. delay_when_ratelimited
  133. # roblox doesn't allow bots to send trades repeatedly so incase the bot finds a trade and Roblox isnt allowing it to send the trade, this is the time between each time it re-tries to re-send it (if this is too low it can cause the bot to keep re-trying with no success since its spamming retrying to send trades)
  135. auto_restart
  136. # i recommend always having it enabled unless if your device is causing the bot to not restart, this helps fix issues that happen over days of running by restarting and making sure everything is refreshed
  137. # (this also checks for updates and updates itself)
  139. developer_mode
  140. # prints many messages that can tell you what might be causing the bot to slow down or whats causing the bot to have the issue you are having! (I recommend having this enabled when you are making a config)
  142. debug_mode
  143. # doesn't send any trades if enabled (however, prints for debug purposes if you would like to test the type of trades your config would send)
  144. # this doesn't disable the outbound/inbound checker
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