

Mar 21st, 2023 (edited)
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  1. - Players get put in spectator if they are afk
  2. - Auto nuke after 18 minutes
  3. - If you join 60 seconds after round starts you will still spawn
  4. - You can get pink candy from the candy room
  5. - A announcement is played when chaos spawns
  6. - You can choose your class before the round starts (increases chance)
  7. - After round end, friendly fire will be turned on
  8. - When you kill someone you get a kill message
  9. - Peanut goes boom
  10. - You don't have to hold keycard to open door
  11. - A timer is shown when you will next spawn, what team will spawn and how long till the autonuke explodes
  12. - Round statistics are shown after the round ends
  13. - SCP-049-2 can infect players
  14. - 173's chamber is turned in to a gambling chamber
  15. - Guards don't trigger tesla gates
  16. - SCP's can swap
  17. - You can see who your teammates are if you spawn as SCP
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