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- SSC.xx
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- % diploma type: BSc, MSc, PhD
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- \author{Albert Einstein}
- \title{The equation of everything}
- \aayear{2020/2021}
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- \supervisor{}{Prof.}{A. Nyone}
- \supervisor{}{Dr.}{S. One Else}
- \end{supervisors}
- %\begin{cosupervisors} % optional
- % \cosupervisor{}{Prof.ssa}{E. Noether}
- % \cosupervisor{}{Dr.}{S. Kovalevskaya}
- %\end{cosupervisors}
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- % \opponent{}{Prof.}{M. Planck}
- \opponent{}{Dr.}{P. A. M. Dirac}
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- \iflanguage{italian}{Il regolamento dell'esame di diploma prevede un riassunto di una-due pagine.}{As per diploma rules, please include a 1-2 pages abstract.}
- \lipsum[20]
- \tableofcontents
- \chapter*{\iflanguage{italian}{Introduzione}{Introduction}}
- \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\iflanguage{italian}{Introduzione}{Introduction}}
- \lipsum[20]
- \chapter{\iflanguage{italian}{Stato dell'arte}{State of the art}}
- \section{\iflanguage{italian}{Titolo della sezione}{Section title}}
- \subsection{\iflanguage{italian}{Titolo del paragrafo}{Subsection title}}
- \lipsum[20] \cite{Resnick:03}
- \lipsum[5] \cite{Chen2019}
- \lipsum[5] \cite{Pitruzzello2015}
- \lipsum[5] \cite{doi:10.1142/S0219498820501273}
- \lipsum[5] \cite{PhysRevLett.125.248301}
- \lipsum[5] \cite{Ninna}
- \lipsum[5] \cite{Vicio}
- \lipsum[5] \cite{Trapani}
- \chapter{\iflanguage{italian}{Metodi sperimentali}{Experimental methods}}
- \section{\iflanguage{italian}{Titolo della sezione}{Section title}}
- \subsection{\iflanguage{italian}{Titolo del paragrafo}{Subsection title}}
- \lipsum[5] \cite{Cordaro2017}
- \lipsum[5] \cite{Cordaro2019}
- \lipsum[5] \cite{8217871}
- \lipsum[5] \cite{Tisano1}
- \lipsum[5] \cite{Tisano2}
- \lipsum[5] \cite{Baglieri}
- \lipsum[5] \cite{PERROTTA2019168}
- \lipsum[5] \cite{DeDo}
- \chapter{\iflanguage{italian}{Interpretazione teorica}{Theoretical analysis}}
- \section{\iflanguage{italian}{Titolo della sezione}{Section title}}
- \subsection{\iflanguage{italian}{Titolo del paragrafo}{Subsection title}}
- \lipsum[5] \cite{Ninna-book}
- \lipsum[5] \cite{Mazzaglia1}
- \lipsum[5] \cite{Mazzaglia2}
- \lipsum[5] \cite{bentivegna_impact_2017}
- \lipsum[5] \cite{branchina_protecting_2018}
- \lipsum[5] \cite{branchina_electroweak_2018}
- \lipsum[5] \cite{branchina_direct_2019}
- %\lipsum[5] \cite{}
- \lipsum[40]
- Inline equation $\nabla\cdot{\bf B} = 0$.
- \lipsum[20]
- \begin{figure}[t]
- \centering
- \includegraphics[width=0.8\columnwidth]{esempio.pdf}
- \caption{Caption}
- \label{fig:esempio}
- \end{figure}
- Cf.\ Fig.~\ref{fig:esempio}.
- \lipsum[30]
- \begin{equation}
- f(z) = \oint \frac{f(\zeta)}{\zeta - z} d\zeta .
- \end{equation}
- \lipsum[10]
- \chapter*{\iflanguage{italian}{Conclusioni}{Conclusions}}
- \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\iflanguage{italian}{Conclusioni}{Conclusions}}
- \lipsum[20]
- \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\iflanguage{italian}{Bibliografia}{Bibliography}}
- % class option: science/humanities toggles ssc-num/ssc-alpha for the bibliographystyle
- \bibliography{biblio}
- \chapter*{\iflanguage{italian}{Ringraziamenti}{Acknowledgements}}
- \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\iflanguage{italian}{Ringraziamenti}{Acknowledgements}}
- \lipsum[20]
- \input lastpage % comment out this line, if you don't want the last "cover" page
- \end{document}
- PUT CREEF Dissertation Template
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %% Bachelor's & Master's Thesis Template %%
- %% Copyleft by Dawid Weiss & Marta Szachniuk %%
- %% Faculty of Automatic Control, Robotics, and Electrical Engineering %%
- %% Poznan University of Technology, 2023 %%
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % Szkielet dla pracy inżynierskiej/magisterskiej pisanej w języku polskim.
- \documentclass[polish,bachelor,a4paper,oneside]{ppcreefthesis}
- % Template for an engineering/master's thesis written in English.
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- %--------------------------------------
- % Strona tytułowa \ Front page
- %--------------------------------------
- % Autorzy pracy, jeśli jest ich więcej niż jeden
- % wstaw między nimi separator \and
- % Authors of the thesis, if there is more than one
- % insert a separator between them \and
- \author{%
- Imię Nazwisko \album{12345} \and
- Imię Nazwisko \album{54321} \and
- Imię Nazwisko \album{13579} }
- \authortitle{} % Do not change.
- \title{Temat pracy dyplomowej}
- % Promotor pracy
- % Your supervisor comes here.
- \ppsupervisor{prof.~dr hab.~inż.~Imię Nazwisko}
- \ppinstitute{Instytut Robotyki i Inteligencji Maszynowej \\
- Zakład Sterowania i Elektroniki Przemysłowej}
- % Rok złożenia pracy
- % Year of final submission (not graduation!)
- \ppyear{2023}
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- % Front matter starts here
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- %--------------------------------------
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- \input{chapters/02-teoria.tex}
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- \input{chapters/04-zakonczenie.tex}
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- % Literatura
- %--------------------------------------
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- %--------------------------------------
- % Dodatki
- %--------------------------------------
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- %--------------------------------------
- % Informacja o prawach autorskich
- %--------------------------------------
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- Template Tesi UniPr
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- \usepackage{todonotes} % To ease the revision
- \usepackage{blindtext} % Dummy Text - remove
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % Everybody needs to complete the following:
- \title{Titolo in Italiano}
- \author{Nome Cognome}
- \advisor{Prof. Nome Cognome}
- \college{Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Informatiche}
- \degree{Corso di Laurea [Triennale in Informatica | Magistrale in Scienze Informatiche]}
- \degreeyears{20XX--20XX}
- % Not mandatory fields
- \newcommand{\subTitle}{Titolo in Inglese} %Subtitle, usually the english version of the title
- %\newcommand{\advisorSecond}{Prof. Nome2 Cognome2} % For multiple (up to 4) advisors -- if this is not present then also the remaining ones are automatically omitted
- %\newcommand{\advisorThird}{Dott. Nome3 Cognome3} % For multiple (up to 4) advisors -- if this is not present then also the remaining ones are automatically omitted
- %\newcommand{\advisorFourth}{Dott. Nome4 Cognome4} % For multiple (up to 4) advisors
- \newcommand{\coadvisor}{Prof. co-Nome co-Cognome} %For multiple (up to 4) coadvisors -- if this is not present then also the remaining ones are automatically omitted
- \newcommand{\coadvisorSecond}{Prof. co-Nome2 co-Cognome2} % For multiple (up to 4) coadvisors -- if this is not present then also the remaining ones are automatically omitted
- %\newcommand{\coadvisorThird}{Dott. co-Nome3 co-Cognome3} % For multiple (up to 4) coadvisors -- if this is not present then also the remaining ones are automatically omitted
- %\newcommand{\coadvisorFourth}{Dott. co-Nome4 co-Cognome4} % For multiple (up to 4) coadvisors
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- %
- %
- %
- %%%% La prefazione
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- %
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- %
- %%%% Le Conclusioni
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- %
- %%%% La bibliografia
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- %
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- %
- % Le appendici
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- %
- \end{document}
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