

Nov 12th, 2020
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  1. Un­der­ground City.
  2. Top level of a kilo­me­ter high con­struc­tion, a full sil­ver short hair, but is in high spir­its the old per­son to sit after the desk, knits the brows to ex­am­ine the doc­u­ment on vir­tual screen.
  3. „Sir!” The push­ing gate that a man of wear west­ern-style clothes wor­ries comes , the look said in­tense: „The The Black Cat sig­nal ap­peared! How­ever......”
  4. „But what?” The old per­son re­ceives the vir­tual screen, a pair of sharp vi­sion is star­ing at the sec­re­tary-gen­eral.
  5. „But our lo­cal­iza­tions were just com­pleted, The Black Cat then self-det­o­na­tion.” On the sec­re­tary-gen­eral fore­head full is the cold sweat, but said fast: „Be­fore this is The Black Cat self-det­o­na­tion, pic­ture that passes on.”
  6. „self-det­o­na­tion......” old per­son's body shook shak­ing, put out a hand to sup­port the table, con­trolled own mood re­luc­tantly, looks pic­ture that in the vir­tual screen that the sec­re­tary-gen­eral opened demon­strated.
  7. That is a giant meat moun­tain of creep­ing mo­tion, is fan­ning the bat wing of sun-block­ing, throws to­ward the bat­tle­ship, then a loud sound, the pic­ture by the hot flame pack­age, then van­ished.
  8. A short ten sec­onds of video, made peo­ple feel the enor­mous fear as be­fore.
  9. „Cthulhu!” The fist of Fer­di­nand gets hold, be­cause of angry the im­pos­ing man­ner of erup­tion, mak­ing nearby sec­re­tary-gen­eral both legs trem­ble.
  10. This is the sec­ond time that he saw that Sir Fer­di­nand is like this angry, the pre­vi­ous time is 200 years of Young Mas­ter top 3 is miss­ing when R'lyeh, ap­pears again al­ready crazy.
  11. He knows that the Sir is why angry.
  12. The Black Cat is the Young Lady Vicke space­ship that the Sir most loves, two years of for­mer young lady steers the space­ship to leave home se­cretly.
  13. Sir Fer­di­nand or­dered to look for her al­ready two years, has tried to trace the The Black Cat sig­nal.
  14. No one has thought, today traces the sig­nal with great dif­fi­culty, fi­nally feeds in un­ex­pect­edly is such re­gret­table self-det­o­na­tion pic­ture.
  15. With­out Cthulhu of head, as be­fore is Cthulhu.
  16. How should the des­per­ate sit­u­a­tion, Young Lady Vicke to press down the self-det­o­na­tion but­ton.
  17. Must know that is she most beloved The Black Cat, bat­tle­ship that she names per­son­ally.
  18. „Lets the first fleet set, along with me goes to Nolan con­ti­nent.” Fer­di­nand sets out, gravely said.
  19. „Yes!” The sec­re­tary-gen­eral com­plies, to turn around to pre­pare re­spect­fully to de­part.
  20. „Sir!”
  21. At this mo­ment, young­ster to pass­ing through the gate, the look is ex­cited.
  22. Sec­re­tary-gen­eral com­plex­ion slightly star­tled, Sir mood ag­i­tated low, was wor­ried own sub­or­di­nate en­raged the Sir rashly.
  23. „Young Lady Vicke! Young Lady Vicke at this mo­ment on the bat­tle­ship of Cap­tain Dawn!” young­ster looks at Fer­di­nand to say.
  24. „What?!”
  25. Fer­di­nand eyes lit up, „you were said that Dawn did res­cue Vicke?!”
  26. „Can news be ac­cu­rate?” The sec­re­tary-gen­eral is also star­tled.
  27. With the Cthulhu so short dis­tance, Young Lady Vicke has to det­o­nate in the sit­u­a­tion of bat­tle­ship, did Dawn get down Young Lady Vicke un­ex­pect­edly?
  28. „You looked, this is the pic­ture that Cap­tain Dawn just passed on.”
  29. young­ster opens the vir­tual screen, se­lects a video player.
  30. The pic­ture one group of giant mush­room clouds that raise from the ice­field starts, at this time should be that video The Black Cat self-det­o­na­tion pic­ture that they pre­vi­ously saw.
  31. The pic­ture pulls closer the ice­field un­ceas­ingly, small mecha, was pre­sented by the pic­ture of Cthulhu chase.
  32. „Is Vicke.” Fer­di­nand makes a fist, this har­nesses mecha is he gives Vicke, the black coat­ing is she flushes brushes.
  33. Does not have meter/rice high mecha, in front of huge Cthulhu, will im­i­tate such as a mo­men­tar­ily stamped ant.
  34. Then Dawn is dri­ving the bat­tle­ship, joined the fight, re­pels Cthulhu with four rounds of shells.
  35. The peo­ple see this scene, all re­laxes slightly, it seems like Dawn is re­ly­ing on the out­stand­ing dri­ving skill, suc­cess­fully res­cued Vicke.
  36. How­ever, at this mo­ment frost giant dragon ap­peared, in­ter­cepted the bat­tle­ship, both started the ex­tremely in­tense con­fronta­tion, sud­denly un­ex­pect­edly was dif­fi­cult minute/share of high and low.
  37. „Very pow­er­ful frost giant dragon, has not thought that the short sev­eral hun­dred years, Nolan con­ti­nent had pre­sented this grade of pow­er­house, what a pity was con­trolled by Cthulhu.” Fer­di­nand gravely said.
  38. Can the fierce dis­putes with fighter air­craft so short dis­tance, this frost giant dragon strength ob­vi­ously al­ready above 10th Rank, but has not walked out that.
  39. A dur­ing that time war, in­jured the Nolan con­ti­nent foun­da­tion, above Nolan con­ti­nent is dif­fi­cult the pow­er­house.
  40. Also be­cause of so, Elder Thing leaves, en­ters Un­der­ground City, es­tab­lished the com­pletely new world.
  41. How­ever has so pow­er­ful pow­er­ful enemy stop, being loath to part from each other, the tac­ti­cal sit­u­a­tion is deeply wor­ried, how does Dawn suc­ceed to res­cue Vicke? In the peo­ple heart has doubts.
  42. An­other side, Cthulhu has been close to mecha again, the sit­u­a­tion is crit­i­cal.
  43. At this mo­ment, the dis­tant place hori­zon pre­sented a pur­ple light­ning, in an in­stant then ar­rived at pre­sent.
  44. The tem­po­rary stay, the pur­ple light­ning charges into that frost giant dragon.
  45. The bat­tle­ship of Dawn dri­ving is set free, fires the mis­sile at the same time, dives to go to mecha of tread.
  46. The pur­ple light­ning ran upon frost giant dragon at the sur­pris­ing speed, pow­er­ful frost giant dragon fly­ing up­side down goes.
  47. The peo­ple then see clearly that pur­ple light­ning are ac­tu­ally pur­ple grif­fon, but con­ducts the back in that grif­fon, is stand­ing a man who grasps the heavy sword.
  48. frost giant dragon was then cut to fly by his sword.
  49. „Good... very pow­er­ful!” The sec­re­tary-gen­eral can­not bear the ex­cla­ma­tion. young­ster also opened the mouth.
  50. „This per­son al­ready half cross being en­thralled bound­ary, un­be­liev­able.” The shock of Fer­di­nand are not less than two peo­ple.
  51. In Nolan con­ti­nent cross being en­thralled bound­ary, this young­ster tal­ent, solid.
  52. While the frost giant dragon in­volved neu­tral gear, Dawn fi­nally found the op­por­tu­nity, suc­ceeded and mecha docks, bring­ing mecha to es­cape the birth day.
  53. The pic­ture ended.
  54. „Good! Good!”
  55. Fer­di­nand paces in the of­fice, on the face is dif­fi­cult to cover hap­pily.
  56. Great hap­pi­ness greatly sad to come is too sud­den, mak­ing him some­what un­able to re­sist.
  57. „This young­ster, good! Has the op­por­tu­nity, must see one side him.” Fer­di­nand sits the seat, said with a smile.
  58. „Sir, that first fleet......” sec­re­tary-gen­eral asked care­fully.
  59. „For the time being is not anx­ious, I must wait for the re­port of Dawn.” Fer­di­nand lifts the hand, looks at the sec­re­tary-gen­eral say­ing: „That side R'lyeh, what sit­u­a­tion?”
  60. „R'lyeh this sev­eral days malaria spreads, the sur­round­ing area in ten li (0.5 km) was un­able to ap­proach, is un­able to visit in­ter­nal sit­u­a­tion, but from out­side ob­ser­va­tion, other not un­usual con­di­tions.” The sec­re­tary-gen­eral replied fast.
  61. Light buckle of knuckle of Fer­di­nand on desk­top, sud­denly stops, gravely said: „Makes the Sec­ond Ar­tillery group go to the R'lyeh standby.”
  62. ......
  63. Mag saw Dex­ter and Gina quickly.
  64. Gina bowed slightly good a rit­ual to Mag, then with­drew from the room.
  65. „Was la­bo­ri­ous.” Mag looks at Dex­ter to say.
  66. The war­riors of At­lantis clan, go north from the Nolan con­ti­nent south­ern­most, is in var­i­ous races first ar­rives in the front­line.
  67. „War is ur­gent, does not dare to delay.” Dex­ter said with a smile.
  68. Mag nods, said: „Lan­caster re­sults in the peach wooden weapon, I have en­trusted dwarf clan to build, your sev­eral days can re­cu­per­ate in the front­line, nat­u­rally, if there is ap­pro­pri­ate Magic Caster, can help erect for­ti­fi­ca­tions.”
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