
Sakura Kusanagi-Tarask (Aug 2014)

Aug 27th, 2014
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  1. High Concept: Angel Princess Out To Protect People From Evil
  2. Trouble: Noblesse Oblige
  3. Distant Past: The Hidden Worm
  4. Mid Past: Disciple Of The Rising Sun
  5. Recent Past: Fenrir-San!
  6. Extra: Trolliel
  8. Skills:
  9. +5: Rapport (Intrigue)
  10. +4: Empathy, Melee
  11. +3: AT Guide, Contacts, Will
  12. +2: AT Warrior, Stealth, Resources, Athletics
  13. +1: Vigor, Lore, Notice, Investigation, Deceit
  15. Refresh 3
  16. Stunts:
  17. Haja Kensei: +2 to Melee Attacks against Creatures of Darkness.
  18. Extras:
  19. Swimmer in the Earth (2 Refresh): You may make an extra move each exchange, ignoring obstacles, between zones connected by natural earth. +4 to Stealth checks when hiding in the Earth. +2 to Notice things on the ground and underground when in the earth or standing on it.
  20. Tridactyl Maw (1 stunt): You are considered to have another arm in your mouth. +2 on Vigor checks to eat and chew through things.
  21. Ouka Houshin (1 stunt): May spend a fate point to add AT Warrior to Melee and make an attack on all targets in an adjacent zone.
  23. Stress:
  24. Physical 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ]
  25. Mental 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ]
  27. ---------------------------------
  29. Kobou Mk1
  30. Aspect: Spiritual Steam Armslave Prototype
  32. Eyes: Paraspectral Sensors - May use Empathy instead of Notice when seeking or analysing supernatural entities
  33. Legs: Steam-Charged Piston Boosters - +2 to leaving contested zones
  34. Hand: Kusanagi II - +2 to Melee attacks defended by Armor or Athletics
  35. Hull: AT Bunker Stabilisers - You may spend a Fate Point to gain Armor equal to your AT Warrior until the end of your next turn.
  36. Skirt: AT Extension Vanes - +2 to AT Guide rolls to defend against physical attacks
  37. Cockpit: Spiritual Control System - You may use Ki, AT skills, or similar instead of Armor.
  38. Core: Steam Force Power Multiplier - After each roll or ability use where you spend a Fate Point, you gain an invocation of the 'Steam Pressure' Aspect
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