
TTC counterclockwise estimate

Oct 15th, 2018
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  1. //iterate through frames to update objects
  2. long frame = startingFrame;
  3. boolean movingCCW = false;
  4. boolean done = false;
  5. long highestAngle = -1;
  6. while (!done) {
  7. frame++;
  8. for (RNGObject rngObject : rngObjects) {
  9. rngObject.setFrame((int)frame);
  10. rngObject.update();
  11. if ("Hand1")) {
  12. Hand hand = (Hand)rngObject;
  13. if (movingCCW && hand.angle > highestAngle) {
  14. System.out.println("Frame " + frame + " - angle " + highestAngle + "("+(1.0-(32768-highestAngle)/24576.0)+"% of the way there)");
  15. highestAngle = hand.angle;
  16. }
  17. if (hand.angle >= 32768 && hand.angle < (32768+200)) {
  18. if (movingCCW) System.out.println("Frame " + frame + " - counterclockwise? " + movingCCW);
  19. done = movingCCW;
  20. }
  21. if (hand.angle >= 8192 && hand.angle < (8192+200)) {
  22. movingCCW = true;
  23. }
  24. if (hand.angle >= 0 && hand.angle < (0+200)) {
  25. movingCCW = false;
  26. }
  27. }
  28. }
  29. }
  31. Frame 1900 - angle -1(-0.3333740234375% of the way there)
  32. Frame 3890 - angle 8152(-0.0016276041666667407% of the way there)
  33. Frame 3921 - angle 8168(-9.765625E-4% of the way there)
  34. Frame 3922 - angle 8276(0.00341796875% of the way there)
  35. Frame 3923 - angle 8476(0.01155598958333337% of the way there)
  36. Frame 3924 - angle 8676(0.01969401041666663% of the way there)
  37. Frame 3950 - angle 8768(0.0234375% of the way there)
  38. Frame 3951 - angle 8968(0.03157552083333337% of the way there)
  39. Frame 3952 - angle 9168(0.03971354166666663% of the way there)
  40. Frame 3953 - angle 9368(0.0478515625% of the way there)
  41. Frame 3954 - angle 9568(0.05598958333333337% of the way there)
  42. Frame 3955 - angle 9768(0.06412760416666663% of the way there)
  43. Frame 15659 - angle 9860(0.06787109375% of the way there)
  44. Frame 15665 - angle 9940(0.07112630208333337% of the way there)
  45. Frame 15666 - angle 10140(0.07926432291666663% of the way there)
  46. Frame 15667 - angle 10340(0.08740234375% of the way there)
  47. Frame 15668 - angle 10540(0.09554036458333337% of the way there)
  48. Frame 15669 - angle 10740(0.10367838541666663% of the way there)
  49. Frame 15670 - angle 10940(0.11181640625% of the way there)
  50. Frame 15676 - angle 11032(0.11555989583333337% of the way there)
  51. Frame 15677 - angle 11232(0.12369791666666663% of the way there)
  52. Frame 15678 - angle 11432(0.1318359375% of the way there)
  53. Frame 15679 - angle 11632(0.13997395833333337% of the way there)
  54. Frame 15680 - angle 11832(0.14811197916666663% of the way there)
  55. Frame 15681 - angle 12032(0.15625% of the way there)
  56. Frame 15707 - angle 12124(0.15999348958333337% of the way there)
  57. Frame 15708 - angle 12324(0.16813151041666663% of the way there)
  58. Frame 15709 - angle 12524(0.17626953125% of the way there)
  59. Frame 15710 - angle 12724(0.18440755208333337% of the way there)
  60. Frame 15711 - angle 12924(0.19254557291666663% of the way there)
  61. Frame 15712 - angle 13124(0.20068359375% of the way there)
  62. Frame 15738 - angle 13216(0.20442708333333337% of the way there)
  63. Frame 15739 - angle 13416(0.21256510416666663% of the way there)
  64. Frame 15740 - angle 13616(0.220703125% of the way there)
  65. Frame 15741 - angle 13816(0.22884114583333337% of the way there)
  66. Frame 15742 - angle 14016(0.23697916666666663% of the way there)
  67. Frame 15743 - angle 14216(0.2451171875% of the way there)
  68. Frame 38270 - angle 14308(0.24886067708333337% of the way there)
  69. Frame 38271 - angle 14376(0.25162760416666663% of the way there)
  70. Frame 38277 - angle 14468(0.25537109375% of the way there)
  71. Frame 38278 - angle 14668(0.26350911458333337% of the way there)
  72. Frame 38279 - angle 14868(0.27164713541666663% of the way there)
  73. Frame 38280 - angle 15068(0.27978515625% of the way there)
  74. Frame 38281 - angle 15268(0.28792317708333337% of the way there)
  75. Frame 38282 - angle 15468(0.29606119791666663% of the way there)
  76. Frame 148918 - angle 15560(0.2998046875% of the way there)
  77. Frame 148919 - angle 15588(0.30094401041666663% of the way there)
  78. Frame 148920 - angle 15788(0.30908203125% of the way there)
  79. Frame 148921 - angle 15988(0.31722005208333337% of the way there)
  80. Frame 148922 - angle 16188(0.32535807291666663% of the way there)
  81. Frame 148928 - angle 16280(0.3291015625% of the way there)
  82. Frame 148929 - angle 16480(0.33723958333333337% of the way there)
  83. Frame 148930 - angle 16680(0.34537760416666663% of the way there)
  84. Frame 148931 - angle 16880(0.353515625% of the way there)
  85. Frame 148932 - angle 17080(0.36165364583333337% of the way there)
  86. Frame 148933 - angle 17280(0.36979166666666663% of the way there)
  87. Frame 148979 - angle 17372(0.37353515625% of the way there)
  88. Frame 148980 - angle 17572(0.38167317708333337% of the way there)
  89. Frame 148981 - angle 17772(0.38981119791666663% of the way there)
  90. Frame 148982 - angle 17972(0.39794921875% of the way there)
  91. Frame 148983 - angle 18172(0.40608723958333337% of the way there)
  92. Frame 148984 - angle 18372(0.41422526041666663% of the way there)
  93. Frame 149010 - angle 18464(0.41796875% of the way there)
  94. Frame 149011 - angle 18664(0.42610677083333337% of the way there)
  95. Frame 149012 - angle 18864(0.43424479166666663% of the way there)
  96. Frame 149013 - angle 19064(0.4423828125% of the way there)
  97. Frame 149014 - angle 19264(0.45052083333333337% of the way there)
  98. Frame 149015 - angle 19464(0.45865885416666663% of the way there)
  99. Frame 149061 - angle 19556(0.46240234375% of the way there)
  100. Frame 149062 - angle 19756(0.47054036458333337% of the way there)
  101. Frame 149063 - angle 19956(0.47867838541666663% of the way there)
  102. Frame 149064 - angle 20156(0.48681640625% of the way there)
  103. Frame 149065 - angle 20356(0.49495442708333337% of the way there)
  104. Frame 149066 - angle 20556(0.5030924479166667% of the way there)
  105. Frame 149072 - angle 20648(0.5068359375% of the way there)
  106. Frame 149073 - angle 20848(0.5149739583333333% of the way there)
  107. Frame 149074 - angle 21048(0.5231119791666667% of the way there)
  108. Frame 149075 - angle 21248(0.53125% of the way there)
  109. Frame 149076 - angle 21448(0.5393880208333333% of the way there)
  110. Frame 149077 - angle 21648(0.5475260416666667% of the way there)
  111. Frame 13961773 - angle 21740(0.55126953125% of the way there)
  112. Frame 13961774 - angle 21924(0.5587565104166667% of the way there)
  113. Frame 13961775 - angle 22124(0.56689453125% of the way there)
  114. Frame 13961776 - angle 22324(0.5750325520833333% of the way there)
  115. Frame 13961777 - angle 22524(0.5831705729166667% of the way there)
  116. Frame 13961778 - angle 22724(0.59130859375% of the way there)
  117. Frame 13961824 - angle 22816(0.5950520833333333% of the way there)
  118. Frame 13961825 - angle 23016(0.6031901041666667% of the way there)
  119. Frame 13961826 - angle 23216(0.611328125% of the way there)
  120. Frame 13961827 - angle 23416(0.6194661458333333% of the way there)
  121. Frame 13961828 - angle 23616(0.6276041666666667% of the way there)
  122. Frame 13961829 - angle 23816(0.6357421875% of the way there)
  123. Frame 13961875 - angle 23908(0.6394856770833333% of the way there)
  124. Frame 13961876 - angle 24108(0.6476236979166667% of the way there)
  125. Frame 13961877 - angle 24308(0.65576171875% of the way there)
  126. Frame 13961878 - angle 24508(0.6638997395833333% of the way there)
  127. Frame 13961879 - angle 24708(0.6720377604166667% of the way there)
  128. Frame 13961880 - angle 24908(0.68017578125% of the way there)
  129. Frame 14317097 - angle 25000(0.6839192708333333% of the way there)
  130. Frame 14317098 - angle 25044(0.6857096354166667% of the way there)
  131. Frame 55138353 - angle 25136(0.689453125% of the way there)
  132. Frame 55138354 - angle 25208(0.6923828125% of the way there)
  133. Frame 55138355 - angle 25408(0.7005208333333333% of the way there)
  134. Frame 60243248 - angle 25500(0.7042643229166667% of the way there)
  135. Frame 75124203 - angle 25552(0.7063802083333333% of the way there)
  136. Frame 75124204 - angle 25580(0.70751953125% of the way there)
  137. Frame 75124205 - angle 25780(0.7156575520833333% of the way there)
  138. Frame 75124206 - angle 25980(0.7237955729166667% of the way there)
  139. Frame 75124207 - angle 26180(0.73193359375% of the way there)
  140. Frame 75124208 - angle 26380(0.7400716145833333% of the way there)
  141. Frame 75124234 - angle 26472(0.7438151041666667% of the way there)
  142. Frame 75124235 - angle 26672(0.751953125% of the way there)
  143. Frame 75124236 - angle 26872(0.7600911458333334% of the way there)
  144. Frame 75124237 - angle 27072(0.7682291666666666% of the way there)
  145. Frame 75124238 - angle 27272(0.7763671875% of the way there)
  146. Frame 75124239 - angle 27472(0.7845052083333334% of the way there)
  147. Frame 75124245 - angle 27564(0.7882486979166666% of the way there)
  148. Frame 75124246 - angle 27764(0.79638671875% of the way there)
  149. Frame 75124247 - angle 27964(0.8045247395833334% of the way there)
  150. Frame 75124248 - angle 28164(0.8126627604166666% of the way there)
  151. Frame 75124249 - angle 28364(0.82080078125% of the way there)
  152. Frame 75124250 - angle 28564(0.8289388020833334% of the way there)
  153. Frame 75124276 - angle 28656(0.8326822916666666% of the way there)
  154. Frame 75124277 - angle 28856(0.8408203125% of the way there)
  155. Frame 75124278 - angle 29056(0.8489583333333334% of the way there)
  156. Frame 75124279 - angle 29256(0.8570963541666666% of the way there)
  157. Frame 75124280 - angle 29456(0.865234375% of the way there)
  158. Frame 75124281 - angle 29656(0.8733723958333334% of the way there)
  159. Frame 240249801 - angle 29748(0.8771158854166666% of the way there)
  160. Frame 240249802 - angle 29756(0.87744140625% of the way there)
  161. Frame 240249828 - angle 29848(0.8811848958333334% of the way there)
  162. Frame 240249829 - angle 30048(0.8893229166666666% of the way there)
  163. Frame 240249830 - angle 30248(0.8974609375% of the way there)
  164. Frame 240249831 - angle 30448(0.9055989583333334% of the way there)
  165. Frame 240249832 - angle 30648(0.9137369791666666% of the way there)
  166. Frame 240249833 - angle 30848(0.921875% of the way there)
  167. Frame 394262605 - angle 30940(0.9256184895833334% of the way there)
  168. Frame 394262606 - angle 31124(0.93310546875% of the way there)
  169. Frame 394262607 - angle 31324(0.9412434895833334% of the way there)
  170. Frame 394262608 - angle 31524(0.9493815104166666% of the way there)
  171. Frame 394262609 - angle 31724(0.95751953125% of the way there)
  172. Frame 394262610 - angle 31924(0.9656575520833334% of the way there)
  173. Frame 414565402 - angle 32016(0.9694010416666666% of the way there)
  174. Frame 414565428 - angle 32064(0.9713541666666666% of the way there)
  175. Frame 414565429 - angle 32264(0.9794921875% of the way there)
  176. Frame 414565430 - angle 32464(0.9876302083333334% of the way there)
  177. Frame 414565431 - angle 32664(0.9957682291666666% of the way there)
  178. Frame 414565431 - counterclockwise? true
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