
World War Not An ERP: S3

Dec 10th, 2014
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  1. [21:31] <Cille_Lund> Commence the long awaited ERP! ...Well, you can't say for sure yet. What you can say for sure is that you can't work a magical girl for 24/7. There is a time they tell people to piss off from the bar so they can relax, sleep, or something else besides work a bar. And, it is some time after everyone is settled in, that Cille comes knocking on Lily's door. You can tell it's Cille, because...the knocking is somewhat quiet? Or, maybe you can't tell. Who knows. Either way, there's a knockin.
  2. [21:34] <Lily_Blevins> Lily had just stripped down to go and get comfy and sleep, too! She gives a "Coming!" as she puts on a one-piece dress real quick, something easy to slip on in a hurry,a nd pops open the door to greet Cille. "Hey Cille what're you here for we going for a late night excursion out far sneaking around the guards?"
  3. [21:34] <Lily_Blevins> *police not guards bluh
  4. [21:39] <Cille_Lund> **"This chick is a lot more exciting than you are."** "Hush, hush. I'd say that sounds like fun at this point, but really I'm only here at this hour because I can't get a real talk while dealing with the busywork." She comes in, and has a seat. On the bed, unless there's a perfectly good chair out or something.
  5. [21:40] <Cille_Lund> Of course, she closes the door behind her!
  6. [21:42] <Lily_Blevins> "Oh then I don't have to spend extra time getting decent! Fine by me let's talk got anything in mind?" Lily seems EXCITED, she hasn't had a good non-serious talk in a while. Although serious girl talk would be welcome too! She hops on her bed and lays on her stomach, facing Cille.
  7. [21:53] <Cille_Lund> Of course, Cille is absolutely terrible at non-serious talk in 9 cases out of 10, especially when she's initiating (lewd). She's a worrywort, and one that worries excessively, at that. Almost longing for the days where she didn't really give a shit. **"Real go-getter. You're sure you like that other guy more than this chick? She could teach you to relax AND to have fun. At the same time."** Cille tries her best to ignore them. "'s also cause there's not other people listening in. Cause...well, before that plane attack, I think I was going to die of boredom. And considering our situation, this is a really, really bad thing."
  8. [21:55] <Lily_Blevins> Lily kicks her bare legs up in the air behind her, her arms rested under her chest. "Don't like cooking? I mean, I guess it gets lonely at least I get to TALK to people although they usually don't talk about anything substantial some of them just wanna' hit on me, after all!"
  9. [21:58] <Cille_Lund> "Oh, no, I actually don't mind it! Head's in a rut though, and I can't bring myself to think of anything creative to make myself, but yeah all I've got--wait, waitwaitwait. Are you like, not hearing those other voices? Have I really gone crazy, and everyone's just too polite to say anything about it?" **"Are we just figments of the artist's broken imagination? Inquiring minds want to know!"** Cille wears her worry face well!
  10. [21:59] <Lily_Blevins> "Well they're not you and they're not me so obviously they're not in this conversation!" Smirk
  11. [22:02] <Cille_Lund> **"...Hey, wait. Even if we exist, that doesn't answer our question all that well. We could still be her broken imagination, only magic makes it real! Inquiring minds still need to know then."** "I-I guess they aren't me. I mean, they're...kind of me, they know what I'm thinking, but they're most definitely not me with how they act. So as long as you can hear them, though, I can at least know that everyone else seems to be ignoring them, and I'm not just losing it from all this calm."
  12. [22:04] <Lily_Blevins> Hands under her chin, now, she rests her head on them. "You just here to talk about it or do you want to do something to get it out of you?"
  13. [22:13] <Cille_Lund> "Well, what I was saying is that while I don't mind the cooking, and even the annoying chatter, I was appreciating it because it was a distraction from thinking about our problems at hand, and the fact that nothing's happening with them. But even despite these things, I've thought about it. Rosa's dealing with her father being in the army we're not helping, Henriette's likely got a load of problems and the mental stability to handle maybe half, Naida's passing the time with excessive magic use that threatens to overtake her at any moment, I've got a certain someone who's in enemy territory and might be caught as a deserter,, you're probably being eaten away by something, I'm sure."
  14. [22:14] <Cille_Lund> "But what really sucks now, what really sucks, is that I realized that I probably have the power to do something reckless, even more reckless now that we've practically confirmed ourselves as a target earlier today."
  15. [22:16] <Lily_Blevins> "Like what?"
  16. [22:20] <Cille_Lund> She lowers her voice for this one. "Draw myself a portal to Novgoraad, and go right on in. I could probably end up deep in their territory without being tracable by anything other than other people like us. There would be more steps to assure that it wouldn't be an explosive effort that gets no one anywhere, but I'm sure it would be possible to do if I put enough effort into it."
  17. [22:21] <Cille_Lund> "I'd need a reallly big paper, or maybe if I don't care for a wall, I could use that. And I'd probably draw a portal that needs magic funneled in it to work, as opposed to just a rip in reality outright. Those things sound easier."
  18. [22:22] <Lily_Blevins> "That IS reckless. I wish I could say I'd go with but I think the others need me here."
  19. [22:33] <Cille_Lund> "...They do, I'm sure of it. Still, I'm tired of being stuck here, and I'm sure everyone else is, too. But yet, I can't simply invite them, even with their own desires not in the picture, since we're a target here now. I just..." She rubs her head, clearly bothered by MANY, MANY THINGS.
  20. [22:36] <Lily_Blevins> "I miss Harry myself and I really hope we can do some more things after the war because we barely got to do anything together I guess because I was so pretty it was making him nervous and he didn't want to make moves so I had to make all the moves and I didn't want to scare him off like a bunny!"
  21. [22:49] <Cille_Lund> **"Meanwhile, Cille has that problem, only everyone else in the immediate area is a hunter with good aim, and she is also a bunny." "So what you're saying is, once they get away, they get to it, like--"** Cille gives a firm thwack to the bedframe. That analogy doesn't stretch that far, guys. Cut it out. "I guess I'm probably feeling similar things to you, then. ...Only I'm a lot less stable, and have him as part of a slim 'reasons to live' list, and when every single part of it would absolutely love a finished war, it's just not healthy at all." **"At least she recognizes it!"**
  22. [22:52] <Lily_Blevins> Lily rolls over, now on her back, and looks up at Cille. "You already know this but I'm quite mad I mean I realize sometimes that I just want to just leave the normal world for a bit and hang in the woods with the animals and let the passing travelers use me and give little children gifts when they're sleeping and stuff and at least then I'd know I'm helping people but is htat even the
  23. [22:52] <Lily_Blevins> right wayt o help people is that productive wouldn't it be better to stop the war and besides how am I gonna' deal with the fact that I'd be popping out little Lillies left and right and how would I keep my food and who would I talk to that wouldn't think I'm crazy I mean I want to be crazy but I lose things for being too crazy. I sometimes wonder if why I'm so good at magic is because
  24. [22:52] <Lily_Blevins> I'm crazy and I worry that I'll lose magic if I start being too reasonable I mean where else does magic come from if not your own inherent craziness? Why else would they pick girls our age and not older? It's because we're the craziest, isn't it?"
  25. [23:10] <Cille_Lund> Cille, for what might not be the first time, but is certainly the first time given the current situation, gives it a ponder. It's a good, long ponder. "Hnn. Maybe I am kind of worrying about being crazy maybe a bit too much. Maybe if I get a hold of myself, that might be a bad I suppose I've decided, then. I know damned well how to be crazy, I've been a somewhat restrained version of it for a really long time. Actually ACTING on it might make doing something possible since I'm channeling it to something specific and good, as opposed to rotting away, which won't stop anything other than this place's ruin, which I guess you guys would prevent anyway."
  26. [23:11] <Lily_Blevins> "Well, if you're going to do it, you should clear up anything you want to do here first in case you can't go back."
  27. [23:17] <Cille_Lund> "Like, hell, I've been reasonable so far and I preformed pretty well with what I do. The only problem is that I'm sure everyone else would probably be against me going off on my own. ...Also, Naida would like to keep the wall, and I'm not about to stick together a lot of small papers together while testing something large-scale...That said, that would be the plan, so as long as someone else ends up with a large...something to draw on. But, treating it as what it is, I'm not sure how much I should do. The less I'm missed, the better, right?" **"If you add 'mission' to the end of suicide, the chances of dying decrease somewhat. Fun facts!" "Well, what if you add 'aimless'?" "Untested."**
  28. [23:19] <Lily_Blevins> "We're pretty much the worst people for our job, because we all have to do crazy things to keep ourselves going so I won't judge you!"
  29. [23:28] <Cille_Lund> "I wonder if any of them have realized that, yet. Still, I'm not crazy enough to actually buy the paper or whatnot myself. Town's probably in a sort of panic after today's events, last thing anyone needs is to be clued into the identities of a magical military presence that's probably responsible for making the place a target to begin with, so I can't drag along some voices that don't know when to stop talking. Might get us some lynchers or something." **"Loves us." "Loves us not." "Loves us." "Loves us not."** "...So, ah, if it isn't too much trouble, I'm gonna need you to buy it. ...And then I'd have to get my hands on my own pendant, and maybe one of the Nov pendants for good measure, once it's time to get stuff done. You can help me with all that, right?"
  30. [23:29] <Lily_Blevins> "I caaaaaaaaan, I have some spare money!"
  31. [23:35] <Cille_Lund> "I'll probably need more than one. Hand might show off how rusty it is at drawing, might decide on a different design...but...thanks, like, a bunch!" Cille feels one weight of many fall off her! SOOOON.
  32. [23:38] <Lily_Blevins> "Now, do you have anything in mind to do for me in return?" She keeps a light smile
  33. [23:47] <Cille_Lund> "Hmmmm...I'm kinda bad at this. I'm totally alright with doing something crazy with you, or I could draw something for you? I'd ask if there was magic to take care of, but the others kinda jumped to it you could do anything so you probably don't have anything backed up!" **"Maybe she's got something else backed up. Maybe that's the crazy. Eh? Ehhhhhhh?"** Please.
  34. [23:51] <Lily_Blevins> "Naw I think we should just go out and do something fun sometime! Or maybe you can do some art for me, hmmm? Do you do sketches of people? Plants? I know I've seen you draw a bit."
  35. [23:58] <Cille_Lund> "I'm...really bad at going out and having fun, so unless you've got something in mind, I won't have any ideas. But I'll still be game for it! I, er, am better at the drawing thing, and I can probably draw anything if I really put my mind to it. Shouldn't end up too bad!"
  36. Session Time: Sat Dec 06 00:00:03 2014
  37. [00:04] <Lily_Blevins> "Cool! What'll you draw then?"
  38. [00:07] <Cille_Lund> **"You already drew a lily, you can't just fetch that from your drawer. ...You know, a lily. Lower case."** "...Might try to visualize a flower garden. That sounds like fun~" And, there goes a few more weights! This is basically a commission! Yay~!
  39. [00:11] <Lily_Blevins> "Should be good, show me the results when you're done~"
  40. [00:14] <Cille_Lund> "Alright, I'll be sure to do a good job~" **"And for once, it doesn't feel like a crime to do something! If only we could have that feeling. Haaa~" "It's OK, we're rebels."**
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