Pastes Archive
This page contains the most recently created 'public' pastes with syntax 'Perl 6'. [ show full archive ]
Name / Title Posted Syntax
Grammar Issues 19 days ago Perl 6
ช่องหนัง test 1 year ago Perl 6
ช่องหนัง test 1 year ago Perl 6
ช่องหนัง test 1 year ago Perl 6
ช่องหนัง test 1 year ago Perl 6
ช่องหนัง test 1 year ago Perl 6
raku reopen stdin 3 years ago Perl 6
Untitled 3 years ago Perl 6
AoC2020 Day 15 3 years ago Perl 6
Untitled 4 years ago Perl 6
Join roblox! 4 years ago Perl 6
Petrossiam 4 years ago Perl 6
pretty-print data structure 4 years ago Perl 6
p6 - test example for mj 4 years ago Perl 6
p6 - literal hash 4 years ago Perl 6
Untitled 4 years ago Perl 6
Untitled 4 years ago Perl 6
Untitled 4 years ago Perl 6
Untitled 5 years ago Perl 6
Untitled 5 years ago Perl 6
Untitled 5 years ago Perl 6
Untitled 5 years ago Perl 6
very simple vcf file filter 5 years ago Perl 6
perl6intro 6 years ago Perl 6
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 6 years ago Perl 6
Dysnomia Example In Perl 6 For FOSDEM 2018 6 years ago Perl 6
First attempt AoC 2017 day 15 6 years ago Perl 6
[Perl 6] Fibonacci numbers in iterators. 6 years ago Perl 6
[Perl 6] Prime numbers in iterators 6 years ago Perl 6
[Perl 6] Laziness in iterators. 6 years ago Perl 6
[Perl 6] gather/take demo. 6 years ago Perl 6
[Perl 6] Higher-order function combo (method call). 6 years ago Perl 6
[Perl 6] Higher-order function combo demo. 6 years ago Perl 6
[Perl 6] Using some higher-order functions. 6 years ago Perl 6
[Perl 6] Higher-order function demo. 6 years ago Perl 6
[Perl 6] Using caches in closures. 6 years ago Perl 6
[Perl 6] Prime numbers in closures. 6 years ago Perl 6
[Perl 6] Fibonacci number in closures. 6 years ago Perl 6
[Perl 6] Using closures. 6 years ago Perl 6
[Perl 6] The syntactic sugar for function object. 6 years ago Perl 6
[Perl 6] References to subroutines 6 years ago Perl 6
[Perl 6] Using first-class objects. 6 years ago Perl 6
[Perl 6] Stateful subroutine demo. 6 years ago Perl 6
[Perl 6] Recursion demo: fibonacci 6 years ago Perl 6
[Perl 6] Recursion demo: factorial 6 years ago Perl 6
[Perl 6] Slurping parameters. 6 years ago Perl 6
[Perl 6] Flattening an array. 6 years ago Perl 6
[Perl 6] Using array as parameters 6 years ago Perl 6
[Perl 6] Subroutine with type info 6 years ago Perl 6
[Perl 6] Returning multiple values. 6 years ago Perl 6