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a guest
Dec 8th, 2019
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  1. database:
  2.  #Database backend type, can be set to mysql or sqlite
  3.   type: sqlite
  4.   #MySQL database host
  5.   mySQLHost: localhost
  6.   #MySQL connection port number
  7.   mySQLPort: 3306
  8.   #MySQL database name
  9.   mySQLDatabase: db
  10.   #MySQL database user
  11.   mySQLUser: root
  12.   #MySQL user's password
  13.   mySQLPassword: ""
  14.   #MySQL table names
  15.   tableNames:
  16.     players: "players"
  17.     temp: "temp"
  18. santaClausEvent:
  19.  #Name of the santa claus entity
  20.   santaName: "&cSanta Claus"
  21.   #Username whose skin will be used for santa claus. Basically you can use whatever you want, here are some with the santa claus skin set:
  22.   #IMPORTANT: THIS PLAYER CAN'T BE ONLINE ON THE SERVER! It's recommended to use on of these listed above.
  23.   santaSkin: "brcdev"
  24.   #Choose whether santa should leave a nice snow trail behind him
  25.   enableSnowTrail: true
  26.   #Snow trail updater task interval (in ticks), the lower = the nicer effect but lower performance
  27.   snowTrailUpdateInterval: 10
  28.   #Choose whether santa should drop christmas gifts (configured below in the gifts section)
  29.   enableGiftsDrop: true
  30.   #Choose whether gifts should be dropped in random directions instead of where the santa is looking at (true = random, false = santa's direction)
  31.   giftsDropRandomDirection: true
  32.   #Interval between dropping a gift (in seconds)
  33.   giftsDropInterval: 30
  34.   #Default duration of the santa event (in seconds), it is used when the duration isn't specified in the /christmas start santa [time] command
  35.   defaultDuration: 300
  36.   #Gifts which will be dropped by santa
  37.   gifts:
  38.    #Gift ID, value doesn't matter but has to be unique
  39.     1:
  40.      #Chance to drop this gift (out of total of chances of all gifts listed below, it DOESN'T HAVE to sum up to 1.0)
  41.       chance: 0.6
  42.       #Gift item, more info:
  43.       item:
  44.         material: APPLE
  45.         quantity: 16
  46.     2:
  47.       chance: 0.3
  48.       item:
  49.         material: GOLD_INGOT
  50.         quantity: 16
  51.     3:
  52.       chance: 0.1
  53.       item:
  54.         material: DIAMOND
  55.         quantity: 3
  56.   #Choose whether chunk where's Santa's about to spawn should be force-loaded, it may be performance-heavy but useful
  57.   #for bigger worlds
  58.   forceChunkLoad: true
  59.   #Locations of Santa's random spawns and their chances (optional). More info in the plugin description
  60.   locations: {}
  61. snow:
  62.  #Choose whether snow particle effect will be enabled
  63.   enable: true
  64.   #Choose the snow level. There are 5 levels (1-5)
  65.   level: 1
  66.   #Choose worlds to disable snow effect in (set to [] for none)
  67.   disableInWorlds:
  68.    - world_nether
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