
Archeologist Anon- 3 The Thing

Jul 11th, 2015
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  1. >Be Twilight.
  2. >Just as the O’Brian’s had finished cutting through the ice, you were asked by Rainbow to go into the structure.
  3. >They found a well preserved body. Completely dried to a husk, but it looks like you should be able to find out a lot from it.
  4. >When the O’Brian’s finished moving up the chunk of ice with their body, you and Major Fields went up with your own body.
  5. “Alright, just move the ice block into the garage for now. I’ll take some samples now, but the temperature will keep it frozen until we can take a better look at it.”
  6. “Major, get this body into the infirmary and prep for autopsy, I’ll be in shortly.”
  7. >You then head into the garage.
  8. >You grab a drill and start working on the ice block.
  9. >Just need a small hole to get a needle down there for a sample.
  10. >Taking enough cell samples for testing, you head to the infirmary.
  11. >You set the cell samples away for now.
  12. “Alright Major, what do we have?”
  13. >The two of you begin the autopsy.
  14. >The subject seems to have died of dehydration; however that isn’t the astonishing part.
  15. >Combining what you got from the body, and various ice core samples you would place the structure to be between five and ten million years old.
  16. >And the subject is fully human.
  17. >His DNA was a 99.9% match with modern human DNA.
  18. >This completely will revolutionize how we thought we developed.
  19. >A+RD: “TWILIGHT!”
  21. >Be Ray
  22. >God you love it down here.
  23. >This business with some underground ruin is creepy though.
  24. >You ain’t goin down there.
  25. >Nothing really needs fixing today, so you’re going to take the dogs out when it’s light.
  26. >You open up the kennels, and have the dog’s follow you to a snowmobile.
  28. >Be Husky #2 ‘Max’
  29. >Lola still angry you take her bone yesterday.
  30. >Lola never like you.
  31. >Oh It Master
  32. >You love Master
  33. >And Master love Max.
  34. >YAY. Today we chase master.
  35. >Legs need to stretch.
  36. “WOOF WOOF”
  38. >Be Ray
  39. >The dogs really love being able to run around, they get too rowdy when they’re cooped up.
  40. >But it’s time to head back.
  41. >As you slide into the garage, the snowmobile nicks the corner of something.
  42. >Just some block of ice.
  43. “Max! Come on!”
  45. >Be Husky #2 ‘Max’
  46. >Aww running over.
  47. >Oh, new thing in Master’s home.
  48. >Lick lick
  49. >RW: “Max! Come on!”
  50. >Coming Master
  51. “Woof.”
  52. >That taste funny.
  54. >Be Biomass
  55. >Be frozen for eons- not dead
  56. >Waiting
  57. >Light- Energy
  58. >Vibrations- Energy
  59. >Movement-Energy
  60. >Vibrations- Energy
  61. >Oxygen- Energy
  62. >Biomass is being taken- One cell is all it takes
  63. >A Collision- More oxygen- More energy
  64. >Heat- Energy
  65. >Life- Molecular Biomass has been taken
  66. >One cell is all it takes.
  68. >Be Anon
  69. “You need to stop what you’re doing, NOW.”
  70. >TS: “Anon, Rainbow, what’s going on?”
  71. >RD: “Anon found something you need to hear about.”
  72. >You take out the video camera to show her some still you took of the drawings.
  73. “Look, the ruin down there. It’s a lab, not a tomb or temple or whatever. Whoever built it was suffering from a plague; they beat it but kept one subject alive down there. That’s what the glass was, a cage. The guy on the table there locked himself away to avoid it. So he should be good, but the other body, the one in the ice, well there’s a reason those people burned the others like it.”
  74. >TS: “Burned?”
  75. >You show her the still of the mass grave.
  76. >TS: “So it is.”
  77. >Twilight then turns to the Major
  78. >TS: “Major, we need case delta. Go retrieve it.”
  79. >The Major leaves, soon Twilight heads out of the infirmary.
  80. “Twilight wait! ‘So it is’ what?”
  81. >She’s kept you all in the dark for far too long
  82. >And now she’s talking about secret cases, and with plague bodies being uncovered, everyone’s lives are at risk.
  83. “Rainbow, tell me something. I know that Twilight has been hiding something big from the rest of us since we started this. Will you help me find out what?”
  84. >RD: “Aright Anon, I’m with you.”
  85. >The two of you can’t find Twilight anywhere in the base.
  86. >So you head out of the base.
  87. >You find Twilight barking orders to the O’Brian’s.
  88. >TS: “Alright, push it over there, make sure nothing breaks off of it.”
  89. >The ice block is being pushed away from the complex.
  90. “Twilight, what the hell is going on. And don’t say it’s classified, or that I don’t need to know. You have been keeping something from all of us. What. Is. It.”
  92. >TS: “I kept things from you to keep everybody calm. Once this is over, I’ll tell everyone what’s really been going on.”
  93. “Once what is over?”
  94. >Major Fields then shows a case to Twilight.
  95. >JF: “Ma’am.”
  96. >TS: “Proceed.”
  97. >The O’Brian’s move their rigs away from the ice, as Major Fields approaches it.
  98. >Several small packages are then placed atop the block, as the major walks away with something in his hand.
  99. >TS: “You won’t want to look directly at it.”
  100. >JF: “Fire in the hole.”
  101. >The ice block is engulfed in a blinding light, which begins to melt down the ice and snow around it.
  102. >JF: “Thermite.”
  103. >You could swear that the burning substance sounds like screaming.
  104. >Eventually it dies down, leaving only a scorched crater behind.
  105. >TS: “Major, you have authorization to bring the shotguns and flame units out of storage. Just in case.”
  106. >JF: “In case of what, ma’am?”
  107. >TS: “I’ll explain later. Everyone meet me in the infirmary in one hour.”
  108. >With that she heads back into the base.
  109. “Hey Major, does thermite usually sound like that?”
  110. >JF: “No.” He replies with a graven look on his face.
  111. >RD: “Come on Anon, let’s go sit down for a while.”
  112. >The two of you then go to find Sunset in the rec room.
  113. >SS: “Hey guys, what was all that commotion outside?”
  114. >RD: “Twi and the major just blew up the thing we found in the ice yesterday.”
  115. >SS: “Why would they do that?”
  116. “Twilight is going to be explaining soon.”
  117. >She had better be explaining soon.
  119. >You see Major Fields moving various crates into the building.
  120. >Eventually he settles into the rec room with you, Sunset, and Rainbow. One of the cases is still in his hand.
  121. “What’s in the box?”
  122. >JF: “Security.”
  123. >Guess you’ll leave it at that.
  124. >You don’t notice Ray or the O’Brian’s until Twilight’s hour is up.
  125. >Time to see what’s really been going on.
  126. >The team filters into the infirmary to meet Twilight dressed in a lab coat.
  127. >TS: “Now, you all deserve to know the truth about this mission. Yes, we were set here to investigate the ruins. But I failed to mention one other thing. I did this hoping that the incidents were unrelated, none of you deserved to be spooked for no reason.”
  128. >TS: “In 1982, contact was lost with two research bases: one Norwegian and one American. We never uncovered what really happened at those two bases, but bodies and charred rubble was found. The bodies, save for two survivors of the American base, were disfigured beyond belief.”
  129. >TS: “An audio recording recovered referred to a ‘Thing’ that would ‘rip through your clothes when it imitates you’. It is possible that the seclusion drove the people of one base mad, but not two. Before we destroyed the ice body, I took a couple of small samples, which I have since incinerated.”
  130. >TS: “I think that the others encountered the plague that Doctor Anon believes the ruin was built to study. Upon examining the cells, they were unlike anything ever seen on this planet. I believe that the plague was an alien parasite.”
  131. >JO: “An alien parasite?”
  132. >TS: “I know it sounds crazy, but when the cells were allowed to interact with living tissue, they reanimated and quickly ‘imitated’ the host cells. Thankfully, the body and all cells taken from it have been destroyed so we should be perfectly safe now.”
  133. >Does it sound like dogs are barking?
  135. >TS: “The danger has passed, and we’ll all be fine.”
  136. >RW: “One of the dogs was getting real close to that block of ice. How long did you say it took those things to take over?”
  137. >TS: “Theoretically a single cell could end up fully infecting a subject in an hour or two.”
  138. >Twilight slows her words as the noise of dogs frantically screeching fills your ears.
  139. “I don’t think that’s a dog anymore.”
  140. >The major opens the case he was carrying, and pulls a shotgun from it.
  141. >JF: “SPAS-12: point, shoot, pump, repeat. You got eight shots. I need to get something bigger.”
  142. >The major leaves the infirmary.
  143. “Alright, let’s go.”
  144. >What the hell is going on?
  146. >No one said anything about alien parasites.
  147. >And you’re an archeologist not a soldier.
  148. >Just remember all those mornings with granddad at the gun rage.
  149. >You glance behind you: Twilight and Ray are closely following, James a bit further back.
  150. >The other girls are probably hiding in the rec room, and the actual soldier has left.
  151. >Just fucking great.
  152. >God the noises coming from the kennels are disturbing.
  153. >It sounds less like dogs and more like a demonic possession.
  154. >Ray grabs a fire axe off of the wall.
  155. >You try to muster as much courage as possible. In the only way you can motivate yourself right now.
  156. >Even though you’re scarred shitless you need to do it, for her.
  157. >You look to Twilight and Ray, they nod and you grab the door knob.
  158. >Shotgun ready, you enter the kennel.
  160. >What the fuck is that Thing?
  161. >In the center of the kennel, lies it.
  162. >Your brain tries to comprehend the amalgam of tendrils spilling out of the skinned carapace of what used to be a husky. A deformed head looks at one of the other dogs, as its tentacles wrap the poor creature.
  163. >The dog is obviously scared, howling out in pain or fear. The creature has drenched it in some sort of mucus.
  164. >A second and third head growl towards you, having just entered the room.
  165. >TS: “Shoot it Anon!”
  166. >You aim the shotgun towards the creature.
  167. >You pull the trigger, but the creature seems not to be injured.
  168. >You pump and fire again for the same effect.
  169. >A third shot does little better.
  170. >You pause your firing, as the creature continues wrapping the remaining dog, and it howls out in pain one last time.
  171. >Before you aim the fourth shot into the dogs body.
  172. >At this the creature stops making any sound.
  173. >The three heads stare directly at you.
  174. >before they smash themselves together, conglomerating into one large horror.
  175. >You keep firing into the creature, after the gun is empty, then the creature still stands.
  176. >It stands up on four back paws, its body getting longer, and neck becoming serpent like.
  177. >The creature coils back, to strike through the chain link fencing keeping it trapped inside.
  178. >JF: “MOVE!” The major yells as he brushes past you and Ray, getting a clear sight on the creature.
  179. >He then opens fire.
  180. >Quite literally, as he empties the flamethrower upon his back into the beast.
  181. >Twilight goes to grab an extinguisher but he tells her to wait.
  182. >…
  183. >JF: “Ok, now.”
  184. >The flames are quashed out, leaving only the charred remains of what used to be four huskies.
  185. >RW: “It got my pups… Make sure that there’s nothing left of that… Thing.”
  187. >Using a couple tarps, the four of you get the creature wrapped up, you then suit up and take it outside.
  188. >Ray uses a digger to make a sizable ditch, which you then toss the remains into.
  189. >Joined by the other four, the Major pours gasoline into the pit before lighting it.
  190. >The eight of you watched in silence, aside from Ray mourning his dogs.
  191. >As the flames die down and the pit is covered, Fields speaks up.
  192. >JF: “One of us might be infected. Is there some sort of test? A way to know for sure?
  193. >AO: “Well I know I’m not one of those.”
  194. >SS: “I know that I couldn’t be one of them.
  195. “That’s the problem. We all ‘know for sure’ about ourselves.”
  196. We’ll if I could analyze infected blood as it interacts with clean blood, then it should be obvious.”
  197. >The Major then raises his flamethrower.
  198. >JF: “Alright, now I just refilled this. I’m sorry to have to do this, but we cannot let that thing out of here.”
  199. >JF: “You see, I checked some of the things before this. Snowmobiles and the Helicopter are scrapped; they look like someone took a can opener to their cockpits. I know that someone is not who they say, and they will not be allowed to infect the rest of the world.
  200. >As much as you don’t like this, the man has a point. If it got out, then thousands would die millions even. If left unchecked for long enough all life on the planet could be put at risk.
  202. >As you near the infirmary, Twilights runs ahead.
  203. >TS: “No, that can’t be possible.”
  204. >The infirmary is trashed. Blood packs lying ripped open in the sink, and the microscopes smashed against the floor.
  205. >Well shit.
  206. “Well this tells us two things. One: that one or more of us is infected. Two: that it would have worked.”
  207. >JF: “Alright people. Until further notice, we are under lock down. We’re going to board up every access point to this base, and we’re not going to open t until all of these Things have been weeded out.”
  208. >He motions you to enter the rec room, and you all take seats.
  209. >JF: “Now, we’re going to be using the buddy system. You are going to watch your room mate like a hawk, and in turn you will watch other teams like hawks. Eventually they’ll slip up. If someone has a problem sleeping while their roommate is awake, then we’ll have the rec room be watched so they can get some sleep on the couch. Remember, no one is allowed to be alone.”
  210. “If a single cell is all it would take to infect someone, then we should probably start making out own food from sealed containers only.”
  211. >TS: “Major, give me awhile to think, I’m sure that I’ll be able to come up with a way find out who is who.”
  212. >People nervously start to relax. Everyone is eying each other, like they’re playing life or death poker.
  213. >The major then speaks to you aside from everyone else.
  214. >JF: “Now look, you are the only one around here I can trust. Agent Sparkle was around those samples, Whitmore was in charge of the kennel, and the only one that I know has had no chance of contamination today, is you.”
  215. >He hands you a box.
  216. >JF: “Dragon’s Breath. Load those into the gun I gave you earlier, and it should actually have an effect if one of those Things shows themselves.”
  217. >He’s hiding his fear pretty well.
  219. >Alright, someone is not who they say they are.
  220. >Who do you trust?
  221. >The Major burnt the ‘dogs’ pretty quickly, so he should be ok.
  222. >Twilight was around those samples, but she knew what she was dealing with.
  223. >You didn’t see Sunset a lot today, but she was never around the ice block or dogs so there’s that.
  224. >The O’Brian’s brought up the ice block. Keep an eye on them.
  225. >Ray was around the dogs, but he was right there next to you when you confronted it, but better safe than sorry.
  226. >Rainbow was around you for the day, except when you went to the kennel, you trust her.
  227. >Anyway, making it out of here without her doesn’t even seem worth it.
  228. >You pull Rainbow to the hallway for a private talk.
  229. “Hey, look no matter what happens we need to stay in each other’s sight. You are the only one of them I can be absolutely sure about.”
  230. >RD: “Anon, I trust you. But how are we going to get out of here?”
  231. “I don’t know yet. Until we have a test, then I doubt there’s anything we can do but wait.”
  232. >RD: “Do you regret coming here yet?”
  233. “No. Because then I would never have met you.”
  234. >You doubt that any imitation can blush like that.
  235. >The two of you return to the rec room.
  236. >It’s going to be a long staring match with the others.
  237. >You have to outnumber the infected, otherwise they would just attack.
  238. >One or two of them. But who is it?
  239. >You should have stayed in bed this morning.
  241. >The whole ‘buddy’ system thing broke down pretty quickly.
  242. >As soon as people realized that Fields wouldn’t actually kill anyone, then they no longer felt bound by it.
  243. >But you and Dash kept together.
  244. >It’s getting close to the morning; everyone’s been up twenty-four hours now.
  245. >How many of them could be infected now?
  246. >The only one you’ve had in sight constantly was Rainbow, and you can’t trust the word of anyone else.
  247. >Of course, that’s what everyone must be thinking.
  248. >Shit.
  249. >But, what if the parasite takes over your body and leaves your mind intact until it surfaces?
  250. >Trapped in your own body, legitimately insisting that you are normal.
  251. >Right until it rips you apart.
  252. >No.
  253. >The host’s mind must die, replaced by the imitation. Without an active presence then it would rely too much on circumstance to spread, rather than actively seeking new flesh.
  254. >That doesn’t make you feel much better though, another one of them might have been turned.
  255. >You wonder how everyone else is taking it (Assuming that they are who they say they are).
  256. >Rainbow has been pretty quiet, you don’t think she likes the idea that anyone and everyone could be against her. Thankfully she still trusts that you are uninfected.
  257. >The Major has gotten twitchy. All of the doors except the main entrance have been boarded up, so he’s guarding that.
  258. >Twilight has locked herself in her office. She’s planning something (Or ‘it’ is planning something).
  259. >Sunset has mainly been in the rec room, sheepishly eyeing everyone else. Is she really scared or just looking for the perfect moment to pounce?
  260. >The others have been seen around at various times, but for the most part are out of your view.
  261. >As time goes by, the list of people you trust just shortens.
  263. >By the time the Antarctic sun had risen, you were back in your room.
  264. >RD: “But I thought that there was no reference for you to translate from?”
  265. “There isn’t, but I still think these tablets can tell me something.”
  266. “Look, this only works because there are three tablets. This one has larger figures at the top, and then goes into the smaller text. This one is completely covered with the small text, and that one has the small text but it stops halfway down the tablet. It’s all one big document.”
  267. “Now based on the way that the figures on the last tablet are written, It’s safe to assume that you read the language left to right, just like English.”
  268. >RD: “And how does that help us?”
  269. “I’m getting to that. Now I’ve seen thirty-five unique symbols, ten of which have this T shape underneath it.”
  270. “These are the numbers. See how in the grid the little rectangular dots are depressed going left to right and top to down? For each box over the T, then that goes incrementally up. One dot is one, one row is three, two rows is six, and a full grid is nine. By process of elimination the grid missing the center dot is zero.”
  271. >”It all came to me because I got to thinking how while language can be very strange, with little quirks everywhere, math is logical. So it stands that with numbers, they would use a rational form of digits as well.”
  272. >RD: “Point being?”
  273. >”At the top of the first tablet are larger symbols. The top row is a word of some sort, but underneath are three numbers.”
  274. >”Six six six. I think that this could have been the origin of negative connotations with that number; the infected certainly look like demon spawn, so it goes to stand that they would be likened to their version of hell.”
  275. >RD: “One last time. How does that practically help us from being devoured by the millions of year’s old alien parasite?
  276. “Well it doesn’t.”
  277. >She’s right. The discovery fascinates you, but it doesn’t actually help.
  279. >RD: “What are we going to do Anon?”
  280. >You honestly don’t know.
  281. >Your silence is soon answered.
  282. >RD: “That bad, huh? Anon, why don’t we lock the door and try to get some sleep, just a bit to get us off edge.”
  283. “Yeah, that sounds good. Just a bit.”
  284. >Thirty hours of being active has started to fatigue you.
  285. >You lock the door, and then go to join Rainbow on the cot, placing the shotgun within arm’s reach.
  286. >Four hours later the two of you are awoken.
  287. >By gunshots.
  288. >You and Rainbow spring up, and run out of the room to investigate.
  289. >You find a crowd near the door to the radio room.
  290. >As a bullet comes out of the doorway to strike the opposing wall.
  291. >JO: “None of you things are coming in here!”
  292. >You hear the sound of metal impacting metal and electrical equipment frying.
  293. >TS: “He’s got an axe, and he found one of the Major’s guns.”
  294. >JO: “We can’t let anyone else come here! I’d just doom them too!”
  295. >JF: “Calm down kid. We’re dealing with the situation.”
  296. >As Major Fields attempts to peek into the room, two more bullets fly past.
  297. >JO: “Like hell you are! You all could be infected by now!”
  298. >The Major faces you.
  299. >JF: “That’s a 1911, and he shot his seven. Let’s go.”
  300. >You and the Major enter the room.
  301. >JO: “No, you’re not getting me!”
  302. >James goes to swing the axe down upon you, but you move to the right.
  303. >As the axe hits the ground, the major grabs onto the handle and kicks James away.
  304. >You step up and throw a right hook, knocking out your crazed teammate.
  305. “Alright it’s safe to come in.”
  307. >Amanda rushes over to comfort her unconscious husband, and Ray goes to look at the damage he caused.
  308. >You’re no expert but it looks bad.
  309. >RW: “It’s scrapped. I might be able to jury rig something together, but it would never have the range to get back to McMurdo.”
  310. >SS: “Do you think he’s one of them.”
  311. >TS: “I don’t know, maybe. Or maybe it’s just the stress getting to him.”
  312. >AO: “He is NOT one of those Things!”
  313. >JF: “Either way, he’s still a danger to the rest of us. Let’s lock him in the utility closet for now; we can’t risk him damaging anything else.”
  314. >You, Rainbow, and Ray clear out the closet of anything that could be used as a weapon, before tossing James into it.
  315. >Under normal circumstances you would feel sorry for the guy, losing his mind like that.
  316. >But you can’t afford sorrow right now.
  317. >At any minute one of them could turn, you need to stay vigilant if you have any hope of making it out of here.
  318. >But for now, you’re trapped.
  319. >Helpless.
  320. >Hours are going by and you’re not one step closer.
  321. >You need to find a way to tell who’s who.
  322. >Maybe Twilight has figured out something.
  323. >You and Rainbow go to her office to ask.
  324. >*knock knock*
  325. “Hey Twilight open up.”
  326. >No answer.
  327. >*THUD THUD*
  328. “TWILIGHT!”
  329. >No answer.
  331. >Soon Ray and Sunset end up running to you.
  332. >RW: “She’s not on the north side.”
  333. >SS: “No one in the Rec room has seen her either.”
  334. >Shit.
  335. “Ray, get that axe. We’re going in.”
  337. >Ray grabs the nearest fire axe off the wall, and begins chopping at the door.
  338. >You unsling the shotgun from your shoulder; this could very well be a trap.
  339. >As a large portion of the door falls off, you get a better view into the room. Empty.
  340. >Ray reaches through to unlock the door, and the four of you enter.
  341. >Nothing looks particularly different from the few times you’ve seen the room.
  342. >RD: “Does it feel colder in here?”
  343. >SS: “A bit, yeah.”
  344. “Almost like there’s a draft.”
  345. >Twilight doesn’t really seem the type of person to readjust furniture in a room.
  346. >So why are there scrape marks next to the filing cabinets?
  347. “Guys, the cabinet, there’s something behind it.”
  348. >Ray and Sunset go to push the filing cabinets to the side, as you aim your gun to face the unknown.
  349. >A blast of cold air shoots through the opening.
  350. >A secret room, how cliché.
  351. >You go to enter, and find emptiness.
  352. >A door to the outside has been opened, with snowmobile treads leading out of it.
  353. >You close the room off from the elements to take a better look.
  354. >A small cabinet has been emptied, aside from that there is nothing more of note in the room.
  355. >Aside from a large red button with the words ‘BASE AUTO-DESTRUCT’ underneath.
  356. >Twilight is gone. She is either skulking outside while waiting for an opportune moment to strike.
  357. >Or she’s made her way for civilization.
  358. “Shit.”
  359. >Alright Anon, focus. We still have an infection to deal with here. Because Twilight was with you when the infirmary got trashed; even if she was one of those Things, then someone else is too.
  361. >You spend awhile going through Twilight’s files, nothing new.
  362. >Taking a last look through her desk, you notice something new.
  363. >A handwritten report- Twilight must have been keeping this over the past few weeks.
  364. >You begin to skim through; she seemed to be rather clueless before the other day.
  365. >Lots of wild speculation on what could have hit the bases in ’82.
  366. >The newer entries seem worth a read though.
  367. >[I’d estimate that if one of the parasites managed to make it to the general population, then in just over three years the human race would be completely assimilated.]
  368. >You had thought as much, this Thing would spread like a wildfire.
  369. >[I’ve been theorizing on the actual assimilation process. After only one cell infected some living tissue, then the alien replicas held notably less energy. I believe that the energy needed to fully infect a host drastically decreases as the amount of alien biomass involved is increased.]
  370. >That could be why it tried to devour the dogs. It’s quicker and more efficient to overload the new body with alien cells rather than have a few small ones replicate over and over again.
  371. >Maybe the creature will be incapable of spreading without it uncovering its true self.
  372. >Looking up from the report, you only notice Rainbow in the room with you.
  373. “There’s some useful stuff in here, but nothing to help us tell who’s who.”
  374. >RD: “Anon, I just heard something.”
  375. “What?”
  376. >RD: “Shush.”
  377. >She goes over to the door way, listening into the hallway.
  378. >RD: “It’s coming from storage room two.”
  380. >You make your way to the hallway; no one else is in the area except you and Dash.
  381. >The door to storage room two is closed.
  382. >You place your ear up to the door.
  383. >Heavy berthing, with the sound of wet objects smacking against another.
  384. >Rainbow places her hand against you shoulder, nodding that you need to check it out.
  385. >You take a step back, and reach out to the door with your left hand.
  386. >Shotgun held ready in the right, you pause.
  387. >Rainbow squeezes your left shoulder and you take that as signal to open the door.
  388. >At first you merely see an empty room. But there is more to the room then what you can see from the door.
  389. >You slowly step forwards, looking for any motion.
  390. >As you turn towards the right, Ray is on his knees about ten feet in front of you.
  391. >A thick tentacle binding his legs together, and going up to cover his mouth.
  392. >A thinner tentacle seems to be skinning his torso. Working its way under to slowly remove skin layer by layer, before wrapping itself in what it takes from its victim.
  393. >The smaller tentacle stops as you enter; slowly it brings itself off of Ray’s chest and begins to point at you.
  394. >As the blood slowly drips off, a human eye soon opens on its tip.
  395. >Nope.
  396. >You pull the trigger on your shotgun, as a wave of fire erupts towards the creature.
  397. >guess that’s why it’s called dragon’s breath.
  398. >The larger tentacle loosens its grasp, and Ray begins to scream out in agony.
  399. “I’m sorry.”
  400. >As you pump the weapon and fire again.
  401. >The Screaming only gets louder.
  402. >Pump.
  403. >Fire.
  404. >As fires continue to burn, the screaming soon stops.
  405. >Other members of the team start running in, grabbing extinguishers to stop the flames from spreading.
  407. “Take it outside to finish burning it.”
  408. >JF: “We can’t, a storm is about to roll in from the south.”
  409. >Shit.
  410. “Well then let’s toss it in the infirmary for now. I need to go see something.”
  411. >You exit the storage room, and head for the room adjacent to it.
  412. >The utility closet.
  413. >You throw open the door, and aim your shotgun into the room.
  414. >Only to find James calmly sitting on the chair you left him.
  415. >JO: “What the hell was that about?”
  416. “Ray’s dead.”
  417. >JO: “Jesus.”
  418. >You begin to lower the pointed gun.
  419. >JO: “Look, can I come out now. It was just nerves, I promise not to-“
  420. “No.”
  421. >You then shut the door before he can say anything else.
  422. >Ray was being attacked, just like the dogs. He was being assimilated.”
  423. >Someone had to have done the assimilating.
  424. >But you think you have an idea.
  425. >You head into the infirmary, where the others have brought the body.
  426. >Good everyone is here.
  427. “Alright people, I’m going to test a little theory. You see Ray was being attacked, but the tentacles were not attached to him. That means it was its own entity. Parts of the creatures can survive when separated.”
  428. >You don a pair of medical gloves, and unravel the tentacle from Ray’s body. Then you place it on another table.
  429. >You remove a bone saw from a nearby set of tools, and begin to cut the tentacle into two parts.
  430. >Good, it isn’t burnt all the way through.
  431. “Now Major, give me a flare. And be ready with that flame thrower.”
  432. >You pop the flare after he hands it to you. Then you place the flare between the two halves of the tentacle, before quickly retreating.
  434. >Immediately the two halves spring to life.
  435. >They shed the burnt tissue, and one slumps onto the floor.
  436. >The other coils, and rears its tip back as if to pounce.
  437. >The Major lets loose a jet of fire, engulfing the flesh serpent.
  438. >Where did the other one go?
  439. >The smell of burning flesh drenches the room.
  440. “Shit, anyone see it?”
  441. >SS: “I think it tried to go under the table.”
  442. >AO: “It hasn’t left the room.”
  443. >Rainbow movers closer, and places her hand on your shoulder, then leans in to whisper.
  444. >RD: “The body we found.”
  445. >You turn your head to view the mummified corpse.
  446. >The body bag it’s in is remaining still.
  447. >”Uhhhh”
  448. >A dry groan starts coming from the bag.
  449. >Fields tries to shoot the flamethrower, however the tank must be jammed or empty.
  450. >*Zzzzzzzip*
  451. >The bag starts to move, as the zipper quickly comes down.
  452. >You reach for the shotgun slung around your shoulder.
  453. >But it isn’t there; you set it against the wall.
  454. >You freeze as the corpse sheds the bag, then goes to step off of the table.
  455. >The empty eye sockets stare into your eyes. Deep into your very soul, as you face down the dried husk.
  456. >It’s almost ironic. He gave his life studying the parasite, so that no one else would ever die from it.
  457. >And now, millions of years later, his body is being used by the same parasite so that it may spread throughout the planet.
  458. >Time seems to slow down as the creaky body tests itself; the creature must not be fully integrated into its long dead cells yet.
  459. >The end tip of the tentacle spurts out of the body’s neck, pointing directly at you.
  460. >As the tip open to show the same eye you just burnt.
  461. >And the corpse begins to charge.
  463. >*BLAM*
  464. >Before the reanimated body can get halfway to you, a jet of fire spurts out in front of you, quickly igniting the dried corpse.
  465. >The body falls to the ground, and you turn to where the fire came from.
  466. >Rainbow is standing to your left, holding your shotgun.
  467. >You turn to fully face her and look deeply into your eyes.
  468. >She stays there, looking up into yours.
  469. >”AAAAAGGgghhhhH”
  470. >She looks down, and fires the shotgun into the corpse as it tries to rise from the ground.
  471. >After the flames thoroughly kill the parasites, the fires are put out.
  472. >Rainbow hands back your weapon and the team is about to leave the infirmary.
  473. “Wait.”
  474. >JF: “What?”
  475. “Ray was never fully burned.”
  476. >As you turn to face the body of a man you once called friend, you don’t find it lying down as you left it.
  477. >It’s upright on its knees atop a medical table.
  478. >You raise the weapon and fire, but the creature threw itself off of the table, on to the ground.
  479. >Bringing itself back to its knees, what used to be Ray’s chest starts to rip open vertically.
  480. >It leans back using its hands to support its mass.
  481. >The chest’s flesh rips to the sides, as bloody ribs start to jut themselves out.
  482. >Opening like a large set of jaws.
  483. >This is your chance.
  484. >You pump the gun again, and fire straight into the maw of the beast.
  485. >You let the monster writhe in pain for a while before firing again.
  486. >That should be enough to kill it.
  487. >But you’re all out of ammo.
  489. >You know how to prove infection or not.
  490. >But you need to be able to kill them.
  491. >You need to find one of Fields’ other flamethrowers.
  492. >It’d make sense that he’s one of them, and he kills others to prove his own innocence.
  493. >The ended up in the rec room. Some of the others broke out sealed military rations to eat from.
  494. >But you took Rainbow off to help you look, you describe the shape of the boxes you saw Fields moving around before everything happened.
  495. >Going through storage room one, you find a bag of zip ties. They should come in handy, so you pocket them.
  496. >Further searching yields no results. The Major must have hid the remaining boxes pretty well.
  497. >RD: “Hey Anon?”
  498. “Yeah Rainbow?”
  499. >RD: “Do you think that we’re going to get out of here?”
  500. “Honestly I don’t know. But I do know that if we can’t stop the parasite, then getting out is the least of our problems.”
  501. >RD: “I know that. It’s just that…”
  502. “Just that what?”
  503. >RD: “There’s something I need to te-“
  504. >She is cut off as the lights start to flicker before dying completely.
  505. >You reach for a flash light as Rainbow does the same.
  506. >The two of you then go to investigate the generator room.
  507. >You find Fields and Sunset waiting there already.
  508. >SS: “We’re out of gas.”
  510. “I thought we had enough gas to last six months?”
  511. >JF: “We do, but it’s in the shed outside.”
  512. “So someone’s going to have to go into a storm again, but this time with Twilight skulking around?”
  513. >JF: “Would you prefer to freeze to death?”
  514. >SS: “Rainbow, you don’t think that Twilight was actually one of them, do you?”
  515. >RD: “I can only hope not.”
  516. “Dash and I will go out there.”
  517. >RD: “Why are you volunteering me?”
  518. “Because you’re the only one I know hasn’t been able to be infected.”
  519. >Besides, if you two head out to the shed, you might be able to find a weapons crate.
  520. >None of the others give any real reason you two shouldn’t go, so you and Dash soon suit up.
  521. >JF: “It’s warmer than the last time you went out by thirty degrees. So the cold shouldn’t affect you as quickly. There is still considerable wind and snow to lower visibility, so be careful.”
  522. >You and Rainbow then leave the safety of the complex.
  523. >You drop a few flares at the door, then tightly grab Rainbow’s hand.
  524. >You’re not losing her.
  525. Slowly you make the trek to the secondary structure, and get out of the storm.
  526. >Lighting a flare, you are relieved to see that you and Rainbow are the only occupants.
  527. “You get the gas; I need to look for something else.”
  528. >You begin going through crates.
  529. >A few are packed with dynamite, some with guns, neither of which will help you in this exact situation.
  530. >RD: “I’m ready.”
  531. >She has as a pair of large jerry cans, so you take a last look into a crate.
  532. “Bingo.”
  533. >You shoulder the flamethrower, then grip her left jerry can and begin your journey back.
  534. >The storm seems to be lightening up a bit.
  535. >You soon reach the door; you let Rainbow enter first, before prepping your weapon.
  536. >Time to find out who’s who.
  538. “Alright people! Get back, and keep your hands where I can see them. Major, don’t you dare make a run for the flamethrower you set down in the corner.”
  539. >You begin pointing the weapon at the others, making them leave the room.
  540. “Now, we’re all going to fill up the generator. After that, we’re going to be having a little meeting in the rec room.”
  541. >You watch the others extremely carefully as they fill up the generator and get power going again.
  542. >As they finish, you lead them into the rec room.
  543. >You retrieve a few items from your pockets.
  544. “Sunset, use these to bind Amanda and Fields’ arms and legs. After that Rainbow will do the same to you.”
  545. >You toss her the zip ties as she complies.
  546. “Now what happened in the infirmary earlier got me thinking. See this Thing is a bit like a worm, lots of parts of it can survive when they’re cut. I’d reckon that it goes down to a cellular level.”
  547. “These Things seem to be smarter the bigger that they are. If it’s in a person then it can perfectly imitate someone; but those tentacles were smaller, and they acted more like animals.”
  548. “Its basic instinct is to survive. So what would happen when a small amount of it, like a bit of infected blood, came under attack?”
  549. >You remove a first aid kit, and open a sealed bag of needles. Then take out five petri dishes, and begin to mark them all by name.
  550. >One at a time, you remove a sample of blood from everyone, making sure that everyone can see that you don’t pull a slight of hand.
  551. >”First will be me, so all of you can put your doubts aside.”
  552. >You pull out a spool of electrical wire, and begin whittling away the rubber with a pocket knife.
  554. >You hold the metal tip of the wire into the pilot light of the flamethrower, waiting until it almost starts to glow.
  555. >You gold up your dish, and bring the metal down into it.
  556. >*Tsssss*
  557. >JF: “This is garbage and we all know it.”
  558. “Don’t worry you’ll be going last.”
  559. >That could mean nothing for all you know. But on the off chance that this works, then you might finally be in the clear.
  560. “Now for Rainbow’s sample.”
  561. >You reheat the metal, then grab Rainbow’s dish.
  562. >*Tsssss*
  563. >Thank God.
  564. >You and Rainbow share a moment of eye contact, as you smile to each other.
  565. “Sunset can go next.”
  566. >The metal tip glows as you bring it into her sample.
  567. >*Tsssss*
  568. >You toss your pocket knife to Dash.
  569. “Go ahead and cut her ties.”
  570. >You wait for the girls to get away from the other two as you prepare the wire again.
  571. “Let’s see about Amanda”
  572. >You bring down the wire and
  573. >*SKREEE*
  574. >The dish pops up, and the blood puddles on the floor.
  575. >the beads of blood quickly slide over to Amanda’s feet.
  576. >Amanda begins shaking, the skin rips from her body, and she burst through the zip ties.
  577. >You attempt to fire the weapon, however it seems clogged, only small spurts of flame will leave.
  578. >She stands from the couch, body continually deforming, joints bending in opposite ways and entirely new limbs spurt from her torso ripping through her clothes.
  579. >You attempt to fire again and although you don’t have a full stream, enough fire leaves the weapon to cover Amanda.
  580. >*SKREEE*
  581. >The Creature flees from the room, heading to the main entrance.
  582. >You and Rainbow follow.
  583. >As the Abomination thrusts open the door, it steps outside.
  584. >You see that the storm has stopped, and the sun is just rising.
  585. >The two of you chase after her, but she can out pace you.
  586. >She’s heading to the tunnel.
  587. >As you catch up, the last you see of Amanda, is her broken body skirting down into the ruins.
  588. >Before you do anything else, you head back to the rec room.
  589. >*Tssss*
  591. >Guess you were wrong about Fields.
  592. >JF: “Kid, I would have done similarly in your place but get me the hell out of these!”
  593. >You take your pocket knife out to release the Major.
  594. “We don’t have much time; she went down into the ruins. I noticed crates of dynamite; would that bring down the dome?
  595. >JF: “Three times over, I’ll go prep it.”
  596. >The Major and Sunset go to get into their gear, leaving you and Rainbow in the rec room.
  597. >You go over to the bar and empty out a pair of whiskey bottles, and then grab some rags.
  598. >Plenty of gas in the shed.
  599. >RD: “Anon.”
  600. “It’s almost over Dash. It’s almost over.”
  601. >Rainbow drags you into a tight hug, as you reciprocate.
  602. >It’s almost over.
  603. “Come on, we don’t have much time.”
  604. >The Two of you return outside, to find Sunset rolling over oil drums to the tunnel.
  605. >SS: “He’s watching the tunnel, go get the crates.”
  606. >As you and Rainbow head over to the Shed, you make sure to fill the whiskey bottles with gas.
  607. >Just in case.
  608. >You stow the Molotov’s under your coat, then start grabbing the dynamite crates.
  609. >You take it over to the tunnel, and then stop to talk with Fields as Rainbow and Sunset continue ferrying crates and oil drums.
  610. “Are you sure that this will work?
  611. >JF: “It’ll work.”
  612. “Wait. Do you hear that?”
  613. >The two of you look down the tunnel, and hear a distinct skirting noise.
  614. >She’s coming.
  615. >JF: “Cover me.”
  616. >You aim your flamethrower down the tunnel, waiting to see when Amanda will come skirting up.
  617. >The Major rolls an oil drum over, and starts stabbing holes in it with a combat knife.
  618. “I can see it.”
  619. >Strike that, you can see them.
  620. “I think there might have been a few more of them trapped down there, a few dozen more.”
  621. >Fields kicks the oil drum down the tunnel, as it starts rolling down the incline you see it impact a few figures.
  622. >JF: “Hold, wait for them to get in range.”
  623. >The two of you wait at the crux of the tunnel.
  624. >And you both begin to fire.
  626. >The flame obstructs your view.
  627. >Your hearing however is not dampened.
  628. >Dozens of inhuman growls and skrees force their way into your ears.
  629. >A sound that you doubt you’ll ever be able to forget.
  630. >But when the flames clear, you see that the tunnel is clear.
  631. >JF: “That won’t give us a lot of time.”
  632. >The two of you remove the flamethrowers, having used the last of the fuel.
  633. >Rainbow and Sunset arrive with the last two crates.
  634. >First you put holes in the oil drums and let them roll into the abyss.
  635. >Then you slide the four crates down the tunnel, giving them an ample amount of time to reach the bottom.
  636. “So any last words?”
  637. >JF: “Good riddance.”
  638. >SS: “Just finish it.”
  639. >RD: “They are some ugly motherfuckers.”
  640. >You laugh at the last one. You have taught her well.
  641. >You pull out a zippo, and kneel down to ignite the trail of gasoline.
  642. “Go to hell.”
  643. >The four of you watch as the flames ride down into the tunnel.
  644. >After a minute, the earth trembles and you hear a loud thud.
  645. >You back away from the maw of the tunnel, as a large spurt of flame shoots out it.
  646. >Returning to your feet, you find that the tunnel has completely collapsed in on itself aside from the first few feet.
  647. “It’s over.”
  648. >Wait.
  649. >SS: “What about?
  650. >James
  651. “Shit.”
  653. >SS: “What do we do?”
  654. >JF: “Anon, here. Go get that shotgun, and if you have to, make it count.”
  655. >2 more shells.
  656. >You and Rainbow rush over to the Infirmary, as you load the shells into your weapon.
  657. >Then you rush to meet the others in front of the utility closet.
  658. >Sheepish glances are shared between the group, as you reach to open the door.
  659. >A blast of cold air rushes past you.
  660. >A large hole has been bashed through the closet’s wall to the outside and grotesque tracks lead away from it.
  661. >JF: “I fucking knew he was one of them.”
  662. “Hold up.”
  663. >You go to investigate the wall, not the broken one, but the one to storage room two.
  664. >You move a wood pallet away, and notice two smaller holes.
  665. “This is how Ray got attacked. James must have heard him in the adjacent room, and then shot those tentacles through.”
  666. >Bastard.
  667. >RD: “But it can’t be that hard now, we know that he’s the last Thing, so it can’t hide from us anymore. We just need to stick together and burn it.”
  668. >JF: “She’s right; its best weapon was stealth. Without it we have a seriou-“
  670. >The four of you run through the complex, back to the main entrance.
  671. >Only to see the smoldering remains of the supply shed.
  672. >Where the last of your fuel was.
  674. >Well that’s just dandy.
  675. >You’ve got what? Maybe a day or two left on the generators.
  676. >JF: “Shush.”
  677. >What the fuck is he on about?
  678. >Wait, you hear it too, metal being crushed and torn.
  679. “Fuck.”
  680. >The four of you rush to the source of the sound.
  681. >The generator room.
  682. >As you enter the door, you see what used to be James tearing apart the generators.
  683. >As you enter it stops, and looks at you.
  684. >You aim.
  685. >It turns.
  686. >You fire.
  687. >But it had already exited the hole it crushed through the room’s wall.
  688. >Back outside.
  689. >JF: “Son of a bitch. The generators totaled.”
  690. >SS: “And it will be dark in about three hours.”
  691. “It wants to freeze again, but needs us out of the way to do it. It’s going to wait for either it or the cold to kill us, then let itself get covered in ice. That way when a team comes to look for us eventually, it can spring back to life and get out of here.”
  692. >That’s it man.
  693. >Game over, man.
  694. >Game over.
  695. >What the fuck are we supposed to do now, huh, what are we gonna do?
  696. >JF: “Well we can’t let that happen. We have three hours to kill it. We’re not making it out of here, but we sure as hell can’t let that Thing out of here either.”
  698. >The four of you begin to scour the base.
  699. >It’s around here somewhere; it can’t risk anything as long as you live.
  700. >The Major has a revolver, that won’t do more than piss it off.
  701. >You have one shot of dragon’s breath, and two Molotov’s.
  702. >You only hope that it will be enough.
  703. >It wasn’t in the quarters.
  704. >Or the rec room.
  705. >Or the infirmary.
  706. >Or the storage rooms.
  707. >Or the entrance.
  708. >Or the generator room.
  709. >Or the kennel
  710. >Or the garage.
  711. >Or the bathrooms.
  712. >Or anywhere you looked.
  713. >It’s kiting around you, every once and awhile you can hear an unnatural crack, or the sound of flesh impacting flesh.
  714. >After over two hours you all rest for a minute at the bar in the rec room.
  715. >RD: “So. Any regrets?
  716. >SS: “None here. I always wanted to see the world. And I spent the last six years doing just that. I’ve been to every continent, and saw the most beautiful sights the world has to offer. In the end, I even saw something not from this world. All in all, not so bad.”
  717. >Always the optimist
  718. >JF: “I’ve fought for a long time, killed lots of people. Too many. Wherever I end up, I’ll have to answer for that. But, if my last act on this earth is saving each and every man, woman, and child then maybe, just maybe, It’ll count for something.”
  719. >Well spoken
  720. >RD: “Anon.”
  721. >Right now you only have one real regret: you and Rainbow are going to die here in this hellhole.
  722. >You never even told her how you…
  723. “What was that?”
  724. >You heard something behind you.
  725. >You turn to see something move through the door way, it’s going deeper into the base.
  726. “It won’t attack when we’re all together. I’m going, it’ll pick out the solitary target. All of you stay here.”
  727. >You unsling the shotgun, and prepare to enter through the door way after the monster.
  728. >This is how it’s going to have to be.
  729. >It needs to be this way.
  730. >The others might have a chance if you can kill it.
  731. >Even if you die in the process.
  732. >If you are going to die, then it won’t be an hour long process as your body slowly shuts down as your body temperature plummets.
  733. >You will die on your feet, fighting every step of the way.
  734. >This all started because you wanted to make a name for yourself. You wanted to be the one in the history books rather than the one reading them.
  735. >You started this with precious little to your name, except for college loans.
  736. >You had nothing. You were just another face in the crowd.
  737. >It fits your name
  738. >Doctor Anon Anonymous, PhD of Archeology.
  739. >It’s like ever since your parents named you that, your destiny was sealed.
  740. >You were doomed to always just be the normal one: the face in the crowd, the last one picked, and the first one forgotten.
  741. >If your death will never be remembered, if it will never be mourned, and if you will never be thanked for it.
  742. >Then it will be meaningful.
  743. >Because you have good reason to do it.
  744. >You set out on this journey with nothing.
  745. >But you found something worth fighting, and if need be, dying for.
  746. >Love.
  748. >Be Rainbow.
  749. >Shit.
  750. >First the supply shed, now the generators.
  751. >We are going to die down here.
  752. >This might be the last conversation you have with anyone.
  753. “So, any regrets?”
  754. >SS: “None here. I always wanted to see the world. And I spent the last six years doing just that. I’ve been to every continent, and saw the most beautiful sights the world has to offer. In the end, I even saw something not from this world. All in all, not so bad.”
  755. >Poor Sunny. At least she seems ready for it.
  756. >JF: “I’ve fought for a long time, killed lots of people. Too many. Wherever I end up, I’ll have to answer for that. But, if my last act on this earth is saving each and every man, woman, and child then maybe, just maybe, It’ll count for something.”
  757. >Damn, at least he can find solace in his death.
  758. “Anon.”
  759. >He looks like you just asked him what his regrets are.
  760. >No, you meant that as a statement.
  761. >Your only regret is him.
  762. >Not telling him your feelings.
  763. >That for every single day you talked to him you never just said.
  764. >That you love him.
  765. >A: “What was that?”
  766. >You turn to catch a glimpse of the creature before it runs off.
  767. >It’s stalking us, waiting for one of us to show weakness. Then it can strike.
  768. >A: “It won’t attack when we’re all together. I’m going, it’ll pick out the solitary target. All of you stay here.”
  769. >He moves to the door way, looking deep in thought.
  770. >Like hell you’re staying here.
  771. >As he looks content with his thoughts, you rush over to him place your hand on his shoulder.
  772. “I’m going with.”
  773. >He looks over to you and your eyes lock.
  774. >After a moment he nods, he knows that he can’t get rid of you that easily.
  776. >Be Anon.
  777. >Rainbow is coming with you.
  778. >You don’t like the idea, but you can tell that you can’t stop her.
  779. >You nod to her, and she takes up her position behind you.
  780. >It’s somewhat dark inside of the base, so she holds a flashlight to help you see.
  781. >Because your hands are not leaving the shotgun.
  782. >You feel her arm tighten around your stomach.
  783. >Good, feeling her body against your back helps muster the strength to continue on.
  784. >You slowly work your way through the hallway, mindful of where the skittering sounds are coming from.
  785. >As you near the first junction, you see the creature move off to the left.
  786. >It’s gone to the living spaces.
  787. >You stop in the junction.
  788. “Are you ready?”
  789. >You ask as you turn to face her.
  790. >She looks deep into your eyes before saying.
  791. >RD: “Not really. But as long as you’re next to me, I can.
  792. >You grab Rainbow in one last hug, and then turn to face the corridor.
  793. >Rainbow is holding on right behind you, you put the finger on the trigger of your gun as you raise it.
  794. >After a few steps you raise the gun.
  795. >You stand in front of Sunset’s room, and you kick in the door.
  796. >Empty.
  797. >You move to the other side of the hall to your room, and you kick in the door.
  798. >Empty.
  799. >But the two of you feel drawn into the room.
  800. >You enter, and start remembering all of the memories you made with Rainbow in here.
  801. >You feel a tear start to form before you brush it away.
  802. >You turn to face Rainbow.
  803. >As a long bony hand wraps around your door frame.
  804. >You look to see the bloodied abomination yell out.
  805. >*SKROWWWW*
  806. >You aim your weapon and fire.
  807. >A glancing blow.
  808. >The creature’s left shoulder is on fire but it remains in the door.
  809. >You draw Rainbow in for one last embrace.
  811. >Rainbow shoves her head into your chest and wraps her arms tightly around you.
  812. “I’m sorry.”
  813. >*BLAM BLAM BLAM*
  814. >Gunfire, you look up to see the creature turning to face down the hallway, and you hear the Major’s voice yell out.
  815. >JF: “I’ll distract it, there’s an empty flame thrower in my room, it might have one last shot!”
  816. >*BLAM BLAM*
  817. >the creature begins charging down the hallway.
  818. >You grab ahold of Rainbow’s arm and toss the weapon onto the floor.
  819. >You start to leave the room, but.
  820. >RD: “Wait.”
  821. >She throws your notebook and the stone tablets into your personal bag before slinging it over her shoulder.
  822. >You run into Fields’ room, and toss on the flamethrower, turning the necessary nozzles to be ready to fire.
  823. >*BLAM*
  824. “He had a revolver, that’s his last shot. Come on I have an idea!”
  825. >You grab Rainbow with your free hand, and start running through the base.
  826. >Unchallenged, you arrive at Twilight’s office.
  827. “Rainbow, we know that the Thing is in the base.”
  828. >RD: “You want to use Twilight’s self-destruct?
  829. “It might be our only sure fire way to kill it.”
  830. >The two of you push aside the filing cabinet and enter the secret room.
  831. >You open up the door to the outside.
  832. “Once we hit it, then we run like hell and don’t look back.”
  833. >You prepare to slam the big red button, but stop in your tracks.
  834. >Footsteps. Heavy footsteps.
  835. >It’s in the office.
  837. >The two of you come to a stop.
  838. >You move Rainbow so that you’re between her and the entrance.
  839. >You reach into your coat and retrieve one of the Molotov’s, lighting it with the flamethrowers pilot light.
  840. >You mover to the passage way, and see the creature standing ten feet ahead of you.
  841. “Catch.”
  842. >You throw the Molotov at the creature and it breaks on impact, engulfing the creature in flame.
  843. >But it starts to roll on the ground, it’s putting itself out.
  844. >Rainbow yanks you back into the room, and places you hand over the destruct button.
  845. >The two of you press it together.
  846. >{THIS BASE WILL AUTO DESTRUCT IN TWENTY SECONDS} a claxon rings throughout the base
  847. >And with that, you join hands, start running, and don’t stop.
  848. >Not until a large shockwave hits you from behind.
  849. >The two of you turn to find the base sky high, as smaller bits rain down into the snow.
  850. >You move back into the relative warmth of the inferno.
  851. “Is that?”
  852. >RD: “It is.”
  853. >The two of you run to the north, to meet another figure walking around the wreckage.
  854. >JF: “I see you two made it. I assume that the blast killed the parasite?”
  855. “Yeah, how did you get away from it?”
  856. >JF: “I ran faster than I thought my old legs could run. Eventually it lost interest and must have headed back for you guys.”
  857. >RD: “Where’s Sunset?”
  858. >JF: “We got separated while running away from it. I think she was inside when it… I’m sorry.”
  859. >You don’t like this.
  860. >You reach into your coat.
  861. “Hey Major I snuck this out, I think you deserve a drink.”
  862. >He Takes the whiskey bottle and drinks from it.
  863. “See there’s two things I know. One, the Major I know did not have a scar in his right temple. Two, humans can’t drink gasoline”
  865. >You and Rainbow start backtracking, while you begin to point the flamethrower at ‘Fields.’
  866. >He stands there, perfectly still, while looking straight at you.
  867. >He Cocks his head slightly to the left, before he starts to shake.
  868. >His skin starts to peel back around the scar over his eye.
  869. >Nope.
  870. >You open fire, and release what little you had left in the flame thrower tanks.
  871. >The gasoline in the Molotov catches as well, as Fields falls to the ground with a final SKREEE.
  872. “Yeah, fuck you too!”
  873. >The two of you watch until the flames end.
  874. >You go over to the remains of the tunnel, and find your hopes fulfilled.
  875. >One last jerry can remains.
  876. >You return it to Fields and empty the canister, before kneeling down to light it.
  877. >It pays to be thorough.
  879. >You and Rainbow then head towards the wreckage of the main complex, and rest on a snow bank as the flames keep you warm.
  880. >The two of you lie down; to face the Antarctic sunset as it slowly goes down over the horizon.
  881. “The heat from the base won’t last long, and I doubt that we’ll last until the morning.”
  882. >RD: “That doesn’t matter. Because now it really is over.”
  883. >The two of you move your heads to look at each other.
  884. >And look deep into one another’s eyes.
  885. “Rainbow…”
  886. >No words
  887. >As the last second of sunlight fade from your world, the two of you draw your faces closer and rest into a kiss.
  888. >As you continue, you turn your bodies towards one another and hold each other in a full embrace.
  889. >After what seems like an eternity of nirvana in each other’s lips, you both slowly draw away from the passionate lock you have found in each other.
  890. >Your faces stay just as close, and as you stare deeply into her eyes, you both simultaneously say:
  891. “I love you.”
  892. >RD: “I love you.”
  893. >As you stay locked together, she soon continues.
  894. >RD: “I have for so long, but I could never bring myself to actua-“
  895. >You silence her by pressing you lips back into hers.
  896. >As you draw away you whisper to her.
  897. “I know. I was the same.”
  898. >She presses her lips into yours, and the two of you stay in an embrace.
  899. >All seems right with the world.
  901. >Until…
  902. >You hear footsteps, which draw you away from each other.
  903. >You both look up to see Sunset, working her way towards you.
  904. >She lies into the snow bank opposite you two.
  905. >SS: “When the Major went after you, he drew the Thing away. We ran as fast as we could, but he insisted that I continue without him. Last I saw he was facing the creature with his gun pointed to his own head. After that I ran out of the complex as far as I could. Later I heard and saw the explosion then came to see if anyone else made it. That is you guys right?
  906. “Well I think that if we aren’t who we say we are, or you aren’t who you say you are, then none of us are in any real position to do anything. So the only thing we can do is to wait. And see if we have any surprises for each other.”
  907. >The fires start to die, and the cold creeps back, as the three of you are left under the Antarctic stars.
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