Guest User


a guest
Feb 23rd, 2018
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  2. -- define all language properties
  4. local lang = {
  5. common = {
  6. welcome = "Welcome to the server. Press K to use the menu.~n~",
  7. no_player_near = "~r~No player near you.",
  8. invalid_value = "~r~Invalid value.",
  9. invalid_name = "~r~Invalid name.",
  10. not_found = "~r~Not found.",
  11. request_refused = "~r~Request refused.",
  12. wearing_uniform = "~r~Be careful, you are wearing a uniform.",
  13. not_allowed = "~r~Not allowed."
  14. },
  15. weapon = {
  16. pistol = "Pistol"
  17. },
  18. survival = {
  19. starving = "starving",
  20. thirsty = "thirsty"
  21. },
  22. money = {
  23. display = "<span class="symbol">$</span> {1}",
  24. bdisplay = "<span class="symbol">$</span> {1}",
  25. given = "Given ~r~{1}$.",
  26. received = "Received ~g~{1}$.",
  27. received_dirty = "Dirty Money ~g~{1}$.",
  28. not_enough = "~r~Not enough money.",
  29. paid = "Paid ~r~{1}$.",
  30. give = {
  31. title = "Give money",
  32. description = "Give money to the nearest player.",
  33. prompt = "Amount to give:"
  34. }
  35. },
  36. inventory = {
  37. title = "Inventory",
  38. description = "Open the inventory.",
  39. iteminfo = "({1})<br /><br />{2}<br /><em>{3} kg</em>",
  40. info_weight = "weight {1}/{2} kg",
  41. give = {
  42. title = "Give",
  43. description = "Give items to the nearest player.",
  44. prompt = "Amount to give (max {1}):",
  45. given = "Given ~r~{1} ~s~{2}.",
  46. received = "Received ~g~{1} ~s~{2}.",
  47. },
  48. trash = {
  49. title = "Trash",
  50. description = "Destroy items.",
  51. prompt = "Amount to trash (max {1}):",
  52. done = "Trashed ~r~{1} ~s~{2}."
  53. },
  54. missing = "~r~Missing {2} {1}.",
  55. full = "~r~Inventory full.",
  56. chest = {
  57. title = "Chest",
  58. already_opened = "~r~This chest is already opened by someone else.",
  59. full = "~r~Chest full.",
  60. take = {
  61. title = "Take",
  62. prompt = "Amount to take (max {1}):"
  63. },
  64. put = {
  65. title = "Put",
  66. prompt = "Amount to put (max {1}):"
  67. }
  68. }
  69. },
  70. atm = {
  71. title = "ATM",
  72. info = {
  73. title = "Info",
  74. bank = "bank: {1} $"
  75. },
  76. deposit = {
  77. title = "Deposit",
  78. description = "wallet to bank",
  79. prompt = "Enter amount of money for deposit:",
  80. deposited = "~r~{1}$~s~ deposited."
  81. },
  82. withdraw = {
  83. title = "Withdraw",
  84. description = "bank to wallet",
  85. prompt = "Enter amount of money to withdraw:",
  86. withdrawn = "~g~{1}$ ~s~withdrawn.",
  87. not_enough = "~r~You don't have enough money in bank."
  88. }
  89. },
  90. business = {
  91. title = "Chamber of Commerce",
  92. directory = {
  93. title = "Directory",
  94. description = "Business directory.",
  95. dprev = "> Prev",
  96. dnext = "> Next",
  97. info = "<em>capital: </em>{1} $<br /><em>owner: </em>{2} {3}<br /><em>registration n°: </em>{4}<br /><em>phone: </em>{5}"
  98. },
  99. info = {
  100. title = "Business info",
  101. info = "<em>name: </em>{1}<br /><em>capital: </em>{2} $<br /><em>capital transfer: </em>{3} $<br /><br/>Capital transfer is the amount of money transfered for a business economic period, the maximum is the business capital."
  102. },
  103. addcapital = {
  104. title = "Add capital",
  105. description = "Add capital to your business.",
  106. prompt = "Amount to add to the business capital:",
  107. added = "~r~{1}$ ~s~added to the business capital."
  108. },
  109. launder = {
  110. title = "Money laundering",
  111. description = "Use your business to launder dirty money.",
  112. prompt = "Amount of dirty money to launder (max {1} $): ",
  113. laundered = "~g~{1}$ ~s~laundered.",
  114. not_enough = "~r~Not enough dirty money."
  115. },
  116. open = {
  117. title = "Open business",
  118. description = "Open your business, minimum capital is {1} $.",
  119. prompt_name = "Business name (can't change after, max {1} chars):",
  120. prompt_capital = "Initial capital (min {1})",
  121. created = "~g~Business created."
  123. }
  124. },
  125. cityhall = {
  126. title = "City Hall",
  127. identity = {
  128. title = "New identity",
  129. description = "Create a new identity, cost = {1} $.",
  130. prompt_firstname = "Enter your First name:",
  131. prompt_name = "Enter your Last name:",
  132. prompt_age = "Enter your age:",
  133. },
  134. menu = {
  135. title = "Identity",
  136. info = "<em>First name: </em>{2}<br /><em>Last name: </em>{1}<br /><em>Age: </em>{3}<br /><em>Registration n°: </em>{4}<br /><em>Phone: </em>{5}<br /><em>Address: </em>{7}, {6}"
  137. }
  138. },
  139. police = {
  140. title = "Police",
  141. wanted = "Wanted rank {1}",
  142. not_handcuffed = "~r~Not handcuffed",
  143. cloakroom = {
  144. title = "Cloakroom",
  145. uniform = {
  146. title = "Uniform",
  147. description = "Put uniform."
  148. }
  149. },
  150. pc = {
  151. title = "PC",
  152. searchreg = {
  153. title = "Registration search",
  154. description = "Search identity by registration.",
  155. prompt = "Enter registration number:"
  156. },
  157. closebusiness = {
  158. title = "Close business",
  159. description = "Close business of the nearest player.",
  160. request = "Are you sure to close the business {3} owned by {1} {2} ?",
  161. closed = "~g~Business closed."
  162. },
  163. trackveh = {
  164. title = "Track vehicle",
  165. description = "Track a vehicle by its registration number.",
  166. prompt_reg = "Enter registration number:",
  167. prompt_note = "Enter a tracking note/reason:",
  168. tracking = "~b~Tracking started.",
  169. track_failed = "~b~Tracking of {1}~s~ ({2}) ~n~~r~Failed.",
  170. tracked = "Tracked {1} ({2})"
  171. },
  172. records = {
  173. show = {
  174. title = "Show records",
  175. description = "Show police records by registration number."
  176. },
  177. delete = {
  178. title = "Clear records",
  179. description = "Clear police records by registration number.",
  180. deleted = "~b~Police records deleted"
  181. }
  182. }
  183. },
  184. menu = {
  185. handcuff = {
  186. title = "Handcuff",
  187. description = "Handcuff/unhandcuff nearest player."
  188. },
  189. putinveh = {
  190. title = "Put in vehicle",
  191. description = "Put the nearest handcuffed player in the nearest vehicle, as passenger."
  192. },
  193. getoutveh = {
  194. title = "Get out vehicle",
  195. description = "Get out of vehicle the nearest handcuffed player."
  196. },
  197. askid = {
  198. title = "Ask ID",
  199. description = "Ask ID card from the nearest player.",
  200. request = "Do you want to give your ID card ?",
  201. request_hide = "Hide the ID card.",
  202. asked = "Asking ID..."
  203. },
  204. check = {
  205. title = "Check player",
  206. description = "Check money, inventory and weapons of the nearest player.",
  207. request_hide = "Hide the check report.",
  208. info = "<em>money: </em>{1} $<br /><br /><em>inventory: </em>{2}<br /><br /><em>weapons: </em>{3}",
  209. checked = "You have being checked."
  210. },
  211. seize = {
  212. seized = "Seized {2} ~r~{1}",
  213. weapons = {
  214. title = "Seize weapons",
  215. description = "Seize nearest player weapons",
  216. seized = "~b~Your weapons have been seized."
  217. },
  218. items = {
  219. title = "Seize illegals",
  220. description = "Seize illegal items",
  221. seized = "~b~Your illegal stuff has been seized."
  222. }
  223. },
  224. jail = {
  225. title = "Jail",
  226. description = "Jail/UnJail nearest player in/from the nearest jail.",
  227. not_found = "~r~No jail found.",
  228. jailed = "~b~Jailed.",
  229. unjailed = "~b~Unjailed.",
  230. notify_jailed = "~b~You have been jailed.",
  231. notify_unjailed = "~b~You have been unjailed."
  232. },
  233. fine = {
  234. title = "Fine",
  235. description = "Fine the nearest player.",
  236. fined = "~b~Fined ~s~{2} $ for ~b~{1}.",
  237. notify_fined = "~b~You have been fined ~s~ {2} $ for ~b~{1}.",
  238. record = "[Fine] {2} $ for {1}"
  239. },
  240. store_weapons = {
  241. title = "Store weapons",
  242. description = "Store your weapons in your inventory."
  243. }
  244. },
  245. identity = {
  246. info = "<em>Name: </em>{1}<br /><em>First name: </em>{2}<br /><em>Age: </em>{3}<br /><em>Registration n°: </em>{4}<br /><em>Phone: </em>{5}<br /><em>Business: </em>{6}<br /><em>Business capital: </em>{7} $<br /><em>Address: </em>{9}, {8}"
  247. }
  248. },
  249. emergency = {
  250. menu = {
  251. revive = {
  252. title = "Revive",
  253. description = "Reanimate the nearest player.",
  254. not_in_coma = "~r~Not in coma."
  255. }
  256. }
  257. },
  258. phone = {
  259. title = "Phone",
  260. directory = {
  261. title = "Directory",
  262. description = "Open the phone directory.",
  263. add = {
  264. title = "âž• Add",
  265. prompt_number = "Enter the phone number to add:",
  266. prompt_name = "Enter the entry name:",
  267. added = "~g~Entry added."
  268. },
  269. sendsms = {
  270. title = "Send SMS",
  271. prompt = "Enter the message (max {1} chars):",
  272. sent = "~g~ Sent to n°{1}.",
  273. not_sent = "~r~ n°{1} unavailable."
  274. },
  275. sendpos = {
  276. title = "Send position",
  277. },
  278. remove = {
  279. title = "Remove"
  280. }
  281. },
  282. sms = {
  283. title = "SMS History",
  284. description = "Received SMS history.",
  285. info = "<em>{1}</em><br /><br />{2}",
  286. notify = "SMS~b~ {1}:~s~ ~n~{2}"
  287. },
  288. smspos = {
  289. notify = "SMS-Position ~b~ {1}"
  290. },
  291. service = {
  292. title = "Service",
  293. description = "Call a service or an emergency number.",
  294. prompt = "If needed, enter a message for the service:",
  295. ask_call = "Received {1} call, do you take it ? <em>{2}</em>",
  296. taken = "~r~This call is already taken."
  297. },
  298. announce = {
  299. title = "Announce",
  300. description = "Post an announce visible to everyone for a few seconds.",
  301. item_desc = "{1} $<br /><br/>{2}",
  302. prompt = "Announce content (10-1000 chars): "
  303. }
  304. },
  305. emotes = {
  306. title = "Emotes",
  307. clear = {
  308. title = "> Clear",
  309. description = "Clear all running emotes."
  310. }
  311. },
  312. home = {
  313. buy = {
  314. title = "Buy",
  315. description = "Buy a home here, price is {1} $.",
  316. bought = "~g~Bought.",
  317. full = "~r~The place is full.",
  318. have_home = "~r~You already have a home."
  319. },
  320. sell = {
  321. title = "Sell",
  322. description = "Sell your home for {1} $",
  323. sold = "~g~Sold.",
  324. no_home = "~r~You don't have a home here."
  325. },
  326. intercom = {
  327. title = "Intercom",
  328. description = "Use the intercom to enter in a home.",
  329. prompt = "Number:",
  330. not_available = "~r~Not available.",
  331. refused = "~r~Refused to enter.",
  332. prompt_who = "Say who you are:",
  333. asked = "Asking...",
  334. request = "Someone wants to open your home door: <em>{1}</em>"
  335. },
  336. slot = {
  337. leave = {
  338. title = "Leave"
  339. },
  340. ejectall = {
  341. title = "Eject all",
  342. description = "Eject all home visitors, including you, and close the home."
  343. }
  344. },
  345. wardrobe = {
  346. title = "Wardrobe",
  347. save = {
  348. title = "> Save",
  349. prompt = "Save name:"
  350. }
  351. },
  352. gametable = {
  353. title = "Game table",
  354. bet = {
  355. title = "Start bet",
  356. description = "Start a bet with players near you, the winner will be randomly selected.",
  357. prompt = "Bet amount:",
  358. request = "[BET] Do you want to bet {1} $ ?",
  359. started = "~g~Bet started."
  360. }
  361. }
  362. },
  363. garage = {
  364. title = "Garage ({1})",
  365. owned = {
  366. title = "Owned",
  367. description = "Owned vehicles."
  368. },
  369. buy = {
  370. title = "Buy",
  371. description = "Buy vehicles.",
  372. info = "{1} $<br /><br />{2}"
  373. },
  374. sell = {
  375. title = "Sell",
  376. description = "Sell vehicles."
  377. },
  378. rent = {
  379. title = "Rent",
  380. description = "Rent a vehicle for the session (until you disconnect)."
  381. },
  382. store = {
  383. title = "Store",
  384. description = "Put your current vehicle in the garage."
  385. }
  386. },
  387. vehicle = {
  388. title = "Vehicle",
  389. no_owned_near = "~r~No owned vehicle near.",
  390. trunk = {
  391. title = "Trunk",
  392. description = "Open the vehicle trunk."
  393. },
  394. detach_trailer = {
  395. title = "Detach trailer",
  396. description = "Detach trailer."
  397. },
  398. detach_towtruck = {
  399. title = "Detach tow truck",
  400. description = "Detach tow truck."
  401. },
  402. detach_cargobob = {
  403. title = "Detach cargobob",
  404. description = "Detach cargobob."
  405. },
  406. lock = {
  407. title = "Lock/unlock",
  408. description = "Lock or unlock the vehicle."
  409. },
  410. engine = {
  411. title = "Engine on/off",
  412. description = "Start or stop the engine."
  413. },
  414. asktrunk = {
  415. title = "Ask open trunk",
  416. asked = "~g~Asking...",
  417. request = "Do you want to open the trunk ?"
  418. },
  419. replace = {
  420. title = "Replace vehicle",
  421. description = "Replace on ground the nearest vehicle."
  422. },
  423. repair = {
  424. title = "Repair vehicle",
  425. description = "Repair the nearest vehicle."
  426. }
  427. },
  428. gunshop = {
  429. title = "Gunshop ({1})",
  430. prompt_ammo = "Amount of ammo to buy for the {1}:",
  431. info = "<em>body: </em> {1} $<br /><em>ammo: </em> {2} $/u<br /><br />{3}"
  432. },
  433. market = {
  434. title = "Market ({1})",
  435. prompt = "Amount of {1} to buy:",
  436. info = "{1} $<br /><br />{2}"
  437. },
  438. skinshop = {
  439. title = "Skinshop"
  440. },
  441. cloakroom = {
  442. title = "Cloakroom ({1})",
  443. undress = {
  444. title = "> Undress"
  445. }
  446. },
  447. itemtr = {
  448. informer = {
  449. title = "Illegal Informer",
  450. description = "{1} $",
  451. bought = "~g~Position sent to your GPS."
  452. }
  453. },
  454. mission = {
  455. blip = "Mission ({1}) {2}/{3}",
  456. display = "<span class=\"name\">{1}</span> <span class=\"step\">{2}/{3}</span><br /><br />{4}",
  457. cancel = {
  458. title = "Cancel mission"
  459. }
  460. },
  461. aptitude = {
  462. title = "Aptitudes",
  463. description = "Show aptitudes.",
  464. lose_exp = "Aptitude ~b~{1}/{2} ~r~-{3} ~s~exp.",
  465. earn_exp = "Aptitude ~b~{1}/{2} ~g~+{3} ~s~exp.",
  466. level_down = "Aptitude ~b~{1}/{2} ~r~lose level ({3}).",
  467. level_up = "Aptitude ~b~{1}/{2} ~g~level up ({3}).",
  468. display = {
  469. group = "{1}: ",
  470. aptitude = "--- {1} | exp {2} | lvl {3} | progress {4}%"
  471. }
  472. }
  473. }
  475. return lang
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