
IRCC Protected person inquiry correct application ***

Oct 14th, 2023
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  1. I had recently applied for the wrong type of card and was speak to Leonardo agent number #3826
  3. I should of applied for “Permanent Residence from within Canada: Protected Persons and Convention Refugees [IMM 5205]”
  5. I have been having issues with identity theft and fraud in regards to my status being stolen I’ve done what I can to update my Ontario identification card and health card information but I feel like it’s being changed every time I try to have the services used I am treated as if my medical history was updated to make me out to be someone else I’ve been homeless for over 5 months and have had zero assistance using court services or housing services I’m confused and can’t get any assistance.
  7. I feel as if I have been manipulated into giving up my protected status by hackers and fraudsters I don’t know who to ask for help and I can’t get any mail due to being homeless and being treated as if I have mental issues when the opposite is evident on all security recordings. I don’t understand why someone with my level of English and communication abilities would be having issues like this.
  9. I did not receive an application number and I have been digitally compromised by a hacker
  • s1337668
    251 days
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    1. Moving up in a job and working, regardless of how hard it is to move up like how I was doing at Indigo wouldn’t have allowed them to continuously conduct fraud. That’s why they needed me to not have an address and continuously move around, making it difficult for people to know where I am, and apply the protection.
  • s1337668
    251 days
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    1. I just remembered they I don’t know how early they started. Hacking me for her to be suspicious of me on purpose so they would’ve leaned in on that thing making it seem extra a good thing I don’t have friends I just have coworkers who took advantage of me, so they’re more likely to have done the most damage, all she did was act concerned which is why she gets to get off Scott every time all that matters is where you’re coming from doesn’t matter what you do these people are trying to protect me after the fact someone treated me poorly from a place of pure intent, I’d rather side with the person who crucified me for proper intentions, as opposed to the people trying to make this person seem worse than they are She did she did this year deflecting because you think she’s liable for everything but I know what you’re responsible for not correcting her sooner and knowing better
    3. They just needed her to be the suspicious one, so they would have had a reason to follow through with things that would ease her suspicion so keeping her suspicious kept me harassed when they already knew better
  • s1337668
    251 days
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    1. That’s why it’s so important to give me clerical issues that keep me from being housed while also trying to compromise my mental status by trying to get me to go back to a place I’ve already been told not to go to making it harder to keep my status applied to me It’s a good thing it’s never too late to learn about how you’re being fucked around so this would’ve continued until who knows they would’ve just continue to cause confusion.
    3. It’s unfortunate that I’ve been tortured and forced walk around and being treated as less than citizen or a liar when it’s impossible for me to have been able to do anything they claim they just needed to cause a delusion for me to believe in something God actually being hit by lightning makes me confused permanently they were never capable of providing enough clarity to ease the confusion, and it just kept causing me to identify people not doing the right job which would lead to me continuously having to try to get the job done, but never having it completed, which explains why the entire city of Oakville could not help me in my situation, and since September, I’ve not been able to progress past this situation.
    5. Not being checked in at the hospital means they’re trying to keep my family from finding out since they have been compromised digitally as far as I know my sister seems to be stressed out from an unnecessary situation but didn’t provide information in regards so someone is trying to convince my family of an altered mental status so they can continue to manipulate them without having me use my intelligence to stop them from syphoning money from my family and stealing opportunities from my family
  • s1337668
    251 days
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    1. I’ve already received media training I’ve already received training on how to deal with large crowds, and all of these things already because from a child’s age of four years old to five years old I’ve always been in the media how to handle attention from large groups of people. an excusable for me to have any issue and what they keep trying to do is stall the fact I need a psych evaluation when I already had one prior to obtaining my ODSP all they keep doing is everything they can to buy time to cause me to become a victim of my circumstance knowing everything that has been made to be true about my situation so they could manipulate me more. They can’t resolve the investigation because they already knew better one way or another, they won’t let me apply for an appeal. I’m already taking the steps to gain a pardon all of these things. I believe they have been synthetically applied to my identity for the purpose of stealing my status, because the person in question who happens to be my codefendant somehow been able to incriminate me while other officers, no better about his history, not allowing me to move past it, but keeping the charges stayed so they may harass me for investigative purposes, while syphoning money and stealing my status. I think he claimed to be a Satanist, which is why finding out I pond some things so I could go to work with the intention of buying them back as an excuse for doing this to me, gives me the excuse of defending myself, to the full extent of my capabilities. I’m more of a purest because I went down the rabbit hole until I found a specific ideology that represented my person. Thank you, Levi-Pathan’s Cross
  • s1337668
    251 days
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    1. It’s actually more likely than not to have been manipulated even back, then to have needed to go above and beyond for a bus ticket who knows what means they were taking you never know shop first all I know is that I was honest first and they can’t do that Not entirely
    3. afraid of consequences and all I know is facing consequences
  • s1337668
    251 days
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    1. Because of what I had already done the criminal lawyer, in question who went on his own rogue, mission and objectives in regards to my situations, and my family will have to be handled by the government because I can’t be sure of what had been done since I was tricked into losing my job because of the criminal lawyer forcefully, representing me for the purposes of personal financial gain. It’s a lot more disgusting if you know the fact that he’s been asking for my phone number when I was even in high school both of those owners the only one who is lucky enough is the one who is preoccupied with an education stay in school kids
  • s1337668
    251 days
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    1. My entire focus has been to obtain my own autonomy and independence and all they could focus on, was trying to discredit my mental status to force dependency upon my family, whom had already suffered a burden from them, bankrupting me the first time around in 2018 hacked and used as a compromised break in the chain to pay me superficially through them and manipulate them digitally since not as technologically savvy as me
  • s1337668
    251 days
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    1. Their identity may have been stolen as well, or primarily just their status. It’s a good thing. Our grandma came here and caused a national security risk foreign diplomat/dignitary
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