
100T vs CG Game 1 Analysis

Apr 2nd, 2018
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  1. Azir - Febiven plays really well on it (over the 6 games he was allowed on it this split, he has a 100% win rate), also allows a first pick Ryze if other big first picks are banned away.
  3. Swain - Incredibly strong right now, Pick/Banned in every major region and for a good reason, despite a fairly weak early game Swain's teamfighting is insane, and it's important that 100T don't get their hands on it as a first pick.
  5. Thresh - Hakuho popped off with this against TSM, worth banning away his comfort
  7. Ryze - A reply to the Azir ban, prevents a fairly safe first pick. Also Ryu has a 75% win rate on this pick over 8 games this split
  9. Gangplank - NA like to play a 1-3-1 or 4-1 style a lot more than EU likes to, which causes this pick, which was initially confusing as an EU fan, to make a lot of sense (also Solo has a 60% win rate on the pick)
  11. Taliyah - Ryu has a 75% win rate on this, and with the caitlyn/xayah's being left up, this pick would be incredibly valuable to snowball that bot lane.
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  15. Caitlyn - This first pick makes a lot of sense. First of all, Caitlyn on her own is a very strong pick (see her 77% prescence in all regions on 8.5), second of all, Cody Sun has a 100% win rate on the pick, and finally picking the Caitlyn means that a Xayah/Rakan pick from the side of CG might not work out, as 100T could choose to go for Morgana and aim to counter the duo in lane.
  17. Ashe - Another pick that confused me at first, however this has been seen across mainly NA as an answer to the Caitlyn, as she can play rather safe and kite away from any forced plays down in the bottom side, halting an attempt at a snowball.
  19. Trundle - Essentially means that 100T would have to pick Olaf directly into a counter, plus it means that Clutch could use this pick to snowball themselves (also it's a flexy boi)
  21. Olaf - However, 100T are fine picking into a counter, as the Olaf is essential to the kind of comp 100T are looking to draft. His synergy with the Caitlyn means that they can still go for the snowball through bot lane.
  23. Orianna - Speaking of synergy, Orianna fits perfectly with an Olaf. You can W to speed him up, E him to shield and deliver a shockwave straight into the backline of the enemy team. Also works as a blind pick, as she doesn't really suffer bad matchups
  25. Syndra - 100T's comp is quite squishy, and a Syndra pick can really punish this. Especially against an Olaf, if he dives and you get Trund+Syndra ult on him he's just dead, and so it works well into 100T's comp.
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  29. Braum - Provides some peel for the carries of 100T, something which 100T's comp lacks right now
  31. Tahm Kench - If 100T are on top of a champion and they get gobbled, that screws their whole gameplan up, and so it's a worth ban
  33. Alistar - Same reason as Braum, allows 100T to get some very good peel on their side
  35. Ornn - A big comfort pick for Solo, also compliments CG's long range engage with an Ornn+Ashe ult possibility
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  39. Sion - Speaking of long range engage, a Sion can ult from a mile away, and get a mean flank on the backline of 100T, which are yet to grab any form of peel. Also gives CG a good front line paired with the Trundle.
  41. Cho'Gath - Much needed peel for the side of 100T. Cho'Gath is a huge frontliner, one of the best in the game at it, and also without a Trundle ult on him it's going to be very difficult for the side of CG to kill him.
  43. Morgana - Caitlyn/Morgana is already a super strong lane, and even though it isn't going to 'counter' anything (like it would against the Xayah/Rakan), it's still a very strong combo and will allow the snowball bot to come to fruition.
  45. Karma - Gives CG another form of peel away from 100T with the Karma pick up, giving them the ability to zoom away from the 100T comp.
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