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- -- Cloned
- -- Misc Useful Functions
- -- Required by most other programs
- -- <>
- -------------------------------------------
- -- |¯¯] || |¯¯] \\// /\ |¯\ [¯¯] --
- -- | ] ||_ | ] >< | | | / ][ --
- -- || |__] |__] //\\ |||| || [__] --
- -------------------------------------------
- local log_file = "log.txt"
- local options_file = "flex_options.cfg"
- -- Defaults; can be changed in config file
- local modem_channel = 6969
- local name_color
- if term.isColor() then
- name_color = "yellow"
- else
- name_color = "pink"
- end --if/else
- function getPeripheral(name)
- local x,sides
- sides = { "top", "bottom", "left",
- "right", "front", "back" }
- local periph = {}
- for x=1,#sides do
- if peripheral.getType(sides[x]) == name then
- periph[#periph+1] = sides[x]
- end --if
- end --for
- return periph
- end --function
- local modem
- local hasModem = false
- local x = getPeripheral("modem")
- if #x > 0 then
- hasModem = true
- modem = peripheral.wrap(x[1])
- end --if
- function modemOff()
- local x = getPeripheral("modem")
- if #x > 0 then
- modem.close(modem_channel)
- end --if
- end --function
- local file
- if not fs.exists(log_file) then
- file =,"w")
- file.close()
- end --if
- function optionsExport()
- if fs.exists(options_file) then
- fs.delete(options_file)
- end
- local file
- while file == nil do
- file =,"w")
- end
- file.writeLine("# Flex API Options File #\n")
- file.writeLine("modem_channel="
- ..tostring(modem_channel))
- file.writeLine("name_color="..name_color.."\n")
- file.close()
- return true
- end --function
- function optionsImport()
- if not fs.exists(options_file) then
- return false
- end
- local file
- while file == nil do
- file =, "r")
- end
- local x = file.readLine()
- while x ~= nil do
- if string.find(x,"modem_channel")==1 then
- modem_channel = tonumber(string.sub(x,15))
- elseif string.find(x,"name_color")==1 then
- name_color = string.sub(x,12)
- end --if/else
- x = file.readLine()
- end --while
- file.close()
- return true
- end --function
- if not optionsImport() then
- optionsExport()
- end --if
- --==============================--
- -- Inventory Condense
- function condense(n)
- if n == nil then n = 1 end
- n = math.floor(n)
- if n < 1 or n > 16 then
- n = 1
- end --if
- local x,y,slot
- slot = turtle.getSelectedSlot()
- for x=n+1,16 do
- if turtle.getItemCount(x) > 0 then
- for y=n,x-1 do
- if turtle.getItemCount(y) == 0 or
- turtle.getItemDetail(x)["name"] ==
- turtle.getItemDetail(y)["name"] and
- turtle.getItemSpace(y) > 0 then
- turtle.transferTo(y)
- end --if
- if turtle.getItemCount(x) == 0 then
- break
- end --if
- end --for
- end --if
- end --for
- end --function
- -- Round n to p decimal places
- function round(n,p)
- if p == nil then p = 0 end
- n = n*math.pow(10,p)
- local m = n - math.floor(n)
- if m < 0.5 then
- return math.floor(n) / math.pow(10,p)
- else
- return math.ceil(n) / math.pow(10,p)
- end --if/else
- end --function
- -- Number to String
- -- Optionally a max length if not an integer
- function tostr(num,len)
- num = tostring(num)
- local sci = ""
- local e = string.find(num,"e")
- if e ~= nil then
- -- Separate exponent from number
- sci = string.sub(num,e,-1)
- num = string.sub(num,1,e-1)
- end --if
- if string.find(num,"%.") ~= nil then
- -- Remove extra zeroes from decimal
- while string.sub(num,string.len(num)) == "0" do
- num = string.sub(num,1,string.len(num)-1)..""
- end --while
- end --if
- if string.sub(num,-1) == "." then
- -- If all trailing zeroes are gone, erase decimal point
- num = string.sub(num,1,-2)..""
- end --if
- if len == nil then
- -- If no max length specified
- return num..sci..""
- end --if
- while string.len(num) + string.len(sci) > len do
- -- If too long, cut off a decimal digit
- num = string.sub(num,1,-2)..""
- end --while
- return num..sci..""
- end --function
- -- Evaluate Expression
- function eval(expression)
- local solution, err = loadstring(
- "return "..expression)
- if err then error(err,2) end
- local sol = pcall(solution)
- if not sol then
- error("Invalid Expression",2)
- end
- return solution()
- end --function
- -- Press any Key
- function getKey()
- local event, key_code = os.pullEvent("key")
- return key_code
- end --function
- function keyPress() return getKey() end
- -------------------------------
- -- [¯¯] |¯¯] \\// [¯¯] --
- -- || | ] >< || --
- -- || |__] //\\ || --
- -------------------------------
- -- /¯] /¯\ || /¯\ |¯\ --
- -- | [ | O | ||_ | O | | / --
- -- \_] \_/ |__] \_/ | \ --
- -------------------------------
- hexchars = "0123456789ABCDEF"
- -- Start with named value, get hex char
- function getHex(x)
- if x == nil then
- error("Number expected, got nil", 2)
- end
- x = round(math.log(x)/math.log(2))
- if x < 0 or x > 15 then
- error("Invalid color number", 2)
- end --if
- return string.sub(hexchars,x+1,x+1)
- end --function
- -- Start with hex char, get named value
- function getVal(x)
- local z = string.find(hexchars,x)
- if z == nil then return nil end
- return math.pow(2,z-1)
- end --function
- local send_depth, print_depth = 0, 0
- -------------------------------
- -- Multicolor Print Function --
- -------------------------------
- function printColors(message,textColor)
- local x,y,z,t,skip,margin
- local xmax,ymax = term.getSize()
- local oldColor = term.getTextColor()
- if textColor == nil then
- textColor = oldColor
- else
- end --if
- margin = ""
- for x=1,print_depth do
- margin = margin.." "
- end --for
- if type(message) == "table" then
- if print_depth == 0 then
- printColors("#0{")
- end --if
- print_depth = print_depth + 1
- for x,y in pairs(message) do
- if type(y) == "table" then
- printColors(margin.." "..tostring(x).." #0= {",textColor)
- printColors(y,textColor)
- else
- printColors(margin.." "..tostring(x).." #0= #"..
- getHex(textColor)..tostring(y),textColor)
- end --if/else
- end --for
- print_depth = print_depth - 1
- printColors(margin.."#0}")
- return
- end --if
- if type(textColor) == "number" then
- message = "#"..getHex(textColor)
- ..tostring(message)
- end --if
- for t=1,string.len(message) do
- skip = false
- while string.sub(message,t,t) == "#" and
- not skip do
- -- Found legit "#"
- if string.sub(message,t+1,t+1) == "#" then
- message = string.sub(message,1,t)..
- string.sub(message,t+2)..""
- skip = true
- else
- textColor = getVal(string.sub(message,t+1,t+1))
- if textColor == nil then
- textColor = colors.white
- end --if
- -- This bit clears out # escapes
- if t == 1 then
- message = string.sub(message,3)..""
- elseif t < string.len(message) then
- message = string.sub(message,1,t-1)..
- string.sub(message,t+2)..""
- elseif t == string.len(message) then
- message = string.sub(message,1,t-1)..""
- end --if/else
- end --if
- if t > string.len(message) then
- break
- end --if
- end --while (is escape char)
- if t > string.len(message) then
- break
- end --if
- -- Actually Print Character
- x,y = term.getCursorPos()
- term.setTextColor(textColor)
- if textColor == colors.gray then
- --term.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightGray)
- elseif textColor == then
- term.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightGray)
- end --if/else
- term.write(string.sub(message,t,t))
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- if t >= string.len(message) then
- break
- end --if
- -- Loop Around to Next Row
- xmax,ymax = term.getSize()
- if string.sub(message,t,t) == "\n" or x >= xmax then
- x = 1
- if y < ymax-1 then
- y = y + 1
- else
- print("")
- end --if/else
- else
- x = x + 1
- end --if/else
- term.setCursorPos(x,y)
- end --for
- term.setTextColor(oldColor)
- print("")
- end --function
- ------------------------------
- -- Print/Broadcast Function --
- ------------------------------
- function send(message,textColor)
- local x,y,z,id,nameColor
- local oldColor = term.getTextColor()
- local margin = ""
- for x=1,send_depth do
- margin = margin.." "
- end --for
- if type(message) == "table" then
- if send_depth == 0 then
- send("#0{")
- end --if
- send_depth = send_depth + 1
- for x,y in pairs(message) do
- if type(y) == "table" then
- send(margin.." "..tostring(x).." #0= {",textColor)
- send(y,textColor)
- else
- send(margin.." "..tostring(x).." #0= #"
- ..getHex(textColor)..tostring(y),textColor)
- end --if/else
- end --for
- send_depth = send_depth - 1
- send(margin.."#0}")
- return
- end --if
- if message == nil then
- message = "nil"
- end --if
- message = tostring(message)
- if textColor == nil then
- textColor = colors.white
- end --if
- nameColor = eval("colors."..name_color)
- printColors(message)
- file =,"a")
- file.writeLine(message)
- file.close()
- if hasModem then
- id = "#"..getHex(nameColor)..
- tostring(os.getComputerID()).."#0"
- if os.getComputerLabel() ~= nil then
- id = id.."|#"..getHex(nameColor)..
- os.getComputerLabel().."#0"
- end --if
- id = id..": #"..getHex(textColor)..
- message..""
- modem.transmit(modem_channel,
- modem_channel+1,id)
- sleep(0.1)
- end --if (hasModem)
- term.setTextColor(oldColor)
- sleep(0.02)
- end --function (print/broadcast)
- --================================--
- args = {...}
- if args[1]=="color" or args[1]=="colors" then
- z = ""
- for x=0,15 do
- y = string.sub(hexchars,x+1,x+1)..""
- z = z.."#"..y..y.."#0 "
- end --for
- printColors(z)
- return
- elseif args[1] == "edit" then
-"edit "..options_file)
- optionsImport()
- end --if/else
- -------------------------------------------
- -- /¯¯] |¯¯] [¯¯] |¯\ /\ [¯¯] /\ --
- --| [¯| | ] || | | | | || | | --
- -- \__| |__] || |_/ |||| || |||| --
- -------------------------------------------
- function getBlock(dir)
- dir = dir or "fwd"
- local block,meta
- if dir=="fwd" then
- block,meta = turtle.inspect()
- elseif dir=="up" then
- block,meta = turtle.inspectUp()
- elseif dir=="down" then
- block,meta = turtle.inspectDown()
- end
- if block then
- block = meta["name"]
- meta = meta["metadata"]
- return block,meta
- else
- return "minecraft:air",nil
- end --if
- end --function
- function getBlockUp()
- return getBlock("up")
- end
- function getBlockDown()
- return getBlock("down")
- end
- function isBlock(key,dir)
- if type(key) == "string" then
- key = { key }
- end --if
- if type(key) ~= "table" then
- error("Expected string or table, got "
- ..type(key), 2)
- return false
- end --if
- local block = getBlock(dir)
- local x
- for x=1,#key do
- if string.find(key[x],":") ~= nil then
- if block == key[x] then
- return true
- end --if
- else
- if string.find(block,key[x]) ~= nil then
- return true
- end --if
- end --if/else
- end --for
- return false
- end --function
- function isBlockUp(key)
- return isBlock(key, "up")
- end
- function isBlockDown(key)
- return isBlock(key, "down")
- end
- local fluid = { "air", "water", "lava",
- "acid", "blood", "poison" }
- function isFluid(dir)
- return isBlock(fluid, "fwd")
- end
- function isFluidUp()
- return isBlock(fluid, "up")
- end
- function isFluidDown()
- return isBlock(fluid, "down")
- end
- function isItem(key,slot)
- if key == nil then return false end
- local slot_old = turtle.getSelectedSlot()
- if type(slot) ~= "number" then
- slot = slot_old
- end --if
- if type(key) == "table" then
- local x
- for x=1,#key do
- if isItem(key[x],slot) then
- return true
- end --if
- end --for
- return false
- end --if
- if turtle.getItemCount(slot) == 0 then
- return false
- end --if
- local name = turtle.getItemDetail(slot)["name"]
- return ( string.find(name,key) ~= nil )
- end --function
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