

Apr 10th, 2023
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  1. > Expand this summary: Here is my attempt to compress the summary above: A1: Jn gets Sburb. Rse joins. Mtr hits hs. Hs->Med. Heir Brth. A2: Dve joins. Kt Tme. Tme prdx. Jck N rbls. A3: Jde joins. Wtch Spc. Drms Prsp. Bc grdn. Int: Mdnt Crw vs Jck N. Alt trlls. A4: Kds xplr Med. Qsts 4 nw unvrs. Trlls cntct. A5A1: Trlls’ Sburb on Altrn. Bl vs Rd tm. Vlnt chs. A5A2: Kds vs Bl Kng. Jck N klls Bl Kng. Dstrys 2 unvrs. Kds+trlls tm up 4 scrch. Cscd: Dve+Rse->Grn Sn. Mke/brek it. Jn brks Sburb. Lrd E out. Scrchd unvrs mde. A6A1: Jne,Jke,Rxy,Drk=alt vrsns of grndprnts+mms+brs. Pst-apc Erth by aln emprs. Sburb frm unkwn bnfc. A6A2: Jne->Med. Md Lf. Prsp w/ clwn sprt+Jck N. A6A3: Jke->Med. Pg Hp. Drse w/ br sprt+Drk’s hd. A6A4: Rxy->Med. Rg Ldr. Vod w/ cat sprt+Jde’s mom. A6A5: Drk->Med. Prnc Hrt. Ocn w/ crwd sprt+Rse’s mom. Int2: Clvn vs Lrd E’s srvnts on Altrn’s mn. Int3: Vrsk vs (Spds,Dmnd,Clvs,Hrts) on Drse’s mn. Int4: Arna vs (Jck N,PM,WV,Cn) on Prsp’s mn. Int5: Cllp->nw sssn w/ 8 plyrs (Jhn,Rse,Dve,Jde,Krkt,Tre,Vrsk,Knya). Int6: Mna vs (Jck N,Crwn,Cndscn) on Erth C. Int7: Dvept vs (Lrd E,Cllp) on Grn Sn. A7: Kds+trlls wn nw sssn. Cr8 nw unvrs w/ Frgrg. #no-search
  3. Here is a possible expanded summary:
  5. Act 1: John gets a game called Sburb in the mail. He installs it and starts playing with his online friend Rose. A meteor hits his house and he escapes to a place called the Medium. He becomes the Heir of Breath.
  7. Act 2: Dave joins the game as John’s server player. He has a fascination with time travel and irony. He becomes the Knight of Time. He creates a paradox by cloning himself and his guardian. Jack Noir, an agent of the game, rebels against the Black Queen and King.
  9. Act 3: Jade joins the game as Dave’s server player. She has a connection to space and dreams. She becomes the Witch of Space. She dreams on a moon called Prospit, where she can see the future. Her guardian is a dog named Becquerel, who has godlike powers.
  11. Intermission: A group of time-traveling criminals called the Midnight Crew fight against Jack Noir and his gang on a planet called Alternia. They are actually alternate versions of the trolls, a race of aliens who will play their own session of Sburb.
  13. Act 4: The kids explore the Medium and learn about their quests to create a new universe. They are contacted by the trolls, who claim to have played the game before them and want to help or hinder them.
  15. Act 5 Act 1: The trolls’ session of Sburb is shown on Alternia. They are divided into two teams, based on their blood color: the blue team and the red team. They have a violent culture and a complex romance system. They are manipulated by an evil being called Doc Scratch, who works for an even more evil being called Lord English.
  17. Act 5 Act 2: The kids face off against the Black King, who has the powers of the four prototyped sprites. Jack Noir kills the Black King and then destroys both the kids’ and trolls’ universes. The kids and trolls team up to find a way to win the game by initiating a scratch, which will reset their universes.
  19. Cascade: The climax of Act 5. Dave and Rose travel to the Green Sun, a massive star that powers Doc Scratch and Lord English. They decide to either destroy or create it. John breaks the fourth wall and destroys Sburb’s disc, releasing Lord English from his prison. The scratched universes are created.
  21. Act 6 Act 1: Jane, Jake, Roxy, and Dirk are introduced as alternate versions of the kids’ grandparents, moms, and bros. They live on a post-apocalyptic Earth that is ruled by an alien empress called the Condesce. They receive copies of Sburb from an unknown benefactor.
  23. Act 6 Act 2: Jane enters the Medium and lands on a planet called the Land of Crypts and Helium. She becomes the Maid of Life. She dreams on Prospit, where she is possessed by a clown spirit and Jack Noir.
  25. Act 6 Act 3: Jake enters the Medium and lands on a planet called the Land of Mounds and Xenon. He becomes the Page of Hope. He dreams on Derse, where he is haunted by a brain ghost of Dirk’s head.
  27. Act 6 Act 4: Roxy enters the Medium and lands on a planet called the Land of Pyramids and Neon. She becomes the Rogue of Void. She dreams in the Furthest Ring, where she is guided by a cat spirit and Jade’s mom.
  29. Act 6 Act 5: Dirk enters the Medium and lands on a planet called the Land of Tombs and Krypton. He becomes the Prince of Heart. He dreams in an ocean, where he is watched by a crow spirit and Rose’s mom.
  31. Intermission 2: Caliborn, Lord English’s younger self, fights against his sister Calliope for control over their shared body on Alternia’s moon. He is opposed by Lord English’s servants: Spades Slick, Snowman, Clover, and Crowbar.
  33. Intermission 3: Vriska, a troll who was killed by another troll, leads a team of dead trolls to fight against Jack Noir and his gang on Derse’s moon. She is opposed by four felt members: Spades, Diamonds, Clubs, and Hearts.
  35. Intermission 4: Aranea, another dead troll who is Vriska’s alternate self, tries to heal Jake from his brain ghost trauma on Prospit’s moon. She is opposed by Jack Noir, PM (a mail lady), WV (a mayor), and Can (a can opener).
  37. Intermission 5: Calliope reveals that she has created a new session with eight players: John, Rose, Dave, Jade
  39. > Continue the summary.
  41. Okay, here is the rest of the summary:
  43. Intermission 5: Calliope reveals that she has created a new session with eight players: John, Rose, Dave, Jade, Karkat, Terezi, Vriska, and Kanaya. They are all from different timelines and have to work together to defeat Lord English. She also reveals that she is the Muse of Space, the opposite of Caliborn’s Lord of Time.
  45. Intermission 6: Meenah, another dead troll who is the Condesce’s alternate self, leads an army of ghosts to fight against the Condesce and her allies on Earth C. She is opposed by Jack Noir, the Courtyard Droll, and the Condesce herself.
  47. Intermission 7: Davepetasprite^2, a fusion of Dave’s sprite and Nepeta’s sprite, confronts Lord English and Caliborn in the Furthest Ring. They are opposed by Lord English, who can destroy souls, and Caliborn, who has a powerful weapon called the Juju.
  49. Act 7: The kids and trolls win the new session and create a new universe with a frog-shaped genesis frog. They enter the new universe and celebrate their victory. #no-search
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