
MSCF Pitch

Jul 17th, 2018
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  1. Plugin category: Minigame
  3. Minecraft version: 1.12
  5. Suggested name: MSCF
  7. What we'd want:
  8. We are looking to make a new minigame.
  9. This minigame requires the following:
  10. Arenas
  11. Ranks
  12. Kits for every rank
  13. An experience system
  14. Ability to work alongside crackshot
  15. Lobbies
  16. A good configuration file
  17. Good permissions and commands
  18. To start off we would like to use the command /mscf as the full command and maybe have that cut down to /ms to make it quicker.
  20. When joining a game, it should replace the players inventory with the lobby items, and in game with their respective kits.
  22. CF’s can not attack, and when they die we want them to either join the MS team, or if possible become spectators that are able to attack either team with eggs or something like it. MS will not be able to be harmed or die, unless by suicide command. We would like the option of choosing between these two separate modes. The game is over when either time runs out and there is one or more CF or the MS’s kill all the CFs.
  24. We would like a GUI for voting for the next map. Players should be able to do /ms vote and a GUI of all the arenas/maps would be available to vote for.
  26. We would like a GUI on the right side of the screen displaying the user’s level, fraction of XP towards the next level, number of players in the lobby, and time until voting ends (when player is in lobby), as well as time until the current round ends (when player is in game)
  28. The experience system should be configurable like most others,
  29. All Players Start at Level 1
  31. XP Needed from Level 1 to Level 2: ...
  32. XP Needed from Level 2 to 3: ...
  33. XP Needed from Level 3 to 4: ...
  34. XP Needed from Level 4 to 5: …
  35. Etc.
  37. Games should have configurable times for map voting time (in lobby), pre-game countdown, game timer, and end-game countdown.
  39. Other configuration options that are needed (config.yml):
  40. Allowed commands
  41. Score system (how much exp is given for):
  42. Killing a CF
  43. Eating a Chorus Fruit
  44. Winning a game as CF
  45. Winning a game as MS
  46. Losing a game as CF
  47. Losing a game as MS
  48. # of MS/CF players. We would like this to be extra configurable.
  49. % of players start as MS and the rest start as CF
  50. OR # of players start as MS and the rest start as CF
  51. OR % of players start as MS and after 6 players join, changes to # of players start as MS.
  52. Prevent voting for the previous map (true/false).
  53. Players able to lose hunger (true/false).
  54. Players able to regenerate (true/false).
  55. Mobs ability to attack MS (true/false).
  56. Mobs ability to attack CF (true/false).
  57. Allow players to interact with all blocks (true/false).
  58. Allow players to break blocks (true/false).
  59. Allow players to place blocks (true/false).
  60. Rewards for winning.
  61. Rewards for losing.
  62. Rank prefixes (true/false).
  63. Lobby items that do commands
  64. Configurable items and what hotbar slot they are in.
  65. /ms rank, /ms vote, /ms leave
  66. Messages that are configurable (messages.yml)
  67. Ranks are shown in a file and able to be configured (ranks.yml).
  68. Kits are shown in a file and able to be configured (kits.yml).
  69. Arenas are shown in a file and able to be configured (arenas.yml).
  71. If possible:
  72. Make it so that the chat rank prefixes are only shown in game chat, not when a player is in hub.
  73. Allow chorus fruit to be eaten in less time per rank, hopefully configurable, even to no time at all.
  74. A compass that can be given to MS’s when there is less than <time> left that tracks CFs.
  75. A silverfish/dog that could track CFs.
  76. Remove the ability to crouch and hide your name (true/false).
  77. Make it so chorus fruit can’t teleport you past bedrock.
  78. Commands and permissions (mscf.*):
  80. Default commands & permissions (mscf.default):
  81. /ms help: Shows a list of available commands.
  82. /ms join: Joins the game whether they are in the middle of the game or in lobby. mscf.join
  83. /ms leave: Leaves the game and returns player to the hub. mscf.leave
  84. /ms suicide: Kills the player if they get stuck (only for Meat Shanks). mscf.suicide
  85. /ms vote: When in lobby opens the voting GUI.
  86. /ms rank: Shows the players current rank. mscf.rank
  88. Admin commands & permissions (mscf.admin.*):
  89. /ms admin: Shows list of available admin commands. mscf.admin
  90. /ms admin reload: Reloads the configuration and any other related files. mscf.admin.reload
  91. /ms admin rank <player> <rank>: Ranks the said player up to that rank. mscf.admin.rank
  92. /ms admin rankexp <player> <+/-> <value>: Gives the player more or less exp by specified number. mscf.admin.rankexp
  93. /ms setspawn <arena> [MS/CF/Global]: Creates where either MS’s, CF’s, or both will spawn, not specifying defaults it to both. mscf.admin.setspawn
  94. /ms lobbyspawn: Sets the spawn of where the lobby will be. mscf.admin.lobbyspawn
  95. /ms lobbyleave: Sets the place where you will go when you do /ms leave. mscf.admin.lobbyleave
  96. /ms setup arenas create <map>: Creates an arena with that name. mscf.admin.arena
  97. /ms setup arenas delete <map>: Deletes the arena with that name. mscf.admin.arena
  98. /ms setup: Gives you the options of how to setup Arenas, Kits, and Ranks. mscf.admin.setup
  99. /ms setup arenas <map>: Gives options of what you can change about a specific arena. mscf.admin.arena
  100. /ms setup arenas <map> creator <player>: Changes the creator of the map. mscf.admin.arena
  101. /ms setup arenas <map> min <#ofplayers>: Changes the minimum number of players needed to play the map. mscf.admin.arena
  102. /ms setup arenas <map> max <#ofplayers>: Changes the maximum number of players needed to play the map. mscf.admin.arena
  103. /ms setup arenas <map> icon: Changes the icon shown in the voting GUI to the item/block in your hand. mscf.admin.arena
  104. /ms setup kits create <kit> <MS/CF>: Creates a kit with that name in the specific category. mscf.admin.kits
  105. /ms setup kits delete <kit>: Deletes the kit with that name. mscf.admin.kits
  106. /ms setup kits <kit> helmet: Sets the helm in the players hand to the default helmet of the kit. mscf.admin.kits
  107. /ms setup kits <kit> chestplate: Sets the chestplate in the players hand to the default chestplate of the kit. mscf.admin.kits
  108. /ms setup kits <kit> leggings: Sets the leggings in the players hand to the default leggings of the kit. mscf.admin.kits
  109. /ms setup kits <kit> boots: Sets the boots in the players hand to the default boots of the kit. mscf.admin.kits
  110. /ms setup kits <kit> inventory: Adds the item/items in the players hand to the default items of the kit. mscf.admin.kits
  111. /ms setup kits <kit> potioneffects <effect> <value>: Gives the kit the permanent potion effect. mscf.admin.kits
  112. /ms setup ranks create <rank>: Creates a rank with that name. mscf.admin.ranks
  113. /ms setup ranks delete <rank>: Deletes the rank with that name. mscf.admin.ranks
  114. /ms setup ranks <rank> prefix <prefix>: Creates a prefix for the players with the rank. mscf.admin.ranks
  115. /ms setup ranks <rank> nextrank <rank>: Decides what rank it will go to once enough exp is obtained. mscf.admin.ranks
  116. /ms setup ranks <rank> exp <value>: Decides how much exp is needed to obtain the next rank. mscf.admin.ranks
  117. /ms setup ranks <rank> mskit <kit>: Chooses which MS kit the rank will receive. mscf.admin.ranks
  118. /ms setup ranks <rank> cfkit <kit>: Chooses which CF kit the rank will receive. mscf.admin.ranks
  120. When we'd like it by: As soon as possible, though I know it will take a lot of time.
  122. Other Information: You can contact me on discord at any time as it will give us the ability to communicate faster and ask questions about what exactly is needed. My discord is SteveKitten#7876
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